*The Cupcake Tour*This trip report is brought to you by..The Happiest Wife on Earth*

It's time
It's Sunday June 14th.
We wake up at 5:30am, get dressed and ready. We leave at 6:30am for the airport. It's DD's first time flying, she is so excited. I am nervous about security, because they didn't have security last time i flew....25 years ago.

We get to the airport. My son dropped us right at the baggage check in area. there is a little bit of a line, but not bad. We got in line and checked our bags....Yes, in the end I decided to just go ahead and check all of our bags.

we go into the airport and within minutes they start boarding the plane. We were able to get seats beside each other, which I was concerned about.

We take some pictures and settle in.

The 1 1/2 hour flight went by very fast. The next thing we know is that we are landing at MCO.

I was also concerned about getting to baggage claim and finding our driver. I worried for nothing.

Driver was waiting for us, and grabbed our bags, put them in the car, and we were off to DISNEY WORLD
;) Cre Cre will just have to wait for reports on the DIS. I am so glad Tiffany Towncar was there waiting on you. Did the same driver take you back?
We arrived at The Swan and were able to get our room early. We checked in around 10:30am. A double was not available so we took a king room. We took our bags up and dropped them off then headed to Epcot for lunch.


We took the boat over and entered through International Gateway. Went right to Sunshine seasons for lunch. Gluten Free...Chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. LOVE the chicken.

We then head over to Guest Services to upgrade our 6 day hoppers to APs. I had read over how to upgrade and make sure I get the right price, and I had all the pricing information in my phone so I was ready if there was an issues, however, it went smooth and cost what I had expected without issue.
So now we have APs!!!

We went to see my favorite...FIGMENT!!!! We also decided to try Grand Fiesta and Maelstrom. We have never done them before, and now we know why!

Then we headed back to The Swan for a short break before heading to Hollywood Studios for the Monstrous Party

Next up heading to
Hollywood Studios

First thing, I had made a promise to myself that I would try new things. I don't like "BIG" rides. I rode RNR about 10 years ago, and since that time, I don't do "BIG" rides anymore. It was WAY too much for me.

However, going in, I had decided that I really wanted to try Tower of Terror, but I am too chicken to try it.

I don't know how, but I mustered up the confidence to try TOT.....well at least I promised my daughter that I would walk to the chicken door. However, once we go to Hollywood Studios I had made the decision that I was going to ride it at least once.

So we go straight to Tower of Terror, because if I do anything else, I will not ride it.

We get to the attraction, and start walking to the queue. I am feeling very nervous, and anxious, and scared. The whole time thinking, I can do this, I can do this, it's just one time, then I never have to ride it again.

We get to the elevator and the creepy cast member (man are they good at their jobs) I am determined to ride, even though I am scared out of my mind.

Now the elevator door opens.....into a freaking room!!!! Uggggg, why can't I just get this over with???

We watch the movie clip and ANOTHER door opens......

We walk to the "real" elevator queue..

Ok NOW I am REALLY getting nervous and scared.

They ask how many, we say 2....I am thinking "where is the chicken door?, no, you can't chicken out, just ride it one time"

We get on number 2 - unbeknownst to me, this is FRONT FREAKING ROW!!!

We get on the ride, sit down, buckle safety belt, and that creepy cast member starts to mumble something but the door closes. :eek:

The ride starts, I am freaking out (inside of course, because I am NOT going to make a fool of myself in front of strangers)

We go a little ways, see the people who died on the elevator, then start moving again, then we go forward.....OMG WHEN is this stupid ride just going to happen and be done???

We stop, then go up, then stop, then down, then stop, then up, then down, up then down.....You get the point.

I find it strange that I did nothing but laugh the whole time.


BEST RIDE EVER!!!!! We get off the ride and go to purchase the Attractions+ and have the picture added.

I then call my SIL to tell her (she knows what a ride chicken I am and she LOVES rides)

Now I just want to ride it AGAIN. So we get a FP, then head to Star Tours.

Star Tours was a new one scene for us, and fun as always - short wait.

Then we head back to TOT for another ride, on my new favorite ride!

We are in line with 2 very nice young ladies (early 20s) and talking to them, find out they are new cast members that work in other parks but are enjoying their day off at DHS, we decided to all ride together. After this ride, they hand us their extra FP because they are leaving to meet up with friends. SCORE!!! Nice people, AND extra FP!!!

We ride again, then look to see that it is around 5pm and we are hungry, we head to ABC Commissary. I have Celiac Disease so I have to eat Gluten free
I asked for the Manager, she came over quickly and we ordered (we share, too much food not too) Chicken Sandwich, on GF bun, fries (separate fryer) and chocolate pudding.

We finish eating and realize it's almost 6 -characterpalooza!!!!:woohoo:

We headed over to the Streets of America, we wait and watch and look....NOTHING!!! So we start walking around, and I realized we were in the wrong area....THERE THEY ARE!!!! Just walking onto the Streets if America are: Pinocchio, Chip, Evil Queen, Green Army Man, Penguin, Snow White, Pocahontas, Stitch and Jasmine.

What an awesome line up. We get pictures with all of them, and have some fun interaction's with them.

After so much fun, we talk about it and decided to go to Magic Kingdom also...

Off to Magic Kingdom!:wizard:

Magic Kingdom

We head over to Magic Kingdom, just for kicks and we still have plenty of energy....

We don't care about the fireworks (don't flame me, we can see them later)

So we head to Big Thunder Mountain.

Now let's go back to the point that I DON'T LIKE BIG RIDES!!!

Big Thunder Mountain, to me, is a big ride.

But again, this trip is about trying new things, so we head that way. There is a wait, so we FP it. (let's face it, I may chicken out)

We head over to Pirates of the Caribbean, I want to see the creepy mermaids they put in last October, well, guess what????

If you are not staring to the left or right, and you blink, you miss them. So we had to ride it again. :lmao:

It's getting close to parade time, so we head over to Splash Mountain and ride it....

I now, I now, some people consider this a big ride, but to me it is NOT a big ride, because there is only one big drop.

Now it is time for our FP for Big Thunder :scared1:

We get in line, head on up through the queue, and I just don't know if I can do it.

Then I think (to myself) you rode Tower of Terror today, this is NOTING!!!

So here we go. We are on the front of the train. It starts and guess WHAT????????

The Fireworks start!!!!pixiedust:

It was awesome, I didn't even notice the jerkyness of the ride, because I was focused on trying to see the fireworks, then I was focused on getting my phone out to take pictures of the fireworks...Because, I have no brain apparently..

I was able to hold onto my phone and take a couple of pictures, but they didn't turn out well.

Anyways, the ride was great, the line was short, so we rode it again!!!

We decided to walk around and let the crowds settle after the parade and fireworks, then we will hit a few other things.

Then then thunder rolls in, we don't may much attention, then it gets louder and louder, we decided to put on our poncho's and keep moving.

Then the lightening gets going. Well, I am ok with a little rain and thunder, but you add lightening to that, and I am GONE!!!

We start to head to the front, with EVERYONE else, yep, Main Street was still packed at 10:30pm.

We finally get to the bus stop and the bottom falls out, I mean, falls out!!! The rain is coming down, the lightening is right on top of us, the thunder shakes the ground. Scary storm. Of course, we have to wait a long time for the bus, they must run 10 times slower when it's raining!:rotfl:

We finally get on our bus and head back to the Swan - we arrive at the Swan around midnight.

It was a long but exciting and fun day!!!

Off to bed.

Tomorrow, we will head to Rope Drop at Epcot!
Epcot - Rope Drop

We set the alarm for 7:30am, get ready then we walk down stairs. We talk about hoe to get to Epcot....are we going to ride the boat or walk?

We decided to walk, it's not too hot yet!

It's an easy walk and we enjoyed seeing Boardwalk along the way.

We get to the International Gateway around 8:25am so we have a little bit of a wait until opening.

We just sit and wait.

They open the gates about 10 minutes early and we head to Future World.

We want to ride Test Track.

WOW!!! It takes a very long time to get from International Gateway to Future World, or at least it seemed twice as long as I remember.

We get to Test Track...HOLY COW!!! People are coming in drives for it. I know it's a popular ride, but in the past we have always been able to ride a few times in the mornings.

Well, not any more. Apparently people are excited about the refurbishment.

We go through the queue, it's ok, not my thing, but ok. We ride, it. The ride part is a little better then it used to be, at least it colorful and pretty.

We get done, and I ask DD if she wants to FP it, and she says NO!!!

She loved this ride before, but she says, it's not the same, and she could care less if she rides it again.

DD wants to try the blueberry croissant she read about at Sunshine Seasons, so we head over that way.

We get breakfast. DD blueberry croissant, and me, bacon, and hash browns.

DD loved the blueberry croissant, and I enjoyed the bacon, but the hash browns have way to much bell pepper for my taste.

After breakfast DD wants to head to Animal Kingdom. It is her goal to ride Everest because last April it broke down as she was in line, then we never made it back to it, so she has never ridden it.

So off to Animal Kingdom we go.
Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

So here we are headed to Animal Kingdom....

We make it, by bus, head on in and DD wants to head straight to Everest.

Of course she is asking if I will ride with her. I don't know what to do.

She has never ridden, and I am terrified.

But I think back to yesterday...I rode TOT and LOVED IT!!! I rode Big Thunder and LOVED it, so why not at least try Everest once?? RIGHT???

We get to Everest, it's about a 45 minute wait.


Then DD says, she wants to ride single rider.

Wait, WHAT???

What is single rider? (remember, I don't ride "BIG" rides, so I don't know what this is)

We find the single rider line, walk over there, and we get her in line.

I have decided that I can't ride it!!!

She gets on the ride, I go into the gift shop and wait....Praying the whole time that she enjoys it.

She gets off the ride with the biggest grin I have ever seem....She comes running and begs me to ride it with her.

Here we go again with that internal conversation. I want to try new things, but I don't like roller coaster...wait, I rode Tower of Terror yesterday and Big Thunder and LOVED both of them, so I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. I never have to ride it again, just try it once......

Well, we get in the single rider line (it's a 5 minute wait)

I get on this ride, pull down the bar, and immediately I am regretting this decision. Big Thunder was one thing, it's kinda a small coaster, and Tower of Terror was another thing, it's not a roller coaster.

I am now remembering just how much I hate roller coasters!!!!

The ride starts, I am starting to panic a little. We go around a little turn,

then another, then start up a hill....OMG I don't like this hill AT ALL!!!

I know a big hill is waiting at the top of this.....

I look left - I can see Epcot, I look right, I can see Orlando. Ok that is cool.

Then we reach the top of this hill.....I close my eyes, and just pray this will be over fast.

We go through the coaster, bobbing and weaving left and right (eyes closed

the whole time) Then we start to slow down, OH HELL!!! Now we have the

backwards part (I knew this was coming, and I am REALLY not wanting to go

backwards) It STOPS at the broken tracks, then pauses....

O.K. I am about to FREAK OUT:crazy2:

We start going backwards, and I DO NOT like seeing things going the wrong

way, so I decided to close my eyes. Going backwards it faster and harder

then the beginning of this ride!!! Then we finally slow down again, and stop,

then we start going forward again!!!! and FAST this time!!!

I am able to keep my eyes open for this part of the ride, because I want to

see the Yeti.

Well, I get to see the Yeti, he doesn't move (I think I have heard he has been

broken for a while now) and then we come to the end.

I get off the ride, find DD and she asks what I think. I said.....

It good, I would ride it again, but not right now. I didn't like the backwards part.

Well, she wants to ride it again (3rd time for her) I said ok, I wait right

outside of the gift shop for her. Then I decided she is having to much fun,

so I am going to ride it again, I will just close my eyes on the backwards

parts. Yep, that works great....I have another new ride. my 2nd ride on

Everest was much more fun the the 1st and I now love it!

Now the skies are looking grey. :( We decide to head over to ride Dinosaur.

No Wait - SCORE!!!!

After Dinosaur, we head to get Lunch at Flame Tree BBQ! It's starts raining

while we are headed that way, we put on our ponchos and keep on going.

We eat lunch under some shelter, it's raining, but not too hard.

We decided to head to another park. On our way out we start to pass It's a

Bug's Life, there is no line, and the show is about to start, so we head on in.

After Bug's Life we decided we are going to head over to Magic Kingdom again

to ride what ever we may be able to, then eat dinner and ride some more



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