The Battle For My Wallet IV: Return of the ZZUBs (Addendum, p.85; 07/12)


Roll Tide, Mean It
May 9, 2003
This was the summer of our discontent.

I don’t put a lot of stock in the idea that a year can be either blessed or cursed. I don’t believe eating black eyed peas on New Years Day will bring you good luck. To borrow a phrase from a well read, if not well written, series of books, “we don’t do luck.”

Anyway, this wasn’t a bad year. It started just fine. Bama won the Cotton Bowl and Auburn lost its bowl game. So the year started off just right. It wasn’t that we had a bad summer either. Nothing bad or unfortunate happened.

But it was a long summer.

Unsettled. Restless. Our discontent began in mid-March when winter gave up hope and the first ironic buds of spring appeared. I’ve never been so harassed by the chirping of birds. Yet my wife found hope in the reminder that new life was on the horizon. My wife, you see, is the smarter of the two of us.

In March, we said goodbye to a child we never got to hold. His name was Samuel.

Yes, we named him. I think of him often. What he will look like and what he will say to me when I meet him. I will never see Samuel in this life. Never hold him. Never teach him to catch a football. I’ll never take him to Disney World. But I know when my time here is done and I go on to my reward that my son will be waiting for me. In a better place.

This is the trip to Disney World we didn’t want to take. Because we were expecting Samuel to be born this Fall, we weren’t planning to return to the World this year. But shortly after we lost him, we thought maybe a trip to Disney World would be smart. We began thinking about planning for a trip and for reasons which now I cannot recall, we decided to go at the end of August.

After summer.

I like having a trip planned at the end of summer because it gives you something to look forward to when the days are too long and the nights are hot. I seriously miscalculated how long a time the end of August would be. Throughout the month of March, when too many days were spent in a doctor's office or a hospital room, when we were stuck in the emotional washing machine that occasioned the end of my wife’s pregnancy, I made only sporadic guest appearances at my office. It took me months to dig out from the work I had put off and the deadlines I had kicked down the road. And all my chickens came home in May, June, July and August. As a result, I went a year without a break from the work that, like a low-fat pudding cup, is occasionally satisfying but more often than not leaves me longing for something more substantial. A year without a break was too long.

When we lost the baby people were really wonderful. Friends sent cards and flowers, people from our church brought us food. That's what people do when they don't know what to say. They show up with a meal. I didn't mind. But I gained 10 pounds. So did my dog. We got a lot of food. And some new friends, some not-such-complete strangers, made me laugh. A lot.

Another friend of ours, a longtime friend, offered to give us a week at Saratoga Springs. We carefully considered the offer but ultimately declined for reasons that are of little interest to you. But then we didn’t know where to stay. It is well established, I think it is anyway, that we love PORiverside. We love it there. If that makes us rednecks, if that makes us bourgeois, than I reckon there are worse things that can be said about us. We’re nostalgic and we like places that remind us of other times, peaceful times. Our stays at the Comfort Inn cleverly disguised as a mansion on the river have been happy, restful.

But we couldn’t go back there this year.

I had just finished chronicling our last trip there. The words were still fresh in my head; the ink still wet on the page, so to speak. I feared if we stayed there again this year we’d just be trying to re-live our last trip and ultimately there was no way this year’s vacation could compare. Do you know what I’m talking about? While you can go home again, you can’t go the exact same time every year and do the exact same thing and expect the same result. At least in our experience you can’t.

So we had to do something different.

Of course in its never ending assault on my wallet, the Disney marketing machine launched another year of Free Dining. Ironically, we had no plans to partake of the tomfoolery this year because for several weeks of our planning we thought we might stay at SSR. I laughed at all of those fools lapping up Disney’s crumbs while inside I harbored jealous thoughts. There’s just something inexplicably attractive about not paying for your meals.

Just for clarification, I’m pretty public about my faith in Jesus Christ. I’m a Christian. But that doesn’t make me perfect. I’m a flawed creature. I don’t imagine myself better than anyone else because I have received the blood of Christ, nor do I think I’m morally superior. I still sin. If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t need a Savior at all. I’d be God. But of course, I’m not God. I’m just doing my best to be obedient to Him.

Back to the planning. If SSR was not going to happen and PORiverside was out of the question, then where should we stay? One morning as I was laying in bed thinking about getting up, I weighed out our options and it suddenly became clear that we should stay at Wilderness Lodge.

We have always enjoyed the WL and always wanted to stay there. Those of you with a keen eye or sharp memory will remember that we briefly toyed with the idea of staying at WL last year. But the desire to keep more of my money away from Disney directed us back to PORiverside. Where, by the way, I won Olympic Gold in the Waterslide Olympics, so I continue to believe that was a good decision.

However, a confluence of events this year made me convinced that Wilderness Lodge made more sense for us. When I got to my office, I logged onto Disney’s website and priced out a week at WL with Free Dining and then chewed on it for a while. Later that day, I called Disney and tried to book our trip. SuzieHelpershoes, having received a promotion from the Mainstreet Confectionary, was now taking calls at Central Reservations. Long story short, the quote she gave me was more than $300 what I was finding on the website.

So I told her that.

And she took a tone with me! She accused me of not putting in my daughter’s correct age and tried telling me the difference in the quote she was giving me and the website was my daughter’s 5 day MYW base ticket. Do the math in your head and tell me whether a child’s 5 day MYW base ticket is over $300. It’s not. Even after the umpteenth increase in prices it’s not. Even my dog, my much maligned but still cool as all get out dog, knows the answer to this question. Realizing that soon enough Suzie was going to seek out the register journal, I politely ended the call.

I then called right back and got someone with a better attitude and a clue. She quoted me the same price as the website. However, it was then that I observed that I couldn’t book standard view and was forced to book woods view. No big deal, I thought, I don’t mind paying a little more for a somewhat better view. So I booked the trip, made my first round of ADRs and wished the polite CM a magical day in return.

I wasn’t fully committed to staying at WL. I just made the reservation. Later that day, my wife and I chewed on the decision. She wanted to stay there as well. For all of the same reasons I wanted to.

But this woods view thing got stuck under my skin. I am still ZZUB. Emotionally fatigued, over worked and in desperate need of a shave and a Yoo Hoo. I still didn’t want to pay $230 more just to see trees. C’mon! I’m not a big “view” person. Unless I’m staying in the Contemporary Tower, I really don’t care what’s outside my window. I don’t plan on looking at it a lot. And if I pay for the view, then I figure I better stick around and look at it. One thing I knew about WL was that they are pretty upgrade happy. I’ve read scores of reports of people who booked standard view and got upgraded to woods or even courtyard view at check in. It was a gamble I didn’t mind taking. Worst thing that could happen is we get what we paid for. I could live with that. What I couldn’t live with was paying $230 more to have something called woods view. My house is rung with trees. I have a woods view all year. I don’t need to pay for it.

No offense to those of you who do pay for it.

To each his own.

So when I called to change my ADRs the first time, the second time, the third time and the fifth time, I asked to change my room from woods to standard. Each time I was denied. No soup for me. And each time I comforted myself with the knowledge that I had already spent the money in my head so it wasn’t costing me any more money. I play those games with myself. It’s how I keep from driving my car off a bridge.

Not really. My faith is stronger than that.

But then one day I was up especially early, so I called Disney World and asked about changing my room. Huzzah! They had standard available! So I changed our reservation from woods view to standard and I laughed, laughed, laughed. Okay, I didn’t laugh even once. But for reasons which will become clearer in later installments of this longer than last year’s Trip Report, I was really glad to be putting $230 back in my wallet. Just for good measure, I changed one ADR and went on with my day.

When June turned into July the days became unbearably long. If June was cruel, July was a tease. It was like Godfather III. Only longer and more tedious. The countdown calendar on our refrigerator mocked me each night at dinner. There were just too many days left until our trip. By the time we turned the page to August, I was in a constant rage. People were warned not to purposefully tick me off. My secretary started returning drafts to me by putting them on the end of a stick and shoving them under my door.

I know lots of you have bad things happen, and some of you reading this are thinking, “get a grip, man! Your wife had a miscarriage and you work hard. Try walking in my shoes!” And maybe you’ve been through worse things than we have. But you’re not us and although I’ve shared a great many details of what we went through, you’d be wise to consider that I didn’t report every detail and you don’t know everything. You don’t know the entire back story. You don’t know what I saw and you don’t know the decisions we had to make. Painful, difficult decisions. The questions we had to answer for our daughter. Also, pain, grief and stress affect us differently. What may be easy for you to countenance could be enormous to others. I learned long ago to be sensitive to the pain of others because no matter how much I know about the situation, I don’t know what’s going on behind the mask.

I have never needed a vacation as much as I needed this one. I have never felt so completely spent. When I finished the bar exam several years ago, I felt exhausted and I was glad for some vacation time before I returned to work. That was a ride on Soarin’ compared with how tired I was by the time the end of August deigned to make its appearance. Without hyperbole, if our vacation had been even one day later, I don’t think I would have made it.

But one early morning, late in the month of August, the summer of our discontent finally came to an end.

And not for the reasons you think.

Click here for Chapter Two
Great start ZZUB!! Looks like I'm the first to get in here.
Sorry for your loss. I work in Labor and Delivery, and that never gets easier for me. I so wish there were words to be said.
Looking for a happy time to be had here at the World for you. And can't wait to hear if you stayed at WL for real. That's our plan for October. Standard Room, of course!!
By the way, read your other reports after learning of you from the 1000thHappyhaunts. Glad to "meet" you.
'Tis my lot in life, I'm afraid.
To be second. That is.
You're back.
And all is right with the (dis)world.

A beautiful beginning.
Really, really.

I fear any words of consolation and support I could offer would read as trite so I'll just say, with much sincerity...though I don't know you, you and your family are in my heart.

And thank you, for again taking us all to The World with you.
It's quite the treat.
Really, really.

To return the favor, I'll happily ship you a case of lukewarm YooHoo.
And a Union76 gift card.

Methinks you deserve a couple of these guys.
But only a couple.
it's early still...
:moped: :moped:
I'm so sorry about your loss. It must have been a terribly difficult time for your family. I hope your trip to Disney was wonderful, and I'm looking foward to reading about it.
ZZUB, Thanks for the great back story. I am so sorry for your loss. The benchmark for socially acceptable personal pain really isn't up for debate. Last time I checked, feelings weren't facts. I sincerely hope the Disney magic provided a safe, healing balm for that hole in your heart.

Wilderness Lodge!! We love the lodge. Woods with water are just good lookin'. Some of my favorite pho-toes of my boys were clicked on the WL to MK boat.

$230? That's about four rounds at Chef Mickey's! Free dinning or not, cash in the pocket is better than cash out the eyeballs.
ZZUB, I have read your other trip reports and cant tell you how happy I was to see a new one from you. Thank you so much for sharing, I cant wait to hear more.

Kerri :thumbsup2
Yahoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool1:
I've been waiting for this. This will motivate me to pull myself out of bed in the morning to see if there are more installments :teeth:
your report could not have come at a more perfect time. i have been waiting patiently, knowing it would be soon. But, I got some bad news yesterday afternoon. My dad is very sick. It is hard to stop thinking about it. Your report gives me that escape. It also gives me faith. Thank you for sharing your story.
I can't wait for the rest.
Thanks for sharing your loss and your faith. We too, have two babies waiting for us in heaven. Listening to others experiences with that was a healing to us, and in turn sharing our story helped us heal also. May God's blessings rain down on you! BTW, our third pregnancy resulted in a bouncing baby boy!

Ready to hear more about your trip!
:) Welcome back and many pixie's and prayers sent your way. Life is amazing. You can be down in the depths one day and then for a totally unexpected reason you'll wake up the next day and rejoice in something very small. Life's a reflection of everything, but in the end, God's in control and it's a comforting thought too. Anyway, glad to have a new trippie to read. Life's good as long as there's no BO in your car!
I am so glad to open this trip report today, I have been looking forward to reading you return story.
Life has been hard for you this past year, your family has deserved this vacation and I am looking forward to reading all about it!
Thank You for sharing with us.
On a side note, my sister had 2 MC this past year, Well on our vacation to the beach, in July, Yeah I know not Disney, :confused3
she found out she was PG, Had an ultrasound and is now expecting TWINS!
All is well with her and the baby's. We keep our fingers crossed and Faith in our hearts that all turns out well.
I am patiently waiting to hear your story.. It's bound to be a best seller!
We were in the World the very last week of August
Looking forward to hearing it from your point of view.

God Bless you and your family.
Oh thank goodness today for ZZub!!! I needed this, don't keep us waiting too long....

I too am sorry for your loss.
ZZUB said:
This was the summer of our discontent.

Strange. That sounds somewhat familiar.


Well, now I wanted to be the first one to post. To return the favor. You should've called or something to let me know you were startin' this thing. I'm kidding of course. But you could have at least sent a message through the dog. Not that I have a dog. Or that there's anything wrong with that.

But you've done it again my friend. Every time you post. And especially this time. You put so much of your heart in this first installment. My heart broke for you, your wife and your daughter as I read about your Samuel. I had to stop and collect myself for a second before I could read any further. After that sentence. For obvious reasons. And for some other not so obvious reasons as well. But you will see him one day. You will. Hold on tightly to that, ZZUB. It helps.

Ever since I knew you were headed back to the World, I have been looking forward to reading your trip report. You always put so much of your heart and your great one a kind sense of humor into your reports. They're the best. Thanks for letting us come along for the ride with you and your sweet family in your reports time and again.

I can't wait to see where you take us next.

But first things first. This...

Free Dining

is not how you spell it. TFI.

ZZUB said:
I feared if we stayed there again this year we’d just be trying to re-live our last trip and ultimately there was no way this year’s vacation could compare. Do you know what I’m talking about?

I know exactly what you're talking about. We contemplated going back to POR as well this year. For the same reasons. And because we're rednecks too. But we just felt it would be like repeating last year's trip. And we didn't want to do that. So yes, I know what you're talking about. And I'm a little freaked out now. Again.

ZZUB said:
Where, by the way, I won Olympic Gold in the Waterslide Olympics, so I continue to believe that was a good decision.

And I continue to believe you were disqualified because of an illegal mug refill.

But you say sad, I say said. You sad potato, I sad potato.

Love the cliffhanger, by the way. I'm really looking forward to experiencing Disneyworld through the eyes and words of ZZUB again.

I'm hoping you found your fair share of yellow there, my friend.

:moped: :moped: :moped:

Z ~
Thank you for once again allowing us to embark on this journey with your family. Or, rather, to hear about your family embarking on this journey. Since the journey (as much as it ever can be) is over. Except the journey never really ends.


Should I cancel my O'Hana character breakfast?????
Zzub, you have a way with words that just gets ya. (me). Right here. And because, like LaLa, there is some collecting of myself to be done, I'd like to just ditto what Jami said. Because she said it very very poetically, like she knew what I wanted to say. (borg, Jam!)

Can't wait to hear the rest of the story. In manymany installments.
Your title brought me in because I thought perhaps you lost your wallet during your trip but I see now that is not the case. My DD and I found a wallet in the staircase at ASMo and quickly returned it to the front desk and I can still picture in my mind the look of relief on its owners face (although we never had the opportunity to meet the person).

I am sure you and your family have heard this a thousand a times - please accept my deepest sympathies. Myself, I am not a very religous person but when tradegy struck my family this year I am finding myself turning to God for comfort.

After writing part 1 of my tr, I thought perhaps I'd given out too much personal information about my own pain until I realized that others share in their own experiences as well. I haven't had the opportunity to read your previous tr's and after seeing others comments I am looking forward to reading this one.


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