The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

I think so too; I haven't even started and I really like my boss!

Funny thing is surgical nursing and hospice nursing are extreme opposite ends of the spectrum and based on the fact you say you enjoy a faster pace I think you made a great choice. I myself am not cut out for hospice nursing but I'm so grateful those nurses are out there and love what they do. The thing all nurses have in common is we are all there at someone's time in need. The needs are just different. Congrats again!

Oh and I hope everything is ok with your son! Sounds like a scary experience for all!
Oh no on your son & ER!! But congratulations on the job offer & acceptance!!



Hi Kim,

Thanks for the congrats. It's so surreal being done with school (for now), and starting a job on Tuesday already! My head is spinning!

He became dizzy again this evening. It'll be interesting to see which road the NP goes tomorrow.

OH no. Hope every thing turns out ok and is nothing to serious!

Me too! I will certainly let everyone know!!!


Congratulations, and I am happy that you chose the surgical position! Although I'm sure you would be a great hospice nurse, you will love the more outgoing nature of surgery, team work, and variety!

I realy LOVE that gif! I really need to learn how to embed those. I tried one evening, but I made a mess of the code, and gave up. I think I will be very happy there; there will certainly be a ton of variety.

Oh, and congratulations on your double digit dancing as well!

YAY!!! 93 days and counting!

Oh no! Sorry on the ER situation! I hope it is not too bad!!!!

Me too! We'll see what they say tomorrow and what direction we'll go to get more answers.

That's so scary, hope he is okay!

Thanks, Lessa! It is pretty strange that this is coming out of nowhere. I think he needs and MRI to start with...

I hope Zach is feeling better and that it was just a one-off situation.

He was. Until tonight. He became dizzy again... we need some answers.
Just stopping by to play some quick catch up once again. I like your unique game idea. I'll have to come back when I get a chance to play.

I play catch up ALL the time. And I don't have nearly as good of an excuse as you do.

You have 93 days left to play. And there will be more hints coming. I'm just copying and pasting everyone's guesses into a Word Doc, so it'll be easy for me to score and make changes to if you want.

Congratulations on the new career! I've come to appreciate those nurses who go above and beyond. They can really make a bigger difference than they'll ever know. I'm fully confident that you'll be one of those kinds of nurses.

Sometimes, I think, just being an understanding presence can go a long way. The one who can anticipate your need for something as simple as a cup of coffee, or as complex as a lower dose of anticoagulant. I hope I can be THAT nurse.

That's a really scary situation with Zach! I hope everything is ok!

Me too. He became dizzy again tonight. We need some answers.

Scary. Nothing like that squeemy feeling in the pit of your stomach when you don't know what is wrong with your child. His symptoms sound like my daughters when she had her bad concussion. Couldn't remember what she was doing, couldn't complete a sentence, couldn't tell me her birthday or walk in anything resembling a straight line. Shoot she couldn't even get out of my car to go into the ER or exactly how she hit her head. I had to piece things together with her ramblings.

He actually had a pretty bad concussion when we were in Crapistan. Same symptoms. Had we lived anywhere else they could have given him medical care. But when you live in a place where the cure for Hepatitis is taking 2 live lice in a cup of yogurt (you can't make this stuff up!) we chose to tough it out. He couldn't be evacuated because of the pressure on his brain. It was God and us getting through the week. Same deal as you described above. Scary stuff right there!

I am happy to hear he was OK enough to go home but will be sending hope your way for nothing to serious.

Me too! We'll see tomorrow at his next appt.

No way!!! :laughing: So what did you think?
(And I'll ignore the fact that there are too many things wrong with it to make it a real poutine...)

It was great! Who doesn't like fries!?

::yes:: And one that I may skip entirely in September (If we go... still nothing booked.)

Shame on you.

Can I borrow it?

No. That joke was worth at least that.

::yes:: I would not be a bit surprised if we do no more than... oh... 1 ride.
That's assuming I can FP+ Soarin'.
Otherwise... might not go on any rides at all.

I hope all the other stuff you DO do will be extraordinarily fun! Like finding me an N drink.

Nothing that a lottery win couldn't fix.
(And one never knows....)

Crap. I forgot my ticket on the way home.

You really want to see that snooty upturned nose expression, don't you?

As much as I want that red rose they give to the ladies on the way out.

I don't put olives in martinis.
And I'm all done with babies so I don't care what they do with them too!

But you have dogs. Who I hope are almost done with making messes. Yes??

Congrats, Liesa!
I have no way of knowing.... but I have this weird feeling that you picked the right one.

Thank you, Friend. I"m sure you will get stories that let you know whether it was right or not.

We are, aren't we?

Yes, and humble too. LOL!

Yes. Too much. Buffets will do that.

No buffets. Ever. I have very little self-control at buffets.

I don't remember. I might have. But I think when I wrote that, I was already on my second one.

I am not surprised one little bit.


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make some pathetically inept guesses at your contest...

You, of all people, will probably do much better than you think. The in-between banter contains more hints that you think.
One flight on time. One flight late, but not too much... say 20 minutes.
You get the aisle on one flight.
You all sit together on one flight.
You sleep on the way home, not the way to WDW.

You hit all your ADRs except one.

Unfortunately you do not get a drink for every letter.
You get 4 challenge drinks.
3 souvie mugs gotten.

You get something from 6 pavilions.
4 under $10

I'm going to go with.... 40.

Room ready on arrival at AKL only. Not upgraded at both locales.

Will await the "more posts"

You will wait at least once for more than 15 minutes.
All 5 modes taken.

No blisters! (Assuming you take reasonable steps to prevent them.... pun intended.)
Someone will forget something!
Of course you get a character photo! Might not be a solo pic... but you'll be in at least one.
Miss out on the MNSSHP Pentafecta... No 7 Dwarves photo.
You will probably do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob's
You will definitely get some Magic!
I see you in three pools.

All noted on the Official Royal Scrolls.
Saw that (sans details) on FB. Hope he's doing okay?

He was until tonight. He got "dizzy" again. He goes in tomorrow at 9:45... We'll insist on an MRI.

Actually, I was going to say more about that.... but wanted to leave a little something for you. ;)

Was it nice?

Here goes nuttin'

Total points + mystery pics 378 (if my math is right)

Flights and Travel: (80 points available) - 65

10 points for each departure on time - 10
5 points within 1/2 hour (for each) - 5
5 points for each aisle for me - 10
10 points if we all sit together - 20
20 points if I get any sleep - 20

ADRs: (75 points available) - 45 pts 9 ADRS

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!) - 60

50 points if I get 1 drink from every letter - if this is all or nothing - 0
10 points for each Challenge drink gotten - 30
10 points for each souvie mug I buy - 30

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available) - 45

5 points for each Pavilion I buy something in - 45
10 point bonus if I buy something from all 11 Pavilions - no bonus
20 point bonus if each one is under $10 - no bonus

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available) - 33

1 point for every one I find **and post (up to 50 points available)

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available) - 10

10 points if room ready on arrival (AoA) - 0
10 points if room ready on arrival (AKL) - 10
20 points if upgraded (AoA) - 0
20 points if upgraded (AKL) - 0

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available) - 60 (subject to change once more details are available)
*More posts on these to come...

10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

Transportation: (50 points available) - 20

30 bonus points if no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip - 0 (sorry)
20 bonus points if all 5 modes are taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry) - yes

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available) - 40 + ?

5 points if no one gets any blisters - 0
5 points if no one forgets anything (hint: I am very organized) - 0
5 points if I actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP) - 5
10 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: HM, Parade, Hallowishes, Hocus Pocus Show, 7 Dwarves Photo - 0 (or 8 if I can pro-rate... I think you'll get 4/5)
5 points if I do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob (we'll see who knows me well) - 5
10 points if I get any "Magic" while wearing my Mickey ears, or button, or grad cap - 10
10 points for each pool I actually get in - 20

All noted and ready for scoring....

Funny thing is surgical nursing and hospice nursing are extreme opposite ends of the spectrum and based on the fact you say you enjoy a faster pace I think you made a great choice. I myself am not cut out for hospice nursing but I'm so grateful those nurses are out there and love what they do. The thing all nurses have in common is we are all there at someone's time in need. The needs are just different. Congrats again!

Oh and I hope everything is ok with your son! Sounds like a scary experience for all!

It is true. And kinda funny I'd be drawn to both. It was a hard but good conversation when I called the Hospice place to tell them I'd taken another job. She definitely left the door open for me to re-approach them in a few years after I "earn my wings".

We'll know which direction we're going to take further testing tomorrow morning.
Yup, answers will be good. It's difficult when you know all the worst case scenario's, so try not to let your imagination and worry get to you. Prayers your way.

I know. The only thing I can do right now is think that if this is epilepsy, how devastating it'll be for an 18 year old kid to not be able to drive. :( Pray it's just a one-time flukey thing. Thanks for lifting us up. :hug:
No. That joke was worth at least that.

Darn. There goes lunch.

I hope all the other stuff you DO do will be extraordinarily fun! Like finding me an N drink.


As much as I want that red rose they give to the ladies on the way out.

So.... a lot, then.

But you have dogs. Who I hope are almost done with making messes. Yes??

:headache: No!

Thank you, Friend. I"m sure you will get stories that let you know whether it was right or not.

Of that, I have no doubt.

Yes, and humble too. LOL!


No buffets. Ever. I have very little self-control at buffets.

No one does.

No. One.

He was until tonight. He got "dizzy" again. He goes in tomorrow at 9:45... We'll insist on an MRI.

Oh dear. Hopefully you'll get some answers today.

Was it nice?

I did not. There are 2 legs- we originate out of Seattle (was $200 PER TICKET to fly out of there rather than Portland!) and we change planes in Chicago, O'hare if that helps you in the "on time or not" category... Most people aren't reading the in-between chatter, but those who do, will get massive hints. ;) And you can always change your answers until the day I leave as well.

Here's the skinny on sitting together: I'll consider it sitting together if I can pass something to my kids or talk to them without leaving my seat. So directly behind me (next row back) or in front of me will count as well as across the aisle from me. However, (massive hint #2) I just booked our seats. ;) However, you never know what the airline will do. They're about as predictable as the weather in Oregon.

Aha - this MAY change my answers on flights - With O'hare leaving up to 15 after scheduled time is still considered on time. Wheels up time may be up to a half hour after that. :rotfl2:

@Poolrat - I didn't see any guesses. That was intentional right?

Guesses in.
Good! Do they have any kind of preliminary diagnosis?

No, not really. I guess we'll have to wait for the MRI results. He'll go in on Monday for that.

Aha - this MAY change my answers on flights - With O'hare leaving up to 15 after scheduled time is still considered on time. Wheels up time may be up to a half hour after that. :rotfl2:

They've already jacked my flight, which really pissed me off. Now, instead of arriving at 10:30 AM, we are arriving at 1:35. BOOOOO!!!! i had really wanted a little nap and some pool time.before heading over to DTD for Raglan Rd.

Guesses in.

All pasted into the Official Word Doc!
*******Warning, I'm cranky!*************

Today was exhausting. I had to drive to pick up my little stinkpot halfway between Olympia and Salem as she got to spend 3 days with her cousins at my SIL's place. I REALLY hate that drive. To make it better though, I stopped to have lunch with a friend in Portland, and yes, the Lebanese falafels, kefta, hummus, tabouli, baba ghanou, and Turkish coffee went down WAY too easy. Nevermind the closed Freeway both up AND back due to 2 separate wrecks, adding easy an hour or more to my trip. I hate you I-5. It didn't help that the exits are too few for my teensy, weensy aging bladder.

Anyway, to add to my rather sucky day (except for lunch) I had to make the flight ressies for our return trip from the Keys. 'Bout time, eh. I started Googling- it's what I do best- and found just what I wanted, a flight not too early out of Ft. Lauderdale to Sea-Tac for both of us at $425. Got all the way to the checkout and confirm and...

NOPE. Can't do that for you.

Ummm.... ok. Try #2. Nope. Still not gonna do that for you.

Ok, fine. I'll call.

"You can request a call back. That'll be 55-105 minutes."

Fiiiiine. Call me back.

An hour later: Ring, ring. Hello, this is Alaska Airlines. OH, yeah, our system was down about an hour (of course, it was when I was trying to make my reservation.) Just try again, you should be A-Ok.

Try #3. Yes, I"m sure the passenger names are right. OH! Wait, not, they aren't!!! WHY, oh WHY does it KEEP saying that Anara is the Passenger #2?? Over and over??

Starts ALL over, clears ALL fields. Phew! Finally, it says Queen Steppe. That was try #4 or 5 re-entering ALL the information EVERY stinking time.

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Bleep YOU, Alaska Airlines. I don't want to see that my request can't be processed.

Ring, ring. Yes, fine. Call me back in another 30 minutes.

Hello, this is....

Look, Lady. Your sappy, nice voice is NOT going to make me any happier that this has taken me 2 hours already, and I STILL don't have a reservation.

Oh, so sorry!! Blah, blah, blah...

What's this? Wait, you're telling me you have a non-stop for only $9 more pp? And it leaves 3 hours later, so I can lie for one more day on a warm and sunny beach? Never mind I just told you to go suck it, you can now be my best friend. Yes, thank you, I think I'm all taken care of now, and NO, I don't want your credit card. I already have a Disney Visa that I'm truly in love with. But I do appreciate you waiving the $15 per ticket booking fee because your website stinks.

So, there ya have it. An entire day (except for an hour at lunch) in the car and 3 hours trying to make one fairly straight forward airline reservation.

But it's done, and now I can say, everything except the Rental Car is booked and paid for. Lord have mercy on me as I do that one another day.
What a sucky customer service experience! Makes for a long day. Being one of those customer service reps myself... Trust me when I tell you we hate it when you have days like that probably even more so than the customers do!

Only because I think you may have been distracted by the Queenly :worship:

Or well... maybe more so that your mind was kidnapped by son in the ER...

But did you get my answers to the Great Games?
Last edited:
Ok, my brain officially hurts now... but here goes it....

Your Majesty::worship:

I am glad you feel good about the decision you made. My sister does Home care and all though she loves it, it is very hard on her. My nephew is only 13 and she is a single mom so she puts in A LOT of overtime and on call hours. She say's it is to hard to resist the on call pay, but on the same hand, it runs her down very quickly when she gets called out all the time.

LOL! Yes, in my obsession of making sure it was in the Official Word Doc, I forgot to actually reply! OY! But, yes, all tucked neatly away for easy retrieval at the right and proper time.
Holy crap Batman... You may be cranky.... But your quicker than a jack rabbit! You got that response in before I could even finish editing my post.

Note to self... Cranky =lightning fast!
What a sucky customer service experience! Makes for a long day. Being one of those customer service reps myself... Trust me when I tell you we hate it when you have days like that probably even more so than the customers do!

Only because I think you may have been distracted by the Queenly :worship:

Or well... maybe more so that your mind was kidnapped by son in the ER...

But did you get my answers to the Great Games?

To be fair, she was really nice, and I wasn't completely something that rhymes with witchy with her. And also to be fair, it actually ended up being AMERICAN airlines' fault as they are "undergoing" some scheduling changes, and this flight was being half operated by them (the leg from FLL to Dallas). Nothing she or anyone could have done. And to top it off, she DID find me what I think is actually a better flight. Non- Stop and a later.

Holy crap Batman... You may be cranky.... But your quicker than a jack rabbit! You got that response in before I could even finish editing my post.

Note to self... Cranky =lightning fast!

I"m sitting here in all my RETRO glory listening to The Smiths and goofing around on the computer. It's bliss. Trying to get some SERIOUS relaxation in before I start on Tuesday.
*******Warning, I'm cranky!*************


I REALLY hate that drive.

Tell us you really feel.

It didn't help that the exits are too few for my teensy, weensy aging bladder.

Ah. So you have TTIBB*. Sorry to hear that.

*Teeny Tiny Itsy Bitsy Bladder

Got all the way to the checkout and confirm and...

NOPE. Can't do that for you.

Ugh. Been doing that all morning.
I just want to check prices.


"You can request a call back. That'll be 55-105 minutes."


Well, I suppose it's better than waiting on hold.

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Bleep YOU, Alaska Airlines. I don't want to see that my request can't be processed.

Ring, ring. Yes, fine. Call me back in another 30 minutes.

No way! And you didn't throw the phone against a wall or anything?

What's this? Wait, you're telling me you have a non-stop for only $9 more pp? And it leaves 3 hours later, so I can lie for one more day on a warm and sunny beach? Never mind I just told you to go suck it, you can now be my best friend.

Hello! Nice score! And all it cost you was enough aggravation to drive you to an early grave.

But it's done, and now I can say, everything except the Rental Car is booked and paid for. Lord have mercy on me as I do that one another day.

That one should (hopefully) be a little easier.


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