The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

First of all, what a bummer!!!!! I try to stay on top of our protection plans, but I haven't looked in awhile, so thanks for prompting me to log into best buy's website and make sure we're all covered!

Meantime: to get you started... when you’re stuck in a line what do you and yours tend to do?

Surf the net or Disney App? Look for details in the theming? Talk with each other? Something else?
It makes me SO sad when I see families waiting in line all glued to their devices!! I LOVE just hanging out and looking at park maps, game planning with Jimmy what we will try to do next. I also really enjoy people watching (and much to my husband's chagrin, listening to the people around me...especially when they are completely wrong about whatever Disney info they are discussing!) I did download the Heads Up app and unlock the Disney World deck for free because we did it in the park. That can be fun, but doesn't usually last too long.
Hi All... the stuff of nightmares happened. My laptop’s plug in doo-hickey thing, the part that receives the charging end broke. No chargey. No worky.
Oh no - that is too bad. Hope it gets fixed soon.
Meantime: to get you started... when you’re stuck in a line what do you and yours tend to do?

Surf the net or Disney App? Look for details in the theming? Talk with each other? Something else?
Well my sister and I used to snack or drink our water when we were stuck in line. I don't have a data plan for the US (Canadian you know) so I couldn't surf the net or the disney app. I did see people playing that Heads up game and sometime my sister and I would play along with them (without saying it out loud so they didn't know we were being nosy). So I guess we talked to each other.
Hi Liesa realized I hadn't seen a TR from ya for while and went on the hunt to find this. So finally here.:wave:

That stinks about your lap top hope you have it back soon.
The Blue Bayou, where I worked for about a year!
What, where is this? Did you use to work at Disney?
At one point, I found my chin nearly resting ON, no really, ON the bar. What in the actual heck?!
I'm particularly pleased with this one. Didn't plan it to turn out this way, but I love how the reflections in the windows worked out!
Cool pic
After the appropriate hugs, greetings, and awkwardly complementing each other on our outfits
What no Chunky Dump?
And there it is... the Chunky Dump
1) Churro, pretzel, or eggroll?

2) Coaster, dark ride, or motion simulator?

3) Plush, ears, or t-shirt?

4) Music show, art exhibit, or another merchandise shop?

5) Parade, fireworks, or nighttime show?
Pretzel, coaster, ears, merch, all three but if I had to choose Fireworks
However, I can’t say we “trudged” into the main event of the day…. Dinner at Club 33.
Lucky girl
I love this.
Oh yum
If you could have any job in Disney, what would it be?
Resort Conceirge, love to help other and need that air conditioning in FL.
It's 26 degrees in NewYork. I followed up shoveling the driveway with a backyard romp with the dog, ice is welded onto my car (40 degree temps on Thursday will have to melt it for me). . . I so need a Disney trip report fix. Here I am.

Only got as far as your first post and the pop quiz. My every time restaurant is Columbia Harbour House -- to sit on (in?) the second floor "bridge" and have a tuna sandwich. I go solo so it's a good people watching spot. My one and done is probably Tiffins. It was fine, but I don't feel the need to go back.
Been kinda busy lately and the dis chose not to notify me AGAIN, so playing catch up.
Not going to try to multi-quote, but pictures were great (no surprise at all), narrative was wonderful (again no surprise). Jealous about club 33...don't know I'll ever be that fortunate, but happy for y'all.
Meantime: to get you started... when you’re stuck in a line what do you and yours tend to do?
It varies between several things...
Play (heads up?) on phone. Great game with group.
Try to make or modify FPs.
Look at pictures from the day thus far.
Complain about the crazy long lines at Disney. :lmao:

Just realized I hadn't responded to previous question...

Dream job at Disney would be food quality control at Biergarten.

Seriously, I had to think about this many parts of Disney I like, so where would I actually want to be a CM at? Tough call. After some lengthy deliberation (maybe 30-40 seconds) with myself, we have come up with....

CM at the firehouse to help folks with SOTMK. I think it's a cool thing since it's one of the few free things to do at Disney and being able to teach/help the kids (both young and older) would be cool. I've been able to give some young kids some of my cards and the look on their faces is way cool!
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12 degrees in NY. Waiting for another degree before taking the dog out.

So I guess I didn't make a very good first impression. I continued reading after taking the pop quiz in the first post and realized that you're a Tiffins fan. Unrelated to that :o, I would like to change my answer to the one and done. My REAL answer is Garden Grill. Although I have a fondness for revolving restaurants (anyone remember Windows on the World at the World Trade Center in NYC?) there's not much of a view during the revolution. I expected to see more of The Land. Also, toooo much for for a solo diner and the older I get the less interested I am in one sided conversations with characters. I feel as though I have to keep up a witty monologue and entertain them!
All that to say no update this weekend. All of my (edited) photos are on it.
That stinks... hope they can fix it then. I was going to say if you have to ship it off, you could almost get a new laptop for not much more money, but that doesn't help if the old laptop is where all your pictures are.
Meantime: to get you started... when you’re stuck in a line what do you and yours tend to do?

Surf the net or Disney App? Look for details in the theming? Talk with each other? Something else?
I'm usually on the app looking for the next FP or ordering food.
Continuing to enjoy your trip report. I'm up to Aug 22! I think it's so interesting to read the variety of things people look forward to at Disney, the gamut of favorite hotels, restaurants, arrival activities, and even how diverse your readers are.

Like you I've been making my way through the resorts. When our kids were young it was always CBR. I was there in September and thought the new hotel looked so out of place. When I get farther into your TR I'll be interested to see if you have an opinion. I have to say that I have a soft spot in my heart for Boardwalk after being upgraded to club level for a week. It was wonderful but I don't know how people justify the cost. (At least for going solo).

I love the idea of your Poly (spell check really wants me to select either polygamy or polyester, but neither seems appropriate) vacation within a vacation. A pina colada sounds perfect right now!

And lastly, was interested that you do DTD first. I guess I need to study a map before going next. I was disoriented while there and never quite got my bearings. It's huge!
W is for: What a Way to End a Visit!

After a scrumptious dinner, amazing company surrounded by spooky, whimsical fun celebrating the HM, and capped off with fireworks and a twinkly parade, we settled in bed while visions of Dole Whips danced in our heads. But the party didn’t end there. The next morning we were up and ready for another, our last, fun-filled day touring a bit more aggressively and thoroughly.

Time for some hitting up the rides…

But first!


Fran and Alison drove us through the other Mickeys (the one with marginal food choices and a revenue that rivals Disney’s.) I find it hilariously ironic that we’d gone from Club 33 to Club $3.33.

Sausage McMuffin somewhat enjoyed, we gathered in the lobby of the Grand Californian. While the others loitered, I took the opportunity to make a circuit and found a delicious display of Craftsman and Art and Crafts décor that I wished I could have taken home. Instead, I made do with a few photos of my favorite scenes.

I believe that ^ is made entirely of chocolate...

Su-Lynn and Steve showed up and off we set towards Disneyland. After the usual holdups at the tapstiles by the folks who can’t seem to get the hang of park entry on the first, second, third, or fourth try, we all made it in and stopped for a group photo. Hey! Look at us!!

We’d all thrown in a vote or two for the attractions that were must-do’s and up first was BTMRR. I always love trying to get a photo or two of an new angle for me and came up with these this time around. I got to thinking about the prospects of a real Big Thunder Saloon where you could go and have a stiff drink (buahahahaha who am I kidding and don’t get me started!) or sarsaparilla and have streetmosphere pop in, rob the place, interact, do a song or dance, etc… I dunno, sounds like a fun idea to me. Not really a dinner show like Hoop, but more come and go, casual style.

We sailed the rough seas with Pirates next, bemoaned the loss of the lovely Red Head, and heard the new and unimproved Redd encouraging alcoholism to her cronies across the river. Nevertheless, the DLR version is still 1,000 times better and we all enjoyed our Yo Ho’ing around the Caribbean.

The HM was close, so that’s where we headed next. As you know, it was all bedecked in her Halloween glory, and the 2nd time around was almost even better. I, of course, grabbed a few more photos and some turned out even better than the first batch.

I’m not sure why we back-tracked, but after hanging out with Jack, Sally and Oogie, we zipped over to Splash where we Doo-Dah’d in our Laughing place. I’m glad they added the Dah part or there’d be lots of ChunkyDumping. Alison didn’t want to ride and she was smart. I don’t remember about anyone else, but Kari and I who rode in the front were SOAKED and I don’t mean like after-a-Florida-downpour soaked, I mean soaked like I-swam-in-the-Pop-pool-with-my-clothes-on soaked. The good news is that the weather was warm enough to dry us out fairly quickly and I had IBS (Itchy Butt Syndrome) only for most of the rest of day. You know what that is; that thing you get when your underwear are wet and it makes your butt cheeks itchy. Which goes to prove I don’t ALWAYS forget my underwear on trips.

@Lesley Wake - YOUR FACE!! :lmao:

As I said, Alison didn’t want to ride because, not only was she wiser than the rest of us on the wet factor, she was getting hangry. When we got off, she was holding a nomalicious looking plate of Seafood Boil that had chunks of sausage, boiled corn, potatoes, and all kinds of other good stuff including a couple good-sized hunks of sourdough bread. I’m suddenly starving. She passed it around after she’d eaten what she wanted and I tried a potato and when no one else wanted anymore, I used the last piece of bread to soak up the extremely flavorful broth which was slightly spicy and perfectly salty.

Everyone was still a bit peckish, so a churro stop was made. Mmm, DLR churros! I don’t remember the variety we all ended up with, but I’m pretty sure mine had chocolate in the mix. Was it delicious? Heck yes! Soft, warm, chewy, but crunchy on the outside. Just perfect!

Even though we’d all ridden the Millennium Falcon before, Kari and I for the first time just the day before, we decided to head there and fill a cabin. Everyone else had had a chance to be the pilots, so we took our turn at crashing and burning ad nauseum for an entire ride cycle. Stressful does not even begin to describe it, and well, I guess it was fun, but yeah, I suck at that sort of thing. Maybe after a few more turns at it, I’d get the hang of it, but let’s just say guiding a Cessna on straight and level is a LOT easier. Speaking of which, I really hope to get back to my Pilot’s license quest sometime soon. Time is marching on…

Continued in next post....
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X is for: eXceptional Way to End a Quick Trip!
(Yes, I'm going to find a way to begin the WDW portion with 'A')

After burning about a zillion calories on producing adrenaline and keeping my heartrate up at twice its baseline, I was starved. Earlier in the day, I’d requested to eat at Bengal BBQ and/or the Tropical Hideaway. So naturally, we did both. I’d heard good things about the skewers from Bengal and Alison had told me about the bacon-wrapped asparagus spears that were to die for. I mean, I’d already died a thousand deaths on the Falcon, what’s one more? She was right. The food there was very good. I got the beef skewers from there and they were a LOT spicier than I’d imagined they’d be. I’m okay with that. I get so tired of bland, tasteless food at the parks, so it’s refreshing to find flavorful, authentic fare. We had runners get the Bengal items, while the other half of us headed to grab seats at the Hideaway. It was busy, but not too hard to find tables either. At the Hideaway, I got a fruit slushy of some sort that was refreshing. I think they also serve Bao Buns and Spring Rolls and perhaps others in our group got those? I honestly don’t know. Memory is beginning to fade a bit there.

Believe it or not, this trip did not include a:

Indiana Jones was next up and I’d forgotten how fun that ride is. Bumpy and jerky, yes, but nicely themed and unique. My neck fared okay, and I didn’t have be in traction afterwards. It seems to be the everyday normal living that makes it scream these days. On a side note, I have a call into the surgeon for reals. We’ll see what he says this time around. But sleep would sure be nice.

That would be it for Disneyland; it was time to head across the Esplanade to California Adventure.

Most of us were only interested in 2 rides, and we hit up the racers first. While we all had a great time, we lost. But we did get a fun photo and really, that’s all the counts. LOL! I just adore the theming in the whole of Carsland and noticed a lot of detailing I hadn’t noticed before. So cute!!!

Our last ride of the day was Guardians and I think Su-Lynn almost had a legit ChunkyDump on it. She was reticent in the first place and riding it cemented her opinion. I, on the other hand, adore the drops and scream like a little girl the whole time. I still like the theming of ToT much better, but they’ve done a good job with it even still. There’s a lot to see in there, and while that’s fun, a lot goes over my head because I am just not a fan of the movies and have only seen the first one once. Sorry, just not super into it. Sure, I enjoyed it, but just not memorable for me. Do I want a Baby Groot? Sure, everyone on the planet does. Is Rocket funny? Of course! Beyond that, I couldn’t even tell you the plot. Sorry, I know I just fell to a new low on most of y’all’s opinion, but there you have it.

With that our touring was done. We tried to get on the Monsters, Inc. ride, but it was down, so we headed in the direction of some drinks and eats. The 1901 welcomed us with some cushy chairs and intimate ambiance.

Some of the scenes from around the Lounge:

It’s pretty much a must that a drink is ordered so we can watch the ice sphere presentation. It never gets old.

A few of us ordered food as well and I ended up with the empanadas which were out of this world. I think only 2 folks got something boozy but I was not one of them. I had to leave in a very short while for my flight home, so went with some sort of light fruity spritzer thing.

And with that, our weekend was over. I’ll leave off with a ChunkyDump adieu until next time. Believe it or not, I’m headed back tomorrow... SURPRISE!!!!! My very good friend, Magdalene (@Flossbolna ) is in California and this weekend has been planned for months, possibly even almost a year, I can’t wait to see her and Michael, and of course, Fran and Alison. There is very little planned, so I imagine lots of catching up and quiet visiting. I haven’t seen her since 2010 when we flew back from Crapistan stopping in Nuremberg. So, that means more stories, but I’m anxious to get the WDW portion started for sure. That my friends, will start very soon, so stay tuned…. It’s coming… promise!

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Hey All,

I realize I am behind on several replies and responses, but time is short this morning. Off to work in a little bit and I'm sure they'd appreciate it if I showed up in clothing. :rolleyes2

BUT, I did want to give a very special welcome and shout out to @aboveH20 !!! :welcome::welcome::welcome: It's great to have you here and hope you're enjoying making your way through the TR! :) I'll be back very soon to reply in more detail after I pack for this weekend later tonight. Meantime, make yourself at home and I'll "see ya real soon"!
we settled in bed while visions of Dole Whips danced in our heads.
I have that pretty much every night...
I find it hilariously ironic that we’d gone from Club 33 to Club $3.33.
:lmao: They're almost the same, aren't they? :duck:
a delicious display of Craftsman and Art and Crafts décor that I wished I could have taken home. Instead, I made do with a few photos of my favorite scenes.

This would be the delicious part...
I believe that ^ is made entirely of chocolate...
Let's eat it and find out!
Betting that's authentic, too.
Such a gorgeous lobby.
I remember those doors. I was pretty in love with them.
After the usual holdups at the tapstiles by the folks who can’t seem to get the hang of park entry on the first, second, third, or fourth try
"Are you sure you always use your thumb?"
"Yes! Always!"
"You're right hand, thumb?"
"Yes! Yes! Right hand! Thumb!"
"Try a finger just in case... try the other hand... there you go. Left index finger."
I see you have the "knee bend" pose down pat.
And is that Jenny with you guys????
I got to thinking about the prospects of a real Big Thunder Saloon where you could go and have a stiff drink (buahahahaha who am I kidding and don’t get me started!) or sarsaparilla and have streetmosphere pop in, rob the place, interact, do a song or dance, etc
Oohh!! I like that!!! Send a letter to Disney. Stat!
bemoaned the loss of the lovely Red Head
and heard the new and unimproved Redd encouraging alcoholism to her cronies across the river.
Ah yes... because that's so much better.
Yo Ho’ing around the Caribbean.
Wait. So there's an Asian woman Ho'ing around the Caribbean now???
I, of course, grabbed a few more photos and some turned out even better than the first batch.
Got some really good ones. :)
Cool! Mme Leota looks like a Christmas ornament!
Sally still dreaming and hoping of some day being with the love of her life.
we Doo-Dah’d in our Laughing place
How does one precisely "Doo-Dah"?
I’m glad they added the Dah part or there’d be lots of ChunkyDumping
but Kari and I who rode in the front were SOAKED and I don’t mean like after-a-Florida-downpour soaked, I mean soaked like I-swam-in-the-Pop-pool-with-my-clothes-on soaked.
Oh, boy... soggy tourists!
I had IBS (Itchy Butt Syndrome) only for most of the rest of day.
Not TMI at all. Nope. Not even a little bit...
You know what that is; that thing you get when your underwear are wet and it makes your butt cheeks itchy. Which goes to prove I don’t ALWAYS forget my underwear on trips.
So... you're saying that it would've been better if you had forgotten your underwear this time?
she was holding a nomalicious looking plate of Seafood Boil that had chunks of sausage, boiled corn, potatoes, and all kinds of other good stuff including a couple good-sized hunks of sourdough bread.
What???? Where did she get that????
Mmm, DLR churros!
Still haven't had one. At DL, I mean.
Cute photo of you. :)
Stressful does not even begin to describe it
Oh, dear. You need to relax and just let go!
(Hmmmm… Frozen... Frozen II... and now... Frozen in Carbonite.)
Speaking of which, I really hope to get back to my Pilot’s license quest sometime soon.
Any news on that front?
Earlier in the day, I’d requested to eat at Bengal BBQ and/or the Tropical Hideaway.
I've heard of the first (and had it on my list of possibilities...), but not the latter.
So naturally, we did both.
Of course!
I mean, I’d already died a thousand deaths on the Falcon, what’s one more?
Valid point.
I got the beef skewers from there and they were a LOT spicier than I’d imagined they’d be. I’m okay with that. I get so tired of bland, tasteless food at the parks, so it’s refreshing to find flavorful, authentic fare
I'm glad to hear that. While I don't do extremely spicy... I do like that there's something.... non-bland to try.
Believe it or not, this trip did not include a [Dole Whip].
Indiana Jones was next up and I’d forgotten how fun that ride is.
I liked it and wouldn't mind riding again.
My neck fared okay, and I didn’t have be in traction afterwards. It seems to be the everyday normal living that makes it scream these days. On a side note, I have a call into the surgeon for reals. We’ll see what he says this time around. But sleep would sure be nice.
That doesn't sound good.
But glad you seem to be making steps to getting better?
:laughing: Great shot! Except Steve needs his hands over his eyes, not just sunglasses.
Our last ride of the day was Guardians and I think Su-Lynn almost had a legit ChunkyDump on it.
Uh, oh! Not a drop fan, huh?
I, on the other hand, adore the drops and scream like a little girl the whole time.
The 1901 welcomed us with some cushy chairs and intimate ambiance.
Nice way to round out the day. :)
It’s pretty much a must that a drink is ordered so we can watch the ice sphere presentation
Believe it or not, I’m headed back tomorrow... SURPRISE!!!!!
What?!?!? When did this happen?? Have a good trip!!!
I haven’t seen her since 2010
:) Lots of catching up to do. Glad you're getting to see a long-lost friend.
Love this!
I realize I am behind on several replies and responses, but time is short this morning.
No worries. We get it. Life (and Disney trips!) gets in the way. :)
Off to work in a little bit and I'm sure they'd appreciate it if I showed up in clothing. :rolleyes2
Oh, I dunno… :rolleyes1
:jester:pirate::firefight Now mentally remove their hats. . . . Hats off to you for all your early morning wake ups!!! That's got to be tough with the time difference. So much easier to go from east coast to Disneyland. One of my DL memories is sitting in the lobby of the Grand Californian watching the morning cleaning crew because nothing was open.

In a related note, wondering why I have such a hankering for BBQ :confused3


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