The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

I do love taking the time to slow down and appreciate the incredible theming. While we are older, we are most certainly not old. :)
I suppose age is just a number, as they say. My aching back/neck wishes though it were 20 years younger in number. LOL!

Oh, I need to look more carefully at those dioramas if I brave Space Mountain again.
I do wonder if you could even see them if you walked the queue and "chicken-exited". I somehow doubt it but you could ask. I may do it next time so I can see the droid scene again. I need to investigate that questionable piece of "artwork" again.

I didn't know the backstory either but can thoroughly appreciate the level of detail.

For sure!!! I THINK? there was a TV series based on the ride story at some point, but am not sure if that every came to fruition. Sadly, most of the movies, aside from Pirates, based on rides have been dismal failures.

I didn't catch this one.

I adore early morning safaris.

THey are wonderful. I don't always catch one as early as this one- just depends on wait times, schedule, others I might be with, etc...

I am obsessed with the Tree of Life and love poking around there. I discover something new each time. The otters are so much fun to watch. :)

It's so utterly peaceful and I find some tranquility in that area. Time seems to stop. Last time the otters were active, but not at the window I was at. I could have moved but on the time I was in there, I only had my phone which sucks at photos, and it was getting late anyway, so I moved on.

This is a great shot!

Thanks!! I swear I took some video of them playing but can't find it!

I absolutely love the giraffes.

Giraffes!! So graceful!!
Maybe for some of you that is a new word.
Nope! Very familiar with it, and yet...
Enjoy this retro peek at where that term originated:
...and yet, I wasn't quite sure where the word was found. Now I know. :)
And yet, technically… it is a zoo.
Nah it's naht.
The spaces, vet care, training, and food are top notch and it shows in the pride the keepers hold and through the animals in their care.
My last trip was such a great one. The company of my daughter and Mary Ellen, and Kari at other times, the food, the slower pace of the parks- it was all just so lovely.
Glad it was such a great trip.
Lovely to be out of the house doing something… ANYTHING, that felt normal and creative.
Oh, how I get that....
It’d been a very long time since I’d dusted off my camera and practiced shooting.
It had been for me too. I did take it out not too long ago, but... it had been about a year.
As we were loading Mik’s car and heading to the airport, I took one last look in my backseat floor area… and yep, there it was- the camera bag.

Our driver was willing to stop quite a bit along the road,
Perfect! Makes for a steadier platform for shooting. Pictures I mean! :scared:
and an Ankole
Who you calling an Ankole?????
The weather, as I’ve mentioned, was freezing cold and I’m sure that helped keep the critters out and active as well.
Hmmm... never thought of that. I think you're right.
I’m not ashamed to say over and over, Animal Kingdom is my favorite park
Really? This is news!
Love this shot! And I actually really like that you got a truck in it too. Not to mention the elephants!
Oooohhhh!!! Wow! Even though it's blurry a bit... that's gotta be the best cheetah shot I've seen from the Safari.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to photograph that cheetah?!?!
Now that one's tack sharp! Great shot!
Really like this one, too. ::yes::
How's the weather up there? Do you play basketball? Try the veal! I'm here all week!

Another great pic. Just a tad out of focus, but considering the subject is moving and so is your platform... very good.
Pumbaa, why the rush?
And a quick snap of a WILD bird that happened to see what the hubbub was on the Savanah.
How do you know it's "wild" and not a free but frequent resident?
There's a new area on display for the Nigerian Dwarf Goats towards the end of the Safari now. The storyline is that it's the Warden's home and the goats provide milk products to support the conservation efforts. Really cute when the goats are climbing and playing!
Oh, cool! Great idea.
Those are natural birds, not part of a show. They just happened to be there and preening in the sun posing absolutely perfectly with an awesome backdrop!!
Recognized them as visitors, but... pretty darn good symmetry going on there!
(Did some artsty-fartsy manipulating on this one. I thought the sky and silhouette made it a bit more mysterious and dramatic.)

Me: Sunday afternoons.
Love how you caught the catch-lights in his/her eyes.
So.... what animal is your favorite on the Safari?
Easy one. Cheetah. Not even close.

But... I do love turtles too.

Total opposites, right??? :laughing:
And I'd say that 99% of the time they are found.
I'd agree with that. ::yes::
Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder....

So... I Googled. I wasn't even sure if that was from the same song.
I'm gonna go with... definitely haven't seen the movie.
These are a couple of exerpts from a book I"ve read over and over. I'm going to say that most definitely the story came first, given that that's how Disney has always developed pretty much everything.
Good enough for me. :)
They're there for next time! :)
I haven't been on this ride in ages and it was nice to see pictures of the exit scenes. :)

I think this is the one "thrill" ride that in general (huge generalization) is a tween/teen go-to. I think it'd be a fantastic ride in concept for more age groups if the track itself was updated to something as smooth and "kind" like Everest.

She is lucky that she didn't lose it at the top of the roller coaster. I have lost a hat, reading glasses, and sunglasses at WDW, but losing a cellphone would be a disaster.

I lost a very precious tiara on that ride a few trips back. I put in a Lost Report, and at one point was told one was found that matched the description, but in the need never got it back. I was heartbroken. Should have taken it off for sure, but just forgot. :(
I never could understand why Disney used such an old story like Song of the South to tell the story of the ride. I always thought that the combination of a cute kids section combined with a more grown up thrill ride just seemed wrong. The only story I remember from Song of the South is the Tar Baby story. Tar-Baby - Wikipedia

I think part of the motivation was to use the old characters/animatronics from the old America Sings attraction, but more than that, it's a light-hearted, whimsical dark ride with a tiny bit of "thrill" involved. I like the mix of both so that it's appealing to all ages. I mean, they aren't going to change that mix in anything new they'd put in- it'd still have the drop, the dark section, the outdoor parts.... so the ride concept will be the same.

I never knew the backstory. That makes the ride more interesting. :)

It sure does!
I think the whole - out of the house doing some new - is the reason we have gone to WDW more than usual since October. :)

For sure! Diversions are I think what are keeping a lot of people simply going at all.

My sister and I had been to AK just a couple of days before you were there and the animals were great. The best was the gorilla habitat. The entire family, except one gorilla, were playing on the hill instead of being in the glass window. The babies were climbing the ropes and dragging the bucket area, etc. And the CM went into detail when I asked about the bachelor hill with the male gorillas.

But when my sister and I did the safari at rope drop on Jan 31st, literally one of the first groups out, there was only one giraffe on the savanna, which I thought was odd. My husband and I went to AK the first week of March and rode the safari just a little after rope drop. It was approximately 8:25am when we got to the savanna and suddenly a huge group of giraffes come racing over the hill and into the savanna. Now I know why we didn't see the giraffes on January 31st - they hadn't been released from their enclosure yet.

I was so sad to have missed you!!! :( Isn't it wonderful when the gorilla family it out and about? And even better when the CMs are out sharing their knowledge. Seems like I always learn something new on that trail!

What a cool thing to get to see when the giraffes are at their most active time! Fresh out of the gate so to speak and ready to eat and socialize in their wide open spaces.

I asked the CM about the goat display and he said that they built it in Nov or Dec. I like the display and hope they build more things like that. :)

That's what I discoved too. A total surprise to me and I really like it! I too hope there will be more additions. I'm always sad when things are removed or changed, but additions are AWESOME!!

I love the giraffes. I will never forget the very time time I went on the safari and saw giraffes eating leaves and walking around in a natural setting, instead of in a concrete cage.
Another vote for giraffes! :) They are indeed graceful, usually pretty active, and interesting to watch. I agree, seeing them able to roam freely is amazing!
...and yet, I wasn't quite sure where the word was found. Now I know. :)

There ya go! Happy to help out. :)

Nah it's naht.

Perfect! Makes for a steadier platform for shooting. Pictures I mean! :scared:

Sure did!

Who you calling an Ankole?????

Hmmm... never thought of that. I think you're right.

I'd imagine it's the same for animals as it is for humans. Lazy when it's hot.

Really? This is news!

Did I make it overly obvious?

Love this shot! And I actually really like that you got a truck in it too. Not to mention the elephants!
I love that lens because it's BOTH zoom and wide angle. I wanted to post that shot first even though it is near the endish of the Safari. It just screams Safari. :)

Oooohhhh!!! Wow! Even though it's blurry a bit... that's gotta be the best cheetah shot I've seen from the Safari.

Such a stroke of luck to have it IN THE SUN!!! So awesome!

Now that one's tack sharp! Great shot!

Thanks! I think it might be my favorite for quality. Not sure I can pick an overall fave out.

Really like this one, too. ::yes::


How's the weather up there? Do you play basketball? Try the veal! I'm here all week!

Another great pic. Just a tad out of focus, but considering the subject is moving and so is your platform... very good.

The sharpen tool only goes so far. But I do like the pose/angle neverthless.

Pumbaa, why the rush?

LOL!!! Breakfast time!

How do you know it's "wild" and not a free but frequent resident?

Good point! WIsh it was a clear picture, but I did like that the 'outsiders' care to visit.... says a lot about how iniviting the space is.

Recognized them as visitors, but... pretty darn good symmetry going on there!

That's exactly what caught my attention. I stood there several minutes capturing quite a few "poses". Finally got one I liked!

Me: Sunday afternoons.

Yeah, 100% what I'm doing right now. Watching Castaway... one of my faves.

Love how you caught the catch-lights in his/her eyes.

Unintentional, but do love how it turned out. The expression is what really caught my eye. ;)

Easy one. Cheetah. Not even close.

But... I do love turtles too.

Total opposites, right??? :laughing:

HA, they are, but no less interesting etiher one. Each has its unique qualities! Never mock the turtle?
I'd imagine it's the same for animals as it is for humans. Lazy when it's hot.
That's what I was thinking. ::yes::
Did I make it overly obvious?
Such a stroke of luck to have it IN THE SUN!!! So awesome!
I did like that the 'outsiders' care to visit.... says a lot about how iniviting the space is.
Hey! That's right! Good point.
Watching Castaway... one of my faves.
Big Thunder is my favorite mountain as well!

I do love Splash Mountain as a close second! It is such a fun attraction.

I love your Safari pictures, amazing! I love the elephants with Rhinos 🦏 a close second. I maybe partial since I did the two tours for these guys and really enjoyed both.

I don’t read all the replies, but I did see something about a biopsy?? I hope all is well with you! Keep me updated

Take care!
I do love Splash Mountain as a close second! It is such a fun attraction.

It IS such a fun attraction that has always made me smile. The animals are super cute and the song!!
I love your Safari pictures, amazing! I love the elephants with Rhinos 🦏 a close second. I maybe partial since I did the two tours for these guys and really enjoyed both.

Thanks!! Lots of good closeups this time! I remember you taking those tours and was super excited for you. I chose the Savor Tour (cuz I'm a piggy and like to eat). At the end of that tour we could choose one of 4 animals to donate to and I chose Rhinos.
I don’t read all the replies, but I did see something about a biopsy?? I hope all is well with you! Keep me updated
Yes, I have a "weird" patch of flaky skin up near an eyebrow. Biopsy on Monday (in a week). :)
Maybe for some of you that is a new word. Perhaps for many, it’s a familiar word, but like me, are not sure what it truly references. I had a vague idea that it’s a word that actually defines a concept….. more accurately it’s an ad campaign! Launched in 2001, Animal Kingdom released a commercial featuring the soundbite emphasizing that the park is SO MUCH MORE!!

I remember this word and campaign. I still have some brochures.

As we were loading Mik’s car and heading to the airport, I took one last look in my backseat floor area… and yep, there it was- the camera bag. I was so sure I’d had all my bags. :rolleyes:

Yikes, that was close.

Wonderful pictures but this is my favorite.

So.... what animal is your favorite on the Safari? Or, is it one that is NOT on the Safari but somewhere else in the park?

I don't think I have a favorite animal on the Safari but I do like the meerkats.
We boarded our bumpy truck right after Pandora and it was still only like 8:30 AM, so the animals were all out and just being fed
My favorite time to ride the safari is first thing in the morning (and when it's raining) as I find the animals much more active then. I don't think we've ever done an early safari and NOT seen just about all of them!
(Do you have any idea how hard it is to photograph that cheetah?!?! It's either laying down WAY far away from the jeeps in the shade or it's moving AND your jeep is moving. But, this is the best photo I've gotten of him/her? to date so happy even though it's a bit blury!)
Before I read this under the picture I was already thinking "WOW what a great shot!" They are harder to photograph than the lions!
There's a new area on display for the Nigerian Dwarf Goats towards the end of the Safari now. The storyline is that it's the Warden's home and the goats provide milk products to support the conservation efforts. Really cute when the goats are climbing and playing!
I asked the CM about the goat display and he said that they built it in Nov or Dec. I like the display and hope they build more things like that. :)
Yes we saw this in November over Thanksgiving - but there were no goats there yet lol. it was weird and the driver didn't mention it. We were wondering what was going on and were happy to see it complete with the goats last month!
M is for Magical Moments on Mountains- Pt. 2

And now my favorite of the 3 Mountains- Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!

Mood Music!!

Here’s a bit of the backstory to the attraction because every Disney attraction must tell a story!!

*** Warning! Long bit of story about the attraction’s storyline but how many of you knew this about the ride?!***

“According to the enhanced backstory: “Barnabas T. Bullion is the founder and president of the Big Thunder Mining Company. The longtime mining magnate comes from a powerful East Coast family and considers gold to be his very birthright by virtue of his oddly appropriate name; in fact, he considers the ultimate gold strike to be his destiny. And that is why he is having so much trouble with Big Thunder Mountain. According to superstitious locals, Big Thunder Mountain is very protective of the gold it holds within, and the unfortunate soul who attempts to mine its riches is destined to fail. And so far that prophecy is coming to pass. The mine has been plagued by mysterious forces and natural disasters ever since. And yet the Big Thunder Mining Co. is still in operation. In fact, Bullion is discovering new veins of gold and digging new shafts every day, offering a closer look at the Big Thunder mining operation than ever before. But a word to the wise for anyone attempting to visit the mountain: watch out for runaway trains.”-

“Now, the legend and secret history of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Magic Kingdom is crazy cool! Once a working mine during America’s Gold Rush, there was gold found deep within Big Thunder Mountain in Red Rock Canyon. Almost overnight, the town of Tumbleweed became a thriving mining town. According to Disney Parks Blog, a one Barnabas T. Bullion established the Big Thunder Mining Company to go after the gold. Barnabas was born into a powerful East Coast family, so naturally, he thought it was his very right to claim the gold inside the mountain. Well, the mountain had other ideas!

Big Thunder Mountain was said to be protective of its gold and would curse any who dare try to take it. While in operation, miners would hear ghostly sounds and believed supernatural powers inhabited the mine. Strange events would occur, including cave-ins and equipment failing. On a very stormy night, a flash flood completely wiped out the town, destroying the mining company. Rumors have it Professor Cumulus Isobar, a rainmaker, brought the flood to Tumbleweed. If you look carefully, you might just spot a mysterious machine with Cumulus’ name on it while experiencing Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!

Nowadays, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad travels through an empty ghost mine and rushes riders through the canyons, caverns, abandoned mine shaft and ghost town of Tumbleweed! Barnabas, however, is still trying to dig and find gold inside Big Thunder Mountain, despite the warnings and curses from the mountain. The legend is, the mountain and mine are both still haunted.”- https://www.*****************.com/blog/secret-history-big-thunder-mountain-railroad/

Again, without too terribly much commentary here are some of the better shots I got this time around.

(Amazing how they had such futuristic lighting equipment to light the way back then. :rolleyes:)

(The tongue and cheek sight gags are such a gas here!)

(Bonus points if you catch the reference! Trust me, it's there!)

And there we are... at the end of our little tour of the 3 mountains of MK. Remember, Friendlies... Keep your hands in the air and a song in your hearts!!

I really enjoy BTMRR. The detail they put in the small things is amazing. When you ride BTMRR at Disneyland, do you know about the 'goat trick'?
Glad DLR is reopening soon and with the limited capacity, I'm going to try and get a reservation for as soon as they open because when will I ever get the park practically to myself again?
I know it'll be limited to CA residents at the start but hopefully later this year you'll be able to go as well.

Once thing I loved about Frontierland in MK was that there was a train station right next to BTMRR. I remember my first trip there and all I could think of was 'OMG THIS PLACE IS BIG'.
I'm sad the RR will likely still be down for my trip in May.

N is for: Nahtazu!!

Maybe for some of you that is a new word. Perhaps for many, it’s a familiar word, but like me, are not sure what it truly references. I had a vague idea that it’s a word that actually defines a concept….. more accurately it’s an ad campaign! Launched in 2001, Animal Kingdom released a commercial featuring the soundbite emphasizing that the park is SO MUCH MORE!!

Enjoy this retro peek at where that term originated:

And yet, technically… it is a zoo. While on the Savor the Savanah Tour in early 2020, I learned that Animal Kingdom is a true leader in Zoo Association efforts around the world. Their management techniques and care of their animals is actually quite astonishing. The spaces, vet care, training, and food are top notch and it shows in the pride the keepers hold and through the animals in their care.

My last trip was such a great one. The company of my daughter and Mary Ellen, and Kari at other times, the food, the slower pace of the parks- it was all just so lovely. Lovely to be out of the house doing something… ANYTHING, that felt normal and creative. It’d been a very long time since I’d dusted off my camera and practiced shooting. Rusty skills is quite an understatement. But at the last minute, I decided to take all of my lenses and spend a bit more time than usual doing something I really enjoy. Luckily, the camera made it with me at all. As we were loading Mik’s car and heading to the airport, I took one last look in my backseat floor area… and yep, there it was- the camera bag. I was so sure I’d had all my bags. :rolleyes:

Anyway, our first Safari was absolutely perfect. We boarded our bumpy truck right after Pandora and it was still only like 8:30 AM, so the animals were all out and just being fed. Our driver was willing to stop quite a bit along the road, but at least 3 times we had to stop, like it or not, because animals were crossing RIGHT in front of us- Giraffes, Ostrich, and an Ankole. The weather, as I’ve mentioned, was freezing cold and I’m sure that helped keep the critters out and active as well.

However, I was able towards the end of the trip to get some solo time while Mik and MEK took some pool and downtime while I trekked on. So I am going to throw in some photos of other animals in other places around the park. I mean how many of us actually spend much time at all in the Oasis area or go out of our way to see the 'Roos and Otters around the TOL?

I’m not ashamed to say over and over, Animal Kingdom is my favorite park, and as they say, it’s truly Nahtazu! But today’s post showcases the fact that it’s not just Nahtazu, but it’s a very GREAT zoo too. I have many more AK photos I’ll share in this TR that highlight just how stellar of a job Disney does but I think you’ll agree the animals themselves are the stars of the show!

(Do you have any idea how hard it is to photograph that cheetah?!?! It's either laying down WAY far away from the jeeps in the shade or it's moving AND your jeep is moving. But, this is the best photo I've gotten of him/her? to date so happy even though it's a bit blury!)

And a quick snap of a WILD bird that happened to see what the hubbub was on the Savanah.

There's a new area on display for the Nigerian Dwarf Goats towards the end of the Safari now. The storyline is that it's the Warden's home and the goats provide milk products to support the conservation efforts. Really cute when the goats are climbing and playing!

(Those are natural birds, not part of a show. They just happened to be there and preening in the sun posing absolutely perfectly with an awesome backdrop!!)

(Did some artsty-fartsy manipulating on this one. I thought the sky and silhouette made it a bit more mysterious and dramatic.)

(Baby Grace will be celebrating her 2nd birthday in May! She's grown so much!!!)

So.... what animal is your favorite on the Safari? Or, is it one that is NOT on the Safari but somewhere else in the park? Let's see which animal gets the most love!!

I love Animal Kingdom, too! I hate when I hear people say it's a 'half-day park'. It is SO not!
My favorite animals are the ones you don't see too often or harder to find at a normal zoo - so the different types of Elk and deer are probably my favorite.
I remember this word and campaign. I still have some brochures.

My first trip to WDW was in 2000, and I was just leaving for overseas, so it was before my time. But I'd heard it tossed around on the boards when I joined in 2007, so wanted to explore more what it was.

Yikes, that was close.
Sigh.... I swear I'm always losing something, forgetting, or nearly forgetting something.

Wonderful pictures but this is my favorite.

I really like that one too. Sort of sums up the Safari in one shot.

I don't think I have a favorite animal on the Safari but I do like the meerkats.

Aren't they awesome!! So goofy and comical. I often will stop and watch for quite some time.
My favorite time to ride the safari is first thing in the morning (and when it's raining) as I find the animals much more active then. I don't think we've ever done an early safari and NOT seen just about all of them!

They are the best for sure!! My usual routine is Pandora rides, then the Safari, EE, Dino, then back around again for some slower wanderings.

Before I read this under the picture I was already thinking "WOW what a great shot!" They are harder to photograph than the lions!

They super are. I've NEVER seen one up and around and in the sun no less!!

Yes we saw this in November over Thanksgiving - but there were no goats there yet lol. it was weird and the driver didn't mention it. We were wondering what was going on and were happy to see it complete with the goats last month!

I really love this little addition. REally adds some more story and interest to the otherwise kinda boring end of the ride.
Hey Cristabel!

I really enjoy BTMRR. The detail they put in the small things is amazing. When you ride BTMRR at Disneyland, do you know about the 'goat trick'?
Glad DLR is reopening soon and with the limited capacity, I'm going to try and get a reservation for as soon as they open because when will I ever get the park practically to myself again?
I know it'll be limited to CA residents at the start but hopefully later this year you'll be able to go as well.

It is so well-themed, even down to the soundtrack. Love it!! The goat trick?? Hmm, this sounds familiar, but please share!!

I am so glad DLR is finally opening too! It's going to be so great for the economy again, the CMs that are wanting to work, and people's spirits in general. Yay!!!

I'd love to get there again sometime soon, but with my big move coming up.... gonna be tight for traveling for a bit.

Once thing I loved about Frontierland in MK was that there was a train station right next to BTMRR. I remember my first trip there and all I could think of was 'OMG THIS PLACE IS BIG'.
I'm sad the RR will likely still be down for my trip in May.

Yes for sure! The size difference is really noticeable, especially in that area. When I go to DLR that is the place that I notice it most as well-- well, that and the castle, of course. I've been sad about that RR shut down for a couple of YEARS! LOL!! I don't see it opening any time soon since Tron is a ways off from opening. I actually have a post/chapter about this coming up. ;)

I love Animal Kingdom, too! I hate when I hear people say it's a 'half-day park'. It is SO not!
My favorite animals are the ones you don't see too often or harder to find at a normal zoo - so the different types of Elk and deer are probably my favorite.

I do too. :( It's such a great park to just slow down for goodness sake and enjoy the detailing!! SHeesh, it's about more than rides. :laughing:

I love those too for sure! I like to come home and try to ID the ones I've snagged photos of using the truck ID guide or just online searches. I have learned a lot through this park!
Hey Cristabel!

It is so well-themed, even down to the soundtrack. Love it!! The goat trick?? Hmm, this sounds familiar, but please share!!

I am so glad DLR is finally opening too! It's going to be so great for the economy again, the CMs that are wanting to work, and people's spirits in general. Yay!!!

I'd love to get there again sometime soon, but with my big move coming up.... gonna be tight for traveling for a bit.

the goat trick is right after the train car ascends the big hill and you’re about to go down, you’ll see a goat on your right side. Turn your head to look at it the whole time your descending and the ride feels WAY faster

Yes for sure! The size difference is really noticeable, especially in that area. When I go to DLR that is the place that I notice it most as well-- well, that and the castle, of course. I've been sad about that RR shut down for a couple of YEARS! LOL!! I don't see it opening any time soon since Tron is a ways off from opening. I actually have a post/chapter about this coming up. ;)

Yes it was down when I went in 2019! I was very sad since it was my Nieces first trip. Oh well we just have to go back 😉
the goat trick is right after the train car ascends the big hill and you’re about to go down, you’ll see a goat on your right side. Turn your head to look at it the whole time your descending and the ride feels WAY faster

Ohhhh, I will def have to try that out! I tried for a while to find my photo of "the goat" but can't! SHoot! I will for sure do this though!

Yes it was down when I went in 2019! I was very sad since it was my Nieces first trip. Oh well we just have to go back 😉

There's ALWAYS a good reason to go back. LOL!
“Better to have too many good ones than not have any!”

This is very true. Also applies to information in general (better too much than too little).

Not quite as cool as its sister attraction in Cali

You can say this about a lot of the rides.

And the first thing I notice and enjoy is the queue music. I searched quite a bit for the composer but ran out of time.

I know Michael Giacchino (has worked on many Pixar movies) did the music for the California Space Mountain, but I don't think they use it in Florida.

One is a futuristic home where a droid is supposedly serving the family in some capacity... Cooking dinner? Cleaning? I just want to know why this isn’t a reality yet. Because anything a droid could cook and serve me would be better than the usual fare I have after a long day at work.

I'm actually fine with cooking, it's cleaning up afterwards that I hate. I need the robot for that.

Turns out…I’m not the only one who loses their phone on rides, so there!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I try so hard to really love Tomorrowland, but it’s just not my thing, so finding appealing photo material is a bit tough.

Yeah...not my favorite theme, either. Rumor has it they might be doing a refurb of the theme at some point (again).

Splash- the mountain about to be transformed from something that, in my own humble opinion, is just fine the way it is.

I agree with that. It feels like an overreaction, and it's one of the best-themed rides at Disney World. But I also believe they could so some neat things with the Tiana theme.

And now my favorite of the 3 Mountains- Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!


(The tongue and cheek sight gags are such a gas here!)


And yet, technically… it is a zoo.

I mean...yeah, it is.

Lovely to be out of the house doing something… ANYTHING, that felt normal and creative.

I totally get that!

I have many more AK photos I’ll share in this TR that highlight just how stellar of a job Disney does but I think you’ll agree the animals themselves are the stars of the show!

It really is a great park. I wasn't big on it to start, but it has really grown on me.

So.... what animal is your favorite on the Safari?

Well, the animatronic sleeping lion is a highlight. I just wish they had a real one. :rolleyes1

But I'd probably pick the tiger. A bit more exotic, just as powerful, and it's on the best trail in the park.
his is very true. Also applies to information in general (better too much than too little).
So true!

You can say this about a lot of the rides.

But most especially POTC

I know Michael Giacchino (has worked on many Pixar movies) did the music for the California Space Mountain, but I don't think they use it in Florida.

HUH! I'm not sure at all if the soundtracks are the same at the rides, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were different. Someday I'll get to go back to DLR and check for myself.

I'm actually fine with cooking, it's cleaning up afterwards that I hate. I need the robot for that.

Ok! Very good point!

Yeah...not my favorite theme, either. Rumor has it they might be doing a refurb of the theme at some point (again).

No. WAY! :lmao:

I agree with that. It feels like an overreaction, and it's one of the best-themed rides at Disney World. But I also believe they could so some neat things with the Tiana theme

It does feel like a multi-million dollar overreaction- I just hope, like you, the multi-millions of dollars are completely over-the-top in better. Because tbh, it's gonna be hard to top what they already have. :(

I mean...yeah, it is.

But every other zoo I know of doesn't have an FOP.

It really is a great park. I wasn't big on it to start, but it has really grown on me.

It's really come into its own. Pandora was a stellar addition and I think the landscaping grew up and made it just.... better. I know a weird statement, but I think it's true. When we went in 2000, it was hot, and gross.

Well, the animatronic sleeping lion is a highlight. I just wish they had a real one. :rolleyes1

But I'd probably pick the tiger. A bit more exotic, just as powerful, and it's on the best trail in the park.

Know what, I think the tiger is really awesome too. I got an AMAZING shot of him coming up on my Trails Chapter.
H is for: Hanging Around in Hollywoodland!

The day dawned. Hmmm, actually, nope, it hadn’t dawned at all yet. But it was a new day and we had BIG plans! Let’s give a big Hooray for Hollywoodland and get moving. But! Not before getting a boarding pass. Might I just roll up my sleeves and put on my big fat bragging pants? Up at 6:00, showered, dressed, and otherwise readied, our fingers were twitchy and poised over the "Join" buttons at precisely 6:58 where we proceeded to push hard refreshes for a solid 2 minutes. Our prowess paid off and we scored 2 tidy Boarding Passes in Group 4. Mik was the faster of us and within literally 3 seconds, they were gone. All of them. So, traveler beware, this is going to be a stressful 2 minutes if getting on Rise is on your Must-do list. However, THIS chapter is not about visiting Batuu or the Black Spire. Instead, this intrepid duo is headed right into Andy’s backyard for some rootin’ tootin’ fun with all the toys and games.

As I said, we were up and out VERY early. Very. I already knew we’d be taking a Lyft, as we’d been warned that by the time the ‘Liner was up and running the lines and crowds would be very long and it would not open in time to get us there ahead of the bus crowds. Here’s where we got quite possibly the #1 tip of the trip, and it came from none other than our Lyft driver. The parking lot doesn’t open until 30 minutes before park opening and the Ride Share drop off isn’t available until park opening. That was NOT going to do it for our eager little hearts. Instead he suggested, we get dropped off at the Beach Club Resort and make the quick walk from there. That way we’d beat ALL the crowds. Little did we know how overly accurate this would be. Tipping generously for the tip, we set out in the frigid air, hot packs and mittens deployed, hoping to warm up with a brisk walk. Dawn’s first light was still blue as we arrived at the holding area where we had a nice LONG chat with an older security gent. All by ourselves for about 30 minutes we shivered and wondered why there was no sign of opening at 7:30 like so many on the interwebs had been saying. Around 7:40 others with the same intel and strats started to line up and the Skyliner started gliding overhead and ran for quite sometime before passengers started disembarking. I passed the time by admiring a lovely Florida sunrise.

By then, around 8:00, we were finally led to the temp screening tents to wait some more, but still no sign of any park opening. WTH?! At least we were first in line. So, we stood around, freezing to death. But that wasn’t the worst part.

“Mom, WHY are we here so early?” “The people you got your information from don’t know what they’re talking about!” “I could have been sleeping!”. “I thought you said the parks opened at least half an hour before they said.” You get the idea…. Anyone who has or had a kid knows this routine. I stood my ground and reassured her the wait, even a cold one, would be well worth it. At 8:25 (25 minutes past official posted opening time!) they let us in. Our plan of attack was to go with what Touring Plans laid out and they said, provided you have a boarding group, bypass SW:GE where everyone else is headed and swing right to Toy Story Land. So we did.

(Blurry photo but love the hat tip to Emeryville, CA where Pixar is located!)

(Always makes me giggle)

Slinky was the obvious destination, and we rode that bad boy within 10 minutes of park opening. We could have done it twice with a 30-minute wait (yep, those folks who rode the ‘Liner or drove ended up two steps behind us, the Early Risers!) but instead we hopped across to TSMM and took the first car of the day. The CMs were so happy that they finally had some riders. One reminisced that TSMM used to be the top spot but has drifted off into the "used toys section" and I could detect a hint of melancholy. It was here, however, that I gave my daughter a sound spanking by winning by tens of thousands over her. It was a glorious victory and I wasted no opportunity to revel in my triumph by making sure to rub it in a few more times. Don’t worry, she found her own glorious payback a few days later. :rolleyes: I was just happy that I leveled up from all my previous tries.

The Plan said to hit up The Falcon and RoTR (which we did, sort of) next, but I’m going to skip on past that for the time being, leaving all things SW:GE for another time. Let’s instead hop on over to the new, the exciting, the zany Runaway Railway!! It was new to us both and I was pretty eager to see what the Imagineers presented, especially having met Charita Carter, one of the lead Imagineers on the project. Once upon a time there was a thing called the Pacific Northwest MouseMeet held annually in Linwood, Washington for about 20 years. I attended a couple of them with Karilynn ( @pkondz were you at that one too?) and Charita gave a nice long talk about her professional journey with Disney and gave us some cool previews of MMRR and her part in Imagineering it. So, there was an added anticipation to see the final product moreso than any other attraction I can remember. What did I think?

(Side note: If you have a chance, Google Charita Carter and read a bit of her life story. It's unequivocally inspiring!)

********************************** SPOILER ALERT!!! ****************************************

(The light fixture geek rearing its amused (Mickey) head.)

Well, I thought the line was long. Mik and I waited almost an hour in a queue that wove back and forth in the outside plaza for miles. Once we got inside there were some cute posters and remnants of the classic Chinese Theater but I have to be honest, the queue in general is boring as hell. Moreover, the transition from elegant Chinese Theater to zany, animated everything was extremely jarring.

Finally, we go onto our train and took our crazy spin through Cartoon World which I will admit was really, really fun and well done. Each scene was unique and the trackless ride system is always a blast. I won’t give much more verbose commentary but simply leave you with a few images I snapped along the way. Goofy is a fantastic conductor and I’d gladly take another ride with him any day!

By then we’d built up a hefty appetite and needed some hearty food to fuel us for more fun. I’d had my heart set on Woody’s as I’d still not tried that one, so we pulled up Mobile Ordering on the app and placed our order. Unfortunately, the soonest pickup time was 10:30 and it was only 10:00. I super didn’t want to just stand around for 30 minutes waiting on some Tochos!! It wasn’t enough time to ride anything but seemed too long to just loiter. Fortunately, the kind CM overheard our dilemma and asked for my order number. He was able to “force” our order and in about 5 minutes we were allowed into the eating area, had picked up our order of Tots, and were happily munching away on the best QS breakfast at ANY park. Yes, I realize these are on the lunch menu and most wouldn’t want this at 10:00 AM, but this is how we roll, and we raved about them all day. So much in fact that we got them again later in the trip.

Totchos- Potato Barrels coated with Beef and Bean Chili, Shredded Cheese and signature Queso with Tomatoes and Corn Chips finished with Sour Cream and a sprinkle of Green Onions $8.99

As a side note, there were several QS places in the parks that did not allow anyone in the area unless you had an order. So, if you were just looking for a place to sit and relax, your choices are a lot more limited. Tummies amply satiated, it was time to hit up “the other side” of the park which I will also wait on for another day. Suffice to say, this was an incredibly efficient, fun, perfect start to our very full day. And with that, I’ll wrap it up until I see you again.

I’m a little bit behind here! I had a disboard hiatus but like any good show pre-Netflix - I now have a bunch of posts I can binge!

How lucky you guys had such an informative Lyft driver. When I went last in 2019 we had many drivers who had no idea where to drop us off, we had one literally say “I know nothing about Disney”. As a ride share in Orlando you think you’d brush up on these things.

Also, I agree with the CMs about TSMM. I’m so sad that it seems to have fallen to the way side for most. I still love it and think it’s such a fun ride for the whole family.

And I’d definitely eat tachos for breakfast. As a night shifter there isn’t much I won’t eat in the morning. Cheeseburger at 8 am? Sure!!
Can’t wait to read on about SWGE!


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