That one moment **TISSUE ALERT**

In March of 2011 my boyfriend and I decided to make a quick overnight trip to Magic Kingdom for St. Patrick's day. We only lived 3 hours away, so it was not a big deal. It was during this trip that we started talking very seriously about moving to the Orlando area. He's originally from a town about 30 mins away and really wanted to get back, and I wanted to be closer to the magic. Fast forward to March of this year and we've been living in Central Florida for a few months now. One night we decide to drive down and watch Wishes because we haven't been to WDW since we moved up here. We park at the TTC and take a monorail over to the Contemporary to watch from the viewing area. We're standing there watching the Magic, the Memories and You show and it hits me that a year ago I was dreaming about doing this and now I'm here. I cried for the entire showing of Wishes, which I've never done before. Tomorrow afternoon my mini vacation weekend officially begins and will be my first trip ever with annual passes. That moment has become my "happy place" when things get crazy. I just picture myself back on that balcony with my boyfriend's arms around me and I'm instantly at peace. It will always be my favorite Disney moment.
Haven't even gotten half way through yet, but I just feel the strong need to tell my story. it's not anything grand in my opinion but here it goes.

The year I turned 16 we lost 3 figureheads in my family (grampy, great aunt and aunt), and my dad also suffered a heart attack (thankfully he made a full recovery) which combined with my leaving school exams (HS ends at 16 in the UK) obviously had a massive negative effect on myself and my family. In the year following (2009) I became desperately unwell with severe anxiety and panic attacks. by the time I turned 18 I was on my way to the person I was before. This has nothing to do with Disney you say. Well I don't remember much of being ill but I remember watching the wdw holiday planing DVD on replete almost every day and if gave me hope to look to the future, to dream of a day when I was better and happy again. By the time our holiday came in Christmas 2010 I was a much better person. I'll never forget my first ever time at MK. We arrived in the first night exactly as wishes was starting and as soon as I saw the castle it lit up like a star and fireworks bust over head and wishes was blasting. I began sobbing just remembering how much I had looked forward to this moment and the person I was now compared to a year ago. My mum just held my with the biggest smile on her face, knowing that this was MY wish come true (I know seeing her child in such a state and she could do nothing to help really took its tole on her). It's something that will never EVER be lost in my memories. Disney has become my symbol for looking to the future and for believing that wishes, even at time when the world seems most dark, can cause a spark inside you that will never go out.

Wow that was a long story =] also that trip we got picked to be in the AK parade and if anyone wants to hear THAT magic moment just let me know ;)
Haven't even gotten half way through yet, but I just feel the strong need to tell my story. it's not anything grand in my opinion but here it goes.

The year I turned 16 we lost 3 figureheads in my family (grampy, great aunt and aunt), and my dad also suffered a heart attack (thankfully he made a full recovery) which combined with my leaving school exams (HS ends at 16 in the UK) obviously had a massive negative effect on myself and my family. In the year following (2009) I became desperately unwell with severe anxiety and panic attacks. by the time I turned 18 I was on my way to the person I was before. This has nothing to do with Disney you say. Well I don't remember much of being ill but I remember watching the wdw holiday planing DVD on replete almost every day and if gave me hope to look to the future, to dream of a day when I was better and happy again. By the time our holiday came in Christmas 2010 I was a much better person. I'll never forget my first ever time at MK. We arrived in the first night exactly as wishes was starting and as soon as I saw the castle it lit up like a star and fireworks bust over head and wishes was blasting. I began sobbing just remembering how much I had looked forward to this moment and the person I was now compared to a year ago. My mum just held my with the biggest smile on her face, knowing that this was MY wish come true (I know seeing her child in such a state and she could do nothing to help really took its tole on her). It's something that will never EVER be lost in my memories. Disney has become my symbol for looking to the future and for believing that wishes, even at time when the world seems most dark, can cause a spark inside you that will never go out.

Wow that was a long story =] also that trip we got picked to be in the AK parade and if anyone wants to hear THAT magic moment just let me know ;)


Yes, please. I would like more.
pampam said:

Yes, please. I would like more.

Okay well that same trip (1st and only so far) there where 11 of us (extended family trip) and me and my 3 cousins where all playing with chip and dale at AK for ages. when me and cousin DC16 finished we where approached by a cast never who struck up a conversation whilst our parents where still taking photos etc. she said there seemed a lot of us and where we staying for the parade, we said yes, then started pointing as if counting us and asked were the last person was (my aunt was off to the side) DC16 pointed out her mum and the CM made a B-line for her. I'll never forget because my cousin them started freaking out thinking she was in trouble for sitting on the railings, rattling on about being kick out of Disney, it was so funny. Some time later we where waiting around for my aunt because none of us ha a clue what was happening. She eventually ran over waving some paper at us screaming "were in the parade!!!!". Needless to say we all thought she was nuts xD but it turned out to be the truth and we where all invited to sit on MICKEYS float during the jingle jungle parade!!! We where so shocked as the youngest of us was 10, then it gapped to 16. Goes to show disney is for children if ALL ages. This was my first ever time on Disney and my first time in AK. it goes without saying that made the entire trip, not only for me but all my family. Id put the photos up but I'm on my phone =/ it was so much fun, and I think she chose us because we where truly enjoying Disney for disney's sake, for ourselves. it truly was a magical trip. (ESPECIALLY since we where snowed in at the airport, had our trip canceled, then payed an EXTRA £200 per head to go for 5 LESS days that we had booked!)
Anytime I see interaction between a special needs person (especially a child) and a character I tear up.

I love all of these posts - it is one of the reasons I keep going back.
Reading! I'm on page 15 and supposed to be writing a 15 page essay that's due on Wednesday! (Sadly it's not about Mickey Miracles) I'm going to post my own story, then finish my essay. Reading the rest of this thread will be my reward.

From our trip in Nov '11:
On our first day, our DDP was screwed up by our travel agent wrt to our DD10 who was booked as 9. In a rare Disney snafu, it took hours to sort that during which my husband had a panic-which-he-thought-was-a-heart-attack and ended up in hospital as a precaution. He insisted we go to DDs birthday dinner at Chef Mickey's while he was being observed. The manager of Fort Wilderness drove us to the restaurant, checked in on us and DH several hours later and the next morning arranged to have balloons, a signed 8x10 of Mickey and co. and a gift bag full of s'mores ingredients for nighttime campfire sent to our cabin.

At dinner my DD was down, as you can imagine knowing Dad was in hospital, but Minnie came out and delivered her birthday cupcake with some HB ears and a reluctant smile finally turned into a genuine one.

As a final touch of magic, despite having travel insurance (we live in Canada), we never received a bill from Sunrise Hospital, the ambulance company or any of the doctors.

Reading! I'm on page 15 and supposed to be writing a 15 page essay that's due on Wednesday! (Sadly it's not about Mickey Miracles) I'm going to post my own story, then finish my essay. Reading the rest of this thread will be my reward.

From our trip in Nov '11:
On our first day, our DDP was screwed up by our travel agent wrt to our DD10 who was booked as 9. In a rare Disney snafu, it took hours to sort that during which my husband had a panic-which-he-thought-was-a-heart-attack and ended up in hospital as a precaution. He insisted we go to DDs birthday dinner at Chef Mickey's while he was being observed. The manager of Fort Wilderness drove us to the restaurant, checked in on us and DH several hours later and the next morning arranged to have balloons, a signed 8x10 of Mickey and co. and a gift bag full of s'mores ingredients for nighttime campfire sent to our cabin.

At dinner my DD was down, as you can imagine knowing Dad was in hospital, but Minnie came out and delivered her birthday cupcake with some HB ears and a reluctant smile finally turned into a genuine one.

As a final touch of magic, despite having travel insurance (we live in Canada), we never received a bill from Sunrise Hospital, the ambulance company or any of the doctors.


WOW...what a way to start a vacation. So glad to hear the magic was there for you! :wizard:
WOW...what a way to start a vacation. So glad to hear the magic was there for you! :wizard:

I cannot aptly convey how afraid I was when Dh said "I think I'm having a heart attack", it was just surreal. From what I understand many who experience their first panic attack react the same way.
So thankful it all turned out as it did!
On our last trip, watching a young boy with down syndrome speak to Belle. He had the bigget smile on his face and she was very sweet to him.

And watching my oldest meet sleeping beauty, her favorite.
I love this thread! Let's get it going again... I'm a CM so I've seen and heard tons of awesome heartwarming stories. I'll just start with a few favorites, from others as well as myself (this is going to get long!!)

- I'll start with one of my own as a guest. It's simple, but so special to me. My last night of my college program, after a day already so filled with emotion and tears and goodbyes, I stood in Magic Kingdom to watch Celebrate the Magic and Wishes with my friends. I was doing okay, until I realized that I was standing here in the happiest place on earth, with all my best friends, watching the fireworks show that makes me cry on a NORMAL day. I immediately lost it and we all stood there holding hands and crying. By the end of the show I was literally crying so hard I could not see. After the finale we all just stood there hugging and crying. I'm sure some onlookers thought we were insane :rotfl: despite the tears, that was one of the happiest nights of my life and we had SUCH a great time being there together.

- okay, on to the guest stories: I have a friend that worked at Tony's Town Square Restaurant. They're used to seeing proposals and romantic dinners and things there, so it wasn't anything different one day when a couple walked in all giddy, wearing bride/groom ears and "just engaged" buttons. Everyone was congratulating them as they waited for their table. While the girl excused herself to the bathroom, the guy got up quickly and asked my friend for "a favor". He was holding a small box and asked if they could please arrange to have it brought out at the end of the meal, as a surprise for his fiancee. My friend obliged of course but jokingly asked, you already gave her the ring, what else could you possibly have in this box? He explained to her and the rest of the staff (who were now listening in) that they had just gotten engaged, but he was active duty and was to be sent off overseas in a few weeks. Inside the box was a glass slipper that he had gotten engraved with several dates important to them. He wanted her to have something to remember him by when he was gone for so long :blush: needless to say, the staff all had chills and tears in their eyes, and arranged for them to get the special "romantic table" (checkered tablecloth with a Lady & The Tramp backdrop usually used for proposals). It was, of course, a huge hit, and the girl was in (happy) tears at the end of the meal.

- Another friend works at Under the Sea in MK. One of the positions they have there is like the entrance greeter, where you basically just say hi to guests or blow bubbles as they come in. One day she was doing her thing, blowing bubbles at the kids walking by, when a little boy and his family come up. The boy was intrigued by the bubbles and kept reaching out for more. My friend quickly noticed he wasn't talking, and then that he was signing something to her in sign language. His parents told her he was saying "more" because he wanted more bubbles. She continued, and then looked up again to see his parents crying. It turned out that he had recently lost his ability to talk because of an illness, and had been very introverted and shy when he had once been excited and happy. She was the first person outside of his family that he had signed to :)

- and I'll end with another one of my own: one day when I was working at an outside greeter position, a friend and I saw a little girl and her family walking by. The girl was in a wheelchair, and was dressed in a Rapunzel outfit, with hair and a crown and all done up, the whole nine yards. We started talking to her and learned that she was confined to her wheelchair, but she was the sweetest little thing, so full of life and happiness just to be at Disney. My friend and I were both wearing these paper crowns we had made out of maps (......things like this happen on slow days) and the girl kept eyeing them so we asked her if she would like one. Of course she said yes so we gave her a crown and crowned her "princess of Disney World". She was, of course, thrilled, and we sat there with her making flowers and things out of maps and decorating her wheelchair, calling it a "carriage" and talking about how beautiful she looked. After a good 15-20 minutes of chatting we said goodbye - her mom was in tears, and the girl was happy as a clam. princess: It was amazing how much we were able to brighten up the day (especially for someone who probably can't do a whole lot at WDW) with so little effort.

And while it's awesome to see these things happen as a guest, I can definitely say that it's AMAZING for CMs too. I can attest for myself and for others that these guests have such an impact on us. While we deal with lots of crazy or rude guests during the day, the ones we remember are the special stories like this. These are the ones that remind us why we work for Disney. ♥
Thank you, kaelalala for sharing such awesome stories ... made my day!
Forgive me if I've posted this before, but it made such an impact on me.

After much heartache and trials DD was given a year left to live. The dr said to go ahead to WDW. It could happen there, it could happen at home, go make some memories. We were in the camera shop. I wanted to look at our photos on the photo pass. The lineup was long. As we wound our way through, a very special CM started talking to us. She ended up arranging for a special photo shoot, and printed out some of the photos on the card. The one DD had taken with Belle, she had Belle sign, and the same with Cinderella. With her managers permission, she had other CMs involved. Nothing captures memories and pieces of time like pictures. How could she have known that she was giving me priceless memories of DDs last days. I was hanging on by a thread, and she gave me such a treasured gift.

As it turns out the Drs were wrong. That was years ago, and DD is doing fine. Yes, she has her medical problems, but she is living a happy vibrant life, and enjoying life to the full. If I could hug that CM right now, I'm sure I would hug the stuffing right out of her. She helped me through a extremely difficult period of my life.
Such a beautiful story, pampam ... thank you for sharing it!

So very happy that your daughter is doing well! Completely agree with namvet66, God is Good!
One year POR was under refurb, and they placed me in the Dolphin. I was going solo on the land/sea package and so was done the parks fairly early and always headed back to the resort in the afternoon. The boat ride from Epcot and DHS were especially wonderful.

One afternoon, there were only about half dozen of us in the boat, with me in the back just enjoying that long leisurely ride back to Dolphin as the last stop.

A grandfather and granddaughter, no more than 5 or so, were sitting with me in the back and she asked her grandfather if they could sing their favorite song. He said yes, but she had to be very quiet so not to bother me. Of course, it was okay with me, but he insisted she do it quietly.

Well, she faced him, put her little nose up to his nose and they very quietly sang "Jesus Loves Me."

They got out at the BC stop and I proceeded on to the Dolphin. I made it as far as the sidewalk next to the dock and just lost cannot make up memories like that - they just happen.


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