TERRIFIC TEN! A Birthday Celebration at the WORLD!!!!

We perused our menus. Usually, when I go out to eat, I like to try things that I haven't tried before at that restaurant. This time was no different. No one else wanted to be adventurous though....Ladybug was the least interested in trying something new!


Fatdaddy wants chicken nuggets. As usual.

DH admiring his beautiful artwork!

Ta da! A Picasso!

The lady who served us brought all our serving utensils and took our drink orders. She was pretty nice, but kept forgetting little things throughout the whole meal. She also recommended that I try the shrimp and grits and, well, I'll explain how that went later.

For my meal, I made sure I ate a nice salad...I have to say that this was fresh and delicious. Can't remember the dressing, but I'm sure it was light since I'm not a fan of heavy dressings.

In the meantime, the kiddies were waiting for their food. I was a little miffed, because we had ordered the kids' food first, and told our waitress to bring their food first. Ah well. DH and I gave the kids some of our salad, but they were more interested in continuing the play that daddy had started...


Yes. He taught them everything they know.

Our drinks came. I got this deliciousness. It came with its own take-home jar! A ginger tea liquor thing. Really good. Smooth!

This was our appetizer. I felt like it would be a winner cause it was an artichoke flat bread (pizza). As soon as it came we dug in....and hated it. What in the world?!? It tasted so bland! How can you ruin flatbread??? Disappointed.

The kids' food finally came in. Ladybug enjoyed her bitty burgers. Aren't they cute???

Hubby got the grilled cheeseburger. Said it was really good! I nearly missed getting a pic of the fries, he was eating so fast!

Fatdaddy's nuggets/strips. Yum! Good as last time.

My dish. The shrimp and grits. HORRIBLE. Tasted like a mouthful of cream and butter. It even had a skin on the top! UGH. I have made/eaten MANY bowls of shrimp and grits and can tell with WITH AUTHORITY that these were NOT the real deal. How can you ruin shrimp like this??? To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I sent it back, and I don't normally do that.

Got this instead. A chicken with a sauce-thing. Very mediocre, very underwhelming--lack of seasoning, salt, and flavor. The chicken had an overcooked, burned taste and the mashed potatoes were gluey. I should have stuck with what I knew! All the Louisiana signature things were terrible. Sigh. I didn't send this back 'cause I had already done it already, but boy, I sure wanted to. Ugh.

Well, at least I got a souvenir to remind me to not expect Creole/Cajun cooking from the House of Blues anymore....((tears))

Well, let's try dessert. The kids got sundaes and I got this!

Pretty good...but I wanted something savory. The drink was kinda sweet, and with this cheesecake, well, you know. Hubby ate most of it.

The kids finished up their artwork, we paid our bill and left. Sigh. Everyone was happy, but I was sad that I hadn't enjoyed the meal. We looked around a bit,


and returned to the condo. Watched a family movie complete with popcorn and ordered a pizza for dinner. A good ending to the day.
You all look like you're having a blast! I'm curious about the train now; I might have to investigate, but somehow I think it'll still be a long haul from MI!

Good call on the non-park days. We never go long enough to really make that work, but I've been trying more and more to do half days in the parks, or at the very least take a looong break in the middle of the day. Commando gets a lot done, but it sure takes its toll!!

The teacups... I made my DH sick on our first trip. :rotfl: I had no idea he couldn't handle spinny rides! He should have said something when he saw me bracing my foot for more traction! And then my mom and I made ourselves sick the next time! :crazy2: Methinks my next ride on the teacups will be at a more sedate spin...

Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip!
You all look like you're having a blast! I'm curious about the train now; I might have to investigate, but somehow I think it'll still be a long haul from MI!

Good call on the non-park days. We never go long enough to really make that work, but I've been trying more and more to do half days in the parks, or at the very least take a looong break in the middle of the day. Commando gets a lot done, but it sure takes its toll!!

The teacups... I made my DH sick on our first trip. :rotfl: I had no idea he couldn't handle spinny rides! He should have said something when he saw me bracing my foot for more traction! And then my mom and I made ourselves sick the next time! :crazy2: Methinks my next ride on the teacups will be at a more sedate spin...

Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip!

oh, if you could, think about the train! i really liked doing the overnight thing because there wasn't any hassle with kiddies needing to go to the bathroom (all at separate times), being bored and restless, being focused on driving, etc. it was well worth it...and cheap! i do understand that michigan would be quite a stretch though.

we really enjoyed the trip better as a family with a slower pace. it was nice to stop, relax, and just enjoy each other's company, take naps and have an uninterrupted conversation with each other. during the school year with both parents teaching, homework, after-school activities and graduate school we sort of lose touch with each other. the kids really thrived in all the focused attention and we could all just....exhale.

and yes! those durn teacups. the things we do for our kids...:sick:
Hey there! Glad you came back! I know how grad school can be… My husband worked his tail off! But it's worth it on the other side!! :thumbsup2

THANK YOU for the head's up on those shrimp and grits- We lived in Hattiesburg, MS for two years (funny enough- while my husband was in grad school at Southern Miss) and they have some really good places there PLUS we were close enough to the REAL deal down in "N'awlins" (New Orleans for those not from the Coast). I can see the film on the top of that dish- YUCK! :crazy2: So sorry that you didn't enjoy your meal!

FatDaddy looks like he has just checked out of your picture taking! :rotfl: He's done!
Well, I have realized that I have probably been away far too long to keep interest up...sorry! I have thoroughly been enjoying my holiday season and was determined to do so this time. I do hope that all of you reading have had a pleasant holiday season as well and will share in wishing each other a very happy and prosperous new year! pixiedust:

I will go ahead and try to finish up this trip report so that I can give you the last little bit of what we did this past summer. Instead of doing the commando thing like we did the last time we visited Orlando, we decided to slow down the trip and only visit a couple of parks, as well as explore a bit of the "underside" of Orlando and Disney to see what we may have been missing. We spent a total of 8 days, 7 nights in Orlando and I must say that this trip was really wonderful! I am looking forward to the next vacation that we will spend in Orlando (2015) which will entail perhaps a trip to the 'Darkside' Universal and maybe a cruise! We were looking at Disney cruises, but with them being so HIGH, we turned our eye to Royal Caribbean and have been influenced by several trip reports we've seen about the cruise line. The kids love Shrek and all the Madagascar characters, so why not? We could sail 7 days for the same price (if not cheaper!) for the same 4 day sailing for Disney...hmmmmm. I know there is nothing like a Disney cruise (so I've heard), but since I haven't tried cruising at all before, I can't compare. Saving a dollar or two seems like a stronger possibility with RC. I'll keep you updated!

Anyway! So. We had spent several days just enjoying the area and loving the chance to unwind. On our last day, our train was leaving at 7:30 that evening so we just packed slowly and said good-bye to our lovely condo!



We decided to check our bags at the lobby for holding, spend our morning at the pool, shower there and meander out to the train station at our leisure. Checking out was easy--just stripped the beds and packed up the car! We settled our bill, dropped off our bags and headed off to get some food. Where shall we go?

How about near Winter Park?

There are several artsy, crafty places here that give you an opportunity to stroll, shop and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. We thought the area was really quaint and quite nice! It was about a 20 minute drive...a bit longer than I thought it would be, but not bad. More sights!






See what I mean? Neato....

OMG! Mom! We neeeeeddd ART.

So enough already. Where did we eat? Why, here, dahling.

I had found a Groupon for this place earlier and it gave a 20% discount on our meal. Sweet! The food was great! Hubs and I both got a steak sandwich...very good. The bread crust was crispy and not gluey inside. Steak was fresh and the cheese was properly melted, but not overwhelming. Yes. I am a foodie. The chips were house made!

My plate.

We sat outside. There were ceiling fans and there was a cool breeze outside (surprising, I know). It was about 85 degrees out, so the shade with a cold lemonade or sweet tea was pleasant. The kids enjoyed their meals too...ate every bit!

Ladybug got the macaroni and cheese...can I say WOW?!? That stuff was awesome. She let me have a taste and I was immediately jealous. Not a drop of velveeta...all provolone, swiss and perhaps a bit of fontina! Wonderful! :goodvibes Comfort food.

Fatdaddy got the chicken strips (surprise again!). These were excellent! Very crisp, well seasoned! The sauce on the top left was divine. He gobbled these. Munchkin got some too.

Lemonade to top off. Very fresh, homemade and just sweet enough with a tart finish. Best place we ate all vacation, hands down! I highly recommend it.

Okay...on to the next thing. The pool!
With our full bellies, we hobbled back to the car and made our way back to Orange Lake. We had kept our swimming necessities in the trunk and quickly changed in the locker rooms to spend our afternoon at the pool.

Hubby got his necessary.

And because drinking alone is dangerous, I joined him to keep him company.

Can you tell that I am in "The Zone"????

There were quite a few benches left, but they were mostly in the sun. I prefer the shadier spots, but they were hard to find! We moved a few times to get choicier spots.

More scenery


Sooner than we wanted, it was time to round up the kiddies, shower, and get ready to go. We retrieved out bags and packed back up.

The kids are not happy. Can I say that I wasn't happy either?

Back at the train station!

We checked the car back in, checked ourselves in, and settled in to wait. Our train would be leaving in about one half hour.

Amusing ourselves, getting ready for the trip home. Very quiet and peaceful inside. It was downtown, but we felt relatively safe.


So here's the thing....they let us know that the first part of the trip would be in a bus. They had scheduled repairs for the track up to Jacksonville, and we would board the train again at that point. No biggie, or at least we didn't make it into a big deal. We were still getting home.

Goodbye Orlando! Sniff.

The bus was comfortable and quiet. No weird smells from the back bathroom and no loud passengers. Our kids found other kids to talk to and play their dsi's with. Score. Hubby and I snoozed until we arrived at Jacksonville, 2 hours later.

All aboard!



The kiddies got themselves comfortable and started making the I'm hungry noises. I was PREPARED. Yes, I am THAT parent. I even offered some to nearby neighbors...had a man accept! He was really grateful. A college student on his way home and had no money. Been there, done that. I made him two.


With full bellies and the gentle rocking of the train, we soon fell asleep and arrived in the morning back in Cary, NC. Our van was waiting for us under a shady tree. Our vacation was over! But our memories would last quite awhile.


Thanks, Amtrak!



Bye, everyone! Thanks for reading! :wave2:
Oh Goodness! A train trip looks like SO MUCH FUN! :goodvibes May have to look into that one day. :lovestruc

Your kids are adorable!

Love the condo. While we LOVE staying on property, there are a ton of benifits to having 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen.
YAY you came back! I have been hoping you'd finish your story! :goodvibes

Down days are important and it's nice that you just relaxed your last day in Orlando. That steak sandwich looked amazing! I'll have to remember that if we get out into the city next time!

I hear you on the Disney Cruise prices, but they seem like a lot of fun. I know you can get good deals from time to time though… Keep your eyes out! But the RC cruise sounds good. I didn't know they had characters on those! :thumbsup2

That is so sweet that you offered food to that man. What a blessing you were to him. :goodvibes I like to pack sandwiches like that when we travel.
Oh Goodness! A train trip looks like SO MUCH FUN! :goodvibes May have to look into that one day. :lovestruc

Your kids are adorable!

Love the condo. While we LOVE staying on property, there are a ton of benifits to having 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen.

the train was really fun! i actually got the idea from other trip reports here on the dis. it was affordable, clean and safe, and it was a way to travel without all the worries of traffic. i highly recommend it. next time, we will probably drive though because our kids' legs are getting kinda long. :rotfl:

we did love the condo--i would love to stay at AK one day, but until we can score some points from an owner we will be offsite. i just can't justify the value difference.

and thanks! i think they're great too. i do know that i'm biased. :rotfl2:
YAY you came back! I have been hoping you'd finish your story! :goodvibes

Down days are important and it's nice that you just relaxed your last day in Orlando. That steak sandwich looked amazing! I'll have to remember that if we get out into the city next time!

I hear you on the Disney Cruise prices, but they seem like a lot of fun. I know you can get good deals from time to time though… Keep your eyes out! But the RC cruise sounds good. I didn't know they had characters on those! :thumbsup2

That is so sweet that you offered food to that man. What a blessing you were to him. :goodvibes I like to pack sandwiches like that when we travel.

hey francis6306! glad to see you stuck along! sorry that it took so long to get my rear in gear... :) i really do recommend that place we ate at...really great food and very friendly.

i would like to do a disney cruise, but if we go to universal next year (2015), it could tie in nicely with a royal caribbean cruise with dreamworks characters. they have breakfasts, parades, private islands and all the other stuff. no, it is not disney and i will have to try to not make comparisons, but 7-day versus a 4-day? for the same price??? not much of a hard decision for me.:rolleyes1
Great last day. This upcoming trip of ours I am looking to do other things too, but then I keep cramming more Disney into our schedule....I need to crack down and see my must dos
Great last day. This upcoming trip of ours I am looking to do other things too, but then I keep cramming more Disney into our schedule....I need to crack down and see my must dos


you know, i should probably ask you (off topic of course!) if you have ever done a royal caribbean cruise???? i have reviewed your disney cruises (which look amazing, by the way!) and wondered if you could give an overview of what you thought about each one. just wondering....:confused3

you know, i should probably ask you (off topic of course!) if you have ever done a royal caribbean cruise???? i have reviewed your disney cruises (which look amazing, by the way!) and wondered if you could give an overview of what you thought about each one. just wondering....:confused3

I haven't taken one yet,...but have worked with people who have.....you can message me or email me and I can tell you more than I can here.
Interestingly enough, after having re-read this trip report, I realize that I have to clarify that I didn't add in all the days that we were in Orlando...not that it's a big deal, but it may have been misleading. There are some missing points (one day, I think!) that we just lazed about and that I neglected to add in. For what it's worth, this trip was a lot more enjoyable overall because we just took it slower to enjoy all the things we wanted to do. Trying to see everything was a mistake the last time, and we were determined not to do that again. Such a great trip! Can't wait to start another ticker and plan another trip to Orlando, especially with all the SNOW that has been bombarding everyone this season!
been looking at the cruises again, but i'm thinking of going back to WDW during spring break next year. maybe i'm crazy since it's so busy at that time, i've heard, but it might be cooler. i'm remembering the weather during the times we've gone in the past. maybe i'm getting older???? :confused3
been looking at the cruises again, but i'm thinking of going back to WDW during spring break next year. maybe i'm crazy since it's so busy at that time, i've heard, but it might be cooler. i'm remembering the weather during the times we've gone in the past. maybe i'm getting older???? :confused3

it was crazy busy the week in March I was there this year. I am not sureI will do it again....I need more time to forget those crowds. LOL
@choppee What a gorgeous family, can't wait to see your Christmas trip! Will you be doing a PTR as well? We're not headed back to the World until September of next year, so it is really neat to see how other families enjoy Disney World! :D


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