Teresa's WISH Jouranl (Comments Welcomed)

Thanks Beth! I'm going to need all the help I can get at this point.

I have been so good the past few weeks and then last night I went out with the girls from work for a couple of drinks and some appetizers. I know I didn't do bad, but the scale was up 2 pounds this morning, so I scrapped WW and just went to the gym. I don't think I can handle another gain after finally having a loss last week. This makes it 3 weeks in a row that I haven't stayed for a meeting and I know I need to start going back on a regular basis or I'm never going to get to goal.

The kids and I are off today, so I'm going to do some housecleaning and then I'm having lunch with some of my WW friends. I'm hoping they can smack me around a bit so I can get my crap together.

I need to just keep things together this weekend, drink my water and hope this water will flush out. Just finishing up with TOM, so I'm hoping by Sunday I'll be back down.
Lunch with my WW friends was nice and it made me feel better when I found out they were going through the same stuff I am. I knew I would hit that plateau someday and I'm happy that I didn't hit it earlier in my weight loss. Last night we had happy hour at our neighbors. I had two drink and veggies, then lots of water, so I was happy with my self. This morning I finally had that WHOOSH I've been waiting for and was happy to see 146 on the scale this morning. About darn time :rolleyes:

Today I got to sleep in a bit and did some laundry. I made a big pot of veggie soup yesterday, so I had that for lunch and dinner tonight. I've been drinking tons of water, so if I'm really lucky, I might see another loss by tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Well it's been an exhausting week and I'm glad tomorrow is Friday :cool1:

So this past week, I've been eating my veggie soup and watching my points. Wednesday I had a good weigh in and lost 1.4 pounds for a total of 62.8 pounds. I was only .2 away from my top range for my weight (145), so I was pretty happy. I still have two weeks before I technically need to declare my goal, so I'm just going to wait and see how it goes. I've been so impatient lately, so I won't be suprised if I feel like declaring it next week if I lose again.

I'm only 10 pounds away from my 135 personal goal, so I'm pretty pysched about that. Just to see the 130's will be thrilling.

In 3 weeks, Nick and I will be flying to San Francisco for my 20th high school reunion. I can't wait to go since at my 10th year, I just had Katie and was weighing in the 190's easily, so I'll be feeling really great about myself. Figure I'll get my hair trimmed and I'll color it before we leave. Don't want to be seeing any grey hairs ;)
Hi Tera,

You are so close to your goal. I am so proud of you. You will knock their socks off at the reunion. The 130's are right around the corner.

Take care,
Thanks Beth! I'm really starting to feel that I have done it. :flower:

Yesterday I blew off spin class and slept in till 6:00am instead. I was really tired (and sore from the previous days class), I thought I deserved a little break. I was very excited when I got on the scale and saw 144.5. If I had waited till Friday to weigh in, I would have made goal. I still have 2 more weeks before I'm going to declare.

Work was busy, but food good. I had 11 points left going to Happy Hour last night and think I did well. I had a couple of small drinks (mostly diet sprite with some raspberry vodka). I had a large salad and a chicken skewer and then a small slice of carrot cake.

I drank my water last night and will again today. The scale said I was up to 146, but I know that will be down by tomorrow. I just can't wait to see those 130's.... only 5 more pounds :goodvibes

I got my Halloween costume in the mail today. I thought since it was a large (10-12) it might be too big, but the pants fit perfect, but the top was HUGE. I'll have to take it in a LOT. It's a Harem girl (belly dancer), so I think it'll be cute. I need to get some accessories for it still.

Today I will be starting to decorate my house for Halloween. A lot of the stuff is for our party, so those won't go up till the week before. I can't wait :Pinkbounc
Hi Tera,

144.5 :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: You GO GIRL!!!!! :cheer2:

I replied in my journal, here it is in case you don't stop by for a while:

Tera-- yes, I was desparate to get my LT WI before our at-work session ended so I did the protein (lean meats) and veggies for (I think) 3 or 4 days prior to WI. ITs really just a trick to drain the water out of your body that it usually holds onto to process carbs. (That's the standard whoosh low carb diets give you). GOOD LUCK! :cheer2: :wizard: :cool1: :banana: :bounce: I can't wait to celebrate with you. We've been at this together for a long time!

Love the costume idea!

Thanks Sunny - I'm trying to stay away from the bread right now and hopefully that'll help a bit.

I was very happy to see 143.5 on the scale this morning, so eating my veggie soup and drinking my water over the weekend really paid off. I'm only .5 away from my 65 pound clippie. I'm really hoping for that on Wednesday :wizard:

Today I went to the gym and worked mainly on weights. I really need to get these legs of mine toned.

Food has been good: Vitamuffin & FF milk for breakfast; carrots & ff yogurt w/ fiber one for snack; veggie soup & light string cheese for lunch; Lean cuisine for dinner and a healthy choice ice cream for dessert. Total points: 14 points. Still leaves me 6 more, but probably will only use 2 of those.

Tomorrow morning I will go to Spin Class before work. After work, I need to finish up on getting the house decorated for Halloween. Only 25 more days till our party :cool1:
Looks like you are doing an awesome job Tera. Congrats on the continued weight loss. Isn't it nice when you can finally see the results yourself - that has been the best satisfaction - when I can see it!!!!! Keep up the good work.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Chris...

It's been a busy week, but I've been staying on target and today at WW, I lost 2 pounds :cool1: I missed my 65 pound clippie by .2, but I'm thinking I'll have that by next week. I also went ahead and set goal today even though I'm not exactly where I want to be. 6 more weeks and I'll be at lifetime and hopefully at my goal of 135.

Off to work I go... I'll update later
Things have been going well and I'm happy that I made goal on Friday. I know I still have 8 more pounds for my goal, but I feel like the pressure is somewhat off. Friday night we went to Happy Hour at the neighbors and I think I did okay. I had two drinks, lots of veggies, some light chips with salsa and then 1/2 shredded pork sandwich and fries. I know those weren't the best choices, but I kept the portions small, so I think I was okay. I drank my water before bed and Saturday, I was up 1 pound, which is okay.

Yesterday I spent most of the day finishing up my Halloween decorations. I made another pot of veggie soup to take to work during the week, but last night, Nick ordered pizza. I had 3 slices of think crust w/ veggies and it was SO good. I can't believe how long it's been since I've had pizza. I had a small bowl of veggie soup to go with it and was plenty full after. I did make room for 1 WW ice cream for dessert. I thought for sure the scale was going to be up, but to my surprised, it was DOWN to 144, so only .5 up since Friday morning. So today I'm having my soup, drinking my water and going SHOPPING :banana:

I'm shooting for a 1.2 loss this week, so the next few days I'll stay on target.

Thursday after work, Nick and I are heading to the airport and flying out to San Francisco for the weekend for my reunion. I know there will be a lot of eating out, but I think as long as I make good choices and drink my water, I'll be okay. I'm planning to take my running shoes and get some exercise in when I can.

We're expecting our first "snow" tomorrow, so it's cold here :cold: I'm going to do a little shopping (need a outfit for the reunion) and watch a little football today.

Went shopping with my friend this afternoon and found a great dress to wear for my reunion, size 8 :banana: and it was only $25.00 :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc Gotta love that :flower:
Hi Super shopper Tera,


You are amazing. I am so proud of you.

Keep warm, sweetie,
Wow!!!! Size 8! That is fabulous! You have really done a great job. :cheer2:
Thanks Beth and MagicalMom - I'm planning on bringing my size 18 stretch jeans to my weigh in next week so everyone can see along with my "before" pictures. It's hard to believe how far I've come in the past year.

Well I went to WW and lost only .6 this week. A little disappointing, but was happy to finally get to that 65 pounds.

I've been doing well the past couple of days, eating my veggie soup and keeping within my points, but I can tell TOM will be arriving soon since I'm really REALLY craving chocolate lately, even more than usual. I'm glad I'll have it and be done before Halloween or I'd be in real trouble.

Tomorrow is my last day at work before Fall break. I can't wait to have 2 weeks off. Nick and I leave tomorrow night for San Francisco for the weekend, so I'm really looking forward to that. I'm just nervous about eating out as much as we probably will, so I need to make good choices. Sunday I need to stick with my points and drink water when I get home and hope by Tuesdays WI, that I'm back down. Since I've off, I get to go to my old meetings for the next two weeks. I really miss the people AND my leader. Two of my WW friends and I are going shopping after the meeting and then to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. We all love that place and it's easy to stay OP.

It's so exciting to see that I'm less than 8 pounds away from my goal :cool1:
Well I'm home! I'm really exhausted and will be heading to bed soon, but wanted to write a quick update to my weekend.

The trip was great and had realized it was our first "weekend" without our kids. We've done overnighters, but never more than 1 night. It was very nice ;) Our flight to San Francisco was nice because we got to sit in first class, but we got in very late and I was so tired. My reunion was a lot of fun and had SO many people compliment me on how I looked. I was surprised on how well most people aged after 20 years. There was just a few people that I had a hard time recongizing.

Food was okay, but I am expecting a "gain" for my weigh-in on Tuesday. I weighed when I got home and was up 6 pounds, so I'm hoping by tomorrow 3 of those will be gone. I made pretty good choices with food, but definitely had more alcohol than usual. Tomorrow I will be drinking my water and eating my veggie soup and hopefully by Tuesday, it won't be too bad.

I'm off to bed... I'll update tomorrow
Well Monday I was down to 145, but still up a few pounds from last week. My TOM started 2 days early, so I'm sure I'm up because of that too. I woke up with some sort of chest cold, so needless to say, I wasn't up for working out. I did spend most of the day cleaning my bathroom and bedroom, so I did get some kind of exercise in. By afternoon I was running a temperature, was in bed by 5:00pm. I tried to get some water in and was a sleep early.

Today I woke up not great, but not any worse. The girls had 8:00am dentist appointments, so we were all up early and out the door. The scale was down to 144, so at least that's working for me. With how bad I was feeling, I didn't make it to WW and think I will wait till the end of the week when TOM is all done. Today I spent most of the day and watched shows we taped while gone and just relaxed. Tomorrow I will go to the gym and if I'm still not 100%, I'll at least walk on the treadmill for awhile.

I'm hoping to be feeling somewhat better so I can finish up on getting the house decorated. Only 11 more days till our Halloween party. :cool1:
Hi Tera,

I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy and drink lots of fluids. Are you aching lost tonight?

Take care,
Thanks Beth - Feeling much better today. Still a little cough, but much better.

Well I went to WW yesterday and only lost .2 I was a little bummed, but considering what I ate last weekend on our trip, I'll definitely take the loss. Only 4 more weeks of maintenance and I'm there!!!!

Last night we went to Happy Hour at the neighbors and did okay with food. They had stuffed pasta shells and bread for dinner, which I had 3 slices of :blush: I also had 3 beers, but that 3rd one was BLAH :earseek: I drank my water today and was only up a little, so not too worried about it. Had my veggie soup today, so I know I'll be back down by tomorrow.

One week from today, it's party time. I still have so much to do this coming week and it will be nice when my brothers get here to help out.

I'll be going to WW on Tuesday and look forward to seeing my old leader.
Wow Teresa. I haven't been around WISH in quite a while but WOW.. 65 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :earseek:

That's fantastic! Congrats to you to being so close to goal!! You're an inspiration to those of us starting over (again!)
Thank you Desiree! It has been a long trip, but it has been well worth it. Just keep plugging away at it, celebrate the small achiements and be patient.

Well my WI today went well and lost 1.8 pounds. I'm at a total of 67.4 pounds, which blows me away that I'm so close to 70 pounds. Only 5 more and I'll be at my goal and in 3 more weeks, I'll be celebrating lifetime.

I'm off for lunch with some WW friends at Sweet Tomatoes. I love that place :teeth:
Tera you are really doing good. So glad to hear that you are almost near your goal - how very exciting!!!!!!!

Keep up the good work
Keep on :banana: :banana:


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