Terapin's Journal: 5 yrs running! Couch to Goofy, Fracture to Fab, Baby to Dopey. Comments welcome!

Thanks M!

So happy to report that today I am down 31# overall! Now sitting at a brand new decade: 239. BMI at 34.8! Happy with that change.

It has been so stupid hard to lose this weight. So pleased I have stuck with it, but gosh it has been a slog. TOtally worth it, as are most things that are hard, but I am proud of how hard I have worked.

Will keep going.

I wanted to lost 40 by my 40th (May 19th). With only 9 more to go this looks actually achievable! Then, I want to be in the 100s club, so 40 more from here for that goal. Then, I'm not sure. An ideal weight for me would be around 170, but that seems impossible. 190 was a good place for me - no chub, strong and fit. We shall see.

Well, today is my first day back from vacation. Gotta get moving! Thanks for all the support - you guys rock.

Exercise: Coach wants me to run for 30 minutes and immediately bike for 45 minutes afterwards for a total of 1.25 hours of high effort. Plus some core. My plan is to bike up to the Running Room, join my class for their run, and bike home + whatever it takes to get to 45 minutes. UPDATE: Biked 20 minutes up to the Running Room, did my run with the group + 10 minutes to = 30 minutes, then biked for 45 minutes. Grand total of 1000 cal burned says my Garmin! Woot!
Today I am having a hard day. Might be where I am in my cycle - just feeling out of sorts and discontent, feeling hard on myself. Feeling really lousy for getting overweight in the first place, and feeling like I can't do this. Like I will fail, because I am not capable of pulling this off.

Today is a rest day according to my coach and I am discovering that rest days are very anxiety-provoking for me. I feel like I am sliding backwards and not making progress. I feel worried about tomorrow's run, and doing ENOUGH to not go back where I started from.

It doesn't help that I am sleep deprived due to work. Bad combination.
Still feeling all mopey and disgusting, but picked myself up and dusted myself off and got out this morning. Started out for 5.5k before 6am (!) and did a reasonable run. Not fast. Having a pain in my shin - has been bothering me a few weeks. Planned for a course of Naproxen for a week - I am a terrible pill-taker as I keep forgetting so wouldn't say I have been at a therapeutic dose.

Planning to cycle to clinic and back: 6k each way.
Carolynn!! I am so confused, because I see you saying you wonder if you can do this and from where I sit you already ARE DOING IT!!! :-) You're right it is hella hard work, believe me, I know it, but you are so worth the effort. Never lose sight of that fact!!!

You're doing some amazing work, be proud of that and have a fantastic weekend!
Thanks Mike.

I guess I just didn't expect this journey to be emotional, too. And for me these last few days it is. I know that I am afraid to fail. I am afraid that this is the nadir for me of weight loss. I fear that I won't be able to run faster, run farther. I am going to keep going, I am going to keep going!

I'm not going for the bike ride as it is raining and I can't show up to clinic looking like a wet cat. I will try to get out tonight on the bike, or do some cardio and weights if I cannot. UPDATE: In addition to 5.5k run this am I also did 30 minutes core.

Thanks for the support.
Today was a house-focussed day working outside cleaning winter debris around outside. Lots of time with DH which was nice. Bought my eldest a bike for his 14th birthday.

Busy day so I only got in a 30 minute/7k bike ride.
Good afternoon!

Today was a good day: ran 5.5k and cycled 8k right afterwards for a total time of 1:15:00 of exercise.

My coach did an amazing job today: ran his 30k race (not even a flat course!) in 2:08:30! OMG that is fast.

This week I have cycled 46k and run 21k, both for 3.5 hours each this week. Also did an hour of core. Yee haw.

Now must battle Costco crowds for week's supplies. Gonna pick up some good food and try not to be run over.
Good morning Carolynn!!

Glad you've kept going!! This is definitely an emotional journey we're all on and it sneaks up on us when we least expect it sometimes. I've even read some articles about the hormones that get trapped in fat cells being released when we lose weight causing our emotions to fly all over the place. You are doing great though, looks like you are still keeping your head up and above water regardless of how deep things are getting!!

Hope that the Costco crowds were not too wild!!
Have a great Monday!
Good afternoon!

Today I'm not running or biking - just going to do some core and cardio and weights at home.

Tomorrow is a big hike with my trainer up a large, steep hill. It was supposed to be today but I got bumped (with permission) for a hot date. It's ok, it is cold out anyhow!

Was so super stoked today: went to buy new pants and fit into a 16!!!!! Three different pairs fit! Bought 2 XL tops. This is huge because last summer I was a size 22/24 (mostly 24) and a 2X/3X!

So happy! Sweet hubby said: they don't even look too tight! They are pretty snug though, but what is the purpose of buying something that is a bit loose now (which the 18s were)? I plan to be down 10 pounds this spring.

Anyhow, feeling good!

Exercise: 20 minutes core + 20 minutes upper body.
So, my trainer has banned me from the scale to get rid of negative thoughts and actions. Whatevah. I'm allowed to weigh in every two weeks. Like I will tell skinny him what I weight! But anyways, to get my external validation of the day, I measured myself and was gobsmacked at the results. I measured again and again, but doubt that they could be so:

Hips: 48" (down 2" in three weeks?!?)
Waist: 42" (down 1.5" in three weeks?!?)
Bust: 49.5 (down .5" in three weeks)

Thrilled that everything is in the 40s now! Still surprised that I can fit into size 16 with these measurements. I think clothes are bigger.

I have been super active and working on core a lot, but wow. Don't expect that I will see this kind of jump again. I'm stumped because I haven't lost that much weight this month, only about 5#. I guess 5# is a lot of fat (when you visualize 5# of butter) and the core is good for toning. Any way you slice it, YAY!!!!
Other than the measurement happiness, today sucked.

First, my trainer cancelled for the second time this week. The first was for a date, and he asked nicely, but he also cancelled today for essentially a busy life. Now, I never asked him to commit to one particular day or anything, but this week has been sucky emotionally and it would have been very helpful to have his support. Not only that, but he has been a bit MIA in planning my workouts and I have had to wing it. Not super happy, but whatevah. What can I do? I don't pay a lot, and certainly have gotten superb support previous weeks, so I am giving him slack. But I am getting aggravated as my race is only 7 weeks away and I feel like I am treading water. I hope that he steps back up to helping me because I NEED IT!!!!!

Today's run sucked. I only went 3.75km in 30 minutes. So while my time was ok, my shins and calves were very sore. I would have liked a longer run but I was done. I have one really sore spot on one shin that isn't getting better. I think it is just soft tissue, but I made an appointment with the sports med MD I saw in November or December to get it checked out. Unfortunately, that appointment isn't until April 26th.

I also had to see our business accountant today and while there was good news, I hate seeing the accountant and preparing for tax season. It is worse than the dentist.

The house is a mess. Ugh. It is back to cold outside again, after a tease of spring.

My trainer rebooked for tomorrow at 0815 so I hope it is a good session for me. Emotionally I have been low - this journey is unsettling and emotional. It was better when I had more interaction and feedback from my trainer, but maybe I need to be more independent. I dunno.

--30 minutes running, 3.75km.
--will do 20 minutes core.
Good day!

Today I went on a 7k run/hike with my coach in the forest, including one stretch called Suicide Hill. We got good and muddy, and waded knee-high through a freezing stream. Was good. My coach and I have a great time chatting: we're both frank people so we get into good and in-depth chats! It was good to be back to having my coach's attention.

I'm going to run a 5k race this weekend. I usually run about a 8 minute km - that is comfortable for me. More recently I have been under that for my longer 6-7k runs. My coach has challenged me to run the 5k in 7:00km, for a total time of 35 minutes. I protested and felt that that was too fast for me, but he wants me to try to achieve that. He says that he has been running that at the track, and in a race situation I should be able to up my game 45 seconds/km. I'd like to aim for 7:30/km myself, still quite a bit faster than I have been doing on my comfortable runs. I'm not sure. I may choose to pace out the first 2-3k at 7:30 and then do the last 2 at 7:00. I'm scared to go to fast!!!

On Friday my coach has me doing a tempo run, so that will be good preparation for Sundays's race. Tomorrow is a blessed rest day.

Today I am hungry. I have my first junkfood in 10 days: small mcdonald's fries with vinegar. They were yummy. Now back to being good.


7k hike/run with my coach
Will do 20 minutes core tonight.
Will do 15-20 minutes upper body weights tonight.
Good morning Carolynn! Glad to see you got back into it with your trainer. Hope you let him know how important the support is to you. And I am sure it was appreciated that you gave him some slack for a few days.

Emotions and support are things I have been wrestling with a lot myself this week. I partially chock it up to the downswing in the weather being like a big seasonal affective disorder hammer, lol!

Your race this weekend sounds exciting! Can't wait to hear how great you do!!!
Have a great day of rest!!
Thanks Mike!

Unfortunately today I laid around sipping tea pretty much. I have bronchitis. I can't stop coughing, especially laying down. I don't feel too sick outside of my lungs, other than being tired. However, I was up in the night at a birth so didn't get into bed until 330 and slept just til 10am. Hoping that tonight is quiet and I can feel better.

I'd like to go for a run tomorrow and a bike ride. I'm still deciding on the 5k race on Sunday. It will really depend on how I do tomorrow. A lot of friends are competing in it so would like to participate, too.

Today I did do 20 minutes of core, and will do 20 minutes of weights today as well.

I just hope that 2 days of rest hasn't affected my weight loss :-( I tried to eat sensibly, but did have a big chinese food meal yesterday (chose a vegetable dish, and egg foo young, but did have rice and an eggroll). I ate sparingly the rest of the day and had a very good breakfast, but it is weighing on me. Tonight was a large dinner but pretty good (steak, 8 pierogies, onions and mushrooms, and corn). The veggies were low fat. The pierogies aren't that good, but oh well. I did not eat any other carbs during the day aside from a grapefruit and 1/4 cup noodles. I will be very good over the next few days to make up for these crappier days. Other than these two days I have been quite controlled. Lots of fruit and veggies.

Feeling a bit panicky that these two days were slip ups that could cost me. Oh well, tomorrow I will be better and do better and keep on truckin'.
Finally got a run in. Still sick and coughing but surprisingly my lungs felt ok on the run. Ran 3k at 7m40/k which is good for me. Will try to get out for another 3 k this evening.

My shin is still very sore. Seeing a sports MD tomorrow.

Eating pretty well. Weight stable.

My boys had/are having birthday parties this weekend, so it is socially very busy. That's all for now!
I'm anxiously waiting to hear if you ran and if so, how did the race go? Enquiring minds want to know!
Thanks for asking - I didn't run the race :-( I wish it was today and not yesterday. I just wasn't feeling up to it with the bronchitis. I did do a short run yesterday and it went well.

Today I see the sports MD about my shin. Wish we luck! If I get the go ahead, I should be back on track.
Good evening!

Cleared by the doc. He said:
-calves too tight, try acupuncture or massage
-take magnesium to help with the muscle tightness
-take it easy for a couple of weeks with no big distance or speed increases
-consider new shoes - less structured than mine now. I was sold motion control shoes as I have exceedingly flat feet but the doctor said that research shows those highly constructed shoes don't decrease injury, they actually increase them, especially if they have a big 'ramp' at the back.

So I was a happy girl! Took my little who turned 5 today to the Lego store and celebrated him all day. Then had sushi lunch. Yum!

Did an approximately 6k trail run with my trainer over an hour. i seriously felt like vomiting at the beginning when we climbed a monster hill/cliff. It was so steep. My heart was pounding and I felt so bad. We climbed up a few more hills before resting. I so almost vomited!!! Then we did about a 3k run that was mostly flat in the woods and a farmer's field, then headed back down the hill/escarpment and ran a bit more through the woods. Was a good run, with good technical bits for a trail run. Did it at about a 10min km which wasn't bad considering how much climbing up and down there was. Would like to do it again now that I know what to expect.

Will do 20 of core tonight. TOmorrow I'd like to do a big bike ride and upper body weights.

So a good day all around!
Good morning!

Yesterday I biked 7k and did 15 minutes of core. A light day, and my trainer called me on it. :goodvibes

Today is my son's 14th birthday! We are headed to the Lego store (again!) and going out for a bike ride together, before lunch at a local restaurant. In our family the kids get to stay home on their birthdays and be celebrated.

I also will run today - I plan for 5k. I need to also do upper body weights and core. Hopefully my busy day will make my coach happy!

Weight is stable. I'm mid-cycle so not at the place I like to weigh myself. I feel like I am down maybe 2-3 pounds for the month but gotta wait until this water weight shifts with my cycle. Sorry if that's TMI for the guys! Us gals have to cope with bloating!
Good morning!

Yesterday I biked 7k and did 15 minutes of core. A light day, and my trainer called me on it. :goodvibes

Today is my son's 14th birthday! We are headed to the Lego store (again!) and going out for a bike ride together, before lunch at a local restaurant. In our family the kids get to stay home on their birthdays and be celebrated.

I also will run today - I plan for 5k. I need to also do upper body weights and core. Hopefully my busy day will make my coach happy!

Weight is stable. I'm mid-cycle so not at the place I like to weigh myself. I feel like I am down maybe 2-3 pounds for the month but gotta wait until this water weight shifts with my cycle. Sorry if that's TMI for the guys! Us gals have to cope with bloating!

GROSS! lol. Just messing with you. Sounds like you have a busy day planned!


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