Tell me your easy, yummy quick meals/recipes


DIS Veteran
Dec 15, 2014
so one of my obstacles to going running after work (beside the homework, sports and crazy 3yo) is making dinner. I always strive for a hot meal where every one is at the table, but meal prep cuts into my time to run and take care of everyone else. I'm looking for your best easy recipes that make your dinner prep a little easier. I do plenty of crock pot meals but I'm looking for some prep at night and pop in the oven, go for a run and it's done. Please share what ever you have!!
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HI! have a good one for you if you're down w/ some good for ya salmon:
*First of all when I have the time I throw half a dozen regular (or sweet) potatoes in the oven so I have them throughout the week and just reheat them when needed.
I make a salmon filet w/veggies in a foil pouch, bake it for 18-ish mins at 400degrees. I usually put whole grain mustard, dry dill, salt, pepper, Old Bay, Olive Oil and Lemon in a small bowl mix it up & rub it on the filet. Place a long foil piece on a small sheet pan, drizzle w/oil. I put down sliced onions and 2 large handfuls of fresh spinach and then place the salmon filet on top of the veggies. Salt & pepper everything one last time and wrap it up and seal like a little pouch. Throw in the oven (toss the already baked potato in too to heat) Done! Use any vegetables you like though, peppers, carrots, tomatoes...
When you take it out just check for the done-ness you like :)
I know this isn't healthy at allll....but

Weenie casserole
2 pkgs hot dog weenies (pref. Beef)
1 16ct pkg hot dog buns
Large can of chili (or homemade if it's lying around)
Shredded cheese to top (as much or little as you want)
Chopped onions if you want

Spray a 13x9 pan with spray Pam. Cut up all buns into quarters and fill pan. Cut up weenies into coin size pieces and sprinkle over buns. Spread can of chili on top of weenies. Sprinkle cheese on top as much as you like. You can also add chopped onions if so desired. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes
I cook extra on the weekends and also a couple nights during the week. We have sports and other stuff that runs over into dinner time. I've given up on preparing a meal on those nights and just pull out leftovers now. It's a lot easier to heat up food in the oven/microwave and we still get to eat as a family.

ETA: We also can food too. I have tons of spaghetti sauce, beef stew and taco meat canned in our pantry.
I second Ariel's recommendation of Skinnytaste. I have not made a single recipe of hers I haven't liked. She has a great variety of quick prep meals and slow cooker meals. One good one I like is her roasted sausage, peppers and potatoes. You chop bell pepper, yellow onion and potatoes and roast them after tossing with a quick olive oil and herb mixture. After 30 minutes you add some turkey or chicken sausage you've chopped and cook 15 more minutes.

Here's the link:
Thanks for all the great ideas and i'll definitely check out skinny taste. It's funny but sometimes i think my kids prefer the -lets just scrounge for dinner. It tends to be a fend for yourself situation - you eat what you can find when you can find it. I don't mind those nights, but it seems dinner time is the only time we can sit and connect without the all the distractions of life.
My problem is that I have a had time finding meals for everyone. Me and DD17 don't eat animals that breathe air.

That said I've heard a ton of great reviews about the Instant Pot
I love my slow cooker (US crock pot) most recipes will transfer to it and you can prep it when convenient then stick it on in the morning - chicken madras in mine for tonight!


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