Team 'Ohana--No One Left Behind: The Continuing Adventures

Corinna - like how you sneaked that debate in your post... ;)

WISH is an organization with growing pains. You cannot please all the people all the time... but its also a social message board - so people post their opinions, and people re interpret those posts in various degrees...

now take the BOT thread... is that a team? Could I join it? I sure would feel comfortable posting on it - but that's me - I tend to bulldoze my way in sometimes before I realize I may not be wanted.. (but always 'welcomed'! there is a difference!)

while reading the last page of debate on the team 2010 concept... all I thought of was how divisive the whole SHIRT debate came. We lost a few good posters on that... :rolleyes1 some even came back :rolleyes1

College PE (fye ed? roflol its fizz ed here!) I took racquetball -until I realized it was a 5AM class! seriously? In college! I took Bowling, tennis, oh how could I forget... roflol.... SQUARE DANCING!! (that was a fun class... good memories!) and alas I needed a 2 credit course and this weight conditioning class was a perfect fit - until I realized it was no bookwork, all running!

Virtual Valentine 5k I'm in - what about the rest of y'all??
WOW! This thread is moving fast. Just read through six pages. I need to check in more often so that it's not so overwhelming. Since returning from WDW I've had little motivation to restart into a workout routine. I came home from our trip exhausted. I spent the last two weeks trying to catch up on laundry, mail, paperwork and sleep!!! Haven't been too successful at any of those tasks. Hopefully I'll get myself in gear soon and get busy.

:welcome: to all the new cousins!!!

Allie - I think we had dinner together in Nashville – I remember you by a different name - are we not suppose to use your real name?

Sandy - did we speak briefly in Epcot during marathon weekend?

John, Rebecca, Christine – I hope I have the chance to meet you at a future race

:darth:Oh my - lots of sci-fi talk going on. I don't understand any of it. I don't think I'll ever be able to participate in those discussions. :confused:I have no idea what is being said.

Half Fanatics – looked at the site last Oct – just might have to join now that so many of you are members.

I am surprised to say that I really enjoyed the Goofy event this year. I said before that this would be my one and only marathon, so it was my only chance to do Goofy. Well, it wasn’t anywhere near as terrible an experience as I thought it would be. I didn’t like the weather on Saturday :eek:but Sunday was good for me. I prefer the cold over hot – just don’t like the precipitation. I actually enjoyed every mile of the marathon on Sunday. I felt great the whole way and was smiling until the end and beyond. I’m still undecided about which event to register for next year. If the weather was guaranteed to be cool – 50s or below – I think I’d definitely do Goofy again. I can’t believe I just said that!

My races for 2010 (so far)…
princess:Princess Half
:smokin:Tobacco Road Half
:drinking1Wine and Dine – good possibility

I currently am a walker but hope to switch to run/walk this year. My shins don’t always cooperate though. I would love to get a new PR this year but I think I have reached my limit on how fast I can walk. Any suggestions on switching from walking to run/walk?
I currently am a walker but hope to switch to run/walk this year. My shins don’t always cooperate though. I would love to get a new PR this year but I think I have reached my limit on how fast I can walk. Any suggestions on switching from walking to run/walk?

Oh, Oh, pick me, pick me!!! I did this once upon a time successfully (more or less, anyway). Slowly integrate running into your training by (and I have been waiting a long time since I left a past career to use this term, so I hope I do not screw it up) successive approximation. Just start by walking a small amount at regular intervals until you are comfortable enough to run more.
For instance, walk 5 minutes then run 1 minute, then walk 5 minutes then run 1 minute, ...
then when you feel up to it (say a couple of weeks later) walk 4 minutes then run 1 minute, then walk 4 minutes then run 1 minute, ...
and so forth until you reach a balance you like...
I really felt like I had a big breakthrough when I could run 2 minutes in a row on a walk 3 minute then run 2 minute pattern.

I think it's the witness protection people who want us to call Allie by Allie (I might be wrong :cool2:).

Corinna/Sandy - That is getting to be some talk about the teams, isn't it? Hope the cough improves for you Corinna!

I managed to not have to do any PE in college, although I think they credited me that time from my Marine days where I certainly did more than enough running, wallking, hiking, climbing, shooting, dog training (how I enjoyed those days!),....
while reading the last page of debate on the team 2010 concept... all I thought of was how divisive the whole SHIRT debate came. We lost a few good posters on that... :rolleyes1 some even came back :rolleyes1

Shirt debate? People got into heated debate over shirts? Yikes!:scared1:

Guess it's like anything else online. Lots of people find it easier to disagree than to offer up some sort of positive idea. So, in the vein of trying to find positive things to talk about, can anyone tell me where to fly in to and where to stay for the DL half? I'm signing us up tomorrow and hoping the magic code still works. :)
Allie - I think we had dinner together in Nashville – I remember you by a different name - are we not suppose to use your real name?

I think it's the witness protection people who want us to call Allie by Allie (I might be wrong :cool2:).

Yeah, what he said. ;) No, I mean yes, call me Allie here. :) I don't use my real name here due to a issue I had early on in my DIS career. Plus I have grown very fond of it, and I can't imagine being anyone else. :rotfl2: If you want confirmation on who I REALLY am, send me a PM. ;) Is that clear as mud? :confused3
I would like to join Team Ohana this year. Is there room? Thank you!

:welcome: from me!!

You did the GOOFY??? :faint: Congrats on that!! How did you manage your training?

Shirt debate? People got into heated debate over shirts? Yikes!:scared1:

Guess it's like anything else online. Lots of people find it easier to disagree than to offer up some sort of positive idea. So, in the vein of trying to find positive things to talk about, can anyone tell me where to fly in to and where to stay for the DL half? I'm signing us up tomorrow and hoping the magic code still works. :)

to be fair - The shirts that were there from the beginning (the BRIGHT yellowish/green dayglow) some felt werent "wicking" material... so they went and found a company that had a more "fitted" style - they were more "green" (but they didnt have a woman's XL so some felt left out) So, some went out and found another company - these shirts were stand out bright and were a wrap around design (we had seen others wearing this company's shirts in '08) ah, but picking the design - everyone had an opinion (and some had reason for the opinion - which was great - it became a History lesson of the DIS WISH shirt! gotta luv the feather!) Anyway some PM's were sent that were really mean spirited and imho uncalled for, feelings got hurt, and people took a "break"....

Yeah, what he said. ;) No, I mean yes, call me Allie here. :) I don't use my real name here due to a issue I had early on in my DIS career. Plus I have grown very fond of it, and I can't imagine being anyone else. :rotfl2: If you want confirmation on who I REALLY am, send me a PM. ;) Is that clear as mud? :confused3

mud? What are you saying about mud??? I think mud is way too dirty!! ;)

altho that does remind me of what my "natural" ASL Sign language name is - and I was so not found of being called "Dirt" (sign for sand is similiar to dirt) :rotfl2:

It is good seeing you around girlfriend! How's that training coming? Are you in for the Virtual 5K race??? BETCHA can beat me!!

Here's a dumb question - is there a difference between being "non exclusive" / inclusive?
:welcome: zakismom!

Richard - This week I've been trying the run/walk but not in any consistent manner. I need to figure out how to set my garmin to beep at intervals. I know it can be done just need to take the time to do it.
I'd like to join here as well.....

I still have Goofy 2010 on my signature line - but didn't finish - swept at mile 18 during the full. DARN IT. Don't have a Half Fanatic pic on there either (Erica....where did you get it?) but I'm officially HF # 230!

Would love to be a part of a WISH team this year - and hopefully I'll be more consistent in my posting!


<-----one of my favorite smilies!
:welcome: zakismom!

Richard - This week I've been trying the run/walk but not in any consistent manner. I need to figure out how to set my garmin to beep at intervals. I know it can be done just need to take the time to do it.

Me too! I'm supposed to start that today - starting with walk 10 minutes, run 1 minute - slow, I know, but it's a start. I'm a dork when it comes to figuring out my Garmin!
Welcome to everyone :goodvibes

Kathy: I wish I could help with the Garmin, but I have some serious issues with getting mine to behave. :confused3If you figure it out, could you teach me at Princess weekend?

Just wanted to report that I officially run further than ever before on my LR today. I actually went 8 miles without any intervals. It's not the fastest I've done the distance, but it is the first time running continuously, so I'm pretty happy.

Just picked up our new kitten today and she is sleeping on my arm--- Soooooo cute, but really tough to type :rotfl: I'll post more when I get my other hand back.
Hi Everyone! Some of you know me, most of you don't so I'll post a little background. I started running in the Spring of '07 after seeing an add in a magazine for the Disney 1/2 marathon - it featured the 'secret medal' and I REALLY wanted to know what it was going to look like :love:. Now, I had never run ANYTHING but I signed up that day. This was also my excuse to take my family to WDW, my husband is not a fan - well, not THEN teeheehee. I then proceeded to tell everyone I knew that I was going to run a marathon (this was their response :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl2:). Well, after 3 months of training even my husband was surprised and told me he thought I would have quit after a week. Long story short, my husband had surgery on his ear and couldn't train or run the race with me so my teenage son and I drove down and I did my 1st race. I would not suggest starting your racing career with a marathon, but I did it and am sooooooooooo proud of that medal. Did the Balt 1/2 Oct '08 and met up with some folks I had been chatting with on-line and saw them again at the WDW Marathon '09. Did Princess and a bunch of other races in '09 - including the Marine Corp Marathon - and I managed to shiver through the Goofy 2010.

I am really proud of all the races that I have done since July of 09 because on July 21st I woke up with a migraine, and it hasn't gone away. I recently was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia (basically it is a damaged nerve in the brain that misfires causing excruciating pain in my part of my face and head and triggers migraines, which trigger the nerve to misfire). In early December I was put on a new med which really helps the pain, although I always have some level of a headache, but I am much better then I was a few months ago. It effected my running because when my body temp goes up I have an episode of pain. I only canceled one 1/2 marathon in Sept and managed to do all my other races using a run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute Galloway method. By the Philly 1/2 in November I was able to bump up to a 3:1 ratio and I used this for the Goofy too. I was really under trained for Goofy and between the cold and my head I was super slow, just making the cut-off at the end. I did great the 1st 11 miles, but something clicked and I walked from there. I finished with a time and got my medals and plan to go back (I am skipping 2011) in 2012 to try for a better time. I have had a great support system - started with the group I met on-line and those of us that are local get together several times a month for our long runs.

My next race is The Princess in March and I am also looking forward to trying for the Coast-to-Coast at DL. Hopefully I will get the chance to run these races with some of you!

Sandy - I just wanted the Goofy REALLY bad :thumbsup2

Terri - I will send you the link for the Half Fanatic pic.
I would like to join Team Ohana this year. Is there room? Thank you!

I'd like to join here as well.....

Would love to be a part of a WISH team this year - and hopefully I'll be more consistent in my posting!

Welcome to you both! I am not sure quite how it's all going to shake out with the "Teams" this year, but my feeling is if the team slogan is "No One Left Behind" that means something! I'm always glad to meet new cousins!

Welcome to everyone :goodvibes

Kathy: I wish I could help with the Garmin, but I have some serious issues with getting mine to behave. :confused3If you figure it out, could you teach me at Princess weekend?

Just wanted to report that I officially run further than ever before on my LR today. I actually went 8 miles without any intervals. It's not the fastest I've done the distance, but it is the first time running continuously, so I'm pretty happy.

Just picked up our new kitten today and she is sleeping on my arm--- Soooooo cute, but really tough to type :rotfl: I'll post more when I get my other hand back.

Congratulations on your new kitty! She sounds super sweet! Congratulations also on your longest unbroken run!

I am also Garmin challenged - I never read the instructions, just kind of jumped in. Not usually the way I operate at all, but that's how it happened!

I feel myself coming down with DS's dread virus. I'm doing OK so far - just a little sore throat, for the most part, but anyone with spare fingers, cross them for me that I'm able to run all 3 shows this weekend! Otherwise, CASH may be a last minute sub for the Underworld Video Projection Service. :laughing: I already cancelled my plan to workout early tomorrow morning. This weekend's long run may also be scrapped. Oh, the Princess will be an interesting race for sure.
More randomness:

  • Welcome Zakismom--whom I'm guessing is Erica--and Terri! Good to see you here!
  • I'll be working on a race calendar this to catch up on things here.
  • I already feel like I do a crawl/walk....need to work up to a run/crawl for a pub race. I might even learn to drink beer for the occasion. (Nawww, I'll stick to liquor.)
  • My new goal at Disney races is to catch people dancing on the course. Or eating turkey legs. Whatever captures the joie de vivre.
  • Y'all had some great Phy(without the 's') Ed classes! :lmao:
  • I would gain so much weight on the Marathon du Medec. And it would be worth it.
  • Yeah, the growing debate to which none of you are posting. Cowards. :rotfl2: I just gave my $.02 for me, you, and everyone else on the board. Nobody's wordier than I am. Nope. Not possible. :lmao:
  • The great shirt debate of 2008. Only to be eclipsed by the stories about the Frozen Disney marathon weekend of 2010. Stories we have yet to fully share!
  • Hmmm. Mighty suspicious about Allie's name claims. I think she's a super spy. How about the rest of you?
  • I need to see cute pet pictures.

Echoing John's Question: Where are my cousins staying for the DL 1/2? Trying to convince DOOD to book sooner rather than later. (Although I need to convince him to book at all, but that's another, old and tired story.)

Maria and JenB: Really love your addition of mental/spiritual awareness & health in your goals. I tend to overlook such components, even as I know that the mental aspect of running (fitness) is 90% of the game for me. I need a good training quote about balance in my life, too. Thanks for the insights!

Jackie: Yeah, I read about your Mickey Bar, and I thought it must have been lonely without other ice-cream company. Glad to hear you had a bit more. Very interesting what you said about traveling/vacationing to races--made me think about DOOD and me. The only places we travel are 1) to see family, 2) work, 3) races. I think #3 is how we justify get-away time. Such trips may be satisfying but not always relaxing. We're trying to figure out some balance.

Sandy: Loving some of your early ideas for the January 5K. Not sure we can convince others to go along with a little pre-distance event celebration, but we have months to work on them! Or we could do Ghiradelli's Ice Cream meet after a Friday 5K if the timing were right...

Corinna: Great goals, and I love that you're thinking about 2012. Maybe add a bourbon chase to your 2011 plans? Shucks, I've got my fingers crossed for you and all three :scared1: shows!

Kathy: You looked so great on the marathon course this year! :thumbsup2 I don't have specific suggestions, other than what Richard said. But Racey Tracy is also moving to a run-walk and tried it at the 1/2 this year. I believe her intervals were a 6 or 6 1/2 walk with 1 1/2 minute run? I could be horrible wrong, though. Whatever you do, don't fartlek. It doesn't work as a training strategy. (Tried it. :rotfl2:)

Kathy & Terri: I'd help with the Garmin, but learning how to use mine properly is still on the to-do list. What do you have? (Mine is a 405.)

Erica: I'll need to pick your brain about the Baltimore 1/2. I deferred last year and need to send in the paperwork for this one.

As for me: Migraine folks...give me a clue. I'm prone to migraines--not as severe as those of you who I know have them. I ended up with one yesterday after a short run outside. Actually, it was a short run, then a sweaty walk to the grocery store in running gear, then chilled on the way home. Can cold weather trigger a migraine? :confused3

Oh, and I've been meaning to share this story with you about the marathon weekend. DOOD and I stayed for a couple of days afterwards. We had just finished breakfast at the Kona Cafe, when a young woman stopped us at the Poly. She offered us some of her and her partner's wedding cake! Turned out they had leftovers and were leaving that day. They didn't want to waste it & offered us some! Isn't that the sweetest thing?

She was really shy about it, too, so I hope I didn't overwhelm her with thanks. I told her DOOD and I never had a wedding cake--true--and her gesture was just beautiful. And that I hoped the two of them would have many happy years together. :cloud9:

Yeah, and people wonder why I like Disney so dang much....
Debra, that is the sweetest story ever about the cake. Was it delicious?

I am leaning toward Disneyland Hotel again - I stayed there last time, so it's familiar. Pricier than the alternatives, however. Paradise Pier is also under consideration. It seems I'll be travelling (at least nominally) with some of the yahoos I was (nominally) with in January, so it's going to partially depend on what they decide they want to do. They are a woefully undecided pair, however, so it may ultimately be up to me. And possibly which discounts/codes etc. are available. Though it seems like there is more frenzy than previous years about the DL. Not sure if it's just that word has spread or if it's because of the 5 year cachet or what.

Also, Bourbon Chase 2011 might be a possibility, especially if we got a WISH team together for it! :thumbsup2 BOURBON CHASE! BOURBON CHASE!!!

Regarding Allie: I know her name too. And while her actual name is a fine name, Allie is indeed easier to remember based on her screen-name, so I say we just go with it. ::yes::
Oh, and regarding the debate on the other thread - I am a coward, I'll admit it. Seems like it was dangerous in there for a bit! Before long, it will be as forgotten as the bright green wrap around WISH shirts of 2008, though. I am sure there are still a few out there, but I haven't seen one in a while.

I think that your suggestions are the best I've seen on that thread. I also think that if groups get too large, they will know it and self-regulate. The Biggest Loser thread, at 150 was WAY too large, IMO, at the start of this month. It's more manageable now. I figure if a team gets to big, like a successful stock, it may want to split into two teams, either temporarily or permanently, but it should be at the discretion of the individual team.
Good grief!! How did we become the junction point of WISH and the Half Marathon Fanatics? :scared1:

Terri5176/zakismom – Terri and Erica, I hope you will fit in well here in Ohana and I would be happy to add you to our growing list of Ohana cousins. We have several other members of the Half Fanatics here on the team, and more either qualified or plotting their route to qualifying for Half Fanatics. Now just one other question for you two: What are your thoughts on the sci-fi genre, including any favorites? (BTW – liking sci-fi is not a membership requirement!) On the first page of this thread, post #7 (I think it is #7) by Corinna has some “get to know you” type of questions that most of us have filled out somewhere is this thread.

Jen – Even though I am more of a dog person, I am following the kitty story and really liked the kitty play place you guys built. Congrats on the 8 mile without walk intervals. I’m not sure if I am quite at that point yet, I wanted to try a nonstop long run this weekend but due to some local “issues” I think I will have to run with a certain group of friends who do run/walk.

Teri – 10/1 may sound like a slow start, but it’s really not, at least in my book. I started as “just” a walker myself, and have been passed by more than a few walkers at my running pace in the past.

Jackie – I have the Garmin 305 and figured out how to set that time once upon a time, although I prefer to use my watch’s interval timer. If I can help you with yours, let me know.

Sandy – I had forgotten about the great shirt debates. I have one of each and only now just fit into my “green” shirt because of the sizing issues from that order. I was disappointed that the weather kept me in my “yellow” shirt at WDW this month.

Corinna – I hope you get well soon before having to send your spouse to Hades. That's normally not such a nice thing to threaten.

Debra – No wedding cake!! Darn, but that is a wonderful story of sharing. Maybe one day I'll tell the story of how my MIL lost our wedding cake. I’m pretty sure I am not wading into “that” debate. I considered it, and thought better of it. Isn’t discretion the better part of valor? Your new search for dancing and eating on the Disney run courses…why, I do believe I have had an effect on you. You'll be skipping with leopard shorts and a churro in no time! :rotfl:

I feel a bit lost in all the DL preparation talk, having only been there at the ages of 1 and 2, but I would like to stay at least near—and preferably at the same hotel as—some of my cousins here. I’ll be making this trip with only my wife, or alone depending upon her possible plans with her sisters that weekend. So I am going to follow along until I see if we have a group going to the same hotel(s).
I think that your suggestions are the best I've seen on that thread. I also think that if groups get too large, they will know it and self-regulate. The Biggest Loser thread, at 150 was WAY too large, IMO, at the start of this month. It's more manageable now. I figure if a team gets to big, like a successful stock, it may want to split into two teams, either temporarily or permanently, but it should be at the discretion of the individual team.

I thought about that option, too, but I don't know if that would actually happen. Unlike the BL, where WISHers are there for a common purpose of losing weight and are motivated to stick with it, people join the teams here with lots of individual goals. Yeah, they're loosely connected, but I'm not sure there's enough overlap. Especially without a challenge. I guess I wasn't convinced new people would stick around long enough to have a team grow enough and then need to split. I just imagined people would fade away, as many new people did in 2009.

I mean, if we pretended 'Ohana was large enough to split, how would we go about it? :confused3

Yep, I'm having bad flashbacks of being picked last on my high-school softball team. And volleyball. And... :rotfl2:
Chatty!! I like chatty... trouble is I tend to forget my comments... :rolleyes1

:welcome: zakismom!

Richard - This week I've been trying the run/walk but not in any consistent manner. I need to figure out how to set my garmin to beep at intervals. I know it can be done just need to take the time to do it.

LIke - I forgot to say, I'm thinking we did "chat" a bit... I can be very spacey at WISH gatherings tho...

I'd like to join here as well.....

I still have Goofy 2010 on my signature line - but didn't finish - swept at mile 18 during the full. DARN IT. Don't have a Half Fanatic pic on there either (Erica....where did you get it?) but I'm officially HF # 230!

Would love to be a part of a WISH team this year - and hopefully I'll be more consistent in my posting!


<-----one of my favorite smilies!


I say if you feel comfortable enough to post - then you are comfortable enough to join the team -

all right, I have another opinion I may just go over and post it!

Welcome to everyone :goodvibes

Kathy: I wish I could help with the Garmin, but I have some serious issues with getting mine to behave. :confused3If you figure it out, could you teach me at Princess weekend?

Just wanted to report that I officially run further than ever before on my LR today. I actually went 8 miles without any intervals. It's not the fastest I've done the distance, but it is the first time running continuously, so I'm pretty happy.

Just picked up our new kitten today and she is sleeping on my arm--- Soooooo cute, but really tough to type :rotfl: I'll post more when I get my other hand back.

:cheer2: CONGRATULATIONS!! WOOHOO on your LR - its truly an accomplishment!!

and I may have to gather my puppy in my arms in a sec - no one has a visual, that spells trouble!!

Welcome to you both! I am not sure quite how it's all going to shake out with the "Teams" this year, but my feeling is if the team slogan is "No One Left Behind" that means something! I'm always glad to meet new cousins!

ITA agree cousin! :thumbsup2

Congratulations on your new kitty! She sounds super sweet! Congratulations also on your longest unbroken run!

I am also Garmin challenged - I never read the instructions, just kind of jumped in. Not usually the way I operate at all, but that's how it happened!
Garmin - do I need one of those? Wait, I'm techno challenged... I cant figure out how to work the pedometer!!

I feel myself coming down with DS's dread virus. I'm doing OK so far - just a little sore throat, for the most part, but anyone with spare fingers, cross them for me that I'm able to run all 3 shows this weekend! Otherwise, CASH may be a last minute sub for the Underworld Video Projection Service. :laughing: I already cancelled my plan to workout early tomorrow morning. This weekend's long run may also be scrapped. Oh, the Princess will be an interesting race for sure.

Hope you get over that coughing crud :sick: Its no fun - I have dh's - his turned into bronchitis!! FINGERS CROSSED!!!

Debra You are just to organized in your "random" thoughts - are you taking notes? :teacher:

* I admit - I did a "Dance" on the course - with the accordian player - and then at the memorex moment of the Gospel Choir (they didnt stand out there and wait for me!!) :dance3:

* Does it have to be bourbon? a Good Scotch? Limoncello? StolyDoly? (I've started making homemade Lemoncellos and stoly doly's YUM!)

* I think we should stir up some debate for Alli - make her post more often ;) (yes, I can be a troublemaker every now and again.. :rolleyes1)

* DL 1/2 may just be a dream - dh started his new job, but there is a long line of people wanting to be paid... and then the President may just use NASA contracts as a pawn to get the Health Care BIll passed :confused3 (DH new job is working on the new space shuttle - but there is some concern funding may be cancelled to pay for some of that small business incentive - and they are talking of OUTSOURCING the space stuff to CHINA!! :faint:

* Migraine and pain sufferers - you have my sympathies - and you still get out there and exercise!! :worship:

* Jan 5K would be BEFORE the "real races" so I'm sure we'd have to be all healthy and "good"... :sad2: (but a girl can dream!!)

* sweet story about the cake!! You made their day as well!! Imagine finding a couple that didnt have a cake for their own wedding!! What are the odds? :goodvibes We are going to do a Couples Dinner/Vow Renewal for Valentine's Day at our church - I wonder if they thought about cake???

* Spiritual Aspect - I forget to "write" that part down (I told you I cant remember stuff - I suffer from CRS ) I appreciate that you've included it here!! Right now I am surrounded by Bibles and books - I have to write one more Lenten Devotion for our Church's Lenten Book - I'm trying to gather my thoughts and include the Marathon Weekend - God in His mercy was so good to me!!

Unlike Debra - I cant seem to be as concise in my writings... I make perfect sense in my own mind however.... some people complain that I ramble... or make no sense.... :rolleyes1:dance3: Guess I'm just a little bit crazy :dance3:

Half Marathon FAnatics ah.. I guess that's a club? :surfweb:
  • Anyone want two more dogs? I'm thinking that a weekend cooped up in the house with mine is going to be impossible. I still have time to make it to the airport, or the bus station, and get them shipped out, before the storm hits. Any takers?
  • I'm semi-competent with the Garmin 205. Can program run/walk intervals with it, after being shown by a friend. We've recently discovered that one of the Garmin reps lives here in Raleigh, and he's a terrific guy. He is a wealth of knowledge and is willing to share. He worked the Garmin booth at the Disney expo and was swamped!
  • I like Allie's new name better too. Much less confusing all around!
  • As a dedicated run/walker, I think it's the only way to go! I vary my intervals depending on who I'm running with, from a 2:30R/1W to a 4R/1W. That being said, one of my goals for this year is to run a 5K without walk breaks. Maybe I can move up from there. I'm already doing my 800m intervals in my speedwork sessions, so that's 5:00+ nonstop running.

Zakismom - :welcome: What an amazing story! As a chronic migraine sufferer, I can't even begin to imagine what your life is like. It's a phenomenal achievement that you were able to complete Goofy under those conditions.

Terri - :welcome: I could very easily have joined you in not finishing the Goofy. I did the half faster than I should, and then went out way too strong in the first half of the marathon and completely crashed about mile 16. By mile 18 I was ready to quit, but my husband absolutely refused. He was determined that we were going to cross the finish line together, even if I was crawling.

Debra - If heat can bring on a migraine, I don't know why cold can't. I've never had that happen, but from my research, my best assessment is that it's usually not one trigger, but a combination. The cold weather may have been what actually triggered it this time, but there were probably other things that had already gotten it to a level that made it possible.

- I'm going to have to crash the BOT get-together at Tobacco Road. Or maybe I have to host the get-together since I'm the local? Either way, we have to find each other sometime that weekend. I haven't decided what my goal is for that race yet. Probably won't decide until after Myrtle Beach. I found it amusing that the organizers ran an ad in this week's newspaper - AFTER the race closed!

Looks like it's the TM or nothing. We're supposed to get 6-8" of snow, followed by sleet and/or freezing rain. Temps will stay below freezing through midday Monday. For you Canadians and northerners, this is nothing, but for us southerners, the city will completely shut down. We probably won't even go to work on Monday. :eek:

Headed out for dinner for one last look at civilization before the snow starts falling! :lmao:



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