Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info

We start Friday, Feb 1, and the weeks will run Friday through Thursday. So after Thursday, Feb 7 I'll need an e-mail from everyone with hours (all inclusive, running, walking, biking, x-training, swimming, and weight lifting) and miles covered (running and walking I believe only, since biking miles could really skew the results if a team had 3 big time bikers).

I just checked with WWDave over on the new roster thread and he is saying that if it logs miles, count the biking does count toward both the miles total and the hours total. Time to start cycling to the fitness center :goodvibes:

Kind of stinks though to compete against teams who have die-hard triathlon competitors...
I just checked with WWDave over on the new roster thread and he is saying that if it logs miles, count the biking does count toward both the miles total and the hours total. Time to start cycling to the fitness center :goodvibes:

That's a big plus for me since training not only for the runs but also the big 75mile ride in May. Rackin' up the miles!! :cool1:
Scott-- "Formulating Our Way to Victory." Yeah, that phrase wouldn't add to our nerd factor at all. :thumbsup2

One day at work, we Trekkies had a discussing to determine whether we were nerds or geeks and you'd be surprised what we found out about the etymology of each word. I won't spoil it for you.

Are there any other female Excel fans out there?!
:sad2: Sorry Darcey....I can barely tell you what I did yesterday or plan to do less have it neatly charted on a spreadsheet with formulas and graphs. But I *CAN* add to the nerd/geek factor (based on the etymology I think I may be more geek than nerd with the exception of biting heads off chickens)....I'm a certified game geek; have seen every episode of Voyager, DS9 and Next Gen; and was a member of the Academic Bowl in High School. :lmao: .

OK...maybe my geek resume is a bit TOO good. :confused3 *slinking away*
Take your pick and jump on the Crazy Train to nerdville. ;)

Um...remember where we're posting...

I'll take the bicycle on the way to nerdville ;) (how far IS nerdville anyway...Steve? :rolleyes1 ) :laughing:

Sorry to hijack!
Crazy Train!!! One of my favorite songs! Although I don't even know if I was born when that sang came out. :blush: :blush: I grew up in the days of New Kids on the Block (SO excited about their reunion!) and Debbie Gibson. :teeth:

Okay, back to figuring out my running schedule, I mean working :rolleyes1

Okay, back to figuring out my running schedule, I mean working :rolleyes1


So Steve can put it on a spreadsheet and share it with Scott, Darcey and Craig. Then they can discuss formulas and sorting options and other spreadsheetey things. :thumbsup2
Hello - my name is Kate...

I was excited to find out I made a team! Is there somewhere that I can read how the whole thing works?

I am new to marathoning/running - my DH and I decided it was time to get in shape and this seemed like a great way...I just completed the half but I was only able to walk due to knee surgery and an ankle injury - now I hope to train all out for next year -

I live in Cincinnati and plan on doing the Flying Pig half and the Air Force Half Marathon in the Fall - we are trying to work out babysitting issues for Disney next year and I will either be doing the half or full next year...preferably the full...

I am 35 and have two kids...can you guess their names? ;) I am a SAHM but plan our church's 4,5 & 6 grade classes and am there on Monday nights. My DH is Steve and he is a lawyer for a local non profit student loan company...
Kate--What part of Cincinnati do you live in?

Amy--I just love being married to a nerd. :rolleyes:

Oh how confused am I going to be re the dates - I'm 16 hours ahead of the east coast, 19 ahead of the west - and once erin moves to hawaii I dont even want to work that one out!!! So, i'll just work on starting tomorow (friday Feb 1st) my time and we won't tell the Panda......
Hi Krista

We live in West Chester - where do you guys live?

Congratulations on your baby!! Being a parent is awesome - well I feel that way today ;)
I just wanted to pop in and wish DH's team good luck in the competition!

I noticed several of you are doing Goofy next year and wanted to recommend a training program someone used last year. I think Howard did it last year where you don't start training until December. That saves your legs and cuts down on all that silly mileage...and then you don't have to worry about all those numbers and fussy spreadsheets.

Krista...I checked my OB/Gyn textbooks and they definitely recommend spending the rest of your pregnancy on the couch, eating bon-bons and having your husband wait on you hand and foot. Don't want to jiggle the baby with any of that walking or running stuff!

Oh and honey, as you're training for your first full, I completely recommend skipping all those annoying short runs and saving your legs for the long runs on the weekends. And maybe skip some of those too...the books say if you can run 20, you can run 26.2, so just save it up for those two.

Good luck Team 8! :teeth:
I just wanted to pop in and wish DH's team good luck in the competition!

I noticed several of you are doing Goofy next year and wanted to recommend a training program someone used last year. I think Howard did it last year where you don't start training until December. That saves your legs and cuts down on all that silly mileage...and then you don't have to worry about all those numbers and fussy spreadsheets.

Krista...I checked my OB/Gyn textbooks and they definitely recommend spending the rest of your pregnancy on the couch, eating bon-bons and having your husband wait on you hand and foot. Don't want to jiggle the baby with any of that walking or running stuff!

Oh and honey, as you're training for your first full, I completely recommend skipping all those annoying short runs and saving your legs for the long runs on the weekends. And maybe skip some of those too...the books say if you can run 20, you can run 26.2, so just save it up for those two.

Good luck Team 8! :teeth:

I took the whole month of Novemeber & December off and it worked great. I wasn't tired at all after the Goofy. I even improved my marathon time over 07 Goofy:thumbsup2
I took the whole month of Novemeber & December off and it worked great. I wasn't tired at all after the Goofy. I even improved my marathon time over 07 Goofy:thumbsup2

Team 8, where did we put those cookies? Robert needs one...:rotfl:

Sounds like a few folks are intimidated by our awesome team!!
One day at work, we Trekkies had a discussing to determine whether we were nerds or geeks and you'd be surprised what we found out about the etymology of each word. I won't spoil it for you.

Are there any other female Excel fans out there?!

I totally forgot the "dorks"...Speaking of which, take a look at this:

Hopefully, once we get underway, we'll be able to view all teams stats in this one location.
Darcey...Nice work on the spreadsheets! :thumbsup2

Mel & Robert...Shoo you two ;). Are you spies??? :laughing: Don't make me come over there to Ohana land!

Robert....I missed 2 months training due to injury before last years' marathon and I can say for certain that I did NOT get a PR. :confused3 What did I do wrong??? LOL!
Hello all,
We seem to be a chatty bunch.
Steven- Yes I am moving to Hawaii with Lynne actually after Lynne as she is moving in June and I will be going over in August.
Helen- I figure that the days and weeks start when they do in your area. So you week starts tomorrow and mine starts Friday. But the Panda might think something different.
Well the miles totals for our group should not be that bad as I have vowed to get back into Triathlons. So my cross training is swimming and biking. But :ssst: don't tell the other teams. That way we have a little advantage.

Welcome to Krista and all our other teammates.
Erin :hmghost:


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