Teachers & Guns

I think it's ridiculous. I also don't think anyone needs to own a handgun in the first place. And that's all I have to say about that :rolleyes1
If you take the emotions out of the discussion.........no problems.....

I could never understand putting "any" restrictions on law abiding citizens
If you take the emotions out of the discussion.........no problems.....

I could never understand putting "any" restrictions on law abiding citizens

Unfortunately, we can't trust everyone to be law abiding citizens. Kind of screws it up for the rest of us, huh? Plus, if we were all law abiding citizens, why would we need handguns in the first place?
If they go through the training process then absolutely!:thumbsup2

I'm with Steve. Of course, in a perfect world this wouldn't even be brought up ( bringing them to school, not if it was right or wrong ). When this becomes about everyone and not just teachers, I will add my other two cents.:thumbsup2
I don't have a problem with it. Living in the Blacksburg area i can't help but wonder if a teacher had had a gun during the VT shootings maybe so many young people wouldn't have died. That was a very sad time around here.
I think more should do the same. If you take guns away, only criminals will have them.
Yeah, that's pretty much my opinion on the matter. But I'm not a strong advocate one way or the other.
Being a Pharmacist, I've had quite a few "customers" irate at me over the years because I wouldn't fill their pain pills early or would catch a forgery and refuse to give it back to the customer after I've discussed it with the Doc. There have been several long walks across a darkened parking lot in which I've wished I was armed. I usually carried in my vehicle, but fat lot of good it would do me there!

My concealed carry permit should be here soon!:thumbsup2
I wouldn't want to walk to the train station at 5 am like my son does without a weapon. He's a cop..so he does have his off duty weapon on him. We've also had an increase in home invasions on the island and when my neighbor who is a single mom was awakened at 3 am one morning by a man pounding on her door and windows screaming like a lunatic trying to get in, claiming that he LIVED there. You bet she would have used the gun that she had, if he had made it in. Luckily the police got there before it got to that point. Needless to say she was terrified, but she was ready to do what she had to if it meant protecting herself and her kids.(did I mention he was an illegal immigrant..I know, that's a whole other thread:sad2: ) We've also had situations where business owners have been followed home by those knowing that they are carrying a days receipts on them.

I don't have a problem with a teacher carrying a weapon, as long as they are trained to use it. I think once you've had the talk with your kids about what to do if they find themselves in school and a shooting takes place..well, it really drove home the fact that it's a different world than the one I grew up in. Where school was a safe place. Unfortunately, that's not always true.:sad1:
I have no problem in the world with their plan. I wish a plan like that would fly here in suburbia.
Being a teacher, the problem with this is when the gun does not stay on the person of the permit. Meaning, if the gun is put in a drawer and the owner is lax with it, which is what I see with every other privilege given to the general public. Teachers are no exception to this rule. I could tell you horror stories that would make your ears bleed. I am perfectly happy at this point in my life knowing that there are at least two uniformed officers at all times on our campus with fully loaded guns that will work if needed. I also know that I have a radio that a student cannot outrun. I am willing to assume all the other risks as part of my job.
It would be nice if we didn't have to worry about these things, but unfortunately we do. I will be honest, I have a S&W 9mm right where I need it should someone decide they also need to be in my home when they don't belong there. My kids and husband are my first priority, and where we live it will take the cops on avg. 7-10 mins. to get to my house. A lot can happen in 7-10 mins.

Unfortunately, not everyone is responsible with a weapon, and that is what makes headlines. You don't hear much about someone saving themselves or family because they had a gun and someone was trying to harm them. That doesn't make the headlines. There are many clips on youtube that show several minutes pass before anyone gets to the person's home. There is one that the 911 call last 6 mins and 45 seconds, there is an intruder in the woman's house, she finally has to shoot. At 6:45 the police had still not arrived.

I think about all these school shootings that have happened and I can't help but wonder if things would have been different if someone had been carrying something that could have ended it more quickly than SWAT negotiations, or waiting until the assailant decides to take their own life. I'm definately not trying to preach, but just expressing my feelings on the matter. I certainly respect feelings from the other side.:flower3:
I homeschool so no problems here!:thumbsup2

Government schools are a JOKE!:scared1:...no offense to anyone here of course, just my humble opinion!;)


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