Teachers & Guns

Originally Posted by AuburnJen92
We unfortunately have to have these rules in place because the responsible are of the minority, not the majority.

I do not assume this to be true at all.....

Sorry Jen but I don't agree either. This is an assumption that has been proven false time and time again. It is factually the other way around. :thumbsup2
The college's need to be closed as well, from what I see. It seems to me that common sense is just about gone and being replaced with BS degrees.:laughing: Most jobs can be done without a degree of any kind. It's called training. This world has brainwashed people into thinking you have to have a degree or you'll never amount to anything. I must go now and tell the sucessful people I know that doesn't have one that they aren't sucessful.:rotfl2:

That is sooo not true...but everyone has their opinion!!:goodvibes
I can see both sides here. In my opinion they go hand in hand. I'm definitely all about college because you can never have too much knowledge. However I also think that experience and specialized training in your field can be more beneficial than anything. With that being said, many many companies require you to have that degree (in certain fields) before you can advance past a certain level in your career.

I have a BBA and I'm a CPA...but I'm not even in the accounting field anymore. :rotfl: It's the work experience that has taken me into my current position. :rolleyes:
I agree Soni. There are plenty of successul people in this world without a college degree, but there are significant amount higher without that are not what you would call successful. Having a degree doesn't make you more intelligent than the guy without, it just means you went to college and were able to complete tasks towards a goal. And it's the easiest way to separate the first level of competition. It's funny how the non-degree people try to minimize academic achievement, as justification for their lack of having it. Some states even require now electricians to have a degree. I told my kids they can be whatever they want in life, but they'll start out that path in college.
Well....here I am...didnt finish highschool, not what most would consider successfull, and certainly not "HAPPY" with my ..... (ahem)...career!! But being that my past is what it is, I DO actually consider myself lucky to be where I am. Now that Ive gottenTHAT out of the way...I have pushed my kids as hard as I can without busting their lips about how important college is, and have forced them to put forth a valiant effort in their education....I guess if I didnt think college was a good tool to impress the right people during an interview, I wouldnt try to direct their focus on it so strictly. I DO agree that anyone can do most any job with proper training versus a college degree...but I also know that non-degree holders dont get the chance that the guy with the degree's gonna get, and I think you need all the ammo you can carry these days.
You are a pretty good family man. WHen they make that radio show about us, it'll probably turn into like a tv show, but with no viewers.
It'd be the same 10 people or so....... Maybe colston would watch as well. So we'd be up to 11
Personally I don't want to go to an MD who doesn't have a degree, but maybe that's just me. I also don't want someone without a degree designing and supervising the construction of a water treatment plant.

I might be biased though, because that's what my daughters do.
Since this post went from teacher and guns to college or no college. I'll add my 2 cents, I think that all males should do at least 2 years in the military after high school.
I think if they aren't enrolled fulltime college, yes. However, the military is getting more hi-tech, and I'm not even sure they'd agree with you.
I have no real issue with gun ownership it is the loose laws revolving around aquisition and carrying.


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