Tasha's Journal (UPDATE: Our baby has arrived! Pics on last page!!)

Hey Tasha!! Kylie will be here so soon!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I know how you must feel right about now!! I know I wanted it over...but the funny thing is...a few months after the baby was born...I would miss being pregnant! I know it sounds crazy...let me know in a few months if you feel it too!! It's just an amazing thing to have this life inside of you!!

Sorry to hear about your dad...but you're handling it right...if you don't want anyone in the delivery room with you...that is your decision...you shouldn't feel as if you have to entertain while you're in labor. Some people drive me crazy with this. I understand they want to be part of it...but this is a special moment for you and Scott. This includes the time leading up to the actual delivery.

Have a wonderful day. Take care! Gail
Hey everyone! Well, I went to my 38 week appt. today (even though I am tech. still 37.5 weeks...details, details!). They gave me the results from my sugar test that I had done last week and it turns out that my sugar is normal. Yay!!! :Pinkbounc They also did a pelvic exam to see if I am at all dilated and effaced yet. I am dilated to 1 cm and 50% effaced. Now that doesn't necessarily mean anything but it makes me feel like I am making some progress and that the end is getting closer anyway! ;) I gained one pound which makes my grand total 27 lbs overall which is pretty good if I do say so myself! Of course since I started out this preg. a bit overweight I am glad that I am not gaining too much. The baby has also officially dropped so it is just a matter of time now.

I also went and ordered Scott a b-day cake since his b-day is this Sat., the 16th. I am having them write 'Happy Birthday, Kylie's Daddy!' on it. That should make his day since he is definitely excited about becoming a daddy! I go pick it up Friday. Speaking of Scott, he is so severely allergic to pollen. We get it really bad here during the spring and he is miserable. Nothing seems to help and he sounds awful today. Poor baby. I wish there was something I could do, but there isn't. He goes through this every spring. I hope Kylie doesn't inherit his allergies. It would be sad to have both of them suffer like this every spring! :guilty: Well, that is all that is new with me. Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi Tasha!

It sounds like everything is going well and that Kylie will be here soon! :Pinkbounc I am so excited for you! :Pinkbounc

That is a wonderful idea you have about Scott's cake! What a great memory for him! :cake: :bday:

Have a great day Tasha!! :sunny:
Ugh! Okay, everyone...I am not feeling "normal" today. I have been spotting off and on ever since the pelvic exam yesterday and am starting to have some back pain and contractions. There is nothing consistent or regular about these contractions as of yet so I don't know if it is just a false alarm or if little Miss Kylie is trying to let me know that she is about ready to enter the world in the next couple of days. I hate this feeling of not being sure. Like I said nothing is consistent enough yet to require a trip to the hospital but I will keep you posted if things get any more consistent. Maybe it is nearly time...but then, maybe it isn't. :confused3 This is going to sound silly, but I hope she will wait at least until Sat. night so I will be able to pick up Scott's cake and take him out to dinner! Isn't that the silliest thing to worry about when there is a chance you might be going into labor soon?! :rotfl: Leave it to me to worry about something so trivial! I'll let you know what happens. Maybe it is just a false alarm. I have had a few before but nothing quite like this.
Tasha, I don't post much to your journal, but I do like to follow along on your journey. It does sound like the beginnings of labor. :earseek: The back pain tends to be the give away. And many times a pelvic exam "induces" labor (at least it did for me! :flower: ) So relax, nap if you can and mentally get yourself "ready" :teeth:

Don't worry about Scott's b-day dinner and cake. You can always celebrate it right there in the hospital! Maybe someone will be kind enough to pick up the cake for you and bring it down!! :smooth: My DD was born on MY Bday. A piece of chocolate cake just happened to come with my hospital dinner that night, so that was my birthday cake!! :rotfl:

Sending prayers and :wizard: for an easy delivery no matter when it happens!!! :flower:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Well, I guess yesterday turned out to be a false alarm. I was so sure that I was getting ready to go into full-blown labor. I was cramping off and on for a good portion of the day but I wasn't really able to time any contractions b/c the cramping really didn't stop. I called my mom and she said that I was having the exact same signs she had when she went into labor with me and of course she was ecstatic thinking labor was going to be soon b/c she doesn't have to work today. The bleeding stopped shortly after I last posted yesterday so I am assuming that was a result of the pelvic exam afterall. I suddenly stopped cramping for about 5 hours and then it started up again and I was able to time the contractions but they were most likely just Braxton Hicks b/c they were extremely irregular. Now I am not experiencing anything at all so I guess it was just Braxton Hicks but man, it sure did feel stronger than the ones I had before that. Oh, well, I just hope that I won't have a ton of false alarms and then not realize that it really is labor when it actually starts. My mom didn't realize she was in labor with me and my dad finally made her go to the hospital. When she got there she was already dilated to 10 cm! :earseek: I definitely can't wait that long b/c I have to have the antibiotics for the Group B Strep but I plan to go to the hospital as soon as I can time some reg. 5 min. apart contractions, so don't worry! I don't know how to feel. I am a bit disappointed b/c I thought it was the real deal but I am also relieved b/c I feel like I still need to do some things this weekend before she gets here!

I think Baby Kylie is enjoying messing with my mind b/c now she is kicking and has hiccups as though yesterday never even happened! ;)
hey tasha..

first-happy birthday scott!!!!!! that cake sounds cute..

hope you have a great day....maybe kylie will come today for daddys bday?!
Well, I haven't had any more contractions or anything else since Thurs. I also have no reason to believe she is ready to arrive any time soon judging by how I am feeling today. Since there is only 4 hours left in the day I know she won't be here for Scott's birthday. She may just hold out until my due date or the next pelvic exam I have may have the same results as this last one...only it may actually bring on real labor this time instead of the false labor I experienced from the last pelvic exam. My next pelvic exam is Thurs., April 21. There is just no telling when she will arrive but I am glad she has held out this long b/c I am full term and don't have to worry about preterm labor anymore. That is always a relief, I am sure. Well, Scott loved his cake and I was able to take him out to dinner. He is now sleeping and I am supposed to wake him up in a min. I am seriously craving a chocolate shake...that's all I have wanted all week and have already had 3! :blush: I know, I know, not very healthy, but preg. cravings can be brutal and I eventually have to give in. It's not a pretty sight if I am craving something and can't have it! ;) So anyway I can almost promise you that I will be having my 4th shake within the hour. Sonic has awesome Chocolate Cream Pie shakes. YUM!!! :cloud9: Well, I guess I had better wake Scott up. Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi, all! Well, I did end up getting my chocolate shake the other day and all I can say is what a huge disappointment! Whoever made it did a terrible job. It was really watered down. Well, at least I am no longer craving chocolate shakes...that's one way to get rid of a craving at least.

I was told by some other DISers on another thread that there will be a full moon on April 24th. I don't know if you have heard but they say that a lot of preg. women seem to go into labor during a full moon. I am just waiting to see if I will be one of them! ;) I am kind of hoping that I will have the baby this weekend or by the middle of next week. Scott's sister told him that she is taking off the entire first week in May and hopes that we have the baby then so she can come over and "help" every day. Okay, first we did not ask for her help, we do not want her help, and I doubt we would even need her help. Dh told her that we wouldn't need any help so she said that she will just stop by to see the baby then. She lives across the street so she will probably do that too. She doesn't like me and has made it obvious so I am sure the last thing that I will be comfortable with is having her over every day during the first week when we are still trying to adjust with life with a newborn. I am sure there will be some conflicts over it, but oh well. Life goes on. I really envy everyone that has "normal" inlaws that they get along with...if there is such thing! ;) I feel like every time I post I sound like such a drama queen but I really do have a dramatic life between the inlaws and my dad. They all seem to have a conspiracy going to see who can drive me nuts the fastest. Dh's mom told him the other day that she doesn't think my mom is a good mother (she has only met my mom once, at our wedding 5 and 1/2 years ago!) b/c she isn't coming to help with the baby every day for the 1st two weeks. First, my mother did offer to come help if we really need her. Second, my mom lives over an hour away. Third, my mom can't take off work for a full 2 weeks. Last, it's ironic to me that she would say my mom is a bad mom when her own son doesn't get along with her and has told me numerous times that he likes my family better than his own. I know that sounds sad but you would just have to meet his family. On top of all that we keep getting told that we are going to hell (by his sister and mom) b/c we quit going to their church and are looking for a new one. Again...I envy all of you with normal inlaws. Oh, and don't worry, I am not letting them get to me. I have been dealing with this in some form or another since Scott and I started dating 6 and 1/2 years ago. It's just one more incident with the inlaws that I have gotten used to dealing with. I just thought I would share. But no worries! I REALLY hope Kylie decides to come at least a few days early though to give us some time to deal before his sister *tries* to drive us nuts! I'll let you know if she is a full moon baby or not!
Hi Tasha!

I'm sorry that you have to go through all of the "extended family" turmoil. I think we all have times where we find it difficult to deal with our families. I am blessed that I have a good relationship with my in-laws, but there have been some hum dinger moments over the years let me tell you! :sad2:

I keep looking for "the post" announcing that Kylie is born! :teeth: I bet you and Scott are getting so excited!

Please know that you, Scott, and Kylie are in my prayers. I can't wait to hear the good news!!!! :Pinkbounc

Have a great day Tasha! :sunny:
Hi, Tracy! Yes, Scott and I are very excited! It doesn't seem like it should be time to have her yet though. For about 7-8 months we kept thinking wow, isn't it time yet?! But now that it is it seems like it has gotten here too quickly. We are ready but the house needs a good cleaning. I am going to try to get some cleaning done today. I tried to get some done yesterday and did do a little but I quickly got worn out and didn't accomplish all that much. I am hoping I can get more done today. The house is a mess! I know we will have a lot of visitors over after Kylie is born and I don't want them to see the house like this. The good news is if Kylie gets here before we finish cleaning the house Scott said he would come home for a little while while I am in the hospital and make the house "presentable." That takes some stress of it off of my mind anyway. I am hoping to get it done soon though so that he won't have to do that. Oh, and just so everyone knows, you will *know* when Kylie is born, b/c I plan to update my journal's title letting you know that she has been born. It will say something in it like UPDATE: Kylie has arrived or something like that. I plan to use this journal until I start WISHing again and then I am going to start a new one. Hope everyone has a great day!
Tasha - I am praying for a fast and easy delivery for you!!! :wizard:

I know how difficult it can be with inlaws, but try to play it by ear. Sometimes, if the baby is really collicky or has days and nights mixed up, a little break for a few hours is a huge relief for a new mom (Not always, but sometimes!! ;) ) Of course, you know better than I if it will be a help, but try to keep an open mind. :rolleyes:

Full moons definitely see a larger number of babies born. I don't know the science to it, but maternity wards are always much busier around the full moon! :rotfl: Here's hoping it works for you!!! :cheer2:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Just a quick update. I went to my dr.'s appt. today and had a pelvic exam done. There was no change from last week. I am still 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Of course that doesn't really mean anything anyway. She could still be born tonight or she could wait a few more weeks. There's really no way to know so I guess we'll see. My next appt. is scheduled for April 29, next Friday. That's only 2 days before my due date so maybe this was my last appt. and I'll have her before the next one. Here's hoping anyway!
Oooh Tasha...it's getting so close!!! I'm so excited for you and Scott...Happy belated birthday to Scott..Take care! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that Kylie comes before your next appointment!! Gail
Hi, Tracy and Gail! Nope, I am still here. No baby yet. I felt terrible yesterday and still feel a little yuck today, but not having contractions or anything so I don't think she is coming today. That's okay. I am not impatient. I still have a week before my due date so it'll be okay. Scott and I went to our local marina this afternoon just to sit by the water and look at the boats. Yep, I am easy to please and so is he. :goodvibes It was fun! That's all that I have to report for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Okay, unbelievable. I just posted that I haven't been having any contractions or cramping...well, I take that back. They just started and they are much stronger than they have been in the past. I don't know if this is the real thing or another false alarm. I am going to go lay down and see if they ease up. If they do then I will know it is another false alarm. If not, then I guess I'd better start timing them. I will try to post and let you know what happens later...granting I am at home. I was in the middle of posting in journals when they started so I only got to 2 of them. I am sure you can understand that I won't be getting to the rest of them right now! ;) I'll let you know what happens!
Hope everything goes ok.

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


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