Tan and rested and alone (Almost!) – An August 2015 Solo TR - UPDATE 11/14 WRAP UP - TR COMPLETE

Clearly there are some gremlins in the system (and I swear I didn't get them wet or feed them after midnight!


I'd actually accept that offer :rotfl2:

Who wouldn't???

The ability to gain two kilos just by looking at cake? Does that count as a superpower? Because if so I'm very good at it.

I'd like to lose two kilos just by looking at a treadmill.
Better still, it only works if I'm lying down... preferably with a snack.

This is just a glimpse of what you will experience

What the heck is that!?!?

I like how you think I'm rich enough to carry around $5 bills....

Please note, the pluralisation of "bill" is yours.
Sigh. Now I came over here to see the missing photos... And they're there! Yay!
But the ones I saw earlier are gone now. :sad2:
Chapter 10.jpg
Having full recovered from my trip through the spin cycle it was definitely time for some lunch. I headed back into the Lost Continent to grab a quick bite to eat from the Fire Eater’s Grill. This was pretty good for a quick service counter and you can’t go wrong with fried chicken fingers, franks red hot sauce and ranch dressing!

Fire Eaters.jpg

After lunch it was time to take in another show and this time it was going to involve princesses, evil witches and some breathtaking stunts (if you’re to believe the poster!). As we were waiting to be let in to Sinbad (about 15 minutes before show time) a thunderstorm rolled through and it began to pour. Now here’s where the fun started because the CMs (or whatever the Universal equivalent is) stood inside the auditorium and left the crowd out in the pouring rain instead of just letting us in :umbrella:. Well let’s just say that the natives became restless and I seriously thought a melee or stampede might break out! Eventually after 5 minutes standing in the rain they decided it might be a smart idea to let people in.


So would the wait in the rain be worth it? Ummm....No. The show was terrible. Like a live action version of an early 90s videogame but with no one ending up the winner :sad2:. The jokes were terrible, the sound levels were off (you could hear some of the cast but not others) and the “stunts” (Me to Universal: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means) were just lame. But hey at least it was a place to wait out the rain!

After all that “excitement” I decided to head to a more laid back area – oh wait, I went to the area of the park that looks like it was designed by someone in the middle of an acid trip – :hippie:Seuss Landing. This area is just so bright – like seriously neon-electric colours everywhere. Seeing as all the rides are aimed at a slightly younger crowd I decided to ride the one that made me feel less like a weirdo hanging out next to the playground – the High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train. It’s sort of like a much smaller People mover in that you sit in a carriage and wind your way through Seuss Landing (although not into any of the other rides). And with that I decided one ride in the area was enough and I had to get out of there (no offence to Theodor – I still love your books :thumbsup2).



I made my back to the front of the park and back across into Marvel Island. It was time to face the green giant – the Hulk Coaster. If you remember back to earlier this morning I put off riding this at rope drop as I wasn’t convinced how my stomach would cope with all the twists and turns. Well it was now or never so I stowed my bag in the lockers and entered the single rider line (20 minute wait compared to 60 for standby). It probably was a full 20 minutes before I made it to the loading area and then we were off! This coaster is awesome :bounce: – Disney cannot compete in the thrill space with Universal. If the lines weren’t so long I would have ridden it again (that and the constant threat of more rain hanging overhead).


And with that I’d finished up in Islands of Adventure. I headed to the front of the park to collect my purchases from earlier in the day and then made my way back across into Universal Studios to see what the waits were for the rides I’d missed yesterday.


Rip Ride Rockit was over 75 minutes and Minions was 90 so those were both out. However Shrek 4D only had a 15 minute wait so that’s how the second big green guy of the day ended up being the last thing I did at Universal. The line was still pretty long and it is mostly outdoors so it was pretty hot. Eventually we made it into the air-conditioned indoor pre-show area and waited for the show to begin. It was pretty entertaining and was similar to It’s Tough to be a Bug in that things moved and air brushes past your legs although in this ones the seats actually move and are quite jerky. It would be a great way to escape the heat if you happened to be there at a time when the stand-by line wasn’t too long (I wouldn’t wait more than the 20 minutes for it though).

Next – Thank you. Thank you very much...
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le sigh. Still no pics.

Having full recovered from my trip through the spin cycle it was definitely time for some lunch.

"spin cycle"... I like that!

you can’t go wrong with fried chicken fingers

But is it wrong if the chicken was a concert pianist?
Not anymore. Not without fingers.

the CMs (or whatever the Universal equivalent is) stood inside the auditorium and left the crowd out in the pouring rain instead of just letting us in

Sure. They have their orders. And a little rain isn't enough to goad them into using some initiative...

Eventually after 5 minutes standing in the rain they decided it might be a smart idea to let people in.

Or, maybe it is and they're just slow on the draw.
More likely it was just time to let you in?

So would the wait in the rain be worth it? Ummm....No. The show was terrible.

Oops. Maybe standing out in the rain would've been an improvement?

and the “stunts” (Me to Universal: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means) were just lame.


I went to the area of the park that looks like it was designed by someone in the middle of an acid trip – :hippie:Seuss Landing.

le sigh. Still no pics.

I know right? You think a completely free website would offer a top of the line web experience for their users :rolleyes1.

But is it wrong if the chicken was a concert pianist?
Not anymore. Not without fingers.

:confused3. He could always use his beak...

Or, maybe it is and they're just slow on the draw.
More likely it was just time to let you in?

Probably. But I choose to believe it was my intense staring burning a whole in their brains which cause them to do the right thing.

Oops. Maybe standing out in the rain would've been an improvement?

Possibly but then I would have missed out on a good story!
I know right? You think a completely free website would offer a top of the line web experience for their users :rolleyes1.

Pics are back!
And I'm thinking that while it's free for the users, there's revenue generated.
Which brings me to my next question, why does the DIS think I want a Russian bride?

:confused3. He could always use his beak...

True. But playing chopsticks gets old quick.
Chapter 11.jpg

After deciding that I had done Universal (as much as you can say that after two days in the park) I called for an Uber and headed outside. I apparently made a mistake in leaving at that time of the day as we hit peak hour traffic on the way back to Pop (if someone can explain to me why you have peak hour traffic on an early Sunday evening that would be great :thumbsup2). During the ride back the now standard afternoon thunderstorm began. And it was heavy.

30 minutes later and I was back at the resort. After a mad dash through the rain back into the main building and a quick detour through the Everything Pop shop to buy a poncho (which turned out to be an awesome investment and much better than the $ store ponchos I had brought with me) I made it back to the room.

The rain carried on for a few hours but by 7pm I was starving and was willing to risk it in my new poncho to get some food. I decided to head out and explore Pop and the neighbouring resort – Art of Animation and grab some dinner. The rain had slowed to just a small trickle by now and by the time I had walked across the lake (on the bridge – I can’t walk on water!) to Art of Animation it had stopped all together.





I grabbed a quick dinner at Landscape of Flavours (much better than what I’d had at the food court back at Pop) and then took a walk around the hotel taking lots of pics of Radiator Springs for a Cars loving 6 year old back home. I think AoA would be a great resort to stay at if you had young kids but I'm not sure I’d want to stay there by myself – it really did seem to be only families.




I made my way back to Everything Pop to grab some dessert for later in the evening. This was something I had been dreaming about since I made my reservation – the King Cupcake. I took it back to the room to eat later that night but first it was time to try and make it in to the pool.

After three days of trying I was finally able to have my first (and only) swim in the bowling pin pool. It wasn’t the most relaxing swim ever – the pool was pretty full – but it was nice and I can say that I did utilise all the facilities that Pop had on offer ::yes::. After about 40 minutes I decided to call it a night and head back to the room (it was around 8:30 or so at this stage).


And then it was time for the King. A delicious, delicious King that I would have happily had two (or three or four) of. I seriously cannot recommend it enough – I mean how can you go wrong with chocolate, peanut butter, bacon and banana???


After a little more Stacey and some crime procedural (I can’t even remember which one now) it was light’s out – tomorrow was going to be the fourth morning in a row attempting rope drop and I desperately needed sleep.

Next - The Future is Bleak....
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<sigh> annnnnnnnddddd.... the photos are gone again.


After deciding that I had done Universal (as much as you can say that after two days in the park)


(if someone can explain to me why you have peak hour traffic on an early Sunday evening that would be great :thumbsup2).

Sure. No problem.
There are millions of tourists (as you can imagine) in Florida at any given time.
Most of them are somewhere in the vicinity of Disney/Uni/Sea World.
They all want to avoid traffic so figure on the least likely to be busy period.

And that would be early Sunday evening.


(How did that sound? I made it all up!)

During the ride back the now standard afternoon thunderstorm began. And it was heavy.

Whoa. Dudette.... Heavy.

The rain carried on for a few hours but by 7pm I was starving and was willing to risk it in my new poncho to get some food.

I hope so! That's why you got it in the first place!

by the time I had walked across the lake (on the bridge – I can’t walk on water!)

Are you sure? Have you tried, recently?

I think AoA would be a great resort to stay at if you had young kids but I'm not sure I’d want to stay there by myself – it really did seem to be only families.

Interesting observation.

This was something I had been dreaming about since I made my reservation – the King Cupcake.

The what?

I stayed there and never even knew about this????

Dang it!!!!!

After three days of trying I was finally able to have my first


(and only) swim

Oh... Well, at least you got one in.

And then it was time for the King. A delicious, delicious King that I would have happily had two (or three or four) of. I seriously cannot recommend it enough – I mean how can you go wrong with chocolate, peanut butter, bacon and banana???


After a little more Stacey and some crime procedural (I can’t even remember which one now)

Doesn't matter. They're all the same, anyway.
Sure. No problem.
There are millions of tourists (as you can imagine) in Florida at any given time.
Most of them are somewhere in the vicinity of Disney/Uni/Sea World.
They all want to avoid traffic so figure on the least likely to be busy period.

And that would be early Sunday evening.


(How did that sound? I made it all up!)

That sounds very logical and well thought out :thumbsup2

Are you sure? Have you tried, recently?

I have and I don't want to talk about it :sad:

The what?

I stayed there and never even knew about this????

Dang it!!!!!

Something to add to your list for next time!
Day 3 Wrap Up

Parks visited: 2
Favourite Ride: Dudley-Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls
Favourite Show: Shrek Ever After 4D
Steps taken: 24,362 :tiptoe:
Miles/Kilometres walked: 11.42 mi/18.39km
Calories burned: 2,387
Calories consumed: 2,127
Chapter 12.jpg

Four days in and I was about to hit RD for the fourth time (one of the positives of being an early riser). The plan for the day was to see what the future holds before taking a little trip around the world. Epcot was set to open at 9 that day so I was down at the Pop bus stop by 8:08 (I know how much everyone likes specifics). I was on a bus within five minutes and we were arriving at Epcot at 8:26.


The queue was already pretty impressive at this point so I joined what looked like the shortest line (I did not pick wisely - it was like being at the supermarket – what look liked the shortest line ended up moving twice as slowly!).


They started scanning people in at 8:35 and I made my way with the hoarding masses into Future World up until the point we were stopped at the internal rope drop. I had an FP for Soarin so I was waiting outside Mousegear to RD Test Track. Now after the last few days I just assumed that they’d hold us here for a few minutes before letting us into the park proper by 8:45. Well you know what they say, assuming makes an *** out of you and me. They held us here until bang on 9:00 (according to my watch it was actually 9:01 but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt).

And then it was the running of the bulls (or fast walking – “No running allowed”) to Test Track. I didn’t really care about designing a car so I decided to skip the stand by line even at that time of day and just do single rider instead. So I didn’t end up having the full experience but seeing as I was alone I had no one to compete against when it came to car design anyway. Can’t say I’d ever waste an FP on Test Track, I mean I drive a car every day of my normal life :car:. I thought it was pretty boring but I’m glad I didn’t have to line up to do it. By the time I was exiting at 9:12am the standby line was massive (I would have said at least an 80 minute wait) so another + for RD that morning.



I then made my way back across to the other side of Future World towards my first FP of the day – Soarin. Seeing as I had plenty of time in my window I decided to head under the sea to see Nemo and friends. It was obviously a walk on at this time of day but I couldn’t believe how long the internal queue could be – who would ever wait that long for a ride like this? :confused3 Anyway, the ride was fine and the aquarium part at the end is very pretty.


I still had time so I decided to see what the wait for Turtle Talk with Crush was. We were held in the waiting area for around 15 minutes before being let in the theatre. This was a cute attraction and Crush was hilarious. I’d definitely take kids here if I had them but there were enough jokes for the adults as well. It was very similar to the Stitch experience at Hong Kong Disney (you know, if you’re ever in the area!). The show finished at around 9:55 which meant I had a whole ten minutes to make it to my Soarin FP (I know they let you in after but I didn’t want to risk it).


I made my way into Soarin and even with FP it was still a good 15 minute wait. I got stuck with the third row (dangling feet :sad2:) but I had ridden this before over at California Adventure so it didn’t matter too much. Again this is an enjoyable ride but there is no way you’d ever getting me lining up for more than 15-20 minutes for it. As I was leaving I noticed that the standby line was at 70 minutes so if you hadn’t rope dropped you were going to be in for big waits all day.

I’d done Living with the Land earlier in the week so I left the Land and headed over to my next FP – Mission: Space. Now I don’t usually get motion sick but having previously ridden the orange side I knew I wanted to go green this time. Not as thrilling but nowhere near as nauseous so I call it a win :thumbsup2.

I had time to fill in before my next FP so I wandered around the shops in Future World and then headed into Club Cool. Can’t say anything was super delicious (in fact Beverly was probably my favourite ::yes::) but boy oh boy was that the stickiest floor I think I’ve ever walked on. I’d hate to think what would happen if you accidentally fell over in there – you’d be like a bug and wouldn’t be able to get up :rotfl2:!

And finally it was time for my last FP of the morning – Spaceship Earth. This was still a long wait with the FP and most of the queuing is out in the sun so it was not the most pleasant wait. I had no idea what to expect on this ride but it definitely wasn’t this. Disco scientist lady was the best part of the ride :woohoo:. Well that and my future. Apparently I end up a workaholic who even works while at the beach on vacation. :surfweb: And my dark hair apparently doesn’t photograph well so my hairdo in the future looks awesome!




So in a little over 2 hours I’d managed to see pretty much all there was to be seen in the future (and no, Captain EO does not count because I’m not crazy and would never see it :cool:). It was then time to head back to the present and begin my journey around the globe (or at least its Floridian facsimiles).

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Four days in and I was about to hit RD for the fourth time (one of the positives of being an early riser).


I was down at the Pop bus stop by 8:08 (I know how much everyone likes specifics).

Again... ::yes::

I joined what looked like the shortest line (I did not pick wisely - it was like being at the supermarket – what look liked the shortest line ended up moving twice as slowly!).

:laughing: Ain't that the truth! It never fails!
Just for the heck of it, next time I'm going to join a long line, just to see.

I made my way with the hoarding masses into Future World up until the point we were stopped at the internal rope drop.

You spelled infernal rope drop wrong.
Or did you mean interminable?

Well you know what they say, assuming makes an *** out of you and me.

I love that saying. I usually stop it after "you".
Sometimes people finish the line and say "and me." and I agree with them.

I didn’t really care about designing a car so I decided to skip the stand by line even at that time of day and just do single rider instead.

Huh. Didn't know that. I thought everyone designed a car.

I drive a car every day of my normal life :car:. I thought it was pretty boring

Interesting. I drive a car everyday too... but I enjoy it.
Funny thing is it's supposed to be really fast, but I drive faster than that on a regular basis.
Maybe not on a curved, banked track though.
I suppose that makes a difference.

I decided to head under the sea to see Nemo and friends. It was obviously a walk on at this time of day

I've never been when it hasn't been a walk on.

but I couldn’t believe how long the internal queue could be – who would ever wait that long for a ride like this? :confused3

I think they grossly overestimated the popularity of that attraction.

This was a cute attraction and Crush was hilarious.

It is a good show.
But I haven't seen it since we took the DDs when they were little.

I had a whole ten minutes to make it to my Soarin FP (I know they let you in after but I didn’t want to risk it).

What is the cut-off for late arrivals? 15 minutes, isn't it?

I got stuck with the third row (dangling feet :sad2:)

yuck. That ruins it for me. Totally destroys the illusion.

Again this is an enjoyable ride but there is no way you’d ever getting me lining up for more than 15-20 minutes for it.

Agreed. I remember the first time we went with the DDs and rode it.
The hype around it was huge!
I enjoy it, I like how they incorporate the wind and the smells, but it isn't the best ride in Disney.

Now I don’t usually get motion sick but having previously ridden the orange side I knew I wanted to go green this time. Not as thrilling but nowhere near as nauseous so I call it a win :thumbsup2.

Been there. Know what you mean.

(in fact Beverly was probably my favourite ::yes::)

No way!!

but boy oh boy was that the stickiest floor I think I’ve ever walked on. I’d hate to think what would happen if you accidentally fell over in there – you’d be like a bug and wouldn’t be able to get up :rotfl2:!


Disco scientist lady was the best part of the ride :woohoo:


Apparently I end up a workaholic who even works while at the beach on vacation.

Wow. Sucks to be you. Maybe Disney hates you?

And my dark hair apparently doesn’t photograph well so my hairdo in the future looks awesome!

Dang. I can't see the photos again. I'll take your word for it.

(and no, Captain EO does not count because I’m not crazy and would never see it :cool:).

We saw it... but that was when MJ was alive and not weird yet.
You spelled infernal rope drop wrong.
Or did you mean interminable?


Huh. Didn't know that. I thought everyone designed a car.

There were screens there but they all seemed to be switched off and everyone just walked straight past them :confused3

Interesting. I drive a car everyday too... but I enjoy it.
Funny thing is it's supposed to be really fast, but I drive faster than that on a regular basis.
Maybe not on a curved, banked track though.
I suppose that makes a difference.

Apparently its 65MPH but I drive that fast to work everyday! Maybe (and I'm going to be super sexist here because why not?) it's more a boy thing?

I think they grossly overestimated the popularity of that attraction.

Which is a shame because it's actually a very pretty queue.

What is the cut-off for late arrivals? 15 minutes, isn't it?

I think so but apparently it's up to the discretion of the CM and with my luck they'd say bad luck no FP for you!

It just sorted of tasted like tonic water to me which I love (by itself and in G&Ts :hyper:)

Wow. Sucks to be you. Maybe Disney hates you?

Maybe they do :worried:. And I swear I didn't do a single bit of work while on this trip!
I'm joining in a bit late here. I'm thinking of doing a solo trip next spring and have enjoyed following your TR so far! :thumbsup2

The last time I went to Universal was back when I did my internship at EPCOT in 2000. I'd love to go back and check out the Harry Potter stuff. Hmm... might have to add that to my spring trip plans!

Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

I don't know what's going on. Some days I see your pictures, other times I don't.
Whatevs... But now that I do...

You look so thrilled! to be on that ride!

At least they got all of your face!
I wasn't so lucky. :laughing

Apparently its 65MPH but I drive that fast to work everyday! Maybe (and I'm going to be super sexist here because why not?) it's more a boy thing?

I dunno. A lot of women like it too.
I've driven at over 200kmh so it's not the speed...
Maybe it's fun compared to SE or Nemo?

Which is a shame because it's actually a very pretty queue.

I wouldn't know. I go through it so fast since no one's in it.

It just sorted of tasted like tonic water to me which I love (by itself and in G&Ts :hyper:)

Ah. Yes that would explain it.
I'm joining in a bit late here. I'm thinking of doing a solo trip next spring and have enjoyed following your TR so far! :thumbsup2

The last time I went to Universal was back when I did my internship at EPCOT in 2000. I'd love to go back and check out the Harry Potter stuff. Hmm... might have to add that to my spring trip plans!

Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

Firstly - :welcome:- I'm only half way through the trip so you've joined at a great time!

Interning at Universal sounds like it would have been fun - I'm annoyed that I didn't know Universal and Disney did college programs back when I was in university!

And the HP stuff is definitely worth adding to your trip if you have the time!

I don't know what's going on. Some days I see your pictures, other times I don't.
Whatevs... But now that I do...

You look so thrilled! to be on that ride!

I was as thrilled to be on this ride as I was on Dinosaur previously.

I dunno. A lot of women like it too.
I've driven at over 200kmh so it's not the speed...
Maybe it's fun compared to SE or Nemo?

I should never have tried to play the lady card.....

Alright clearly I'm the lone weirdo then who doesn't enjoy it :guilty:.

Ah. Yes that would explain it.

I thought it might ;)
Firstly - :welcome:- I'm only half way through the trip so you've joined at a great time!

Interning at Universal sounds like it would have been fun - I'm annoyed that I didn't know Universal and Disney did college programs back when I was in university!

And the HP stuff is definitely worth adding to your trip if you have the time!

Great! I've also looked at your dining report for this trip - very impressive!

I actually did my internship at EPCOT but visited Universal and Sea World (I could actually see my apt. from the top of one of the roller coasters at SW!)

It looks amazing - I'm thinking I'll set aside one day for it in my short 4 day trip. I'll be skipping AK and HS and mainly want to catch the first days of the Flower and Garden Festival at EPCOT! And of course I will need to visit the MK - because, hello... you can't go to WDW and not go to the MK. I will have to look into the Uber method of getting over to Universal. :thumbsup2

Look forward to reading more! It's making me excited for a solo trip! :cool1:
I was as thrilled to be on this ride as I was on Dinosaur previously.


I should never have tried to play the lady card.....

Alright clearly I'm the lone weirdo then who doesn't enjoy it :guilty:.

Nah. I just finished reading someone else's update where they said the same thing.
Don't sweat it. There's plenty enough variety for everyone at Disney.
At least I think so.
Chapter 13.jpg
You are now leaving the future and about to embark on a voyage around the world. Too much? Anyways, it was after 11 so World Showcase was now open so I left Future World and began my trip around the world. Where to first? Well that would be a little place south of the border called Mexico. My only previous experience of Mexico was a trip to Tijuana on a family vacation to Disneyland back in 1999 so I didn’t have much to go off.


And where did I head to first in Mexico? That would have to be my friend Donald and his fellow caballeros. Now this is a version of It’s a Small World I can get behind. Less creepy puppets and no earworm that sticks with you all day. I’m not saying it’s a must do on every trip but it’s a nice enough time (and it’s indoors and air-conditioned!).



After my boat ride the plan was to grab a margarita from La Cava del Tequila but unfortunately they didn’t open until 12 :sad1:. So I cut my losses and left the pyramid behind. But not Mexico, because as I was walking out I noticed that my feathered friend only had a few people in line to meet him. Of course I had to meet Donald in a sombrero. Donald is a great character to meet even if the conversation is a little one-sided ;).


Next up on my worldly journey was a little place called Norway. I’ve been to Norway and this really reminded me of the Norsk Folkemuseum (http://www.norskfolkemuseum.no/en/) which is an open air museum on the outskirts of Oslo with lots of traditional buildings like this one.


I explored Norway but with Maelstrom closed there is a not a lot to do. But if I hadn’t had a lunch reservation coming up I would have grabbed something from Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe – so much stuff looked delicious!

And where does one go after Scandinavia? Why China of course! Now this was a place that I knew a lot about. I spent a semester in university living in Xi’an (home of the terracotta warriors) so it was interesting being a place trying to replicate that. I think Disney has done a really great job – it really does look and feel like a lot of the temples and palaces in China – so thumbs up to Disney :thumbsup2.


I had just missed a showing of reflections of China so instead I lined up to meet Mulan. This was a slow moving line and it was out in the full sun so be prepared if you want to do it :umbrella:! Mulan was great and one of the friendliest princesses I met all week. Although I felt incredibly sorry for her as she was in so many layers given it was 93⁰ :faint:.


After revisiting my past I moved onto the destination in which I would be stopping for lunch – Germany. I’ve been to Berlin but haven’t been to any Bavarian cities so this was a new experience for me. It was a very cute little area and reminded me a lot of the old town squares you find in places like Belgium or Switzerland. After looking around for a few minutes I decided to see if I could check in 10 minutes early for my 12:30 ADR at Biergarten.


I had no problems checking in and then had to wait for a server (appropriately attired in lederhosen) to come and collect me. I was taken to me seat and joined a family with mum, grandma and child, an older couple and a fellow Diser for lunch. Overall it was pretty enjoyable – the food was good (some great things, some not so much), the entertainment was good and the service was excellent. I’d definitely go back again.


And with that my morning was over and I headed back out into the world ready to get a few more stamps in my passport.

Next – Princess, Thieves and Pearls...
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