Tan and rested and alone (Almost!) – An August 2015 Solo TR - UPDATE 11/14 WRAP UP - TR COMPLETE

Chapter 7.jpg

Pop! That was me bursting through the Disney bubble for the weekend. I was about to spend two days at the dark side exploring Universal. It was another early start (I believe the latest I slept in all week was 7am!). I got up and got dressed and then placed my order for an Uber. By the time I walked from my room to the main building the Uber was just pulling up. We were on our way at 7:30 and 26 minutes later we were pulling up to Citywalk.

It hadn’t taken me as long as I thought so after walking in to an almost empty park I filled time looking in the gift shop (purchasing a lanyard to carry around my pass - +1 to Disney as the magicband is so much more convenient) and then made my way up to the rope to prepare for rope drop.


There was only around 20 people in line at that stage but by 8:40 the line was massive. We were let in to the park at 8:45 and I was quickly able to make my way to the front of the pack and around into Diagon Alley.

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There was no time to stop and explore quite yet – I wanted to beat the lines for Gringotts. I checked my small bag into a locker (another +1 for Disney who let you take a bag on all rides) and then entered Gringotts. Even at 9am the standby line was 40 minutes (thanks to Universal’s version of EMH for resort guests) so I hoped in the single rider line and walked all the way to the loading area where it was less than a five minute wait to board. I really enjoyed this ride – the theming is spectacular and it really does immerse you in the ride and the movie.


After Gringotts I explored Diagon Alley (an Knockturn Alley/Horizont Alley) and stopped for the most delicious Salted Caramel Blondie and Apple Crumble ice cream at Florean Fortescues (hey it’s vacation so why can’t you have ice cream at 9:30 in the morning!).

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I then decided that while it was still relatively quite I would take the Hogwarts Express across to Hogsmeade. I hadn’t planned to do this until much later in the afternoon but I figured I should make hay while the crowds were small. The train is an awesome little ride (it doesn’t feel right calling it that but I can’t think of a better word) and again it really does immerse you in the experience.


I then walked on to Forbidden Journey (+1 to Universal for having so many single rider lines). This was a cool ride but nothing like I actually expected. I did miss touring Hogwarts by going single rider but by 9:40 the stand by line was 75 minutes and with so little time in the parks I decided I’d rather experience as many attractions as possible than stand in lines (even if the theming is amazing!).


I was going to go on Flight of the Hippogriff next but the stand by line was 30 minutes and there was no single rider. I actually got in the line but in 5 minutes of waiting I’d moved about 10 feet so I decided to cut my losses and try again later. Instead I walked down to Dragon’s Challenge and again walked straight on (+1 more for single rider again just because!). I was put on the Hungarian Horntail- it was an really good coaster ride – the type I wish Disney had more off.

It was then back on the Hogwarts Express back to Diagon Alley so I could get back on track on my touring plan. The wait for Hogwarts Express from Diagon Alley to Hogsmeade was up to 90 minutes at that stage so I was glad I made the choice to do it first ting in the morning!


I made my way out of Diagon Alley and headed around Universal in a clockwise direction. This meant that next up was Men In Black: Alien Attack. Single Rider walk on again (I can’t say enough how much I enjoyed this). The ride is very similar to Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin although the spinning is controlled by the ride rather than you. I can’t say I scored that highly but it was enjoyable nonetheless.


Next up was Springfield USA. Now I have watched the Simpsons ever since I was a little kid so I absolutely loved the theming in this area. The little details were great and it really did feel as close to being in the cartoon as you could get. I got in line for the Simpsons ride which had a stand by time of 20 minutes. This was pretty accurate and thankfully there was a lot of misting fans to keep you cool as it was super hot despite being undercover. The wait went pretty quickly as I spent most of the time watching the clips from old Simpsons episodes that they were playing.

Before long I was in the pre-ride holding area which again had awesome little Simpsons details. And then it was time for the ride. I was expecting something like Star Tours when they said it was a motion simulator, but it is way more movement than that. This thing throws you around so if you don’t like motion or get motion sick I would avoid this ride. I really enjoyed the ride but ended up feeling nauseous for a few hours afterwards (which meant I scrapped my touring plan and played it by ear until I felt well enough to ride things again).


Three hours in to park time and I had managed to do quite a bit. RD is definitely worth it if you’re visiting Universal.

Next up – Puppies, Monsters and Cyborgs oh my!
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Very cute!

I’m a public servant (I think you call them civil servants in the northern hemisphere)

Keep going north. We use public servant up here, too.

I love to travel, have been to over 25 countries

Whoa. Impressive.

And that beginning would be at 06:30am on Sunday August 9 2015 when I began my mammoth trek to Florida

I think you may be mistaken. Mammoths have been extinct for quite a while now.
I think you had an elephant trek to Florida.

I've perfected packing after numerous trips so was able to travel with just carry on which is so much easier.

Even more impressive.
I thought I was the only one who could travel with just a carry on.

At 2am I was on a bus to a random airport hotel in Auckland and was finally in bed at 3am.

Wow. You must've been stressed and exhausted.

I was on board the Disney Magical Express by 4:30 and just 15 short minutes later (who am I kidding, they were some of the longest minutes of my life – I was like let’s just get moving already!)


I pretty much got 2.5 out of three when it came to the room.

Not too shabby!

I couldn’t see the fireworks from inside the room – I had to go all the way onto the balcony/walkway ; )

Oh, you poor, poor thing! How did you survive this terrible circumstance???

3 minutes. That’s how long I had to wait at the Pop bus stop for the bus to Downtown Disney.

That's especially good for DTD (or whatever)

I knew exactly what I wanted to – the Holiday Turkey sandwich.

Hey! I had the same thing when I did my Toronto mini trip recently.

Now I had read mixed reviews on these and many people had claimed they fell off far too easily, but I can say I wore them every day of the trip and not one fell off and it never felt like they would either.

Lucky. I bought a pack and lost all three over the span of three days or so.

Not too long after I heard a sound I had been waiting for – the fireworks. I couldn’t see them without stepping out on to the corridor but from there it was a great view.

Nice. We saw them too, but not from that great a vantage point.

What do you get when you’re exhausted from travelling, you have an early night and you know you have a big day the next day?

Wait! I know this one!

About 2 hours sleep.

Yep... that's about right.

so I was the very first person in line.

Isn't that the best feeling?

And yep, I was the first person there as well – let me just say that it is super weird to be seated in a restaurant that size with no one else in the room.

Never thought of that... but yes! It would be!

my favourites were the swimming hippos and the chillaxed elephant who was just happy hanging by himself.

There's your elephant from your trek!

Dinosaur. I know people love this ride but seriously the best part is the pre-show video. The ride itself is terrible!

To jerky? Scary? Both? Neither? (can I be more vague?)

Primeval Whirl. 2 minutes later and I was on the ride – I enjoyed it but it is the same as any mad mouse ride that shows up at a school carnival!

Nope. Hated that ride. It hurt!

!! How do you still look so pretty after being soaked and then baked in the heat???

with monsoonal rain hanging around Pop. The plan for a swim was quickly dashed

You're 0 for 2 there.

While planning my trip I decided to treat myself and had booked in to the Illuminations Sparkling Dessert Party.

I read your review with interest.
I tried and tried to get the Wishes Dessert Party and failed.
I had seen this but the reviews were so poor that I passed on it.

So all this rain seemed like putting a damper on it (pun fully intended!)


I decided to go to the Orange side – a move I would be regretting later that night,

Uh, oh.

Minnie was hilarious and we had a dress competition and a pose off! Clearly Minnie won :rotfl:

You did quite well, but... she is hard to beat!

I was back at Pop by 10:50. And then spent the next hour being unwell (which I blame on Mission: Space and the fact that I’d pretty much only eaten sugar all day!).

Oh, too bad.

(hey it’s vacation so why can’t you have ice cream at 9:30 in the morning!).

Keep going north. We use public servant up here, too.

Oops - I clearly forgot my Commonwealth brethren in the land of maple syrup and moose :rolleyes1

Whoa. Impressive.

Thanks, although now that I've made it to WDW that number might be stuck for a while!

I think you may be mistaken. Mammoths have been extinct for quite a while now.
I think you had an elephant trek to Florida.

You never know, I could have been playing Dr Hammond in my spare time setting up Mammoth Park downunder. I'm sure nothing will go wrong with the grand opening :rotfl:

Oh, you poor, poor thing! How did you survive this terrible circumstance??? .

Barely. It was absolute torture.

To jerky? Scary? Both? Neither? (can I be more vague?)

I'm sure you could be more vague if you tried. :P And in regards to the ride it was just plain old boring. I think I was expecting it to be super exciting but I was kind of wishing it would hurry up and end which is probably not a good thing if you're measuring excitement!

!! How do you still look so pretty after being soaked and then baked in the heat???

Why thank you kind sir! You are my new favourite person :thumbsup2

I read your review with interest.
I tried and tried to get the Wishes Dessert Party and failed.
I had seen this but the reviews were so poor that I passed on it.

Look as long as your willing to stand up I thought it was worth it. And for the same price as the Wishes party at least you get alcohol here.:drinking1
You never know, I could have been playing Dr Hammond in my spare time setting up Mammoth Park downunder. I'm sure nothing will go wrong with the grand opening :rotfl:


Barely. It was absolute torture.

I can't even imagine. Oh, the horror!

And in regards to the ride it was just plain old boring. I think I was expecting it to be super exciting but I was kind of wishing it would hurry up and end which is probably not a good thing if you're measuring excitement!

Ah. Interesting.
I do know what you mean, the first time I rode it I was expecting so much more... but...
Everytime I've ridden it since then, I've enjoyed it more than the last time.

Why thank you kind sir! You are my new favourite person :thumbsup2


Look as long as your willing to stand up I thought it was worth it. And for the same price as the Wishes party at least you get alcohol here.:drinking1

Good point. Although, the reviews I'd read didn't have much to say about the wines either.
Still, after reading your review, I kinda wish we'd done it. I think Kay would've enjoyed it.
Chapter 8.jpg

Where’d we leave off? That’s right, with nausea, nausea and more nausea. After the Simpsons ride my stomach was just not right so the obvious solution was to grab some lunch in case it was caused by the fact I was riding on an empty stomach (the earlier ice cream of course didn’t count).


I was still in Springfield USA so I decided to grab some tacos from Bumbleebee Man’s Taco Truck. After doing my part and filling my stomach the nausea continued not to cooperate and hung around instead. So my plans of riding some of the more extreme rides like Rip Ride Rockit Coaster were put on the backburner and I decided to give my stomach time to settle by tacking in a show (or three).

Continuing on my clockwise path the first show I came to was Animal Actors on Location! (their emphasis not mine). So I was hoping that this would be indoors so that I could escape the heat but alas it is outdoors in a covered theatre (much like Beauty and the Beast at DHS). The show was cute and was a good way to fill in half enough but it was boiling hot and did nothing to help alleviate my rapidly dropping disposition.



Still in need of more indoor time I walked up to the nearest attraction, which happened to be E.Ts adventure. Unfortunately the stand-by time was over 40 minutes (which seemed excessive to me for that sort of ride) so I continued on and found my next escape – the Universal Horror Make-Up Show. Now this was actually really entertaining. The actors were great – the person playing Mark was hilarious – and the show, while cheesy, was thoroughly enjoyable. In fact, I think it would make my list of almost must dos if I ever get back there.


After this, and with my stomach slowly returning to normal, I decided to resume my touring plan, and the next stop was another indoor show. I swear it was coincidental and not just another way to escape the Floridian summer! The next thing on the list was an attraction based on one of my favourite movies of all time – Twister (I know, I know, I’m a horrible human being!). I think I have seen Twister at least two dozen times and can quote the movie by heart. So the best thing about this attraction for me was the theming. The attraction itself rightly deserves to be replaced but Twister should remain honoured in some way or form in the park :woohoo:


And now it was time for another ride – time to test out my stomach and see what it could handle. I got in the single rider line and entered Revenge of the Mummy. Now the stand by line here was over 60 minutes and in single rider I was on the ride in about 20. I loved this ride – it reminded me of the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. If the queues were shorter I probably would have ridden this again.


I decided to take a break for an early dinner and made my way back around to Diagon Alley and into the Leaky Cauldron. I can’t say this enough but the immersive theming in the Diagon Alley is second to none and the Leaky Cauldron was no exception. My meal was very tasty but after copying the masses I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I do not like butterbeer, not one bit.

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I then headed back down the main street to see how long the wait was for Minions – still over 75 minutes (no thank you!) and then walked across the street to Shrek 4D – and the line was massive (or least it looked that way). I decided to skip it for now and try again later (or the next day as it turns out).

So I walked into Hollywood and entered what ended up being my final attraction for the day - T2-3D: Battle Across Time. Now I’m not a terminator fan and I can’t say this convinced me otherwise. The pre-show is incredibly dated and not in a good, awesome retro way, and the actors in the show were terrible (I’m not sure if this was deliberate or not). This one was definitely a one and done attraction for me.


By now it was 5pm and I’d been in the park since 8am (on rides since about 8:50) and I was tired and still not feeling 100%. I’d done everything I wanted to do in this park (other than Minions – too long and Rip Ride Rockit – too rough for today) and decided that I really didn’t want to wait around 4 hours for the Cinematic Spectacular as I hadn’t heard good things. I decided to grab one last thing to take back to the hotel and then call it a day and head back to Pop for an evening at the pool. I wandered back around into Springfield and lined up at Lard Lad Donuts for dessert.

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One pink donut (normal not the Big Pink) and 10 minutes later and I was in an Uber and on my way back. I made it back to the hotel without any issues and went back to the room to get into my swimsuit. I managed to make it to about three steps from the pool before the first crack of thunder was heard and then the pool was closed. So there went that plan for the evening.

I instead went back up to the room and relaxed for a few hours watching TV – both Stacey and other channels. At 8pm I was a little bit peckish (can’t you tell by now that I’m always hungry?) so I made a dash through the rain to food court to grab a snack. I’d heard good things about the gravy fries so that’s what I got. Well I got it after a 15 minute wait and then another 10 minutes in the checkout line so by the time I got to a table they were cold and disgusting. One of the worst things I ate all trip. So I decided to call it an early night so that I would be ready to tackle day two at Universal.

Next - What have they got in there, King Kong?
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Where’d we leave off? That’s right, with nausea, nausea and more nausea.

How could you forget???

After the Simpsons ride my stomach was just not right so the obvious solution was to grab some lunch in case it was caused by the fact I was riding on an empty stomach

Weird, but... okay!

the Universal Horror Make-Up Show. Now this was actually really entertaining. The actors were great – the person playing Mark was hilarious – and the show, while cheesy, was thoroughly enjoyable. In fact, I think it would make my list of almost must dos if I ever get back there.

Never even heard of that.
Then again, I'm woefully underinformed when it comes to Uni.
Maybe next time I'm in Florida I'll have time to go... then the research will kick in to high gear.

The next thing on the list was an attraction based on one of my favourite movies of all time – Twister (I know, I know, I’m a horrible human being!).

I like Twister too!
Mind you I've only seen it 3 or 4 times, so not quite the fan you are.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I do not like butterbeer, not one bit.

So with you, that makes the count for people who don't like it up to.... 1.

call it a day and head back to Pop for an evening at the pool.

I like your determination.

I managed to make it to about three steps from the pool before the first crack of thunder was heard and then the pool was closed. So there went that plan for the evening.


So close.
If you ever do make it, you'll have to post a copious amount of photos in celebration.

can’t you tell by now that I’m always hungry?

No. It's very subtle.
In! I'm a fellow solo traveller and am planning my trip for end March/April next year! So good to see you doing so much, it's making me very excited!
Weird, but... okay!

I swear there was some logic involved here! After getting sick the night before and deciding it was because of only eating sugar all day I figured maybe I could ease the nausea by eating something savoury (having only eaten more sugar up until that point!)

Never even heard of that.
Then again, I'm woefully underinformed when it comes to Uni.
Maybe next time I'm in Florida I'll have time to go... then the research will kick in to high gear.

Definitely add it to your list - and feel free to blame me if it is the worst 15 minutes of your life :goodvibes


So close.
If you ever do make it, you'll have to post a copious amount of photos in celebration.

Spoiler Alert - I do make it in but I was too excited to be finally doing it that I didn't take any photos :worried:

No. It's very subtle.

Just be thankful I haven't been writing down every time I was hungry - every second paragraph would involve food rather than every fourth or fifth one!

In! I'm a fellow solo traveller and am planning my trip for end March/April next year! So good to see you doing so much, it's making me very excited!

Thanks. I love travelling solo - I think it's because other people annoy me too much (or maybe it's because I annoy them with all my planning! I'm sure you'll have a great trip.
Day 2 Wrap Up

Parks visited: 2
Favourite Ride: Harry Potter: Escape from Gringotts
Favourite Show: Universal Horror Make-up Show
Steps taken: 19,767
Miles/Kilometres walked: 9.3mi/14.96km
Calories burned: 2,218
Calories consumed: 2,181

Chapter 9.jpg

Another day, another theme park and this time it was back to Universal to explore the many islands that make up Islands of Adventure (note there were no actual islands so the whole name is a bit of a misnomer – I wonder if anyone has sued them for false/misleading advertising?). I was in an Uber at 7:41 and made it to Citywalk by 8:05. The park had early hours for resort guests so you could walk into the park but not any further than the Port of Entry. I wandered through the stores for about 15 minutes before lining up for rope drop.

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They dropped the rope at about 8:50 and everyone ran. Rope drop occurs at Marvel Island so people either headed for the Hulk Coaster or to run all the way around to Hogsmeade. I’d done Hogsmeade the day before so I was in no rush for that and I didn’t want to start the day on a ride like the Hulk after yesterday’s tummy troubles so I instead headed for Dr Dooms Fearfall. And I was the only one to do that. I was on the ride before 9 and had the whole thing to myself. The views from the top of the ride over both parks are amazing and the drop wasn’t intense at all so the whole thing was quite enjoyable. Once the ride was over I was asked if I wanted to ride again by myself and I politely declined as I wanted to use the empty park hours wisely (I should have done it though – I regret not riding it again).


Working my around to the next attraction in Marvel Island I prepared myself to help Spiderman save the day. Thankfully more people had joined me at this point so I didn’t feel like a total weirdo riding rides all by myself. The ride is a 3D simulator but I found it pretty smooth to experience (some at Disney can be quite jerky) and the 3D was pretty impressive.


It was then time to say goodbye to superheroes and instead join the classic toons for some fun. It was a walk on for Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls (+1 for rope dropping) and I was looking forward to riding this as I love Splash Mountain and they looked pretty similar. Well I was wrong to an extent – with Splash Mountain they say you may get wet but with Dudley there is no chance of escaping the water. I got what I thought was soaked (this definition would change dramatically later) but the ride was great fun (although the mum of English family on the ride with me did not have such a great time – I don’t think she realised there was any chance of getting wet and her family was in hysterics!).

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It was about 9:30 by then and I walked across to ride Popeye and Bluto-s Bilge-Rat Barges but it wasn’t open yet (-1 to rope dropping). So I left Toon Lagoon and made my way to the area I was most excited for – Jurassic Park. Now I said yesterday that Twister was one of my favourite movies of all time, but Jurassic Park is even higher on the list of all time favourites! Walking past all the construction for Skull Island (which looks awesome by the way) I made it to the Jurassic Park River Adventure and yay it was a walk on. I had ridden this years ago (like 16 I think) when we went to Universal Studios Hollywood for a family vacation and I can still remember the ride vividly. It was just as good as remembered, if slightly different from the Hollywood version.


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I then headed through the gift shop and bought the one item I had been planning to by ever since booking this trip – my Jurassic Park t-shirt! I had them ship it to the front of the park so I could pick it up as I was leaving and this was an easy process – I would definitely recommend it if you’re in the park as you don’t want to be carrying stuff around with all the rides you have to use lockers for.

I really wanted to ride the Pteranodon Flyers next but thought I might get in trouble borrowing a child to ride it – oh well – I’ll have to come back with a small child another time.

Next - And you thought I'd need to do laundry...
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Definitely add it to your list - and feel free to blame me if it is the worst 15 minutes of your life :goodvibes

:laughing: Okay, I will!

Spoiler Alert - I do make it in but I was too excited to be finally doing it that I didn't take any photos :worried:

Oh, that's okay. You were probably in shock.

Just be thankful I haven't been writing down every time I was hungry - every second paragraph would involve food rather than every fourth or fifth one!

Great report, I'm really interested in your Universal days as we're heading there for the first time in late August next year!
Great report!!! Certainly helping me pass the time on our flight to MCO. We touch down in 25 minutes.

Looks like you had a great trip. But one question I have to ask...what's a pretty girl like you doing Vacation solo? Next time you need a travel partner...message me. ☺️
Great report, I'm really interested in your Universal days as we're heading there for the first time in late August next year!

Thank you. I'm sure you'll have a great trip!

Great report!!! Certainly helping me pass the time on our flight to MCO. We touch down in 25 minutes.

Looks like you had a great trip. But one question I have to ask...what's a pretty girl like you doing Vacation solo? Next time you need a travel partner...message me. ☺️

So jealous that you're about to start a trip while I'm stuck at work!

And thank you for the compliment - the gentlemen on the Dis are such charmers!
Chapter 9.jpg

When we left off we were exploring the Cretaceous period. After a bit of time travelling I arrived back in the day (although I think something followed me back).


But the current day wasn’t enough – I need to be transported into a more magical world. So I wandered back into Hogsmeade for a slightly longer exploration then the day before. It was still early – around 10 so the lines weren’t long and I was able to ride Flight of the Hippogriff without much wait. This is pretty much like a standard carnival ride (or like Primeval Whirl with less spinning) and would probably be a good introductory coaster for kids, but after riding ones like the Duelling Dragons this was just a little tame.




After exhausting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (or myself?) I continued my way around the “islands” to the Lost Continent.


Sinbad didn’t start until later in the day so I decided to see what type of fury Poseidon would unleash on me. How do I describe this? It’s part show part walk through and 100% weird as hell. The battle at the end is straight out of an 80s music video from Sweden and I came out spectacularly confused. Can’t say I’d do it again but everyone should do it once just to experience the weirdness.



It was still a little early for lunch so I headed back into Jurassic Park to explore the Discovery Centre. This looks awesome – it felt as though you in the film – but the activities were definitely only amusing for little ones.


After a quick walk through (including spending 10 minutes watching someone wrangle a baby triceratops – yep I can’t believe I’m actually writing that) I headed back out into the baking hot sun. If you thought Animal Kingdom was hot Islands of Universal is more so. It was like Animal Kingdom was Mercury but IOA was actually the sun.

I made my way as quickly as possible back to Toon Lagoon to ride the now opened Bilge-Rat Barges. My first impression of this was that it would be like Kali River Rapids. Nope. I was wrong. Kali warns you that you may get wet. Bilge-Rat warns you that everyone will get wet and that you may get soaked. I should have heeded that warning (I'd thought I’d prepared by wearing a swimsuit under my outfit :confused3).


After about a 15 minute wait I boarded the barge and so far this was identical to Kali. And then the ride began. Oh my god it was like being in a washing machine. Every single person of the ride got at least half soaked and the three people on my side of the raft (including me) got drenched. I honestly looked like I’d jumped in the pool fully clothed. It was great fun! :woohoo:

If you do not want to get wet do not ride this ride. And a piece of advice - wear flip flops as you are not allowed to take your shoes off so if you are wearing sneakers prepare to have wet feet all day.

But you can’t say that Universal won’t help you recover - for a small fee of course. There a people drying stations at the exit of the ride so for around $5 you can stand in a giant fan to dry off. Thankfully the aforementioned heat had its benefits so I was dry after about 20 minutes of walking around and still had $5 in my pockets.

Next up - All the big green things...
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Not sure what the deal is, but on this and two other computers I can't see your pics from post #31.
Not just you. I can't see a bunch of folks avatar pics either.
Don't know if it's the DIS or me.
I can see all the pics from your last update though.

note there were no actual islands so the whole name is a bit of a misnomer

Those people are trying to trick us!!

I wonder if anyone has sued them for false/misleading advertising?

Let me be the first.
"Yes, for undue pain and suffering, I am seeking damages of a quarter of a million dollars."
"Will you take free tickets to IOA instead?"

I was on the ride before 9 and had the whole thing to myself.


I prepared myself to help Spiderman save the day.

Well, that was good of you.
Just out of curiosity, what super powers do you have?

Thankfully more people had joined me at this point so I didn’t feel like a total weirdo riding rides all by myself.


I got what I thought was soaked (this definition would change dramatically later)

uh oh

(although the mum of English family on the ride with me did not have such a great time – I don’t think she realised there was any chance of getting wet and her family was in hysterics!).


I really wanted to ride the Pteranodon Flyers next but thought I might get in trouble borrowing a child to ride it – oh well – I’ll have to come back with a small child another time.

Oh, no. They rent them for only a small fee.
You have to leave a $15 deposit, but you get $10 back if you return the child.
So it's a pretty good deal.

After a bit of time travelling I arrived back in the day (although I think something followed me back).

And those are hard to get rid of too.
Usually you have to get the whole house fumigated.

How do I describe this? It’s part show part walk through and 100% weird as hell.

Now that's an interesting description!

The battle at the end is straight out of an 80s music video from Sweden and I came out spectacularly confused.


(including spending 10 minutes watching someone wrangle a baby triceratops – yep I can’t believe I’m actually writing that)

I know, right?
I mean you can see that anyday on any street corner.

Oh my god it was like being in a washing machine.


I honestly looked like I’d jumped in the pool fully clothed. It was great fun! :woohoo:

I like your enthusiasm! :thumbsup2

I was dry after about 20 minutes of walking around and still had $5 in my pockets.

The $5 bill was still wet, mind you.
Not sure what the deal is, but on this and two other computers I can't see your pics from post #31.
Not just you. I can't see a bunch of folks avatar pics either.
Don't know if it's the DIS or me.
I can see all the pics from your last update though.

It's the DIS - it's happening to everyone and it randomly affects different images which appear and then disappear and then reappear. Clearly there are some gremlins in the system (and I swear I didn't get them wet or feed them after midnight!

Let me be the first.
"Yes, for undue pain and suffering, I am seeking damages of a quarter of a million dollars."
"Will you take free tickets to IOA instead?"

I'd actually accept that offer :rotfl2:

Well, that was good of you.
Just out of curiosity, what super powers do you have?

The ability to gain two kilos just by looking at cake? Does that count as a superpower? Because if so I'm very good at it.

Oh, no. They rent them for only a small fee.
You have to leave a $15 deposit, but you get $10 back if you return the child.
So it's a pretty good deal.

They must have been sold out that day as I didn't see any around :goodvibes

Now that's an interesting description!

And yet it's probably still not an accurate enough description!

This is just a glimpse of what you will experience

The $5 bill was still wet, mind you.

I like how you think I'm rich enough to carry around $5 bills....
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Another day, another theme park and this time it was back to Universal to explore the many islands that make up Islands of Adventure (note there were no actual islands so the whole name is a bit of a misnomer – I wonder if anyone has sued them for false/misleading advertising?). I was in an Uber at 7:41 and made it to Citywalk by 8:05. The park had early hours for resort guests so you could walk into the park but not any further than the Port of Entry. I wandered through the stores for about 15 minutes before lining up for rope drop.

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They dropped the rope at about 8:50 and everyone ran. Rope drop occurs at Marvel Island so people either headed for the Hulk Coaster or to run all the way around to Hogsmeade. I’d done Hogsmeade the day before so I was in no rush for that and I didn’t want to start the day on a ride like the Hulk after yesterday’s tummy troubles so I instead headed for Dr Dooms Fearfall. And I was the only one to do that. I was on the ride before 9 and had the whole thing to myself. The views from the top of the ride over both parks are amazing and the drop wasn’t intense at all so the whole thing was quite enjoyable. Once the ride was over I was asked if I wanted to ride again by myself and I politely declined as I wanted to use the empty park hours wisely (I should have done it though – I regret not riding it again).

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Working my around to the next attraction in Marvel Island I prepared myself to help Spiderman save the day. Thankfully more people had joined me at this point so I didn’t feel like a total weirdo riding rides all by myself. The ride is a 3D simulator but I found it pretty smooth to experience (some at Disney can be quite jerky) and the 3D was pretty impressive.

I'm surprised you passed on Hulk. I could ride that one multiple times in a row with little problems, but for some reason, Spider-Man makes me super pukey in no time. Maybe I got bit by a radioactive toilet when I rode it.
I'm surprised you passed on Hulk. I could ride that one multiple times in a row with little problems, but for some reason, Spider-Man makes me super pukey in no time. Maybe I got bit by a radioactive toilet when I rode it.

I just passed it up first thing in the morning - I didn't want to risk feeling sick all day. I did manage to ride it eventually :D

Hopefully you've been able to put the super-pukey powers to good use :rotfl2:


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