Take the DIS WISH challenge here

Hi Katholyn,

You can mark my eating plan as "eating sensibly"...or trying to, at least.

Can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I've recently started pilates classes, and surprisingly I really enjoy them. Very relaxing but TOUGH. I would recommend it for anyone who's looking to stretch and strengthen (and tone) and to relax at the same time.
Count me in! I need all the help I can get ! ;)

My long term goal is 75 lbs, but for the short term....I will settle for 25 lbs. by our Christmas Trip! I joined a fitness center in January and have lost lots of inches, but not much weight!:mad: The problem is that the company I work for is going out of business and we are all sitting around the office eating out of depression and boredom! Right now I have a cream donut staring me in the face! Help!:hyper: Good Luck To Us All!!!::yes::
I want to join! I'm 27, 5'5", and 235 lbs. I started WW on my own two weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds so far. I want to lose at least 110 more.

Ready to take the challenge!!!!!!!!!

I really want to have a healthier eating plan and am determined to make regular exercise a part of my routine again....besides I desperately need more energy!!!!!!!! and want healthier eating habits to pass on to the kids!!!!! It's great to have so many DIS'ers as support!!!!!:wave2:

I have been on SBD since August 21st and before adding the
challenge clippie I had lost 12 pounds.

I have lost a few since adding the clippie and look forward to
adding the clippie for losing 5 pounds, etc.

I have tried several diets before, however, losing weight was the main goal and not health. Now my focus is health and weight loss.

I have 2 immediate goals:

:D Reach my drivers license weight

:D Walk in the Atlanta Half-Marathon on Thanksgiving Day.

I believe if I stay on track with SBD, train on my treadmill for
the half-marathon and participate in the W.I.S.H. Challenge, I will reach my goals.

After those goals are met I will set new goals, like reducing my time in the Peachtree Road Race.

This is a great forum - to everyone out there a BIG THANKS.:wave:

I'm ready to take the DIS WISH challenge! I am 32 years-old, 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 133 pounds. Although I am in the upper limits of the average range, I do not feel comfortable. My goal is to lose 15 pounds by my birthday (January 18th). My plan is to eat sensibly and work out at least three times a week.

I know that exercise really is the key for me. I've gained over five pounds in the last few months because I have not been working out. I'm currently finishing my dissertation, which is extremely stressful....so I need to workout as much for my mental health as for my health.

Here's to becoming stronger, leaner, and less stressed!! :o
Yikes! I am ready to go "public" with my plans to feel healthier, eat healthier and live healthier.

Oh yeah, and lose a bunch of weight too. :rolleyes:

I usually like to keep quiet about weight losing efforts, afraid that if I don't succeed it will look bad to family and coworkers.

My husband and I have set a goal together of "50 by 50" - 50 lbs lost by our fiftieth birthdays in 2005. I think that is a relatively modest goal, and my shorter term goal is to lose 25 lbs by my Orlando trip in February.

I have been doing the slimfast plan for two weeks now, and have lost about 6 lbs.I know a lot of folks love Atkins, but that is not for me. Has anyone else here used slimfast for an extended time? It was my plan to just use it for a jump start, but its going so well and is so easy (and I feel so much better!) that I'm going to stick with that method for a while.

I look forward to checking in here, as a good reminder

Yikes! I am ready to go "public" with my plans to feel healthier, eat healthier and live healthier.

Oh yeah, and lose a bunch of weight too. :rolleyes:

I usually like to keep quiet about weight losing efforts, afraid that if I don't succeed it will look bad to family and coworkers.

My husband and I have set a goal together of "50 by 50" - 50 lbs lost by our fiftieth birthdays in 2005. I think that is a relatively modest goal, and my shorter term goal is to lose 25 lbs by my Orlando trip in February.

I have been doing the slimfast plan for two weeks now, and have lost about 6 lbs.I know a lot of folks love Atkins, but that is not for me.

Has anyone else here used slimfast for an extended time? It was my plan to just use it for a jump start, but its going so well and is so easy (and I feel so much better!) that I'm going to stick with that method for a while.

I look forward to checking in here, as a good reminder

Hello, everyone. :) I've been WISHing the pounds away since August. I know I signed this thread somewhere, but looked through it and can't find it! I remember doing it. So, I wanted to put my stats and everything for when I began. I weighed 236 lbs. My highest weight EVER and a sz. 22-24. Depending on the clothing. Thanks to all of the encouragement, I have lost down to 213 as of this morning. Only a couple of more pounds and I can grab my 25 lb. clippie!! YIPPEE!! All of you joining the W.I.S.H challenge, whether you know it or not, you're doing something that can change your life, for the BETTER. All of the people here are absolutely wonderful. Thanks guys!! :D

My goals now are to get into ONEderland and continue to get healthy! When I first began the W.I.S.H challenge, I honestly didn't think I could do it but now I know I can. :) I do it one pound, one day at a time. The clippie's really keep me going. I love getting a new one!! Won't be long until I get the 30 pound one.

Congratulations to all of you who are just starting. You can do it. There's no doubt in that. Just keep on going, even if you have a bad day, just remember tomorrow is a brand new day!! Take care. :)
What a great way to motivate and inspire disney fans. I am trying to lose 100lbs. I am using Weight Watchers. I have lost 34lbs so far. I have 66 more to go. I hope to lose it by our next trip in 10/04.
I would like to take the wish challange aslo!

I just had a baby in May and I have gained alot of weight between not exercising and making bad eating decisions.

I have about 95 lbs to lose, but my short term goal is to lose 30 lbs by the time we go to WDW in Jan. for our 5th Wedding Anniversary!!! :Pinkbounc

I was thinking about the Zone Diet, but I'd like to hear everyone's opinon about different "eating plans".

I've started bike riding everyday and doing a weight training program which uses yoga balls to help with balance.

I'm glad there are people I can talk to who want to be healthy and love disney like I do!!!

Good Luck Everyone!!!

Hi Sabrina,

I'm new to the Disney Challenge also.

I think the best plan is what works for you.

I tried the Zone, Carborhydrates Addict, Weight Watchers, etc.

Currently I'm on the South Beach Diet.

I started Aug. 21 and I have lost 15 pounds so far. I lost most of
the weight during phase 1(2weeks) and that helped motivate me to excercise and keep going.

I want to get healthy and lose weight also.

As you can tell by my signature we are Disney fans also.

Good Luck!

My Goal? To lose enough weight and improve my fittness levels so I can enjoy our Disney Vacations again!

Seeing others succeed is great motivation.
Well, look how many new friends took the challenge while I was away! Welcome, everyone :)

<b>helenk</b> It's great to see you here. Looks like you've already had some good success with South Beach. We have several WISHers following that plan so if you have information to share or have questions about the plan, all you need to do is ask and you will receive speedy replies. I'm glad you decided to join us.

<b>coyote</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you decided to join us. I see that you found the Journalling board and started your journal. I hope keeping a journal helps you succeed better with WW.

We have lots of WISHers who follow the WW program. You have a ready made group waiting to help you with that program. If you have any questions all you need to do is ask and you will get answers right away. I hope you can visit WISH often.

<b>EvilQueen</b> I'm so late welcoming you that you've already lost 5 pounds! Way to go! Looks like you have found the best plan for you, that's very important. I'm so glad you decided to take the challenge.

<b>4cruisin</b> There's always room for another WISHer! Welcome aboard. I'm glad you decided to join us here and I hope you can visit often. We have lots of WISHers following the WW program, you are going to fit right in. I see you've already earned your 5 pound loss clipart, way to go!

<b>IwantobeTinkerbell</b> Well, I would be thrilled to lose lots of inches. I love getting smaller and don't care all that much about getting lighter but that's just me.

Sounds like you've done very well with the getting smaller part. Now that you have this wonderful WISH support group behind you, I'll bet you start getting lighter, too.

Will you be following a specific eating plan or just eating sensibly? Let me know.

<b>Jess5150</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH! I'm so glad you found us. There are many WWers here. You'll find lots of advice and information about the program available. Lots of support, too. I hope you can visit often. I find that visiting WISH helps me to stay motivated and focused on goal.

<b>Mad4Dizne</b> Welcome to the DIS and WISH, I'm so glad you decided to join us. I will just list your plan as "eating sensibly". What a great gift for your children, the gift of healthy eating and exercise habits. What a great mom you are!

<b>ADisneyMom </b> I believe you're going to reach your goals too :-) You sound very determined and motivated. That is an excellent sign of impending success. Besides, with the WISH group behind you to help you along the road to goal and a great plan like South Beach, I can't imagine any other scenario. Welcome, my new friend. I think you're going to like it here.

<b>TigerBear</b> You are almost finished earning a doctorate? WOW! Good for you taking control of your health while your weight is still in the "normal" range. I wish I had done that, life would be so much nicer ;)

Shall I list you as "eating sensibly"? Would you prefer "exercising to better health"? Let me know. I like to include our plans on the roster. Welcome to WISH, I'm glad you decided to join us.

<b>kestral</b> Welcome to WISH. We have a few WISHers who follow the Slim Fast plan. There is a member roster near the top of this board and I have listed each member's plan along with their profile, so if you want to get in contact with any Slim Fast program followers you can do that.

You sound like you have a sensible plan and timeline in place. Losing 1/2 pound each week should get that 50 pounds off by 2005. I'll bet you do great!

<b>JustMe28</b> I found your first WISH post and it seems that you introduced yourself on 8/11 but didn't post to the challenge thread. No problem! I'll add you to the roster as starting on that date, if that's alright with you. That period of time was difficult for me, my mother was very ill and I wasn't on WISH as much as I would have liked, so I missed adding you to the roster. Forgive me?

Are you following a formal eating plan or just "eating sensibly"? Let me know, okay? Whatever plan you are following you are doing a great job. Love that pretty 25 pound loss clipart. Way to go!

<b>jillwdw</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you found us and I'm glad you are going to be part of my support group now.

We have many WISHers following the WW program and they've had wonderful success. I'll bet you have terrific success too. Visit WISH as often as you can. It's a very helpful place.

<b>brina_n</b> Welcome! I follow the Atkins plan but we have WISHers following every different type of plan.

I'd like to hear everyone's opinon about different "eating plans".

Why don't you ask this question on the WISH board? I imagine you will get some wonderful advice and information to help you choose your plan. Once you <i>do</i> choose a plan will you let me know what you chose?

<b>Luvdisney</b> I'm glad to see you here. I follow the Atkins plan too and so do many other WISHers. If you have any questions about the program don't hesitate to ask, you will receive many speedy replies.

I'm so happy to have you in my support group :-)

<b>djkeenan</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. Will you be following any special eating plan or will you be "eating sensibly"? Let me know, okay?
I'm really glad you found us and I hope you can visit often. I think you will find participating in WISH is very motivating, it sure keeps <i>me</i> motivated.

<i>You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>.</i>

I'm thrilled to see so many new members joining my support group. The WISH support group is the best part of WISH, you'll see. Please visit often and join in the discussions and I think you will find out how motivating WISH can be.

Onward and downward!

Dear Katholyn,

Last year your information helped us get the special pontoon boat ride for the fireworks at Epcot on Christmas Night! And through your board we were able to share it with another great family. It was a Christmas we'll remember for many years.

A year later and you are still at it, supporting, sharing and giving to anyone who asks. THANK YOU!

I'm on ATKINS again, it works for me especially since I have an allergy to gluten and shouldn’t be eating my favorites: bread, pasta, etc. Two hospital stays in the last two weeks have given me a good start. Appendicitis and a post-op infection are great ways to loose weight, but I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone else.

I was 415 lb. when I entered the hospital (last time I was weighed). With a daughter graduating in March and another getting married in October this is not something I can put off any longer.

Congratulations to YOU on your weight loss and to all the WISH participants who are working towards their goal.

I am enjoying and getting strength from the Journals I have read. Like “Reality TV”, these “Reality” stories are just as compelling and motivating. I’m inspired by all those who post and hope I can also contribute to another’s success by example.

Thanks to you and the other moderators and all those who post regularly. I’ll keep in touch.

A fellow Michigander,

My 2nd Cousin who is 38 had a heart attach and it scared me she is 5 years older then me.. I decided then and there something had to be done about my weight. My cousin was like 15 pounds over. and me I could cut myself in half and there would be another person.

I would like to get to my normal size 125 pounds , by summer..


Right now im watching my calories and fat grams..

and walking 1.5 miles.
Hi Katholyn,

Thank you for that wonderful warm welcome. I truly feel like I belong.

This is a great support group. Everyone is so helpful.

I look forward to watching the progress of everyone, offering help whenever I can and posting my progress. Knowing there are others out there on SBD and other plans that are working motivates me to stay on track so hopefully I can inspire as I have been inspired.

A special thank you to you Katholyn, for all that you as the moderator. Your work is appreciated.

I've been posting on this board, but don't think I've done it here. I want to officially be included in your challenge.

I am married with two great kids, ages 11 and 7. I'm 5'6" and am 34 with 35 fast approaching in Jan. Kind of freaking me out to know I have been truly overweigh for 15 years. Would like at 35 to be under 200lbs. I pittered and pattered with Atkins/Weight watchersover the last several years.

On Sept 28, 2003 all of this has changed. I am finally really motivated. I'm setting little goals for myself each week. My big goal is to weigh less than my pregnant sister by Feb. (cheating I know 'cause she's pregnant, but it really has been an inspiration) I started at 228. That's the heaviest I've ever been. I am currently 209.5. I want to weigh 185 by mid Feb. I am actually losing the weight much faster than I imagined. So I choose 185 'cause that's probably what my sis will be. I actually have pictures of me at 185 and like how my face looked then. I remember being 165 and feeling sexy but that seems like too much weight loss in my mind, and I'm trying really hard not to set unrealistic goals so I stay on track.

I would love to have the clippie and the statement at the bottom about my weight 228/209.5/185, but am pretty illiterate when it comes to computers, so I'll be happy just putting it here.

Thanks for letting me be one of You!!
<b>djkeenan</b> I thought your name seemed familiar. Now I know why. I'm so glad that our Illuminations information helped you get a reservation and very happy to hear that you shared that cruise with other DISers. I'm glad you will be with us here on WISH now.

<b>bambii</b> I'm glad you decided to take the challenge. I'll list your plan as "eating sensibly", if that's alright with you. Welcome!

<b>ADisneyMom</b> I love WISH! Participating here helps me a lot and I'm so glad you are part of my support group.

<b>Camping Griswalds</b> Thanks for posting here. I use this thread to compose our member roster. I would hate to leave you out.

So which eating plan will you follow? Have you chosen a formal plan or will you be eating sensibly? Let me know, okay?

You sound very motivated and determined. Setting small minigoals is an excellent idea. I have no doubt that you will succeed, my friend. No doubts at all.

To add your goals to your signature: go to user cp, it's at the top of this page, and click on that. Then choose "edit profile". Scroll down that page until you see "signature", there is a box there, type in 228/209.5/185. Now that will appear everytime you post anywhere on the DIS :)

<i>You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>.</i>

Welcome everyone. You're going to do great with this new healthy lifestyle you have chosen. I'm sure of it! After all, you're all WISHers now and we plan to help you succeed!

Onward and downward!



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