Support to Craig

Ehhhh I think when someone makes such a nasty comment about a spouse it's very hard not to care or get upset at it. I generally don't care if people say mean things about me but if they speak about my son or my husband in a rude way, you're gonna get the horns.

This times a million.
What is it about social media fame at any level that attracts so many deranged lunatics?

stay safe out there.
What is it about social media fame at any level that attracts so many deranged lunatics?

stay safe out there.
I believe it's the anonymity of being behind the keyboard. A lot of folks say stuff they'd never have the gumption to say up in somebody's face. Or - as we say it in my neck of the woods "People are letting their mouths write checks their hindpots can't cash". (kinda how we say it - you catch the gist). ;)
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Well, I don't know what vitriol was spilled, and I'm not going to give that person any of my time to read it. What I will do with me my time is to share my immediate thoughts on watching the Poly-staycation video. I had been thinking my response would be too mushy/sappy, especially for the dry whimsy that is Craig's style. However, from reading this thread, I don't think it'll hurt to have a little sappy mush now and then....

My immediate thoughts while watching and reflecting on it afterwards, was the immense amount of respect Craig showed in his supportive deference to Kylie's choices. I try to be a decent human, and sometimes when I hold up my words and actions in relief to how others model their words and actions, I see where I have fallen short. As humans we're going to have triumphs and "yet-to-be-triumphs." So I want to thank Craig and Kylie, for just being yourselves, for modeling what a mutually respectful relationship looks, acts and feels like. Don't think I'm putting you up on a pedestal... it'll be too hard to grab that dole whip or delicious noodle dish at Captn Cooks. No, we're all struggling in our own unique way to make it through another day. I just want you to know how your kindness made an impact, made me more thoughtful, and ways to to a "self-check" to be a better partner in my relationships. Thank You.

(PS. And thanks for the video note on the "high point overlook" at the Poly. Next time I have opportunity to do a sunrise run, that'll be on my to-do list. "Sunrise @ Bungalow Hill!")
I did not see the negative comments, but I did watch that Poly staycation video and very much enjoyed it. I think Craig and Kylie are such a sweet and adorable couple, and its obvious how much Craig adores his wife. That is what I see as an outsider. I loved this video....and it is so disheartening that anyone could be so miserable and unhappy, to feel the need to be nasty with negative comments. We live in such a cruel world filled with makes me sad. Craig and Kylie, please continue to shine and don’t let anyone rain on your parade. You are a lovely young couple!
I won’t waste my time even looking at whatever trash was said. I KNOW Craig and Kyle are good, kind people and I hope that our support gives them a sense a peace and strength to ignore the crap of social media.
I believe it's the anonymity of being behind the keyboard. A lot of folks say stuff they'd never have the gumption to say up in somebody's face. Or - as we say it in my neck of the woods "People are letting their mouths write checks their hindpots can't cash". (kinda how we say it - you catch the gist). ;)
A ton of people are out there are posting terrible things in racist Facebook groups and invading other comments sections using their real names. The problem is a lot of people people actually do think it's okay.
I so enjoy ”Lobby Time” on youtube. Craig and Kylie are adorable. I know some youtubers disable the comments because some people are just mean and post terrible things. Craig and Kylie, don’t let the jerks get you down!!
Craig is authentic and I always love to hear his perspective! Love ya, Craig!

One thing I love about Craig is he's really honest, but he isn't mean. Sometimes people think he's mean because his sense of humor is often dry and sarcastic. I think most of the time he's really good about understanding the opposite perspective of whatever his is too. He also usually admits when he's wrong.
I (unfortunately) stumbled upon the video in question and was disgusted. The creator of that video, and anyone who commented such vile things on it, need to get a life. I know we're in a pandemic, but my goodness people have too much time on their hands if they can devote theirs to making hate videos about people who do Disney vlogs.
I (unfortunately) stumbled upon the video in question and was disgusted. The creator of that video, and anyone who commented such vile things on it, need to get a life. I know we're in a pandemic, but my goodness people have too much time on their hands if they can devote theirs to making hate videos about people who do Disney vlogs.

Wait there was an actual video someone made about them? I assumed it was comments left on a disunplugged video. That's just sad, that you have nothing better to do with your time or care that much about being able to leave comments or not.

My husband just started his own YouTube channel to review beer and not that there's really any views or traction yet, this is the exact reason I don't want to appear on it. I do not have a thick enough skin to endure the heinous things people say about complete strangers.
My husband just started his own YouTube channel to review beer and not that there's really any views or traction yet, this is the exact reason I don't want to appear on it. I do not have a thick enough skin to endure the heinous things people say about complete strangers.
I believe you can turn off commenting on your videos so you don't have to see what morons are thinking.

Good luck to him with his new channel.
YouTube comments are so toxic and something we need to let die with 2020.

This cant be said enough. The YouTube comments have become embarrassingly bad recently, even worse than the garbage that is usually said. I've been going through the food reviews recently and like clockwork there's comments on how someone needs a haircut or needs to lose a hat or some creep who "loves" how good someone looks. Just leave them alone and comment on the food or the review if you really need to, there's just so many creeps out there it's disgusting.
Also, my grandmother used to tell me "consider the source". When people spew negativity, unless it is someone I respect or trust or value the opinion of, I don't give their harsh negativity another thought.

I have appeared in several of DH's youtube videos. He has a channel that features various things. One of his videos he asked me to review something he knew I didn't like...mostly as a laugh. Most of his followers got the humor in it, but we STILL get replies years later attempting to skewer or shame me for my opinion. Some were quite rude. I laugh it off and shake my head and wonder why anyone would even put that much thought or energy into being mean.

Imagine if everyone used that time to do GOOD. What a world this would be!
Well I mean yeah the poly video was cute n all but have you seen Craig's cooking videos?! I need more of those. Many many more. I laughed from my belly watching them. Just excellent.

Re: the comments, I got so mad reading them... I feel very defensive over the DIS as I have a lot to thank them for, more than they could possibly know and so in my eyes, them and their respective other halves are like a family to me and I feel very angry about the things that were said. I feel one comment in particular was so below the belt it was at foot level because what goes on between a couple and their goals for the future is their business and theirs alone and it is NEVER ok to judge a woman (and a man) on those choices and then use their situation as ammunition against them.

I believe however that Craig and Kylie are much more thick skinned than me, and know that many many more people love them than feel the way that troll of a human being felt about them, and that is the main thing.


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