Support Group - 10 lbs or less

Holy cow, I have a ton to catch up on! My DH and I have become hooked on the short lived Firefly series. Most nights it's come home from running and watch an episode. By the time it's finished, it's way too late at night!

First, I know this is late, but awesome job MMQ on the 1/2! Running head on into wind is a pain, but you did it. How great of your family to be right there towards the end to help you through that final push!

ohMom - I'm so glad they have a diagnosis. Hopefully everything will be under control quickly.

Well, things here are going okay. I've been able to run or do some sort of workout at least 4 to 5 days a week. Unfortunately, my knee problem is still hanging around. I haven't been able to really run like I want, but at least I'm able to do something. I'm trying to focus more on strength training with my legs and that is helping a lot. I'm within 4 pounds of my goal and although I haven't been losing a lot of weight recently, I'm losing inches!! Hopefully this means I'm replacing fat with muscle.

I hope everyone is having a great week!!
Hello All!

Sorry I have been neglecting this thread; I have been devouring the cruise threads since it’s getting so close to our cruise date! Being a cruise newbie, I actually thought it would involve less planning than a trip to DL! :laughing: Not so for compulsive planners like me!

MommyMcQueen – AMAZING job on your Half!!! :cheer2: I think your time was so impressive! I would consider that a great time for a normal Half and you ran that fighting the wind - WOW!

OhMom, I can imagine that it’s such a relief to have a diagnosis. At least you have a specific thing to research and focus on (if you like doing that). I hope you have an incredible cruise!! (Where are you cruising to, by the way?)

I am still using Sparkpeople and have lost a pound a week since I started it. So, I am down a full 10 pounds from the time I started trying to lose at the beginning of the year. And I am down about a size. Yay! :yay:
Just had to bump us up to the front page again! I think summer must have really hit and everyone is super busy. I hope even though everyone is busy, you're still able to stay on top of exercising! Good luck and have a great weekend!!
:thanks: everyone for all the support and well-wishes! and omg....i have been researching Cushings since last Oct when i was first told it was a possibility. it's one of those 'rare' diseases that doc's don't like to diagnosis b/c it's unfamiliar territory and the textbooks are out-of-date. i was diagnosed by a research endocrinolgist and people who feel they have Cushing's or a simlilar-disorder flock from all over the country and some from other countries to be treated by him. it's cra-a-zy ...but necessary b/c it blows my mind the difference in my physical health from just one year ago, and then i'm sure i had the disease it just went out-of-control last summer. i don't have recent pictures of me...for obvious reasons, but i'll have to get over that for our cruise to some degree ;) i'm whining to you all b/c i know that this group will really 'get it' for being fit and healthy and all in one year's time that drastically changing. i'll tell you all when i joined this thread and i had 10-15 lbs to lose and was so frustrated by that...i'd like to forehead-smack my past-tense self b/c it just wasn't that big. i'm saying this to anyone here who finds themself depressed over a minimal amount of weight...i'm not saying that i now i think it's trivial...i'm saying i wish i hadn't fretted and stressed over it. let me see if i can link up a photo...this is me pre-Cushings Aug 2009 and then last Oct 2010...and honestly i've ballooned up even further than this pic.
oh...really..that pic is flattering to what i'm dealing with abd is so distended that i won't wear waistband-pants/shorts anymore. seriously, i look pregnant. i call it my PPPB -- perpetually pseudo-pregnant belly. I had poofed up to a size 12 last i'm a size 16 b/c of it, i've gained a whopping 50 lbs..more than i've ever weighed in my life includign pregnancies

i'm sorry....i'm done's just hard and i appreciate the ears from people who can relate to the old-me that i mourn for...

ok....we are doing the med cruise leaving July 09...we are super excited! jodeja -- which itinerary are you doing? DCL? and great job on your weight loss...:thumbsup2
Hi all! It's been a while since I've psoted - didn't feel like I had much to report!

OhMom-I'm so sorry for all you are going through - I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise - you deserve it! I can't imagine how hard it must be to be uncontrollably gaining the weight and there is nothing you can do about it. I do not think your pictures look bad AT ALL! One thing you mentioned reminded me of something I once thought about a lot - how about being 10 or 15 pounds overweight isn't something to contstantly stress over and beat yourself up about. After I had my first son I gained A LOT of weight really quickly - I had severe morning sickness (a condition called hyperemesis) and basically was starved my entire pregnancy because I couldn't keep anything down. Well after I had him I could eat again, and my body freaked out and gained like 25 pounds in 2 months. Didn't help that it was over the holidays. So by January, I had a 3 month old baby and weighted almost 30 pounds more than I did after I had him. I did start exerising and was able to lose some of it - but I often told myself that there are worse things in the world than being 25 pounds overweight - I'm still a good mom, a good wife, a good daughter, a good person. It's a number on the scale and it doesn't define me, and I think that is true whether the number is 25 or 50 or more than that. :thumbsup2

I'm still eating too much and not exercising enough. I went 2 full weeks without working out at all. We are 3 weeks out from the move and still no news on the house, and I've honestly been kind of depressed, which is why I took a 2 week break from exercising - was just too down to bother. And we were busy - with the kids sports, finishing up the school year, and packing stuff, cleaning, doing showings, doing all the yard work - I've had my hands full. Thank goodness I only work part-time.

I know I've said this before but I do feel ready to get back onto a consistent diet and exercise program. I got 2 good runs in this weekend, and began tracking my calories again. The kids started summer school today and I now have 3 kid-free hours each morning to go and run or exercise (which I should be doing now!), so I have the time to do it now, I just need to go do it! I was reading on a running blog about this person doing a 30-day challenge - 30 days of at least 30 minutes cardio or 3 mile run/walk or equilivant. I think I could do that. I've done 2 days in a row already, so I think I will challenge myself to this!

I did weigh myself this morning - and I'm up a bit, but not as much as I was - I'm up 8 pounds from last summer's low. So, I have a little work to do, but I think if I keep focusing on the "light at the end of the tunnel" with this move and everything I can keep my motivation up and keep moving forward. I have considered the possibility of training for a full marathon for fall - I don't know if this is just a crazy idea or something that I can make a reality. I have a training plan drawn up and I think I will just start following it and see where it leads me. I wouldn't register until it is much close (its in Sept), incase I can't handle the training, but we'll see. Haven't told DH yet as he'll think I'm completely nuts, and maybe I am!!! :laughing:

Well I think I will head out for a run while the kids are away. Hope everyone has a good week and can report back soon!
tinkerbelleandeyor - glad you decided to join the group. I haven't been here long, but boy it's an incredible and super supportive group!

ohMom - I'm so sorry for all you have been through in the past year. You have every right to whine and we are more than happy to offer you big hugs and lots of support. I hope now that you have a diagnosis, you'll be able to find some stability in life and your fitness goals. You are an incredible person no matter what who has been through an extremely difficult situation. Go on your cruise, have an absolute blast, and then you can come home relaxed and ready to take on anything! By the way, I'm really jealous you're going on a cruise. I've never been on one and want to just for the experience!

MMQ - I would like to know when you have time to breath? It sounds like you have just have so much going on. I hope you are able to take advantage of your 3 kid free hours. It's amazing how much more focused I am when I get to run. It also really helps clear my head when I'm feeling down. All I can say about training for a marathon is WOW, YOU GO!!! Good luck with the training.

Well, I came within 3 lbs of my goal, but have since found out I need to refocus my energy. I just found out I'm about 5 weeks pregnant with #4. Usually I don't say anything this early, but I was hoping someone has had experience with running while pregnant. I know it's safe and shouldn't be a problem as long as I'm smart and don't push too hard, but I am looking for any advice or personal experiences. I'm going to post on the general wish board too in the next few days, but I feel more comfortable starting here.

Here's to everyone having a great week and reaching the next fitness goals!
I was thinking maybe we could start a little support group for those of us that are trying to lose 10 lbs or less. It is much different to try to lose various amounts of weight, and I thought this would be a great way to exchange ideas, celebrations, and frustrations...

Hi y'all! I'm jumping on board... even though I have 11 pounds to lose, not 10 :goodvibes. Goal weight is 150, and I'm down to 161.8 this morning!!!! :cool1:
Welcome tinkerbellandeyor and DSSorority! Hope everyone is having a good week!

Well its Friday so I weighed myself today. I swear I must be the only person on the planet capable of exercising 6 days in a row (running 29 miles, biking 14, and 1 day of strength training) and NOT LOSING A SINGLE POUND!!!! :mad: And I did track my calories and I did not cheat and I was so good...and I got nothin'!!! Yesterday I was under my calories by 1000 calories (did 11 mile long run so had extra calories burned) and still not a single pound, not even a half. Just unbelieveable. :sad2:

My week was outstanding though - got out and exercised every single day and did track all of my calories - stayed at the 1290 that My Fitness Pal recommended. Most days I was under due to exercise. I do "feel" better in a lot of ways, although I was so sore all week from starting the 30 Day Shred, but it was a good sore. I took a long run yesterday that was super tough, but I did 11 miles and was really happy I was able to finish it. Today was going to be a rest day, but I may do some time on the bike just to loosen up my legs, and continue this 30 day challenge thing.

So even though I'm discouraged, I'm not going to quit! I know my wierd body resists losing weight but I also know that if I keep it up I gotta start losing at some point. :thumbsup2


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