Support Group - 10 lbs or less

i did step on the scale sat morning and was appalled to see 152! that means i have more like 15 lbs to lose....double ugh

That's from the caving like I did :) I was up 4lbs this morning and DBF was up 6lbs!! AHH! Those stupid weekends. I have a physical coming up in June too so I need to push this a little harder... but I can't stay away from the booze :drinking1
I am a fluctuator as well. I'd like to wake up in the mornings and be 118, realizing that by the time I go to bed I'll be 120 (I just won't get on the scale and look!). It doesn't help that I have suffered from anorexia for many years (while I'm not currently having issues, for me dieting is a quick hop step and a jump to my illness, which makes life even more difficult)
You live in St Augustine... isn't that close to Amelia Island?? I'm going there for a wedding in early June (part of the reason I'm pushing to lose the extra few lbs). It's going to be at the Ritz there, it looks like it's supposed to be a beautiful place!

St. Augustine is about 1 1/2 hours south of Amelia Island. The Ritz is suppose to be awesome. I have never stayed there, but we have friends that do every year. Amelia Island is very pretty and the beaches are great. Fort Clinch is fun to visit if you are into history. Fernandina Beach is a cute little town to visit also. I think you will have a wonderful time:cool1:

Someone mentioned Easter Candy:yay:Love the Robin Eggs and the chocolate eggs...Not much of a Peep fan.

Happy to say even with all the deluxe eating this weekend, the scale was kind with a pound lighter:yay:

Count me in as someone who had a bad weekend. My boss took me to lunch on Friday for our 12 year anniversary and it kinda snowballed from there. I'm back on track today with my calories and 1650ish yards this morning in the pool.
Came in at 1291 calories on sparkpeople yesterday, and ran 4 miles (w/ 0.5 miles worth of warm up/cool down) so I was pretty psyched! Scale is down almost 2 lbs from yesterday so I know a lot of the weekend was added water weight. 137.4... not good but not bad.

Yesterday I ordered the Garmin 305... I'm insanely excited to get it!! I'm running outside Thurs and Sat but should have the garmin by next week. We're going to have some beautiful weather coming up!

Scuba~ yea we're staying in Fernandina Beach (the Ritz is too expensive for me! even the wedding rate was $350/night with a min of 2 nights!). I'm pretty excited! We're driving over to Destin after that for a week (DBF and I). Very excited :)
I love my garmin! good luck!
I weighed myself this morning, down a half pound but still far form where I was before I went to disney over spring break!
Hi everyone!

I would love to join! I actually have 15 pounds to lose to be at my goal of 132, which is what I was when I got married 9 years ago. Since January I have lost 9 pounds, but still have that 15 to go. Right now I am recovering from surgery I had 2 weeks ago, and I just did my first workout back on my elliptical yesterday - it kicked my butt! But I was not sore and my doc said it was okay for me to start exercising again.

My weight fluctuates horribly - just last weekend I weighted 144 on Friday morning and 149 on Monday morning - and I didn't think I ate that bad! It was my son's birthday and we did eat out once and have cake, but I didn't have 16,000 calories in cake in 2 days!!! I've since lost 2 of those pounds. My weight also fluctuate very seasonally - almost every year I go through the same pattern - in January I start a diet and lose weight - by May I'm doing well and close to where I want to be. Then summer comes and we camp A LOT with friends of ours, which entails a lot of eating, snacking, a few drinks around the campfire at night chatting and more snacking, and by August/Sept I've gained the weight back. This sequence has happened the last 4 years, except last year I never lost the weight in spring, so over summer I packed on even more and by December I was the heaviest I've been.

So this year I am determined to do things differenly! I have our First Disney vacation in August and I really want to be able to enjoy myself and not be worried about my weight and worry that I look bad in the pictures.

So my plan has been to exercise on my elliptical 30 minutes (I would like to increase to 45 minutes) a day for 5 days a week. Now that our snow has melted I am planning to start walking/maybe jogging on the 3 mile route I do. On days I can't walk due to weather I'll do my elliptical. I also need to try to start some strength training - I do have the Wii Active (but not a Wii Fit) and I need to start a program on there again - I did it for a about a month but then I quit.

My plan for food has been to count all calories and try to stay at 1200 calories a day. Before my surgery I was doing 1200 a day and losing about a pound a week. I also want to encorporate more fruit and veggies, which I have been doing pretty well on. My weakness is candy/chocolate/desserts. I am dreading easter and the candy!

So, tonight I will go and take a walk, attempt to jog parts of it (I am NOT a runner, I really like to walk instead, I have bad shins) but I want to try again. I keep telling myself "DON'T QUIT" - I have a tendenacy to get discouraged quickly and give up if I don't see results. It'll be a slow process and I have to remind myself of that. It's taken me 3 months to lose just 9 pounds (with 3 weeks off due to the surgery) but I've come this far and if I've done that 9 I can do 15 more!
Yesterday I ordered the Garmin 305... I'm insanely excited to get it!! I'm running outside Thurs and Sat but should have the garmin by next week. We're going to have some beautiful weather coming up!

....We're driving over to Destin after that for a week (DBF and I). Very excited :)

you will :love: your Garmin. I have that model too, i don't utilize the HRM like i should. folks on the Events/competition sub-board have been helpful to me in setting it up to show what I want to see while walking.

Destin is where we were last week :thumbsup2 it was chilly! when do you go? have you been there before?

  • I actually have 15 pounds to lose to be at my goal
  • My weight fluctuates horribly
  • So this year I am determined to do things differenly!
  • My weakness is candy/chocolate/desserts. I am dreading easter and the candy!
  • I really like to walk instead, I have bad shins) I keep telling myself "DON'T QUIT" -
  • I have a tendenacy to get discouraged quickly and give up if I don't see results.

we are like twin sisters! :goodvibes i second all those points -- we can and WILL succeed together! on your shins -- are you new to walking, or have you been a runner in the past? i have some thoughts but don't want to tell you things you already know

I am just home from Dr appt...end result Physical Therapy. Actually i'm excited, i have done PT for my shins before and it helps alot; also i have a muscle that spasming in my lower back and i'm totally ready for it to be done. it is affecting my exercising which affects my motivation. hard to get motivated to walk on treadmill when shins scream for the first 2 miles and then lower back kills the rest of the day. i'm a mess :rotfl:
MommyMcQueen, I highly recommend following the Couch to 5K plan to start running. Maybe your shins have hurt in the past because you tried to do too much too fast. The plan is awesome for getting started and going at a slow pace. There is a thread on the WISH boards too for folks that are doing the program.
we are like twin sisters! :goodvibes i second all those points -- we can and WILL succeed together! on your shins -- are you new to walking, or have you been a runner in the past? i have some thoughts but don't want to tell you things you already know

I am just home from Dr appt...end result Physical Therapy. Actually i'm excited, i have done PT for my shins before and it helps alot; also i have a muscle that spasming in my lower back and i'm totally ready for it to be done. it is affecting my exercising which affects my motivation. hard to get motivated to walk on treadmill when shins scream for the first 2 miles and then lower back kills the rest of the day. i'm a mess :rotfl:

Hi! Good to know I'm not alone in all those things! No, I have never been a runner, I do usually walk a lot (seasonally) usually 3 miles a day. I've been a walker for several years. Whenever I try to jog or run, my shins get very sore - I really don't know anything on how to help it, I come home and ice them if they are really bad. Usually if I jog the first mile of my route, then my skins are KILLING ME the entire rest of the walk, to the point I can't run at all, and walking is even tough. So I try to start out walking, then jog small stretches until I feel them getting tight. I'll stop and stretch a bit, then keep walking. They get a very tight feeling, and I usually stop and walk before it gets too painful. If I ice them after I get back they don't usually hurt much at all, but if I don't ice then they're sore a couple of days, hard to exercise the next day. I usually walk a couple weeks before I start even trying to jog, but I'm looking to jumpstart my exercise this year so I want to try to start jogging a little earlier. So today will be my first day out, since it is finally warm enough. I may just walk it today, depends on how I feel once out there.

Sorry to hear you've been suffering with shins and back issues. It sure makes exercising hard! Hopefully th PT will help! If you have any tips or advice I'd love to hear it!! Thanks!
MommyMcQueen, I highly recommend following the Couch to 5K plan to start running. Maybe your shins have hurt in the past because you tried to do too much too fast. The plan is awesome for getting started and going at a slow pace. There is a thread on the WISH boards too for folks that are doing the program.

Thanks! I'll definitly take a look at that. I have never followed a plan like that before, I'm really interested to see how it works!
MommyMcQueen - Sounds like you suffer from shin splints. They might be caused by:

* Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse.
* Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones.
* Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.

Basically you need to slowly work your way into an excerise routine. The C25K is a great way to acclimate your body to running. Too much impact in the beginning can result in shin splints. Good luck and Welcome!
you will :love: your Garmin. I have that model too, i don't utilize the HRM like i should. folks on the Events/competition sub-board have been helpful to me in setting it up to show what I want to see while walking.

Destin is where we were last week :thumbsup2 it was chilly! when do you go? have you been there before?

I've never been to Destin before!! We're going the second week of June - the wedding is on the 6th and we drive out on the 7th. So I'm hoping for awesome weather :cloud9:

DBF's parents own a condo there so he's been a few times but hasn't been in years. His parents go a few times a year to a) relax and b) work on the place (updating things, putting in new stuff, etc). From the pics it looks gorgeous, I can't wait. And you can't beat a free place to stay! :thumbsup2

Not working out today, but doing well on eating for the day. We're going to meet at a running store on our way home from work to both get new running shoes. I'm pretty excited- I haven't gotten new ones in a while and I need something a little better than what I have. They also are supposed to have these little running skirts that look cute. Anyone try them before? They're from Skirt Sports. I just spent $160 on a garmin and now buying new shoes?? :rotfl: At least it's a cheaper hobby than photography :rolleyes1

Tomorrow is Body Pump and then Thursday is running OUTSIDE in 80 DEGREES!!! I seriously can't wait for it to feel like spring/summer again.
I've never been to Destin before!! We're going the second week of June - the wedding is on the 6th and we drive out on the 7th. So I'm hoping for awesome weather :cloud9:

DBF's parents own a condo there so he's been a few times but hasn't been in years. His parents go a few times a year to a) relax and b) work on the place (updating things, putting in new stuff, etc). From the pics it looks gorgeous, I can't wait. And you can't beat a free place to stay! :thumbsup2

Not working out today, but doing well on eating for the day. We're going to meet at a running store on our way home from work to both get new running shoes. I'm pretty excited- I haven't gotten new ones in a while and I need something a little better than what I have. They also are supposed to have these little running skirts that look cute. Anyone try them before? They're from Skirt Sports. I just spent $160 on a garmin and now buying new shoes?? :rotfl: At least it's a cheaper hobby than photography :rolleyes1

Tomorrow is Body Pump and then Thursday is running OUTSIDE in 80 DEGREES!!! I seriously can't wait for it to feel like spring/summer again.

where are you getting your shoes? make sure you go where the workers know what they are doing, like a fleet feet. I LOVE running skirts...that's all I run in...but I get mine at I was actually going to blog about them again this afternoon! I am obsessed.

Destin is my favorite beach. went every summer growing up. make sure you eat at the back porch. YUMMY. go to the commons outdoor mall. fabulous. You will love it!
where are you getting your shoes? make sure you go where the workers know what they are doing, like a fleet feet. I LOVE running skirts...that's all I run in...but I get mine at I was actually going to blog about them again this afternoon! I am obsessed.

Destin is my favorite beach. went every summer growing up. make sure you eat at the back porch. YUMMY. go to the commons outdoor mall. fabulous. You will love it!

I was hoping the skirts wouldn't make my thighs look so ginormous :lmao: I run in capri pants all the time because my thighs rub together :rolleyes: so I was hoping these skirts would be a good alternative. I've never tried them on before tho so I don't know how ridiculous they'll look on me! I also need something that won't ride up on my thighs. I'm glad to hear you like them! If I start running in warm weather I definitely need something other than what I have now.

We're going to Running Etc (there's one Fleet Feet in VA, but it's like 4 hrs from here). I went there a few years ago when I tried to get into running- but I went too fast, hurt my hips and knees and just gave up. Recently I've gotten into it much much slower and haven't had a problem! This is the description on their website:

" Running Etc. is the store to visit for all your running needs. If you are looking for guidance to find the perfect running shoe to make your feet happy, we offer video/treadmill gait analysis and a comprehensive selection of footwear models, sizes and widths. We have more running apparel and accessories than anyone in the region. "

They watched me run and measured my arch and whatnot last time, and I LOVED the shoes I got but that was like 4 years ago and I've since gotten rid of them and couldn't find the style again.
oh no...I didn't know about the Back Porch!! next time....I was going to shout out for The Donut Hole, McGuire's Irish Pub and Pompano's Joes. that is awesome they own a condo there! the beaches at Destin are sooooo nice

Mommy-definately go to a running store and get "fitted" for shoes. If that pair works great for you, you may have success ordering additional pairs cheaper online before they discountinue that style. my PT gal is also a co-worker and friend, we workout together and do 1/2 marathons together to keep motivated. she is very familiar with my shins ;) I may need to consider orthotics for your shoes if you still have problems. My Dr this morning told me that overpronation is corrected with a higher arch. my PT gal says ice, ice, ice. Have you heard of biofreeze? google it, we use it at work in PT so I snag samples but i know you can buy online. After a walk I ice my shins 15 mins then rub in the biofreeze, really working it into the muscle on the outside of each 'shin bone'. During PT they will really really work that in with their extremely muscular thumbs to the point that i'm sore that day. but in the long run it helps! with that being said, be careful jumping into a running routine, i have been told only to add 10% distance per week. It's hard to get started b/c you are gung-ho and feel like a 30 min run is minimal for cardio workout, but your legs aren't ready for all that impact right off the bat.

Karen -- pick up some Body Glide while you're there ;)
I was hoping the skirts wouldn't make my thighs look so ginormous :lmao: I run in capri pants all the time because my thighs rub together :rolleyes: so I was hoping these skirts would be a good alternative. I've never tried them on before tho so I don't know how ridiculous they'll look on me! I also need something that won't ride up on my thighs. I'm glad to hear you like them! If I start running in warm weather I definitely need something other than what I have now.

We're going to Running Etc (there's one Fleet Feet in VA, but it's like 4 hrs from here). I went there a few years ago when I tried to get into running- but I went too fast, hurt my hips and knees and just gave up. Recently I've gotten into it much much slower and haven't had a problem! This is the description on their website:

" Running Etc. is the store to visit for all your running needs. If you are looking for guidance to find the perfect running shoe to make your feet happy, we offer video/treadmill gait analysis and a comprehensive selection of footwear models, sizes and widths. We have more running apparel and accessories than anyone in the region. "

They watched me run and measured my arch and whatnot last time, and I LOVED the shoes I got but that was like 4 years ago and I've since gotten rid of them and couldn't find the style again.

I am not familiar with skirt goddess or skirt sport skirts but RS skirts have two kinds, athletic skirts and running skirts. the running skirts have the built in undies, and the athletic skirts are a little longer and have built in spandex type shorts. good luck!
I am not familiar with skirt goddess or skirt sport skirts but RS skirts have two kinds, athletic skirts and running skirts. the running skirts have the built in undies, and the athletic skirts are a little longer and have built in spandex type shorts. good luck!

I like how I go out and buy two running skirts and your blog says 67% of people (who read US weekly) say they're silly :lmao:

Ok so I spent $250 on running stuff tonight :eek: Good thing this isn't the budget board! :laughing: At least it's cheaper than my other hobby (photography).

I bought:
-new running shoes (Saucony) that are INSANELY comfortable. I can't believe I didn't go back sooner. Having someone help you makes such a difference.
- new sports bra
- two "athletic skirts"
- 3 pairs of running socks

heatherlynn~ I just couldn't do the running skirt! I like the shorts underneath. Maybe they'll end up riding up, but I just can't bring myself to run in a skirt with undies underneath it. :rotfl: I'm excited tho- one is a Nike brand and one is New Balance. They did have your brand there but only on clearance in size 0 and 2 (not me). I liked the fabric! I'm going to try one of them out either tomorrow or Thursday.
MommyMcQueen - Sounds like you suffer from shin splints. They might be caused by:

* Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse.
* Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones.
* Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.

Basically you need to slowly work your way into an excerise routine. The C25K is a great way to acclimate your body to running. Too much impact in the beginning can result in shin splints. Good luck and Welcome!

Thanks Pixiedust23!
I followed all of the advice on here and started my C25K last night - I made it through my first walk/run! I was very excited, and it was not too hard, although I did have to push myself through the last 10 minutes of running cycles. (didn't help that it was extremely windy here yesterday and I had to run into the wind on the way back) but I made it through, and my shins didn't hurt AT ALL during the walk or while running.

My shins did start getting a little sore last night, and they are a bit sore this morning, but not very bad. Today will be a day off and I plan to do W1D2 tomorrow.

Question about icing - should I ice my shins on my days off if they are sore - or ice right after my walks whether they are sore or not? I didn't ice last night because they didn't hurt when I got home and it wasn't until I went to bed that I noticed it starting.

Thanks so much for the tips and advice! Good new - I weighted myself today and lost 1 pound! Offically down 10 pounds! :) 14 to go.


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