Sunblock for sensitive skin


DIS Veteran
Sep 7, 1999
I know, I know, WE use it too!

I burnt on my nose and cheeks the last two times I was in Orlando, once in January! I NEVER use lotions and such on my face because I am have very sensitive skin.

I'm going back soon and I think it's time I tried some protection.

What do you use? Should I go to a health food store?

You guys know EVERYTHING! HELP!:teeth:
I have sensative skin as well Robin and I use Oil of Olay with SPF 15. I read I think in Consumer Reports that it is one of the most effective sunblocks out there. I actually use it all over and it isn't oily either. I really like using it and will take it with me next month :)
When she reached pre-teen age, DD used to break out terribly from sunscreen on her face, but needed it at daycamp. We've used BananaBoat "Faces" which is SPF 23, and also Neutrogena for Sensitive Skin (they make a range of SPF's) - both of these seem to be OK! I think I'll look for that Oil of Olay one myself Elaine!

Two sunscreens I like are Neutrogena for sensitive skin (target) and PreSun brand Ultra Sunscreen gel which I bought at our medical clinic store. The store had many brands you can't find elsewhere. PreSun makes a sensitive skin gel (spf28) but I have not tried it..

I know people who like Clinique sun products.

Good luck,

I swear by Clinique's City Block SPF 25. It has no scent and is hypoallergenic! Most sunscreens used to feel like there was something in it that was burning my face, like a chemical burn, but not with Clinique.

It's all I've been putting on my face for the last couple years now, and I never get a sunburn!
Coppertone Faces (on our faces)

BullFrog Quickgel spray on for the rest.

Here is my endorsement. DS has been tested for allergies 2x. Both times he has not tested positive for any allergens (but that is a different story...) However, he has the worst reaction to the sterile saline they use as a control substance, because he has sensitive skin. The Bullfrog has NEVER once made him break out.

Good Luck
Originally posted by Robinrs
I'm going back soon and I think it's time I tried some protection.
What do you use? Should I go to a health food store?
You guys know EVERYTHING! HELP!

Whatever you decide to try, read the ingredient list and avoid PABA (a.k.a. Padimate O)
When my kids were little, I'd put Baby Faces on them.:) My ds has VERY sensitive skin and it didn't bother him.:)

Robinrs I get glycolic treatments, so it's important that I use a sunscreen. The only products I use on my face are M.D.Formulations products.


These are outstanding products that actualy help reverse the signs of skin aging and protect sun sensitive skin.
I KNEW you guys would come through!! :teeth:

After my black eye started clearing I noticed all the flaking skin around my nose and cheeks. I know I should be protecting my skin but I rarely do. I'm going this time in June and I really need the protection!

Thanks, everyone!
Robin, look for three ingredients. All three are good and your sunscreen should have one one of them close to the top.
Zinc oxide
titanium dioxide
avobenzone - this one doesn't clog pores as much as the other two
I use Hawaiian Tropic Baby Faces (and Tender Places) not only on my kids but on me too. :)
I have very sensitive skin and eyes. I have tried so many different variations of sunscreen. If it didn't make my face feel like it was burning, it made my eyes burn.
I just purchased a sunscreen from Steiner. It is a 30 SPF. So far, it doesn't burn my skin or eyes.
Thanks for starting this thread! I have the same problem. For a few years, we've used the Presun stuff, and I really liked it, especially the gel, but it's almost impossible to find now!:(

I tried the Coppertone Faces last summer and could not believe how awful it was for my eyes. I'm not talking about getting it in my eyes. Just having it anywhere near my eyes caused them to swell and water until my cheeks chapped! It was horrible.

I'm thinking about trying the Neutrogena ones listed in this thread if I can't find Presun locally again this year. I'm also thinking of looking for Presun online.
I have really sensitive skin and when I use sunscreen (of any store-bought kind) I get this big red welts on my cheeks and under my eyes. And, oh, does it ever burn. Last summer I did a lot of internet research and was reading about rosacea because I thought I might have it (still not sure if I do). Anyway, a lot of the rosacea patients were raving about a sunscreen made by a dermatologist named Linda Sy. She makes a sunscreen for rosacea sufferers called Zinco. I bought some and it was wonderful. VERY soothing!! It is pure zinc oxide but it is invisible. It is $20 for a tube, but worth it to use on the face. You can even order small samples if you don't want a tube. She has a website but I don't remember the address. Just do a search on Linda Sy.


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