Summer of Heroes - June 2017 Lifestyle/Weight loss Challenge


I think sometimes my belief is limiting despite being a good one. I do believe that I can acchieve some amazing weight loss. I have done it before, I looked great. It gave such a boost in self confidence. Now I feel that I have the self confidence, but because of my strong belief in myself I forget to actually put in the work.

Currently I think my belief about weight loss is in the process of changing. I no longer believe that I will acchieve a BMI of 19 (who knows if I would even look good that skinny...), but not in the sense of thinking that this is a bad thing. I am changing over to beliefing that my current weight, my diet and my activity level are healthy and that I lead a reasonably healthy life style. If I lose some weight pursuing that lifestyle, I will take it as an added benefit. But I think my focus needs to be more on being happy with who I am, not waiting for becoming something else.

I think here lies a big problem for me ... honestly I don't think I can and trouble is by trying and then regressing it has reinforced that belief somewhat.

I totally get what you are saying. I have been there. I have been up and down so many times in my life. The one thing I kept telling me is that if I don't try, then I can never acchieve what I want. And over time I have found out that it becomes easier and easier to talk myself back into trying after a period of falling back into bad habits. First my relapses were years, then months, now I am down to weeks. So, don't give up!! And maybe think about what you want to acchieve. Maybe it is easier to believe in being able to maintain your weight than lose weight? The large majority of people put on a little weight every year. If you can beat that trend, it is already something. So, by moving the goal it might be easier for you to really believe that the goal is acchieveable??
One of my limiting beliefs is that my life will be somehow less fulfilling if I eliminate or reduce the 'fun' foods. It's the thought of 'is life worth living if I can't eat ____?' (For me that's pretty much every dessert. Massive sweet tooth here.)

for me it was ice cream. I went from loving it, to hating it as I caused myself so much drama by assigning it meaning it doesn't have, to forcing myself to have a little to make sure it doesn't turn into banned food and a big deal again, to enjoying small quantities, very rarely and not thinking about it at all the rest of the time

But sure as hell there was a time when I couldn't imagine vacation without ice cream and it was my go to cheer myself up food. Now not that I won't have it in Disneyland, but it's not as important to think about it from now. I may have little if I am not too full already and I feel like it, or may not. I don't need to have it in order to have great time.
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I am changing over to beliefing that my current weight, my diet and my activity level are healthy and that I lead a reasonably healthy life style. If I lose some weight pursuing that lifestyle, I will take it as an added benefit. But I think my focus needs to be more on being happy with who I am, not waiting for becoming something else.
Yes, yes, yes! Big yes to that. That's why I mostly do behavior goals now. Work in progress for me
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Glamorizing food. This was HUGE for me. The belief that food is something so glamorous and joyous!

This is me! And it does not help that DH is super Foodie and seeks out top restaurants when we travel.... and then going to WDW often and thinking we need to do a signature restaurant on every trip. (Funny anecdotal story on this: just this past trip, we were entering Epcot and I was thinking of finding a F&G booth to grab some sort of snack. So I asked DH what he wanted to eat, and he pulls out his phone with the available dining reservations already up and a top 3 for me to pick from. Apparently while I going through the bag check, he was meal planning our day LOL! We compromised and went for tapas so we didn't have to go crazy on portion sizes :) ) Anyway, so that's definitely a belief I am battling. That we are doing something special so we should be eating special as well.

Another belief I am battling is similar to @HappyGrape with family genes. My mother and aunts have struggled with their weight their whole lives and as a result, I just think I will too. What I am forgetting is that I am still half my father's child as well. And while he did have a problem with the sweets (that I undoubtedly did inherit), he and his sisters were/are petite and thin. I don't have to follow my mother's footsteps at all. Also, as mentioned before, in these modern times, we have a lot more information available to us to make better choices, so we can break the cycle!

The biggest belief that affects me, though, is the belief that I am not athletic. I played soccer for like a minute while I was in school, but I was more of a dancer, theater, band person. I've let that limit me with exercising for far too long. The reality is, I can be athletic. Heck, I am doing the same weights as DH at Orangetheory, sometimes more. He can out run me easy, but I can out row him easy too. I also believe that I will injure myself all the time because I am not athletic. Well, the only way to fix that is start somewhere and build up slowly. So that's what I am doing.

Now on the other side of the coin, I would like to believe that I can be a size 8 by the time this is all said and done and maintain it. I hope this is realistic, and I believe that it is. I was a 6/8 in college and would be completely happy to live my adult life as an 8/10. And I believe that what I am doing will get me there and it's actually a fun ride watching my body change and get stronger than it ever was. It's fun to see that I can hold my own body up now. And after a lifetime of never being able to and 5 months of exercise and training, I can finally do real push ups. I must keep believing that this is fun journey and that the changes are worth it to keep me going.
@Lady Marie I think healthy (ish) food can be special. Sushi & steak in Cali grill can hit both - healthy and special in my book. For me at least, I need to enjoy the food I eat. If I just eat for fuel I will be thinking about it all the time. You can be foodie, I think and figure out how to combine it with your interest in healthy eating.
QOTD- I think that there is definately something to be said for the family genes. Both My parents, sisters aunts on dads side as well, all struggled with weight. A lot. My husbands dad and brothers and family on his dad side all could eat all day and never gain. Myself and older DS have to watch it all the time-pasta, baked goods, ice cream, rich food, heavy fat food, pizza, red eat...all put on weight. My DH and younger DS can eat like a horse and not an ounce. I constantly feed them to make sure they are not losing.

I am not saying I can't work at it to lose or maintain, but it is a lot more effort.

I am not athletic either. I try to get my 10k steps. Issues with knee and hip plus I am sitting a lot of the day. I am not sure how people how work at desk jobs/office get all the steps in each day.
morning everyone!

beliefs and mind chatter is a great topic! I struggle with:
- its in my genetics, I'll never be skinny
- I am steroid dependent for life, who can be skinny and take steroids everyday
- I like to indulge in special eats! we can go out more, we are empty nesters (and adult beverage more)
- I'm married and happy, who cares if I need to lose 25lbs

but the reality of it all is that I will feel better if I can shed some of this excess, and mostly for my health it's really important that I stay active. I had a wonderful long Panama Canal cruise, followed by a month of illness and I lost a few pounds. so now i'm thinking, I don't need to workout! LOL...I need to be active.

just before our cruise I saw my GI doc bc I have been having constant and miserable stomach discomfort, he thinks I have an ulcer. well, having constant and miserable stomach discomfort has over the past 3-4 months changed my eating habits and for the good. I feel better when I eat smaller portions (bulging stomach is worse), sugar is a trigger..I can handle a little but not a sit down with an ice cream pint. I'm scheduled for a scope in Aug...I hope to lose 5 lbs by then :teeth:

what I believe I'm coming to terms with is that legacy is not my weight, stop being so hung up on it. Live and make healthy choices, my body and weight will reflect those choices
Question of the day - Introduce yourself, tell us about your goals for this month, your long term goals, and your strategy

I am Tammy a struggling to loose the weight and the wait ( I want it now) 44 year old from Montana. My goal this month is to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. My long term goal is to eventually get down to a healthy weight though right now getting down to a stage 11 obesity rating would be awesome.

My stratagy is to eat smaller portions while not eliminating any specific foods including controversal to some sweets. I know if I do I get pissed that I can't have say it's not fair I am denying myself all my favorite things and according to the math I should be loosing 2-3 pounds the first week and 1 to 2 pounds each week after that it's been 6 weeks so I should have lost 7-13 pounds and I have only lost 2 ( I am sure that you all know what math I am talking about) and it's not fair. It doesn't help that I more in likely have hypo thyroid but because my numbers have been in the acceptable ranges though only within the first 1-3 numbers of the lowest end and even though I have over 80% of the symptoms for a female the doctors in my area will not treat as the only thing that matters is what the labs say. Never mind that I have met friends online in various groups who have almost identical numbers and symptoms that have providers who will treat. Than again I am learning based on a friend of mine being told that her diagnosis from Mayo Clinic doctors is all in her head around here.

My strategy is to try and figure out when I can get exercise in at least weekly and getting my schedule cleared that I don't feel guilty about doing so. This week it is alternating between what my oldest calls mad mommy showing up so that others in my house help with getting cleaning done or just giving up and doing it myself. As I type this I already have my feet swelling to the point that I am seeing the pattern form the crocks that I just toss on for walking around in the house unless I am doing exercise walking though my front room and kitchen into the laundry/entry room and back through. I have been up slightly over 2 hours since my alarm went off and so far have only had water. ( Get oldest up as she is not good about getting up when called and complained last night that their dad never takes her to the library ( he takes youngest after her therapy appointment though next week it might have to be going before as she will have a camp and her time is in the afternoon) so I said I would call her 40 minutes before their dad gets up and gets younger sister up if she is not already. Supervised youngest getting dressed having to negotiate that it's dressed first than you can have a corn dog, got hair put up on a spinning top-lost count how many times I just about had the sides pulled into a pony and she moved her head pulling stuff out so redo time again, got a load of laundry washed and into the dryer, cloth diaper load ( youngest is still using due to special needs) is on wash right now ( plain water rinse, baking soda rinse, wash cycle, vinegar rinse, dry), and the clean dishes put away.

Right now semi watching and listening to the DIS podcast as I work on other pages online. Plan is to start dishes as soon as the show is over ( that way I can comment on chat when I want to and not have my hands in the dishwater). Oldest has been told that she needs to do an hour of helping me with around the house when they get home and not go straight to playing on the computer and or the ipad. The rest of the days plans are make a macaroni salad to take to one of DH's uncle's family as he passed away this past Friday, see if we can drill drainage holes in some pots I want to put flowers in and determine if we need to doing something else with the soil in them so we can get some flowers that oldest started in them, find the rest of the stand pieces for a hang some items plants and put others in the top planter and get that put together, get a few more items in the small container garden ( the watermelon plant is in) we have tomatoes and I think some green peppers from my dad ( told they need to find homes and since no one else is interested they are coming my way-the really interesting thing is I am allergic to tomatoes), we have a packet of sugar pumpkins, and some beans. Will stop after oldest has 4-H officer meeting and get a few more items like some larger pumpkins, cucumbers, peas, and lettuce along with possibly a few herbs though some of them are going to go in smaller pots and might stay in a window still inside.
I had a wonderful long Panama Canal cruise, followed by a month of illness and I lost a few pounds.

Hi Molly!! So great to see you back again! And it is great to hear that you had a wonderful cruise. I read that you were the first passenger ship to go through the new locks. How exciting! But sorry to hear about the illness. Hope you feel better soon.
Whoo Hoo Wednesday!


What is your Wednesday Whoo Hoo about this week?​
I had the lowest weight since my Florida vacation in February on the scale this morning!! I guess this counts as my woohoo Wednesday.

Very happy about this. I am still only moving down at a snail's pace. But the trend is what counts. I am still 0.5kg above my lowest weight of 2017, but maybe I can even tackle this before we leave for Asia later this month. That would be wonderful. And if I don't - then I just will get there later this year.
My woohoo is that I lost another 2 pounds! For those of you who have been following along, I started Weight Watchers on May 17, but my first week I gained three pounds :/. Then the 2nd and 3rd weeks I lost two each so now I'm officially down one pound since starting.

So that puts me halfway to my June goal already!! Woohoo!!
My woohoo is that I lost another 2 pounds! For those of you who have been following along, I started Weight Watchers on May 17, but my first week I gained three pounds :/. Then the 2nd and 3rd weeks I lost two each so now I'm officially down one pound since starting.

So that puts me halfway to my June goal already!! Woohoo!!

This is awesome, well done for sticking with it!


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