Stroller @ the parks: help!

Maclarens can hold that weight, even if they aren't actually rated that high. They're nice too!

I've been shopping for a double stroller & must have considered every one out there! I think 2 smaller strollers make more sense for you, but do check out some of the side by side doubles to see if there is one that might work.

It's a tough thing to figure out! Good luck. :)
They are pretty pricey though. The Inglesina twin jet will hold 45lbs (can hold more). I got it for my kids. Its also not too light. You could try a mountain buggy, those come highly recommended. The Combi Twin Savvy's will hold up to 45lbs but ppl have used them for more weight but its probably too small for an older child... Good luck, I would just rent one... The doubles that can hold him are going to be over 20lbs...Steph due with #4
you have to be careful on some of the new ones. The 2002 had trouble with the seats only being 9" instead of 11" (not all, but some) and then some of the new ones don't seem too deep or too wide. You have to try and see. My 4 y/o is 41lbs but some of the strollers are just too narrow for her. But, I agree, Macs are nice doubles! Steph


Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2003
We are travelling w/ our 2 DS: ages 1 & 4. The 4 yr. old is a healthy 45 pounds, right @ or above the weight on most strollers. I was going to just rent, but he gets tired easily, and would then need to be carried to the bus, on the bus, and to the hotel room. I just can't carry him that much!!! Does anyone know of a stroller that would hold a larger child? We've considered a double jogger, but the weight and bulk of it mean my husband would have to manage that on the busses, and I would have to carry both children-not gonna work! Any other ideas? TIA!
Have you thought about one of the sit-n-stand models? I know some posters really love those. I thought about one of those for a while (ours will be 2 and 4 when we go this fall, although not quite as heavy as yours), but our oldest, DD, tires pretty easily and will need to sit and probably take naps.

I also thought about a colapsable double, and the kids loved it when we tried it out, but it is just too heavy and bulky for the bus. (I don't think jogging type strollers are alowed on the Disney busses from what I have read on these boards.)

I think we are going to try a couple umbrella type strollers, which recline and have a sun shade and basket, and get the stroller connector. That will give us the most flexibility I think - on and off the busses easier and if we find one kid doesn't need a stroller after all, we aren't locked into lugging a double around everywhere.

My thought on your weight issue is that I would think a stroller rated for 40 lbs. will still carry your 45 lb. child fine - at least long enough to last a week's use or so - maybe not if you were using it every day and putting stress on it for a year. Also, I would imagine stroller manufacturer's put in a factor of safety in their design and keep the weight limit low on their recommendations to protect themselves liablity-wise. Just be sure to try them out as some of the seats for the lower weight rated strollers can be smaller and your child may not be comfortable.

Sorry for the long post, but I have really been researching the stroller problems myself lately.



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