Stroller rental


DIS Veteran<br><font color=00cc00>If you see a sig
Mar 12, 2003
I looked some but haven't seen it mentioned. Do they have stroller rental at DLR and DCA? If so, how much? My youngest DD will be turning 6 right after we get home from DL, but she sometimes still likes to sit and ride. We will be flying so I'm not going to be fooling with a big stroller. And frankly, I like having a stroller to put our stuff on. Crazy, I know. I think I'm the one that is going to miss the stroller more than her, lol. I think she is still small enough to do one this year, but by next year she won't fit any longer. She is very skinny but tall. Anyway, thankfully, it's not something we HAVE to have for the trip, it's just an added luxury. Thanks for any help.
Yes, they do. The rental area right now is outside of the parks, near the entrance to DL (if you are facing DL, with DCA to your back it's to the right of the main gates). Rentals are $8 a day (but free if you have a Disney Visa) and you can take the stroller back and forth between parks, but not into DTD, into the hotels or on the monorail.
They look like this:

That is my 7 year old and 4 year old in them to give you an idea for size. The storage on the bottom is not great. Its small, and the opening faces out, making it easy for things to fall out. If you rent one, hang on to your receipt and the blue piece of paper they give you. You can have your stroller replaced any time on the day of rental. That way you dont have to worry about it if you take a break or some one takes yours.
OH WOW! Those look perfect sizewise. I mainly want the storage for my video camera and what souvies we may get.

Now, another question..... At WDW I've never worried about leaving stuff in the stroller. How about at DL? For some reason I don't think I'd feel as safe. So, do they have lockers? I may take my camera for shows and put it in a locker the rest of the times. I really want to have it at least a couple of days to tape the shows and parades. I don't want to lug it around the whole time though.
When I first joined the DIS (Feb. '06) I read over and over again how safe it was and how people left all kinds of stuff in the strollers! I was stunned, and talked it over with DH - We figured we'd be the only safety-conscious idiots carrying everything into the attractions...

In the past few months, however, there have been several posts about strollers being stolen, or precious items (one a child's very full autograph book!) being stolen out of a stroller. I think it's better to be safe than sorry.
In all the times we've been to DL and left everything in our stroller with the exception of our wallets, we've never had anything stolen. But, I'm not sure we have anything worth stealing either, unless someone wants a used jacket or sweatshirt, or diapers or bottles or baby wipes or a pretty cheap digital camera, or... :rolleyes:

I'd say most of your stuff is safe, but anything of "real" value should be taken with you on the ride or attraction. In my opinion take your money & tickets, your camera, your cell phone, and any new Disney purchases (stuffed animals, t-shirts, toys, ect...). If you're staying on-site, have your purchases sent to your hotel so you don't have to worry about them. If you're not staying on-site, wait to make your purchases until the last day of your visit. The rest of the stuff (money, tickets, camera, cell phone) are all pretty small and should easily fit in small backpack or fannypack.

In my opinion, the rest of the stuff is non-essential. If someone wants to steal my kids chocolate icecream stained sweatshirt, then they need it more than we do. ;)

(And yes, they do have lockers if you need one. :) )


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