Stroller lock?


<3 Pink sugar heart attack! <3
Jun 14, 2011
First time traveling to WDW with a toddler... stroller lock or no? I can't think of one that would still enable a CM to move it, but I'm reading more and more people say stroller theft is a problem.

Also any ways to easily ID your stroller that don't involve tempting items like Mickey balloons?
We have taken a stroller to Disney so many times that I can't even count, and I have never had one stroller stolen nor do I know of anyone personally who has had it happen. We also are local and are at Disney a lot and it's just not a common issue. It does happen but it's rare. Don't bring a designer stroller. We've also never had a balloon stolen off a stroller. But if you don't want to go that route, use a big name tag, streamers, lights, ribbons, or something colorful and water resistant on it.
First time traveling to WDW with a toddler... stroller lock or no? I can't think of one that would still enable a CM to move it, but I'm reading more and more people say stroller theft is a problem.

Also any ways to easily ID your stroller that don't involve tempting items like Mickey balloons?
I have seen security cut lock off stroller so it could be moved. I have seen more stuff stolen from strollers by 4 legged thieves than 2 legged. I would not take a designer stroller but a basic recliner with large shade and large storage. make sure you use ribbons and streamers. you can use a balloon but remember balloons are not allowed in AK for animal safety. if you decide to go the lock way make sure chain is long enough to lock both back wheels that way CM can tip on front wheels and move as needed. you are not allowed to lock stroller to anything so it can not be moved
I know people who have had things stolen from their stroller but no one has had their actual stroller stolen. I think it's fairly uncommon to have strollers taken, especially after they busted that stroller thief operation a few years ago. We take our nice stroller with us (we are also semi-local and visit often) and don't worry too much about it.

However, I do not leave much in the stroller other than our cups, and maybe our ponchos or jackets thrown in the bottom. Fans, bags, etc all get carried with us on rides/shows. We are minimalist at the parks so it's easy to do AND we'd be really sad to lose our valuables.

I have a name tag ordered on Etsy that we put across the handlebars so we can find it easier.
We make our own little banner/sign and I tie it on the handles with bright ribbon. We also use a string of battery operated lights around the handles… makes it sooooo much easier to find at night.
I have seen security cut lock off stroller so it could be moved. I have seen more stuff stolen from strollers by 4 legged thieves than 2 legged. I would not take a designer stroller but a basic recliner with large shade and large storage. make sure you use ribbons and streamers. you can use a balloon but remember balloons are not allowed in AK for animal safety. if you decide to go the lock way make sure chain is long enough to lock both back wheels that way CM can tip on front wheels and move as needed. you are not allowed to lock stroller to anything so it can not be moved
I think it would make more sense to lock the front wheels (then it would be visible if someone was trying to use it while locked) so that the CM could tip on the back wheels, which is usually much easier to control.
I think it would make more sense to lock the front wheels (then it would be visible if someone was trying to use it while locked) so that the CM could tip on the back wheels, which is usually much easier to control.
I was thinking about steering with movable front wheels not sure which would be best. never have had to try it out
We've never had a problem just leaving our stroller, any time its moved it was moved by a cast member.

We did walk away with the wrong stroller once. We realized it pretty quickly and ran it back! Now we have a big hanging tag that we put on the stroller, mostly to make sure the husband doesn't walk away with the wrong one again lol
Instead of a lock, tuck an AirTag into the stroller somewhere. Way less hassle than taking a lock on and off all the time. And in the unlikely event that your stroller is taken, you’ll be able to see where it is.
I've thought about that but we are a Samsung family and I'm a little confused about how to use their Smart Tags. Most of the tutorials I've found have been for AirTags. I will keep looking - I've been pondering attaching one to our toddler.
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I've thought about that but we are a Samsung family and I'm a little confused about how to use those. Most of the tutorials I've found have been for AirTags. I will keep looking - I've been pondering attaching one to our toddler.
Airtags only work with iOS systems, but you could try tile tracker.
Instead of a lock, tuck an AirTag into the stroller somewhere. Way less hassle than taking a lock on and off all the time. And in the unlikely event that your stroller is taken, you’ll be able to see where it is.
Brillant! Going in June 2023. I'll try this. Thank you!
I've thought about that but we are a Samsung family and I'm a little confused about how to use their Smart Tags. Most of the tutorials I've found have been for AirTags. I will keep looking - I've been pondering attaching one to our toddler.
You can just buy a Tile and use that rather than an Air Tag. The Tile app works on any phone. And the Tile I have cost less than $20 (I think it was actually $16 on Amazon).
I wouldn't worry about stroller theft, I think it's more important to make sure you know yours from everyone elses. Our first stroller was orange, my husband always laughed at me because I picked orange. But you know what was easy to find in a sea of black orange one.

My husband had a stroller tag made for our new stroller, since we have a black city mini like all the other strollers....

I was honestly more worried about the squirrels stealing our popcorn....
I wouldn't worry about stroller theft, I think it's more important to make sure you know yours from everyone elses. Our first stroller was orange, my husband always laughed at me because I picked orange. But you know what was easy to find in a sea of black orange one.

My husband had a stroller tag made for our new stroller, since we have a black city mini like all the other strollers....

I was honestly more worried about the squirrels stealing our popcorn....

Yes, there are only so many strollers and a lot of them look the same. For a while we had the same stroller and color that a lot of the rental companies use. So definitely put something on them to make them look different.

And yes... the squirrels. I have seen SO many people leaving open popcorn,a half eaten lollipop, or the kids sippy cups still in the cup holder, or an opened drink with no lid in the parent cup holder. Don't think that those critters won't climb all the way up to feast on it.
I'm not saying strollers never get stolen, bc I'm sure there do - bad things happen everywhere. But I'd wager a guess that most "stolen" stroller situations are actually a case of someone taking the stroller they THINK is theirs. So many strollers look the same that it's easy to get confused. I always tie a brightly colored scarf to our stroller handle so I always know which stroller is ours, and so other people won't mistakenly take off with it. We also leave our diaper bag/park bag in the stroller when we go on rides (bc we figure if somebody takes off with a bunch of diapers and sunscreen, I mean, they're a jerk but we'll live). Of course, though, we never leave wallets, phones, or any other valuables behind. These days I'm using a lululemon belt bag for those things, and it's perfect.
We never use a lock. We hang a popcorn bucket and a hat off a carabiner on the handle. My son refuses to wear hats so it's just become our ID tag, haha. We make sure to keep the popcorn bucket closed. :)


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