Stopped into a McDonalds very early,

dish rag

DIS Veteran
Jan 30, 2017
a very rural area on the West Virginia/Maryland border. I was actually surprised to find it as there was not much going on in this remote area. But what struck me was signs through out the place saying no videos or photos allowed, once your receive your food there is a maximum of 30 minuets allowed in the restaurant. I had never seen this before.
a very rural area on the West Virginia/Maryland border. I was actually surprised to find it as there was not much going on in this remote area. But what struck me was signs through out the place saying no videos or photos allowed, once your receive your food there is a maximum of 30 minuets allowed in the restaurant. I had never seen this before.

I didn't realize that area of the country danced so many minuets. :charac2:
a very rural area on the West Virginia/Maryland border. I was actually surprised to find it as there was not much going on in this remote area. But what struck me was signs through out the place saying no videos or photos allowed, once your receive your food there is a maximum of 30 minuets allowed in the restaurant. I had never seen this before.

I treated my kids to McDonald's about a week ago after a doctor appointment -- it was in a busy suburban area here in WNY and also had the sign about 30 minutes (I didn't notice anything about film or video but could have been there I guess). I assume the 30 minute sign is to discourage homeless patrons from lingering for long lengths of time, and maybe gives them more leverage to kick people out/call the police.
Not unusual. Seen a ton of McDs with a no loitering sign & the 30 minute time limit sign as well. Depends on where you live and the city/town ordinances. Normally these are up to combat homelessness.
My family and I stopped at a Popeye's in Anchorage on a vacation. There was a sign at the drink machine telling people not to wash their hands using the drink machine. Signs like that only exists because people washed their hands in the drink machine.

My wife needed to use the bathroom while we were there. She had to go to the counter and get the key. The key was attached to a three foot wooden pole with a moderately sized chain. I can only guess that the key has a history of walking away once borrowed.
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I was not so surprised by the time limit as I was by the no photos of videos request.

I wonder if that has to do with people taking videos of people fighting in McDonald's...? If you search "McDonald's fight" on Google you get at least 8 or 9 results just from 2019 alone... I don't know really.
a very rural area on the West Virginia/Maryland border. I was actually surprised to find it as there was not much going on in this remote area. But what struck me was signs through out the place saying no videos or photos allowed, once your receive your food there is a maximum of 30 minuets allowed in the restaurant. I had never seen this before.

There is no way that 30 minute limit is enforced.
We drive from CT to FL every February and often stop at McDonald's, as we have a Happy Meal-obsessed toddler :rolleyes: I, too, have noticed that MANY of them have 30-minute notices, but I just assumed it was because they're off the highway and have lots of people stopping, so they want maximum turnover. I have never noticed anything prohibiting photos or videos, however...I'm always taking photos of DS with his beloved Happy Meal toys. Guess I'd better look next year!
I've never seen that sign in a McDonalds, but I have in just about every other Fast Food place.
I don't even remember the last time I was actually inside a McDonald's. Just hit the drive-thru for the grandkids and I'm outta there.:)
In the mornings the Seniors at some can clog up the restaurant while only buying a cup of coffee, the kids do the same in the afternoons and the homeless can be there all day. The 30 minute limit is partially so they have the right to call the authorities if needed, but they will cease allowing refills after the 30 minutes too.

The video policy is probably due to the fights that have been recorded and the one sided side of the story. Plus for many restaurants they have begun to shun the photos, people complain about those that don't know how to disable the flash too.
Western MD here, and all the local McD's have that same policy posted. No more than 30 minutes. Too many people just hanging there for hours at a time nursing 1 cup of coffee or a soda. None of the ones here are very large either.
There is no way that 30 minute limit is enforced.

It is here. Western MD. We were in there last week, and a manager went over to a table that had 3 teenage kids sitting there fooling around. He told them that they had been there for 45 min and it was time for them to leave--which they did
McDonald's are also popular for seniors to meet up for their regular coffee klatches/social hangouts. They can take up quite a bit of space for quite a long time without purchasing anything beyond a cup of coffee.

Don't the seniors have their 2 hour klatches AFTER normal breakfast hours and BEFORE the lunch crowd? As long as it's not busy the managers probably don't care how long they linger.

I wish Paneras would adopt the time restriction it's ridiculous to see a family looking for a table and one person taking a booth with a glass of water and a computer.

It's the same at many Starbucks, although I suppose the table hogs there do buy more than just water.


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