"Stay out of the damn lakes" and don't use some plastic water bottles

I worry about the "Damn" also. Wish it said "&^*#" instead, we would know what it means!
If you are really worried or prefere it to say something different then you can change the design.
The hat looks terrific!!

BTW- Thank you BradyBz12 for putting in the work at Cafe Press.

My pleasure! When I get a chance I'll whip up a G-rated version of the artwork and get that setup too.

And if anyone squawks about the language we can blame Webmaster Pete - after all he's the one that coined the phrase! ;)
Ok - ask and you shall receive...


You can now choose between the original and G-rated versions in the CafePress store. I fixed the bumper sticker for this version too.

And for those that want to play with your own printouts, the original vector artwork file is HERE.

Have fun!!
I just had a good laugh at my own expense. I was looking at the new menu for CRT and it had cobia on the menu.. LOL, well at first glance I thought it said COBRA!! Haha it went from the lakes to the water bottles, and finally Disney decided to *really* capitalize on the snakes and jack up the price even more and serve snakes at CRT!! :rotfl:
Didn't the wand give it away?


Yes, but aren't the ears usually in white chocolate?

Can we request dark chocolate?

How far in advance do I have to call the Snakes Hotline? Or should I call the Grand Reptilian Bakery directly??
Can I fill my plastic bottle with lake water? ;)

you can get a filtered water bottle. EcoVessel has one I almost bought. It was $35 and has a biosafe filter. I opted for a $20 as I doubted I'd be anywhere I'd have to use lake water.
Saw an article on Yahoo today that made me think of this ole' goodie of a thread. I figured I'd share with the group. (and MAYBE let some newcomers enjoy the show in this thread from the days of yore) ;)

This is the BESTEST THREAD EVER!! I still just randomly laugh about it sometimes when someone mentions a snake. It was Epic before epic was epic. I love love love it.
This is the BESTEST THREAD EVER!! I still just randomly laugh about it sometimes when someone mentions a snake. It was Epic before epic was epic. I love love love it.

I'm still hoping one of these years I can get a lake snake cheesecake at F&W. You'd think the new Florida booth would be the perfect place for it. ;)
My family are huge snake lake water drinkers, but we are frustrated with the size of the snakes. Can we find some with boa constrictors or pythons, as these larger snakes are the only ones that will keep my family satisfied?
On another (non-disney) forum we called this Thread Necromancy!! BTW this is a very entertaining thread!!


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