Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Reaction and Discussion *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

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I'm not saying fatigue won't set in if they keep going - especially if they add a live action show on the streaming network - but I just don't see how one could say they are flooding the market with more Star Wars movies than Marvel (which also has televisions shows on at the same time in the same universe, etc.)

I think it will. I just don't care about Marvel and I hate it for SW. I think marvel is different enough right now to sustain it better. Different hero's, different villans. SW is empire vs alliance and Jedi. I think it needs to be spread out more.
I think it will. I just don't care about Marvel and I hate it for SW. I think marvel is different enough right now to sustain it better. Different hero's, different villans. SW is empire vs alliance and Jedi. I think it needs to be spread out more.

I will say the Marvel movies are often stylistically a bit different - like Iron Man has a different feel than Thor that has a different feel than Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. - so that might help a bit. I definitely think if it was the main storyline movies of Star Wars every year that would be a bit much but they are mixing it up a bit - and to me Rogue One had a very different feel than the main storyline movies. Hopefully as they go they mix things up even more and maybe go back to the days of the Old Republic or something
this just in: Disney begged George Lucas to help write Episode 9.

Let’s go live to the press conference where Lucas is taking the stage:

Hahahaha! Well in all fairness though, it was Lucas who handpicked Kathleen Kennedy as his predecessor, which is whom many believe is the main source of damage to this trilogy. I'm honestly surprised that her leadership isn't being called into question after her massive string of director firings/replacements.

I also would have thought that Disney would have learned from their overproduction of animated films back in the 90s that resulted in a degradation of quality and a new Disney Dark Age.

I definitely think it is clear that with TLJ Disney wanted to move on from the past (basically they are doing what Kylo said) b/c they can't live off Luke and Han and Leia forever.

People already know that though. The issue is whether or not this was the best way to send the original characters broken down human beings making terrible (possibly OOC) decisions who never really reunite in the end. This trilogy is meant to be a transition and for many longtime fans it's considered a weak one.

There is a right and a wrong way to move on from the past and this film (to me) felt like they'd rather burn the entire bridge than make a smooth transition.

As if the Han Solo movie needed any more bad news... Deadpool 2 will now open the week before instead of after. The Deadpool film is getting good early press, the Han Solo movie is... well... coming to theaters near you.

I think they're trying to prevent a massive drop that TLJ had with all the movies that came out the week after it (particularly Jumanji 2). Their logic is that people will have gotten their Avengers and Deadpool viewings out of the way by the time Solo comes out. Makes sense when most people usually do their one-and-done viewings of movies within the first week of their release.
I also would have thought that Disney would have learned from their overproduction of animated films back in the 90s that resulted in a degradation of quality and a new Disney Dark Age

Dark Age? Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, lion king? Wasn’t Beauty and the Breast nominated for Best Picture at a time when animated movies NEVER were nominated!
Uh ... wow. What an incredible overreaction.

It's an opinion. I'm kind of amazed by the people who seem to get upset that people didn't like the movie. The world is made up by different types but there is some ongoing campaign to try and make people who didn't like TLJ feel bad. It's all opinion. You liked it? Great. I didn't. Deal with it and just accept that it is very polarizing. We don't actually have to like it and you don't have to dislike. State your reasons, make a case, but accept that opinions are accept over the map on this. From true love to flat hate, and they are all valid.
Dark Age? Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, lion king? Wasn’t Beauty and the Breast nominated for Best Picture at a time when animated movies NEVER were nominated!

I was referring to the Dark Age that started with Pocahontas and onward. I forgot which documentary discussed this, but they talked about Eisner's push for a film a year after Lion King's success and that's where the quality degradation started happening. 1993 was the only year in that decade that Disney did not release an animated film.
Why because it's not your opinion? I can say that Solo will have to sell me or I'll wait till video. Episode 9 I'll see in the theaters but I'm not expecting a whole lot.

For one movie to literally invalidate every positive feeling that came before it? To not be able to watch the old movies without thinking about how apparently soul-damaging The Last Jedi was? Yeah, I think that's a pretty weird stance to take.

These are movies about wizards with laser swords, Muppets and talking robots. To literally get angry over them? Whatever, I guess.
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It's an opinion. I'm kind of amazed by the people who seem to get upset that people didn't like the movie. The world is made up by different types but there is some ongoing campaign to try and make people who didn't like TLJ feel bad. It's all opinion. You liked it? Great. I didn't. Deal with it and just accept that it is very polarizing. We don't actually have to like it and you don't have to dislike. State your reasons, make a case, but accept that opinions are accept over the map on this. From true love to flat hate, and they are all valid.

I'm not upset. I actually really didn't like the movie at all. But it's one movie in (so far) a nine-movie series. I just accepted that it wasn't for me and moved on with my life. I didn't let ruin decades of other enjoyment.
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For one movie to literally invalidate every positive feeling that came before it? To not be able to watch the old movies without thinking about how apparently soul-damaging The Last Jedi was? Yeah, I think that's a pretty weird stance to take.

These are movies for children. To literally get angry over them? Whatever, I guess.

I don't know. My kids wanted to watch Star Wars this weekend and we watched A New Hope. I sat there for a lot of it thinking they took this great character and turned him into a coward. There aren't many series that seem to have gone out of their way to wreck a founding and revered hero character the way TLJ did. It certainly took some of the fun out of it to ponder Luke's ending while watching his beginning. Frankly, to me, it's utter and incomprehensible crap. Am I going off the rails yelling and screaming about it? No. But I'm certainly entitled to that opinion.
I don't know. My kids wanted to watch Star Wars this weekend and we watched A New Hope. I sat there for a lot of it thinking they took this great character and turned him into a coward. There aren't many series that seem to have gone out of their way to wreck a founding and revered hero character the way TLJ did. It certainly took some of the fun out of it to ponder Luke's ending while watching his beginning. Frankly, to me, it's utter and incomprehensible crap. Am I going off the rails yelling and screaming about it? No. But I'm certainly entitled to that opinion.

Of course you're entitled to that opinion. You're also free to never watch The Last Jedi again and remember Luke as you did in the old days. To let it wreck somebody's childhood? :confused3

With ANY franchise, there will be moments in time where the movies don't align with your interests. Look at the Batman movies, the really awful and weird Clooney ones. They didn't ruin the legacy of Batman. They were missteps and then Christopher Nolan made really good Batman movies again.

Not everyone has to like every movie, but having your past living and dying on every one is an awfully big gamble to take with something that's supposed to be entertainment.
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Not to drudge up more debate about Luke's character arc, but I will say that had Luke NOT acted the way he did, we'd likely have been denied his reunion/goodbye with Leia, probably the most emotional, affecting scene in the entire Star Wars franchise.
Not to drudge up more debate about Luke's character arc, but I will say that had Luke NOT acted the way he did, we'd likely have been denied his reunion/goodbye with Leia, probably the most emotional, affecting scene in the entire Star Wars franchise.
Nah. Not even close to Leia waking Han in Jabba's Palace. Or his goodbye before being frozen in Empire with Chewy's scream. Again, just my opinion but Carey Fischer just didn't have the acting chops Harrison Ford added to those scenes.
Disney has done something the prequels couldn’t, ruin my enjoyment of the pre-existing franchise.

I hated this movie, wished I hadn’t seen it, and have no desire to see another Star Wars movie.

And I’m (was) a Star Wars nerd, saw the originals and prequels in the theater (never hated those unlike most, THEY were popcorn flicks), have a collection of memorabilia, and in the course of a couple of hours, 40 years of interest slowly drained out. I really can’t explain it any better than that. I didn’t think that was possible.

I'm with you, with TFA and R1 I would see them opening night and then take my son to watch them on new years day and then go see them once more but after walking out of the theatre for TLJ I probably won't go see another SW movie for a long time.

I've seen countless articles about how the actors hated the direction of the writing and rian is explaining how things happened, in a well written movie the director doesn't have to keep on explaining the movie. Everyone who wrote LTJ should be embarrassed.
Nah. Not even close to Leia waking Han in Jabba's Palace. Or his goodbye before being frozen in Empire with Chewy's scream. Again, just my opinion but Carey Fischer just didn't have the acting chops Harrison Ford added to those scenes.

Or Chewy after Han Solo is killed, that hurt he had hurt me.
Those are all great moments, too. I think the sense of finality – that this was it for Carrie – really sold her scene with Luke. A lot of people thought she should have been the one to lightspeed kamikaze Snoke's ship, but again, we'd have lost that beautiful moment.
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