Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK

This movie was not the greatest ever...but not bad at all for a Star Wars that completely had lost its way.
And let's face it...that is what went down.

I don't feel that Star Wars ever lost its way. I love them all, and this one as well. It's not my favorite one certainly, but still a really great movie despite the few flaws. I am finding fan reaction to this one so interesting. Will it unite or divide the fans?
I don't feel that Star Wars ever lost its way. I love them all, and this one as well. It's not my favorite one certainly, but still a really great movie despite the few flaws. I am finding fan reaction to this one so interesting. Will it unite or divide the fans?

It will hook kids, mostly please thr original generations...

And it will embolden the prequel defenders because Abrams rehashed.

Honesty...the prequel defenders are wrong.

There is 100% no excuse for bad dialogue, worse acting, bad editing, and making all the scenes and 90% of the characters on a hard drive.

It's really just common sense...not a preference of style or taste.
I think we're venturing into too unrealistic expectations a bit here...

There's no way they could have explained all factors/backstory in the run time.

I think it should have been longer...frankly...but they had to do characters over back story and plot complications.

More to come, people. They can't screen Ben hur now
That's the thing. The Star Wars universe is WAY too expansive, so it's almost impossible to know what we really need to pay attention to going forward and what hings are just nods to the other 6. There's a thousand different reasons Luke's lightsaber could be calling to Rey and we probably won't find out until the next one. But the speculation makes it so much more fun!! Like why did Kylo Ren turn to the Dark Side? What was his motivation?
It will hook kids, mostly please thr original generations...

And it will embolden the prequel defenders because Abrams rehashed.

Honesty...the prequel defenders are wrong.

There is 100% no excuse for bad dialogue, worse acting, bad editing, and making all the scenes and 90% of the characters on a hard drive.

It's really just common sense...not a preference of style or taste.

Can't agree with you there. All movies are subject to taste. I like the prequels, and think they are fun movies, just as fun as the OT. They're not perfect, nor is the OT, but they felt like Star Wars to me and I enjoyed their stories, artistry, and execution. Your assertion of "common sense" over opinion/taste is an invalid one as you are attempting to dictate what others enjoy or don't.

I like the OT. I like the Prequels. I like Episode VII. They're all a little different. They're all fun. They're all Star Wars!
That's the thing. The Star Wars universe is WAY too expansive, so it's almost impossible to know what we really need to pay attention to going forward and what hings are just nods to the other 6. There's a thousand different reasons Luke's lightsaber could be calling to Rey and we probably won't find out until the next one. But the speculation makes it so much more fun!! Like why did Kylo Ren turn to the Dark Side? What was his motivation?
I've got to agree. Just because we say we don't like something or "why didn't they... " doesn't mean they were wrong, it's just our opinion and what stuck to us. If we all thought the same way, what a boring world this would be. This probably ranks as my #4 or #5 SW movie...

Ep4/7 (tie)
Can't agree with you there. All movies are subject to taste. I like the prequels, and think they are fun movies, just as fun as the OT. They're not perfect, nor is the OT, but they felt like Star Wars to me and I enjoyed their stories, artistry, and execution. Your assertion of "common sense" over opinion/taste is an invalid one as you are attempting to dictate what others enjoy or don't.

I like the OT. I like the Prequels. I like Episode VII. They're all a little different. They're all fun. They're all Star Wars!

Shot right past it...

A failure of basic requirements of storytelling is not a matter of taste.

The most fundamental one is drawing no attachment between the audience and the plight of the characters...

Did anyone shed a single tear for Natalie Portman?

Too early for me to rank Force Awakens yet as I probably need to see it a few more times, but, initial thoughts:

Phantom Menace (I know, whatever)
New Hope
Force Awakens

I think TFA has the ability to move UP this scale, but I want to see it again with a quieter crowd as I think I missed a couple lines to cheering.
Shot right past it...

A failure of basic requirements of storytelling is not a matter of taste.

The most fundamental one is drawing no attachment between the audience and the plight of the characters...

Did anyone shed a single tear for Natalie Portman?


Nobody? How does one even begin to know that. That said, I wasn't too attached to Padme, but I certainly was to Obi Wan. He was passionate and inspirational, a tad arrogant, but deservedly so. I felt for young Anakin in Ep. I, though less so the older, dour man he would become. I could go on, but there's no point. You won't agree, and that's your right, but one day you'll realize that your view of things isn't the same as everybody else's.
I've got to agree. Just because we say we don't like something or "why didn't they... " doesn't mean they were wrong, it's just our opinion and what stuck to us. If we all thought the same way, what a boring world this would be. This probably ranks as my #4 or #5 SW movie...

Ep4/7 (tie)

Watch 3 again...I did for the first time in probably 9 years last week.

It is as downright awful as the action flick with no sense of depth, character, or gravity

Here's my honest to god assessment of the like able qualities:

6 (that's my always favorite)
5 (indisputable the best)
7 (same story...better on film)
4 (same story...doesn't hold up as well because of the advancements it started)

(Not worth ranking)
(Not worth ranking)

What's funny is that the criticism I get for rejecting the pre garbage is the "you were a kid and that's why you only like them"


But here are the true counters:

"Same to you"

"You're enamoured with the "accessibility" to computers to the common nobody ...i.e. Fantasizing that anybody can and would make paper thin Star Wars and we should just accept it"

"Desperation For a Star Wars of your own past the gipper era and you won't accept you didn't get one"

"Defense of Lucas...who pooched it, knows it, and spends all his time around a microphone now spinning an elaborate web of excuses"
Nobody? How does one even begin to know that. That said, I wasn't too attached to Padme, but I certainly was to Obi Wan. He was passionate and inspirational, a tad arrogant, but deservedly so. I felt for young Anakin in Ep. I, though less so the older, dour man he would become. I could go on, but there's no point. You won't agree, and that's your right, but one day you'll realize that your view of things isn't the same as everybody else's.

I think obi wan was overall the best character...

But Lucas made he, yoda, and the rest galactic buffoons that almost ruined everything.
They never answered the obvious questions that would prevent their fate. Not nearly "mystical" enough for a band of wise Mystics.

mcgreggor did the best he could...That was my assessment.
Not "i'm gonna miss him"

I'll miss one of the characters after yesterday...and I missed Alex Guiness and frank oz's puppeteering some too.

I blame the control freak business man...not the actors
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Too early for me to rank Force Awakens yet as I probably need to see it a few more times, but, initial thoughts:

Phantom Menace (I know, whatever)
New Hope
Force Awakens

I think TFA has the ability to move UP this scale, but I want to see it again with a quieter crowd as I think I missed a couple lines to cheering.'re a brave man
Well, the last word I'll say about it is that I'm 37, not a kid when the Prequels came out. I had my Star Wars. Then they made more of it. I was happy about that.

I'm bit older than you and i only caught maybe the last year of true starwarsdom

It faded in 84-85 and was legend by about 88-89.

You're too be honest.

Now if you want to talk gi Joe, transformers, masters of the universe, ninja turtles...I'm game.
I really don't get the need to convince someone Episode 1-3 are terrible movies. Art is so subjective so if someone says they like them why try and convince them otherwise. I'll be honest I loved the pod racing of Episode 1. I also kind of like Jar Jar. IDK I like stupid stuff sometimes.

A failure in the filmmaking stance.

Last night didn't disuede me from that.

A much better movie with a completely stolen story.

Do you feel better about the George w era tragedies now? Honestly?

To be fair...a lot of it has been reinforced by how Lucas handled the things beyond the movies and especially since the dust settles. If there were many merits...he's ruined them.
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A failure in the filmmaking stance.

Last night didn't disuede me from that.

A much better movie with a completely stolen story.

Do you feel better about the George w era tragedies now? Honesty?

To be fair...a lot of it has been reinforced by Lucas handled the things beyond the movies and especially since the dust settles. If there were many merits...he's ruined them.

You are coming across as one of those I was alive when it originally was cool so I'm better than you type of people.

You are allowed to have your stance and people who find 1-3 decent, or good, or were able to enjoy them are allowed their stance.

You seem set on making sure people know they are wrong for even remotely enjoying 1-3.
I really hope they don't make her Luke's daughter. Way too cliche. It would be far more interesting to introduce another family. Who else was part of this Jedi Academy Luke started? Maybe she is related to one of them. Since Kylo already has the Skywalker relation, I'd love to see the story expand just a bit. Kind of like how the force brought Qui Gonn to Anakin in the first place. Give us some more complexity than just the skywalkers. Good call on the staff though. She was kicking butt with that thing. But you do have to admit she advanced way faster than ANY Jedi we've seen, even Anakin. She went from zero to mind trick, saber wielding, sith defeating, force using Jedi in like two days. I'm fine if she is more powerful than Anakin, but that better be explained pretty well in the next one.

Not using the spoiler tag here either...

They said in the movie that Luke had started training new Jedi..2 new Jedi. A boy and a girl. The boy is obviously Kylo Ren. I think the girl is Rey, and I do agree that I think she is Luke's daughter. It will be interesting to see who they bring in to be her mother. They could still use the EU character Mara Jade...would make tons of fans happy, and could also introduce new blood/backstory into the movies.


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