Star Wars Rocks!


Earning My Ears
Nov 14, 2012

We painted up some Star Wars rocks using interior decorating rocks from the dollar store and paint pens. We hope to hand them out to cast members and unsuspecting people as random acts of kindness. We kind of want to hide a few on Castaway Cay. Wonder if we could hide a Geocash on the island? That would be so cool!

Here is a link to the first ones I made on my craft blog, for those we just used rocks from the backyard. Not selling, just sharing the idea.
Disney doesn't take kindly to geocaching on their property - they view it more as littering. They'll find it and dispose of it.
Cast members want cash. Not rocks. Cash.

Maybe.....but CAN they accept cash? I mean regular CMs, not waiters, bellhops, etc the normally tipped groups.

OP-Personally I think these are very cute and appropriate, considering the recent acquisition.
Park CMs can't accept cash, but you can send a note to their supervisor mentioning them (by name) and what a great job they did. And being polite and saying "thank you" go a lot farther toward making their day better than small gifts do.
Seriously people. My kids saw them on the Star Wars website. Wanted to paint Star Wars rocks for a craft project and had the idea to give one to the Star Wars guys at HS. i thought it a sweet idea. They are meeting their heroes and want to give them something they made. I am not going to give my 5 year old a wad of singles to give to their favorite characters.
I thought it was a cute idea. I had no clue I was going to cause such a controversy. Has anyone's kids ever wanted to draw a picture to give to Mickey. No different. These are small, the size of a quarter.
We are not giving them to our waiters. They may give one to a cm working at star tours. I highly doubt a cm would turn their nose up to a cute kid who wants to give them something they made. Even if they toss it later, who cares. It's about what a kid wants to do when they meet their heros.
They are absolutely adorable. I think some CMs will appreciate and others won't, but like you said, those can toss it or give it away later. It will fun for your kids.
That sounds like a wonderful idea OP:thumbsup2 It's like a new version of pin trading, just more personalized. ;)
I think that the rocks are adorable, and it's a wonderful idea. Cast members in non-tipped roles can't accept cash (once someone shoved a twenty in my pocket and ran away!), and honestly something sweet like that that you can keep goes a long way in keeping smiles on CM faces. Letting my supervisor know I'm awesome is great, but there have been times a comment doesn't get back to me until weeks later and I have no idea who these guests were based on whatever they wrote. I might remember you, but I can't identify you based on 'took some amazing shots next to the castle!'

I'm sure if someone is going to the trouble of bringing along gifts for CMs, they are going to take care to be polite and say thank you, anyway. These are a cute little reminder of that thank you and most CMs I know would be thrilled to have one. (I know I would, and I'm in MK, nowhere near Star Tours.) A lot of Japanese guests do something similar with small trinkets they bring, and getting something like that is like winning the lottery.

It's an incredibly sweet idea, OP, especially coming from your kids.
I also think this is a neat idea & a cute take home for a CM. I would highly doubt any CM would be outright rude to a gueat, adult or child. I was taken back by some of the ruds comments on the other thread regarding these. I highly doubt you are using these in place of tips, being as you said they were "thank you" & random kindness for CMs. I bet you will leave smiles in your wake. FWIW, my "too cool middle schooler" thought they were awesome: not much gets that ranking here anymore!
I think we may have to try these too, they are super cute! I love that your little one wanted to give the cm's something, sweet!:)


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