Stacie's Journey for Weight Loss and the 1/2 Marathon Jan 09!

Stacie, I so want to go to Vero one of these days! Love the pics. :)

You'll work your way up with higher miles soon! In the meantime, 3 miles is awesome. Good job!
Hey all! Thanks for the Hellos and the encouragement. I needed some nice words today.

An update on my training:

Monday: 1 mile on the elliptical, 16 min and 6.6 miles on the recument bike, 30 min.
Tuesday: 28 min of walking, two 30 sec bursts of jogging.

I feel guilty for not doing more today, but today is over. I can't change it. I decided to walk instead of do my intervals because my chest has been hurting today. I think it's just muscle soreness from my workout yesterday. I haven't done either of those activities in a while and my upper ribs have been sore today, but I was just scared to push it. At 10pm tonight, it was really nice outside though!

Thanks again you guys! :hug:
Hey, sweetie! I am sorry I haven't been here (busy with the wedding planning), but I wanted to pop in because I am so excited that your 1/2 marathon training will start soon. I know you can do this and you are going to LOVE watching your miles grow! Be sure to keep a training log on paper or even in a pocket calendar, so that you can really see the miles you are racking up and your progress on pace. I will be right there with you, sharing the journey! :cool1: I am so excited about seeing you at the start line on January 10! :hug:

BTW, your Vero pics are great! We really want to get there but just haven't made that happen yet. Now I want to do it even more! Thanks for sharing. :)
Hey Stacie,
Glad to see you are back and as others said don't sweat the workouts, they will come and you have plenty of time to get ready for the half-just keep it up!

The pictures of Vero are beautiful.Ah was that gator in the water next to you on the airboat-no way for me!

Fall is here and they weather is calling us all outside to do our workouts-keep posting you know it does help to keep us all motivated.

Have a great one,
Hiya, ladybug. Just stopping by for a quick hello and to see how things are going with the training. Hope you are doing well with it. The weather is a little cooler here, so I bet it's cooled down some for you, too, and I'm sure that helps. Keep going - you're doing great!

Have a good week - love ya!

Hi Stacie!
So today's the official start date, right? I'm going to go with your plan, so hopefully we'll be on the same page if not the same day! I think I may do my running on different days.

Good luck out there!
Hi Stacie,

Great pictures at Vero Beach!:thumbsup2 I'm glad you had a great vacation!:goodvibes

Sending some :wizard: :wizard: your way for your 1/2 marathon training....You CAN do it!:cheer2:

Have a great week ahead!:hug:
Today IS the official start date!

I think I've decided to scale back my expectations for the Half. I was hoping to have progressed to more of a run by now, but I'm thinking since this is my first Half and given my training and just how I'm feeling overall, I may just work on walking it or doing a walk/run instead of a run/walk. My goal had been to progress to a 3/2 then 4/1 run/walk. I may now just work on a 4/1 walk/run and adjust as necessary. If I've already mentioned this, I apologize for repeating myself. I'm stressing myself out thinking about the training and I don't want to do that. I don't want it to be a chore...something I don't look forward to. I want to enjoy my training (or at least the majority of it and not dread it) and my goals for the Half is to 1) FINISH and 2) enjoy it. I figure I can focus on my timing or progressing to running more for the Half Marathons that will come in the future. I don't expect this to be my only one you know. :)

I've decided to get my National Water Fitness Instructor Certification to add to my hectic schedule. :rolleyes: I am taking the test two weeks from now. The intructor is the director at the gym I attend and she showed some interest in possibly bringing me on to teach one class a week or fill in possibly. So...we'll see where that goes.

Also, Matt and I going to join a new facility in January. It's going to have a larger aquatics area and I'm hoping to get my foot in the door over there with a class or two. Eventually, I'd like to go PT and I think that would be a great PT job!

So...I think that's about it from my world. I hope everyone is going well!!!

Hey Stacie!! Isn't it exciting to start 'official' training! I think you have the right mindset going into the half. Your goals of finishing and enjoying it are great! Last year, I went into my first full with those same goals, and I wouldn't change anything, and I can always say I finished a marathon--and that is an AWESOME feeling!! Don't worry about how long it takes you to finish the race, if you have to adjust your training plan do it....just always remember that YOU WILL cross that finish line in January!! You have come so far, I know you can do this!! I am looking forward to following your training!

Keep up the great work!!!
Stacie, I am really proud and impressed that you are looking at the bigger picture with the 1/2 marathon. As you say, you don't want it to be chore, that would be such a shame if it got that way. Being honest about what you can do on the training front is a huge step in the right direction.

I think its great you want to get your certification to teach aquasize! You wil be great at that. I think that would make the perfect part time job for you, something you can enjoy and something that can further and reinforce your healthy living. Keep us posted, you'll do great on that test! :)

Hi, sweetheart. How's the training going?

I think you are smart to remember that you are supposed to ENJOY the races, not kill yourself on them, so you are doing the right thing to be thinking of that while you train. And I think it's SUPER exciting that you are getting certified to teach water aerobics. I hope all that works out just like you want it to.

Hope you have a good one, baby doll. Later!

Hi, Stacie! How are you doing, sweetie? :hug: How exciting that you are going to get certified to teach water aerobics. :woohoo: Very cool!! I am so impressed with your great attitude and your constant striving to improve. :thumbsup2
Hello All! I really appreciate you all so much for continuing to check on me!

Things are about the same. Still training. Still working. Still commuting 1.5 hrs a day... You know, the same old routine.

We did join a new fitness center yesterday. It won't open until Jan/Feb of next year, but this is the one I am hoping to teach at and they've shown a little bit of interest so we'll see how that goes.

I go for my certification this Saturday. I was able to CPR/AED certified this week. Now I just have to finish reading the manual and complete the at-home test questions.

We will do a 5K in Selma on Saturday (before I have the Water certification) and then I'm hoping to maybe catch a movie. I really wanted to see Nights in Rodanthe last weekend, but we never made it. Maybe this weekend!

I'm getting my main workouts in (though not all my cross-training), but my eating stinks! I'm struggling to get motivated. I can usally sike myself up during the day by reading the boards or Disney researching, planning for our trip, but by the time I get home... It's hard to get myself back out the door.

I think that's about all for now...

Stacie, good job getting those workouts in. Its hard to get the food end and the activity end for all of us! I am keeping my fingers crossed you get to teach at that fitness center. I think you would be so good at that.

Just keep doing the best you can, that's all any of us can do!

I really want to see that movie too. Really, really, bad! I'll probably only get to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua instead!
Hello! :wave:

So, on Friday, I went to the Nicholas Sparks book signing and got his new book and few more signed! Very fun. Come to find out he's done a full Marathon in about 2:14 back when he was in college!!!

On Saturday, we did the Selma Railroad Days 5K. My time was around 44:03. Not my best, but not my worst either. According to my Garmin by avg pace was 14 min miles. I ran 2-3 min every mile so that helped bring my avg down. If I can do this for the Half Marathon, I will be extremely happy!!!

After the 5K, I was off to my Certification training. All seemed to go well. The home office still has to review our test and such, but hopefully I'll my certificate in a few weeks.

Sunday, we went to see Nights in Rodanthe. It was a good movie, but I kept comparing it to the book. The movie...for a movie, was good, but when compared to the book, the book was better---but aren't they always...

Oh, and I did order my new shoes on Friday. I'm getting the same one, but newer version...Saucony Hurricane 10, but they only had blue in stock and I wanted red.

I think that's about it for now... Hope you all have a good week!

Hey Stacie! Great job on your 5k this weekend!

sounds like you guys had a very busy weekend! Glad to hear the certification process is going well.

Keep up the good work!


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