SSR Owners ... Rumor of Pleasure Island Contstruction

:earseek: If there are any members of the Disney or DVS staff lurking – listen up…..

K E E P P L E A S U R E I S L A N D !!

In the last 36 months my wife and I have had eight visits to the Magic Kingdom and I personally do not drink but we still find time during each trip for at least one night at PI. I would be VERY disappointed if Disney pulled the plug on the clubs. Understanding full well that Disney World is a “family” orientated place I am beginning to resent the people (guests and Disney planners) that fail to recognize the families that are without children. My wife and I are child free, that was our choice – but that does not diminish the absolute magic that comes from our visits. I suspect that I feel the same as any father or grandfather when I see my wife’s eyes sparkle during Fantasmic, or hear her screams of excided pleasure during a trip down Space Mountain or the Tower of Terror. I’m sure she feels the same way when I drag her through It’s a Small World (yes, I admit I do it just to get the song going in her head) onto Splash Mountain or on the Buzz Lightyear ride. But unfortunately the parks do close at night and there MUST be something for the big kids to do.

I will always remember one of the best nights my wife and I spent together at Disney. It was our anniversary trip (2/4/95!) and Pleasure Island was not very crowded at all. The West End stage had one the worst cover bands I have ever heard but we had the night of our lives! Karen has developed a real appreciation for Razzle Dazzles and always partakes when we visit. Now as anyone who has experienced the Razzle Dazzle can tell one or two is enough to “enlighten” a 130 pound female. Karen and I had a blast sitting at the tables in front of 8 Tracks, people watching and talking for hours. I have fond memories of that night and will strangely enough consider it one of my magic moments because after several life altering tragedies (health and death of family members), that have befallen our family, Karen openly and heartily laughed for a very long time that night.

For those of you that have some of the obvious alternative suggestions, let me beat you to the punch. Boardwalk closes down at 11pm. ESPN, Jelly Rolls and Atlantic Dance being the exceptions. This is THREE clubs. Add those to the list of clubs at PI and you have a well rounded and varied list of options. Disney Quest closes at 11pm or midnight. While being a fun alternative it still doesn’t last as long as the clubs do, and as anyone who has been in there during a peak time can attest to it really is no fun WATCHING a 12 year old play a video game for hours. Finally there is Cirque, been there – done that (twice) and eventually going back.

‘nuff said. I’ve already rambled on, making a short point into a long story. That is my nature.

Pleasure Island forever!! and KUNGALOOSH!

-Curt Dennis, Michigan
Beach Club Villas
Port Orleans
Old Key West
Old Key West
Beach Club Villas
The only reason I can think of this change is the fact that PI has attracted a very serious crime problem.


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