Special Needs Strollers/Baby Jogger Freedom?


Dec 14, 2006
Does anyone have the Baby Jogger Freedom stroller for special needs children/adults? I am seriously thinking of buying one for DD7. Insurance already paid for a wheelchair, so if I get one of these it will be out of my own pocket! Just seeing if anyone has one or has seen one? They are expensive - cheapest I have found is $599 on sale - even on ebay they are $599 (new)! So I am trying to decide if it is worth the money to have the alternative seating/traveling option.
We have had problems twice now with wheelchairs being damaged on airline trips, so I am thinking this might be a solution for trips to WDW and other places.
I have not seen one of the Baby Jogger Freedom strollers close up, but I have read that they are a major pain to fold. Just looking at the pictures of them folded, I would rather bring a wheelchair onto a plane (and having seen people bring regular jogging strollers on a plane, they look like a major pain). Also, they are so large for manouvering. I have seen people in the parks with regular jogging strollers and can't imagine using anything larger. If you find one for $600, you are doing well - I found them on line for more like $750. Here's one at that price. I would not buy one from ebay unless you have actually tried one out and know it works for your child - would not want to spend that much money on something I could maybe not return (or would have to spend a fortune sending it back).

I'd suggest going to www.adaptivemall.com to look what else is available. They have a good selection of different strollers and pushchairs. They also have OT/PT help available to help you tell which strollers would fit your child's needs and size. I have never bought anything from them, but I have referred lots of people to that site over the years and have never heard anything negative about adaptivemall.
A lot of people like the Maclaren Major Special Needs Stroller. The sale price of less than $400 is nice. I have seen those strollers and they are pretty nice. They are basically giant umbrella strollers. Maclaren is one of the Cadillac companies of regular strollers and they have been making special needs strollers for more than 30 years.
Maclarens are the least expensive of the umbrella type strollers, but if your child doesn't have very many postitioning needs, that might be fine.
Thanks Sue! I had already checked out adaptive mall - one of my fav places to visit. Also checked several other special needs websites as well as stroller websites. My problem with DD is that she has NO trunk control and almost no head control, so she needs lots of support, or has to be tilted back. Her old "chair" was a Thomashilfen Jazz EasyS, which I loved, but she outgrew (see siggie pic with Jack Sparrow). Her physical rehab doc doesn't like it though and wanted her to go back to the more supportive tilt in space wheelchair for school and such. But for vacations I like her to be comfortable (not have to wear her back brace, etc) and so was thinking of a stroller for her. The Mac Major is not supportive enough and won't tilt back. The other chairs, like the Thomashilfen and the tilting Convaids are WAY more expensive and too much for me for an out of pocket expense! That pretty much leaves the jogging stroller! Our next two trips are by car, so not worried about getting it on and off the buses, just whether I can bring it through the lines as a wheelchair! Any thoughts on that? As for the folding, well, once I get it out and opened won't have to worry about that til the end of the day - LOL. I am a little worried about the size, but I guess we would just have to deal with that...
My bad. I didn't look carefully enough in the signature picture. I can see that she would have a hard time in a Maclaren with no head support.

For the Baby Jogger Special Needs stroller, the one thing I can see might be a problem could be the length of it. It might be too long (and too low sitting) to fit on the wheelchair spots in some attractions. That might not be a problem if you were planning on taking her out and holding her, but just thought I would mention it.

Anther thing to look into is whether you need the Baby Jogger Special Needs stroller (SNS) or could manage with one of the other Baby Jogger strollers. The SNS goes up to 105 pounds (at least I think it does), but it may be years before a 7 yr is that big.
Some of the more mainstream models of Baby Jogger strollers go up to 75 pounds and may work for you. I know that the park rental strollers at the Studios at WDW used to be a 'made for Disney' version of the Baby Jogger City series. They have changed to the same molded plastic as the other parks, but this is a picture of the Studio strollers from allearsnet.com

If you could use one of the Mainstream strollers, you can get away from the higher "Special Needs" price. You could also find one much more easily (maybe even in a resale shop) and may even be able to try your DD sitting in one. Here's a link to an ebay auction that has good sizing information. I would probably not be afraid of buying a 'mainstream' one on ebay because you could re-sell it to a 'mainstream' buyer if it didn't work out.
Thanks so much Sue for all your help and suggestions! I was able to do some more research and found ONE regular stroller by Dreamer Design that has a higher back than the others - which was our problem! DD is only 42 pounds, but she is 44 inches long! She needed a higher seat back than most of the regular strollers had. The Dreamer Design Rebound Deluxe has a 25 inch back with maximum head height of 28 inches. It also holds up to 80 pounds. This will work for her I think! Unfortunately, there were not any stores locally that carried them. But I ordered one online and am hoping when it gets here, we will find it is a perfect fit! The price was much better than $599 too! We were able to get the stroller, with free shipping, and some free accessories (tire pump, rain cover, etc) for $300. I can live with that! I also got the swivel wheel accessory for the front, as I think it will be easier to manuever in lines and onto rides if the front wheel swivels. I will report back how it works at the parks!

I've been trying to research this very topic for some time now. :surfweb: My DD 12, 90lbs. is somewhat mobile, (wears braces, looses balance, feels more secure holding your hand) but can't walk very long without getting tired. She gets tired just even walking the mall most times. I was thinking of renting one of their strollers down there at Orlando Strollers. I think it was the Liberty. The one that would work was going to be $120 for 5 days.

I found a place close to home where we could rent a Transport chair for around $20 bucks for the month. The stroller looks way more comfortable of course, but what am I not seeing or thinking about by way of comparing the two??? THe size of the chair would be much smaller and I would think easier to get in and out of places. But, those of you that are more familiar, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

The more I think about it I really need to look into insurance for something like this too. I don't forsee this getting any better any time soon. So then I guess another question would be: long term would the stroller route be better or the chair to purchase?
If a family is interested in Freedom chair and cannot pay the high cost I have one that my son outgrew in less than a year. Navy. Live in Iowa. If your interested in more information let me know.

Lilybon, I am trying to help my parents find a jogging wheelchair for a 10 year old boy they are raising. My Mom broke her hip last fall and now my Dad is in the hospital, so my mom is having to do all the lifting of the wheelchair by herself, but her hip is giving her a lot of trouble. The wheelchair they have is HEAVY and very awkward, and she is really struggling with having to use it so much now, in and out of the hospital. Is the freedom chair difficult to fold and unfold? Also what size child is it good for? How much would you be willing to sell yours for?
I am getting the SPECIAL TOMATO EIO PUSHCHAIR from adaptivemall.com. It will be a great addition to my special needs strollers for Rachel, great for a day at the parks. I am also going to get a new wheelchair from medicaid, the MPS PUSHCHAIR kit.


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