"Sounds Around the World" - Q16 (with answers)


Jan 4, 2005
Today's sound clip can be found here

1. Where would you hear this at WDW?
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular

2. In the movie this attraction is based on, who is the lead actor?
Harrison Ford

3. What other attraction in the same park would you associate with him?
This one was a bit confusing, the answer I was looking for was "Star Tours" but I'm happy to give points for the "Great Movie Ride" as well.

4. In the movie that the answer to Q3 is based on, what is his character's future father in law's (as we are led to believe) real/birth name?
Again, as Q3 was confusing, I'll allow two answers. Anakin Skywalker was the name I was looking for (Princess Leia's father for those non Star Wars-y people.) However I'm allowing Dr Abner Ravenwood as well to compensate for the confusion!


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