(sort of OT) Hotlinking images, what it is and why it is bad.


Little Disney Girl
May 28, 2006
Lately with all the image threads I've noticed a lot of hotlinking. And when people tell people how to post images from another site, a lot of the time they tell them how to hotlink. This is bad. Or at least it can be.

Hotlinking, basically, is seeing an image, viewing properties on it, copying the web address of the image, and using coding or a link to post it somewhere else. This may seem very innocent and easy, but it can be very bad. Especially if you don't know or trust the site you got it from.

What you're doing is using the place the original image poster used to post your image somewhere. Their internet site. This means they have complete control over what your image is. They could replace it with anything, and there are sites out there that will replace it with very bad things that I can't even mention here, but that would definitely get you banned from where ever you posted that image.

Okay, say I posted an image named mickeydance.gif here. Then someone viewed properties, copied the address, and posted it somewhere like their sig or another site. I could very easily delete the original file, take a picture of... say my daughter or something, name that mickeydance.gif and put it in the original images place. Now where ever you posted this mickeydance picture will now have a picture of my daughter in it's place. You didn't want to post a picture of my daughter, but I was mean and changed it on you. But technically, you were unintentionally mean to me first by hotlinking, as you will see below.

There are reasons people will change the image on you. The main reason is because you are essentially stealing from them. See, most webhosts require that you pay for bandwidth, which is the number of times the image can be viewed online. If it gets viewed too much, your images break or you have to pay more. You usually have a limited amount of this bandwidth.

So if you take an image that's on someone's webspace and post it somewhere else, you're making the image be viewed a lot more than the original website owner meant it to be, so you're stealing their bandwidth and their money that they spent on it. So to get you back, many sites will replace your image with something bad.
Hotlinking from something like the main yahoo site probably wouldn't do much. But if it's a random image you found on google image search hotlinking can be very risky, not to mention rude.

There are very easy ways around hotlinking. If you get your own photobucket.com account, or just use imageshack.us (which doesn't require registration), both are free to use, you're not stealing anyone's bandwidth and they have no control over what you post. You just download the image to your computer and then upload it to one of these free webhosts. Most will even provide you with the web address (and in some cases even the coding you'd need to post it somewhere), so it's very easy to copy and paste it.

I really hope this helps people in preventing hotlinking and preventing the risk of posting something you really didn't want to. I am not accusing anyone or yelling at anyone, but I figured a little information on the workings of the internet never hurt anyone, and it might help keep it from happening in the future.

I hope this post was okay here. I posted it here because this is where it's been going on.
This can be my one thing I learn every day... lol

Good reminder! Thanks for posting this.
Peacefully said:
...There are very easy ways around hotlinking. If you get your own photobucket.com account, or just use imageshack.us (which doesn't require registration), both are free to use, you're not stealing anyone's bandwidth and they have no control over what you post. You just download the image to your computer and then upload it to one of these free webhosts. Most will even provide you with the web address (and in some cases even the coding you'd need to post it somewhere), so it's very easy to copy and paste it...

that is what i use to show my pictures. :thumbsup2
I enforce an anti-hotlinking policy on the non-disney board I moderate. I permananetly ban people for linking without permission. Even when the file is perfectly innocent.
Peacefully said:
There are very easy ways around hotlinking. If you get your own photobucket.com account, or just use imageshack.us (which doesn't require registration), both are free to use, you're not stealing anyone's bandwidth and they have no control over what you post. You just download the image to your computer and then upload it to one of these free webhosts. Most will even provide you with the web address (and in some cases even the coding you'd need to post it somewhere), so it's very easy to copy and paste it.

Just a word of caution some image hosting sites will not allow you to host copywritten images on their site and you could lose all your images.

Maleficent2 said:
Just a word of caution some image hosting sites will not allow you to host copywritten images on their site and you could lose all your images.


I've used photobucket for about two-three years and have never had them delete a single image, even ones that were probably infringing on copyright. I've used imageshack for at least a year and they've never removed anything either.

Besides, if you download them before uploading them, even if the website deletes them, you still have them on your computer. And it's a lot better than stealing someone's bandwidth.
May I ask, how to upload ANOTHER Animated image, without making one yourself, (i dont even know how to make an animated GIF)
Cpt.JackSpearow said:
May I ask, how to upload ANOTHER Animated image, without making one yourself, (i dont even know how to make an animated GIF)

Right click the image, select save as... or save image as... and save it to a place on your computer like your desktop or your documents folder. Put it in an easy to find place and remember where you put it.

Then go to http://www.imageshack.us and select browse... and find where you put the file on your computer. Double click the file and click Host it!, then it will load for a little while and then give you the web address you need to post the image online.
Great! Thanks for the info, I already knew this however the others may not have.
Peacefully said:
I've used photobucket for about two-three years and have never had them delete a single image, even ones that were probably infringing on copyright. I've used imageshack for at least a year and they've never removed anything either.

Besides, if you download them before uploading them, even if the website deletes them, you still have them on your computer. And it's a lot better than stealing someone's bandwidth.

I realize that, I have an imagestation account and received a warning that if I did not remove all VMK images that my account would be closed.

And yes they are all stored on my computer.

Just wanted everyone to be aware that if storing copywritten images you may have a problem.

Take the advice or leave it...I offered it.
I have always used imageshack.us and have always been unaware of this issue...I assume I have chosen a good uploading site as you mentioned it is okay...correct?
I think that's dumb.. Not being able to use VMK pics on your photo site.. Pfft... It's not like you're studying it and putting the same exact stuff into your game.
Maleficent2 said:
I realize that, I have an imagestation account and received a warning that if I did not remove all VMK images that my account would be closed.

And yes they are all stored on my computer.

Just wanted everyone to be aware that if storing copywritten images you may have a problem.

Take the advice or leave it...I offered it.

I'm just saying that I've had positive experiences with the ones I mentioned. I haven't tried imagestation, but imageshack and photobucket have never deleted my images for anything other than going over bandwidth, and even then photobucket just made them quit working for awhile (which is why I had to buy more bandwidth, because of people hotlinking my icons from my icon journal).

Loves Disney said:
I have always used imageshack.us and have always been unaware of this issue...I assume I have chosen a good uploading site as you mentioned it is okay...correct?

yeah imageshack.us has always been good. The only issue I've ever had is when your image uses too much bandwidth and they take it down, but that's not really a problem here since it doesn't generate enough traffic to do that.
As long as you're uploading images from your computer, you're definitely not hotlinking and are safe from what I mentioned. imageshack is there to prevent hotlinking.
DisIvyCo said:
http://www.iconator.com/ I use this site. It says free avatars. So I am not really stilling and or hotliking at all, or am I? :) :)

If you copy the address the have for it to post it somewhere, that's hotlinking. But just downloading them, uploading them, and posting them somewhere else isn't hotlinking, and since it says free avatars, you're allowed to share them.
I know Image Shack and Photo Bucket are 2 very big and mostly used Image hosting sites I have used Photo bucket for 2 years now for neopets/vmk no warning yet right now im using Picturetrail because I was sharing an account on Photo Bucket with a brother but he changed the password on me *sigh*
Peacefully said:
If you copy the address the have for it to post it somewhere, that's hotlinking. But just downloading them, uploading them, and posting them somewhere else isn't hotlinking, and since it says free avatars, you're allowed to share them.
OH ok that is good. :) :)
Peacefully said:
They could replace it with anything, and there are sites out there that will replace it with very bad things that I can't even mention here...


In my early days of hotlinking, one server replaced the pic with a pic of poo.


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