sorry friends


Jul 13, 2007
To all my Diz friendz,
sorry i have not been on in a while, bad life right now. i moved from ca to oh cause my DH retired. all with in 10 days he asks for a divorce (i didn't even know we were having problems:confused: ) and i get info from my doc that i have lung cancer (NO i dont smoke:eek: ) and later this month my beloved vmk kingdom will go away. i am trying to get on more because i WANT to see all my friends and have a happy end to a wonderful game but i am so tired, so while those of you are praying for vmk not to end can i ask you send in a good word for me and hope they can make it go away.:sad2: cancer NOT vmk
thanks for all the wonderful memories,

ps mods if in wrong spot i am deeply sorry
OMG Queen I knew something was up sense I haven't seen you in a while. This is heartbreaking I will totally pray for you tonight!
Sending you all my future good fortune to you My dear Queen and you know where to find Pirate in the kingdom:hug:
Queen my heart broke for you... please daughter also has lung cancer, also a non smoker, and maybe together we can help you get through this. Please remember you are not alone-we are all right here for you!

So sorry to hear this! Hope the treatments go well and POOH! on your husband for leaving like that when you need him most. My thoughts are with you for a full recovery. :hug:
Aww Queen!!! My heart breaks over your news...
:hug: You are in my thoughts and prayers:hug:
Just recently a dear teacher of mine passed away due to lung cancer and I'm still shocked by the news.

It is treatable and my prayers and warm wishes go out to you, to be strong and healthy.

BIG Hugs Dear Queen. :hug:

I am so very sorry to hear about everything going on in your life right now. Please know that everyone is pulling for you dear. Just PM if you ever need a chat, or a shoulder to lean on.

You are a wonderful person ~ keep up the fight my friend, you are a strong!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

Right now we are learning about diseases and cancers
and we have to do research on them.

I'd totally freak out if I was diagnosed with lung cancer

And your husband really stinks. :(
Aww, sorry to hear this queen, but I think you'll enjoy OH pretty well :)
I'm so sorry!

I'll keep you in my prayers!

As for vmk... I can't make any promises! :rolleyes:


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