Son says he needs to cut his long hair for job

If he converts his surfer hair to dreads, they can't fire him. He will need also need to pull/ponytail his hair back. The employers know about the dreads rule and know that they will get sued if fired for that reason.

wonder if the employer will hold on to the opening for the minimum 3-6 months it takes to establish dreads. i don't know that the protective laws apply to someone who is attempting to achieve dreadlocks but is still early in the process (and wonder if the kid is willing to put in all the time and effort developing and maintaining them entail).
I read a few posters stating it's discrimination. I won't hire a smoker, no exceptions. I don't want them breathing in my customers face or working on their vehicles. I don't call it discrimination, I call it setting a good image for my store. I can totally understand why the grocery store has the long hair policy. Short hair on a man is just cleaner and neater looking even though there are plenty of men that can pull off the long hair / professional look.
I’m calling this a troll thread! The OP joins, starts a new thread but doesn’t come back to comment once during the 6 pages so far. They’re watching as it shows they were online yesterday.
This thread is very similar to a thread that was posted here previously. I thought at the time that it was more of a mom versus dad argument. I get the same vibe from this thread. I wonder if mom is the one that really cares about her son having long hair. Her DS may not care as much as she does.
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It is kind of funny that this has come up on a Disney thread, when we all know there are tons of rules for the CMs to follow regarding appearance.

Some companies are more strict than others. If you don't like the dress code, work somewhere else. Easy.
I don’t understand why there’s even a discussion about this. The place has rules if you want to work there you follow the rules. As a parent the The only way I would medel would be to give my son the advice to maybe speak with management if/what exceptions they will allow ( pulling hair back). Never hurts to ask. If the answer is no then he needs to accept that .
I read a few posters stating it's discrimination. I won't hire a smoker, no exceptions. I don't want them breathing in my customers face or working on their vehicles. I don't call it discrimination, I call it setting a good image for my store. I can totally understand why the grocery store has the long hair policy. Short hair on a man is just cleaner and neater looking even though there are plenty of men that can pull off the long hair / professional look.
Fair enough - rules are rules. I would hope you state that clearly in the job posting though so as not to waste anybody's time; hopefully they will self-select out. Otherwise, couldn't you end up hiring someone who smokes on their own time but never does so at work? I know quite a few people who do that.
I've been wondering if this is a troll thread, too :stir:.

My opinion: You know the rules, follow them or find a different place to work. It's not like there's a shortage of job openings these days.
I’m calling this a troll thread! The OP joins, starts a new thread but doesn’t come back to comment once during the 6 pages so far. They’re watching as it shows they were online yesterday.
Yes this thread is growing long. Maybe it needs a trim.
wonder if the employer will hold on to the opening for the minimum 3-6 months it takes to establish dreads. i don't know that the protective laws apply to someone who is attempting to achieve dreadlocks but is still early in the process (and wonder if the kid is willing to put in all the time and effort developing and maintaining them entail).
You can start it in one day: Twist, rip and wax.
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When my ex worked for a similar store, he bought a short wig. Put his gorgeous long hair up in a man bun, put a wig cap over it, and the wig on top of that. Might that be an option for your son?
Fair enough - rules are rules. I would hope you state that clearly in the job posting though so as not to waste anybody's time; hopefully they will self-select out. Otherwise, couldn't you end up hiring someone who smokes on their own time but never does so at work? I know quite a few people who do that.
So this all goes back to my head technician who has been with me for 16 years. I hired him and did not know he smoked. He must have not smoked hours before his interview as his clothes and breath didn't stink. After I hired him he only did it outside but his breath was beyond horrendous and he wore it like cheap cologne. One day a customer showed up to drop her car off and when he went to pull it in she asked me if someone else could work on her car because she didn't want the smell of smoke to transfer to her cloth seats. We had a talk and he kept it more discrete after that but seeing him outside every 30 minutes to smoke means he's not working. Luckily he switched to vaping many years ago and I moved him to his own building where he can vape all he wants as long as it's not in customers vehicles. The stuff he vapes has no smell and produces very little vapor.
1.Maybe there’s someone out there writing a novel and using our responses as research. Like that British lady who keeps getting a job at Universal.

2.The Pentagon is grooming us with theoretical questions. Job/Requirement scenarios. Move to a new country and leave your spouse, cut your hair or not…and we can anticipate the next question: “Should I accept the position in Accounts Payable, which demands that I poison an arms dealer with a blow dart? Or should I stay at my current job, trafficking blood diamonds for a cartel?”

3. Most likely, it’s the producers of Gary Busey Pet Judge looking for new show ideas.


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