Something extra special for my son?


DIS Veteran
Dec 11, 2002
Although this is our 2nd trip to WDW it will be like our first because during our first trip on each day someone in our family was sick to the point that we either had to leave a park early or not go at all. My son was sooo sick our first day there that I thought we were gonna have to fly back home. But anyway I am wanting to do something extra nice for him this time around (he's 6 btw) our financial situation is better this trip too so I can afford to do something nice for him. Who knows when hard times will hit and we wont be able to anymore, so I wanna take advantage of the good times. Any ideas will be welcome. Thanks ahead of time too. :p
I would suggest , you can give them your story and preferences as well as your DS's preferences and they can customize a "gift event" for you. I was going to do this for DH, but it can get pricey (depending on what you want to do). BUt I would suggest filling out their questionnaire, it's free of charge and they email you with what they have in mind. They can do amazing things.

Another suggestion would be, that if you can get away with getting his favorite character's autograph w/o him seeing you do it, you could get them to write "sorry we missed you last time when you were sick, but we're so glad you're here this time!", or something to that effect. Then you could leave a new toy with it, and he can find it when he wakes up or when you return to the hotel room. If you are staying onsite, you can always ask a CM to put it in your room.

When are you going and where are you staying?
We're leaving next Friday and staying at HIFS. We are starting to get very excited about it. Dreading the flight though. Hey, what about that kitchen sink thing at Beaches and Cream? Have you heard of it?
I personally find that the $150 minimum the website above requires is more than I want to spend.

Here's a couple of suggestions. If you go to the Animal Kingdom, you could plant a special surprise in the Dinosaur Dig while he's not looking and let him dig it up. You could also laminate a card stating "His name is ___" and hold it up behind his back - that way the characters that talk can greet him by name and he'll know he's really special since the characters know him by name (just be sure to make the sign large enough they can read easily). My son is a big Star Wars fan, so I purchased the Star Wars books I found in the children's section of the bookstore and surprised him with a couple during our trip. You may want to utilize some of the ideas posted below too.

I originally posted this under a second id last week due to password problems. You can substitute the breakfast at the Castle to breakfast with one of his favorite characters.

I took my 8 yr old niece to WDW and wanted to make it really special because it was her first vacation ever. Before we left, I wrote notes for each night we were there signed by different characters and bought little surprises to leave with the notes at the foot of the bed. After that first morning, her first reaction to waking up was looking immediately at the end of the bed to see who had visited the night before and what they left her.

I bought some trinkets at the Disney Store prior to leaving on our trip, as well as looking at Target, Wal-Mart, etc. They ranged from Disney character cookies, a straw w/Minnie on the top, some new T-shirts, the large striped sucker Disney sells (found at Target for $1.50 instead of the $3-$4 at park). I planned the trip out so the notes and surprises were related to whatever park we were visiting that day and who we were likely to see. The morning of our breakfast w/Cinderella, I left a T-shirt dress I'd found on sale at the Disney store for $15 and the note read somthing like, "To a special princess, we're looking forward to meeting you this morning! Love, All the Disney Princesses". When we arrived at the castle, the lady at the door told her, "Oh, we've been waiting for you. You have the special table." Once inside all the Disney princesses worked their way around the room and each of them called her princess. I could not have planned it better if I'd paid everyone to do it. My niece's eyes were so shiny they absolutely sparkled. It's been two years and my niece still talks about her trip.

Oh, I almost forgot... I discovered the clerk at the Disney store was going two months before we did and I gave her some money to bring me back an autograph book. I found pictures on the internet of as many Disney characters as I could find that I thought would be at the park. I copied and pasted them into Word and then printed them off, cut them out and pasted them (one on each sheet, using a stick glue) in the autograph book. As she came across different characters in the parks, she found their picture in the book and had them sign on that page. Everyone made a big deal out of having their picture in the book. I took pre-cut clear contact paper in the backpack and after the character signed it, I would put the clear contact paper over that page so the signature wouldn't get smeared. I also placed the autograph book into
a baggie so it wouldn't get wet on the water rides. I did one for my 12 yr old son too and we're planning on taking it back to WDW to see how many more signatures we can get.

I also bought her a Disney journal (found at Target) and had her write her favorite ride, show, food, character meeting, etc. about that day. I had her skip a couple of pages in between the days and when we got home, I placed her pictures with the characters on the pages for that day.
This might sound kind of simple but I bet your DS would love it. Let him be king for a day. Let him plan PS's for all three meals, pick the park and decide which rides to do. Just for the day, don't say no to that extra mickey bar or to any request you can afford not to say no to. We find that the trip it's self is so special that we really don't need to go out of our way to make it even more so. Here's wishing you a healthy trip.

jordan's mom
My DS just loved the Pirates Cruise at the GF when he was 6 last year!

Also, try to ride the monorail up front with the driver... way cool! We were able to do so at the GF mid-day (after the Pirate Cruise).
My son is 6, too and he loved the Family Magic Tour. We did this in October for his 6th birthday. He also loved the Pirate Cruise. On the somewhat less expensive side, he also likes cash and being a big boy and paying for things himself at the register. If your son is like mine he'd be thrilled to have $5-10 dollars a day to buy whatever he wants - no questions asked. (This also eliminates asking for something at every store which I think some kids do.) My son bought a camel squirter near the Aladdin ride and some totally sugary candy on Main Street and was thrilled that he got to pick "whatever he wanted". I think when kids have their own money they actually take time to think about what they want rather than just wanting everything they see. Have a great trip!
Suprise him with a character meal. donald's breakfastosurus at AK is a big hit with boys
Thank you all soo much the ideas here are wonderful. I have chosen a few of them and I really appreciate the response. Thanks again. My son will be thrilled to death.
JUst out of curiousity, and I think the other posters would like to know what you chose to do for your son?
Well I thought a character breakfast at Chef Mickeys would be nice and I got the little "trinkets at the end of the bed in the morning" idea from Mini Mouse and the "King for a day" idea from Jordans mom. I thought those would be extra nice. What do you think?:)
I think your son is in for a treat, and he's gonna love whatever you do for him. Have a magical trip!


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