Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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jodie, there will always be people that can afford a meal that will take advantage of others and eat food that is free.

too many times when i have worked, there is always someone that doesn't help out with money or food contribution and expects to join in.

i can't stand mooches.

jennifer, hope you can get some sleep tonight.
if you can't, you can join my club of the insomniacs......

lori, feel better soon.
Congrats to all you Giants fans. Decent game. Commercials okay but not spectacular. My favorite was same as Katies.

New computer problem - dogs running around and ran across it. Now I am missing a letter, not real important or in many words (sure)! It is between "G" and "I". :headache: :sad2: Yep it was a very important letter. :scared:

Jodie - Glad Daniel paid up.

Marcie - Great pics.

Tricia - Now it is time for our sport!!!!!

Barb - Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see post # 10,000!

Jennifer - Good luck getting some sleep.

Nite everyone!

Lori, I am impressed that you had a whole post with no "h" in it at all! :rotfl:
Oh, and if you're interested in even more work saga .... Skip this whole post if you're not! :goodvibes

OK, so there are 3-4 people who are on a permanent night shift who are ... I can't even describe them. Pigs? Pathetic whenever there are "leftovers?" Vultures to "free food?" I don't even know what to say. If they see leftovers, they immediately go to town and scarf things down like they've been held in captivity and haven't seen food in weeks. It's not normal. If there are ever any leftovers from anything that someone else paid for, you can count on them easily to finish things off, without any regard to sharing with anyone else. Or, you can count on them to hoard food meant for everyone so that no one else sees it or gets it. These are the people that you hide your food from if you want it to last more than one sitting. These are people who freely eat your lunch without any regard to it being your lunch and not theirs. Those kind of people. You know the kind of people I'm talking about, right?

Anyway, we had dinner for our evening tour on Thursday night. We paid for it ourselves. It wasn't a gift from the company or anything, not that it should matter. We had lots of dessert left over and we would have saved it for the following night, but we didn't put it away in time before the night tour came in. Before doing hand-offs or logging in to their consoles, night tour bee lined it to the "free food" and scarfed down cupcakes, cookies, etc. There were lots left, but I'm pretty sure night tour was practicing for a food-eating contest. Guess they wanted to eat before we put stuff away. Since they were eating, we didn't bother to put anything away. We figured the pigs were there, and they'd finish it. Well, they most certainly did finish, but adding an extra "pig" to their name, they didn't even clean up after themselves after polishing off every last morsel. They left empty trays lying around, crumbs everywhere. Pathetic. Sadly, this is par for the course. Further, they add insult to injury when we have customers on the floor and we have to do a sweep before they come. Then you're stuck cleaning up after your empty plates, trays, and bags that once contained your food. Since no customers come on the floor during night tour, they never clean up anything.

So, fast forward to tonight's big feast, where there were lots and lots of left overs. I watched the clock, and a half hour before night tour was to come in, we all made a huge game of putting everything away and hiding it. Every last blessed morsel of food and cleaned like you wouldn't know we had a party at all.

Then, when night tour came in, we set up chairs and watched them scope the floor trying to figure out where the food was. (Ok, you had to be there, but trust me, it was comical.) Those of us on evening tour didn't say a blessed word; just enjoyed watching them trying to figure out if we polished off everything (which never happens). The confusion was utterly priceless. When one of them asked, "Didn't you have a Super Bowl party?" we simply said, "yes." They didn't ask how the party was or anything, but were once again pathetically looking for "free food."

Even sadder is that I know one of the guy's wife. She would be mortified to know that her husband acted like that around any type of food at work.

Do any of you guys know anyone like this? Can anyone explain this mentality? I really don't understand it.

You explained it perfectly. Pigs and very inconsiderate. I worked with a guy that would go out to eat with the rest of us, wait for all of us to put in for our part of the ticket & tip then figure what was still owed to pay the check. So he paid most of his check with our tip. :headache: We finally started asking for seperate checks when he was with us.

Wow, that was fun. Copied and pasted all the "h's".
we should do a lottery to guess what brab's 10,000 post will be.......

waiting on pins and needles here for it.
Lori, I think you should start writing in code. Substitute the #8 for every letter "h" or something. 0r "+". Or Do |-|. We'll get it!

I hate moochers too. I understand if someone has fallen on rough times. I get that. But none of my colleagues are hurting for $$ -- in fact, since they are on permanent night tour, they get paid 10% more than most of us! Soooooo sad.

Hmmmmmm, wonder what Barb's 10K post will be too.

I am betting that she announces that she's told HH to take this job and shove it and she's moving her family to FL where she is going to work lost and found with Bev as her mentor .... just a guess.
i was going to say be a bartender at margarittaville but jodie has that job sewn up..........
So funny ... that would be a good job. Especially with the amount of convention goers that go through there.

However, I think I would like to work the front desk at either HRH or RPR. Seriously. Mike is going to be a Bell Hop. Those are going to be our part time jobs when we retire to FL when I'm 52. :goodvibes

Would Barb be ALLOWED to work at Margaritaville since she's never had a Cheeseburger in Paradise????
Well chickadees and chickodoodles, i am right tired about now. Heading to bed. Don't let those bed bugs bite, sleepies tight, and please don't be coming on here and waking me up before 10 am or so .... :upsidedow
in the cb, alex has a thread.

this is what he had determined for the future for all threads.

Please Read- Long Threads
Sorry for the delay on this, we had to have a piece of software custom written to cut up the existing long threads.
We have also decided how to handle long threads moving forward:
1. Threads will be closed at 250 pages (3750 posts)
2. Any existing thread over 250 pages will be locked as is.
3. The really long threads that were removed will come back over the next week or so. I have to shut the boards down to cut them up so I will try to do it during "off hours". We are also trying index them so people will be able to reference them.

I hope everyone is enjoying the much faster boards!

when our page number hits,
we can go to home for the homies that has already been started.....
or we can do "something for nothing part 2 or #2.

tell me what you want for the next title for our thread.
Good mornin' Fletch and the Gang!

Went back to bed about 1:30, so got a few hours sleep. I know I will have no trouble sleeping tonight!

On the road again today. But I will check back in tonight. I can't miss Barb's milestone post or his story about her job.:cool1:

Have a nice day:)

Tom Petty still sounded great...looked like *%$#@ but sounded great! Of course...he was never a good looking man to begin with.

a life "well-lived" will that do that to you...we geriatics may have tons of wrinkles & gray hair...but the earning them was fun-indeed;) :banana:

will bbl & word shortly before the game began that DH's uncle had passed on:sad1: . He was @ least 90, still it's always a shock.

DHs family is from the south, relocated to arlington after the Civil War. Uncle Da (named for president of confederacy Jefferson Davis was a great guy; genteel eccentric-always quick with a joke/kind word to all-he will be missed).
morning homies.

yes, fletcher is keeping his job!
don't think jodie will be his sub as morning to her is lunch time.

off to work.
janet, sorry to read about another death from you.

will you be going to the services?

doesn't look like it, this week is already spoken for @ DHs work & he'd have to take it off unpaid (and possibly be reprimanded @ work:headache: ; he's asking though).

idiot SIL is mad because he can't tell her def. yet:confused3 ; evidently she's tos distraut to drive (& DH doesn't feel like driving, although he'll certainly take a ride from us). This from the woman who not only wouldn't visit her mother in nursing home unless we physically drug her (said it was too depressing/hard on her:sad2: )...but didn't help plan, pay for or GO to her own mother's funeral :rolleyes1 :mad: thus far i have kept my yap shut, going to be hard though to keep the peace for dh's sake
OK, OK, I'm up already, stop nagging! ;)

doesn't look like it, this week is already spoken for @ DHs work & he'd have to take it off unpaid (and possibly be reprimanded @ work:headache: ; he's asking though).

idiot SIL is mad because he can't tell her def. yet:confused3 ; evidently she's tos distraut to drive (& DH doesn't feel like driving, although he'll certainly take a ride from us). This from the woman who not only wouldn't visit her mother in nursing home unless we physically drug her (said it was too depressing/hard on her:sad2: )...but didn't help plan, pay for or GO to her own mother's funeral :rolleyes1 :mad: thus far i have kept my yap shut, going to be hard though to keep the peace for dh's sake

Oh, Janet, so sorry to hear about another death to your circle this week. Your SIL sounds like a real prize. Good luck keeping mum about her; that is going to be tough! Sounds like you have fond memories of Uncle Da. :hug:
Silly question....

Who is Tom Petty?


:eek: From all us "old" people.....

a very , very good singer with major hits from the 70's and
80s and early 90s'; lots of albums and awards.

Tom Petty still sounded great...looked like *%$#@ but sounded great! Of course...he was never a good looking man to begin with.

Wow, whoever you were rooting for, you have to admit that was a GREAT 4th Quarter!! Very exciting!

And I thought the half time show was fantastic. Tom Petty live is just awesome. :cool1:

I'm glad someone was around to slap Katie... er... I mean explain to Katie who Tom Petty is. :laughing:

Tom Petty was always butt ugly. Add the years of *ahem* chemical experimentation and, yeah, he is almost frightening now.

Still sounds good. I have seen him live several times over the years. He always puts on a helluva show.

Hearing American Girl sometimes makes me think of Silence of the Lambs. You know, that scene where the girl (who will later be taken hostage) is driving along and jamming to the car radio playing... American Girl.
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