Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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Yep, that's how much it's going to cost to get DS12's teeth pulled in preparation for the $5300 braces! I was hoping for much less. And the insurance is no help!

We haven't been feeling too great here. I was really sick Monday and then spent yesterday doing all the stuff I'd needed to do Monday. DS12 is sick this morning. We all need to get better really soon because we leave in 2 days!!!

For those of you getting rain, SEND SOME DOWN HERE! We are still over 13 inches short of average rainfall for this time of year. The lakes are several feet below normal. It's not a great recreation year, which puts a dent in our business. Not to mention, the water restrictions are getting harder and harder to remember. What is my address... day of the week... even/odd... morning/evening... :eek: You need a chart just to figure out if it's okay to dump a cup of water on the hanging baskets.

It looks like today will be "find the floor" day. I've noticed an increasing amount of dog hair clinging to the children, which means I must need to vacuum. However, before I can vacuum, I need to find the carpet. In order to find the carpet, I have to be able to pick up and put away stuff faster than the boys can pull it out and spread it around. Two against one, it usually takes me awhile to get ahead. I'm bigger, but they're faster. :rolleyes:

Yep, that's how much it's going to cost to get DS12's teeth pulled in preparation for the $5300 braces! I was hoping for much less. And the insurance is no help!

We haven't been feeling too great here. I was really sick Monday and then spent yesterday doing all the stuff I'd needed to do Monday. DS12 is sick this morning. We all need to get better really soon because we leave in 2 days!!!

Marci, that's like the cost of a vacation! And a darned nice one!

Keep those kids in bed until you leave. There are lots of things going around.

Yep, that's how much it's going to cost to get DS12's teeth pulled in preparation for the $5300 braces! I was hoping for much less. And the insurance is no help!

We haven't been feeling too great here. I was really sick Monday and then spent yesterday doing all the stuff I'd needed to do Monday. DS12 is sick this morning. We all need to get better really soon because we leave in 2 days!!!

Wow! I thought we had it bad last year when we paid almost $4000 for DS5s full mouth rehab (and, oh, how it hurt knowing that all those teeth were going to fall out anyway). You have my dental sympathy.

Maybe you are all getting the illness out of the way so that you will all be feeling great for your whole vacation. Here's hoping!
marci, is that cost include the anesthetic? is he having more than 2 teeth removed?
if so, that's not a bad price. at least not for chgo area. but then, everything in this area costs an arm and a leg.

an ambulance ride is almost $1K around here. regular doctor visit costs us $175 just to walk in the door.

i know that is a lot of money you have to pay out, but maybe major medical would cover the anesthetism and surgical portion of the procedure your son has to have. contact your medical provider and see what portion they can work with.

whatever the case, don't let this worry you while you are on vacation.
you go and have a super trip!
2000........:faint: :faint: :faint:

eeee gads.....
glad you are not looking for a liver or a heart or a lung or a knee or .....

that is awfull!

i got braces and teeth removal 8 years ago as an adult and prices sure seem to have passed the 5000 percent increase mark :scared1:

my thoughts are with you. :grouphug:
Hi all-
Trying to catch up with all the reading :scared1: ;)

We had a blast at Kiddieland amusement park this past Monday! :thumbsup2
We also went to our minor league baseball game last night. Great night!
Hope to post a couple of pics sometime soon, as I know Mac was interested in the pics :thumbsup2

Mac- you need to PM me your phone #- cell phone # or home #, whichever one- trying to figure out what day to go to Six FLags still. Waiting to see if DH gets any appts or job interviews this week. Can't make decision until we find out that stuff.

Marciemi- :grouphug: sorry to hear all of you are sick. Hope you and the boys get better:wizard: . The sicknesses are going around.
I do sympathize with you about the braces consult $$$ :scared1:
Chrissy went to an orthodontist consult 2 weeks ago and they estimated $5500 for braces :scared1: :scared: :headache:
We are waiting a little while for this, maybe get a second opinion on her braces with a different place. Chrissy is only 10 yrs old- I think a little too young for braces IMO. And we have to wait b/c we are now on the state insurance for the 4 of us and I don't think the state covers orthodontal procedures.

All that left to UO/ WDW/DL, have a great trip!!

All that left for other vacations, have a great trip!! i am 10 pages later :scared1:

That'll teach me to stay away from the cmputer for a weekend :lmao:

I have a headache from all that reading so here it goes:

Travelers - have a blast and report back to us - you know what little trip report beggars we are - or trip report piggies as B#1 would say!

those in need of hugs, my condolences and good lucks - :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Those with any rain - I have a horribly dwindling veggie garden and a VERY dry lawn going on - just need one day of rain, ok maybe two.

As for me - did some clean out this weekend. Got rid of stuff we haven't touched in more than 6 months (broken canopener, books magazines). Sunday night DH, myself and a good friend went to see Collective Soul, Live and Counting Crows in concert. It was really good - footwear flipped instead of flopped and I tumbled down the steps :scared1:.
Scraped up both knees pretty bad and got a REALLY bad one on my right shin (right on the bone). A couple of bumps and bruises elsewhere - but I am ok. I cried like a baby hurt like heck!!

DH had to vacation days on Mon and Tues so he kind of hung out and did alot of cooking :cloud9: :cloud9:

Hopping around to read up on other stuff i missed!! Catch you all in a bit!!
tracie, oh no..........that had to hurt. i would have cried also.
how are you doing now?

did the accident happen before or after the concert? not that it matters but hope you did get to see it all.

tell beanie #1 i like her terminology

rose, will pm you later today. are you planning on a weekday?
i have the coke cans where you get $20 off the ticket if you need them.
also have the ap so i can check and see if the discounts are good for more than that.

yes, we miss the homies that are on vacation. they better do trippies or bean #1 will not be pleased
i just thought of something !

remember when bubba's mom said she had something to show us when they got back from her trip?
and she said that the ones for the meet at UO would know about it first,

well, what was it????
did i miss it?
rose, will pm you later today. are you planning on a weekday?
i have the coke cans where you get $20 off the ticket if you need them.
also have the ap so i can check and see if the discounts are good for more than that.
Mac, I just PM'd you now- before I read this post from you.
As of tickets, I have the 2 free ones the kids got from the reading program at school. They said on the kid's tickets that I can purchase dscount tix online if I put in a code from their tickets, tho I haven't tried yet tho.

Bubba's mom- curious to know what she's talking about?? lol.

Ok, got to get off computer now as DH need the internet.

Talk later...
mac -

I think b's mom was talking about the mickey she brought and did "his" vacation report :confused3

and I tumbled towards the end of the concert, it was a good show!! that'll teach me to :drinking1 and walk down wide stairs in flip flops :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
mac -

I think b's mom was talking about the mickey she brought and did "his" vacation report :confused3

Yes - that's it. Barb showed us all the Mickey at the meet and made us promise to keep it quiet until she got home and posted it on the boards.
ok that has to be it.
guess it was the thread that damo missed..........:eek: jk you homie

that thread is hilarious.
so is the youtube her dh made all you :teeth: people... :grouphug: i cannot imagine spending all my vacation money on teeth :scared1: you have my sux! we accept Tracie's note of absence? :scratchin ...seemed kinda "lame", BUT she did fall... :hug: poor gal...better get some flipflops that know when they should be "flippin'" and when they should be a "floppin" :laughing:

mac....melissa & tracie are right....Mickey's vacation WAS the surprise....I think the idea popped into my head in like March....been sittin' on the idea ever since :hyper:

anyone else ever think we need more universal smilies here? lots of Disney, and while I DO understand it IS a Disney board, just seems a little discrimnatory to me to not have more than spidey....we need shrek and donkey (like i HAVE seen around).....hey phamton....can ya put in a good word for us? ...wait! does phamton even read/post this thread? ....or, how about even "rotating" smilies? same ones are everywhere cuz we are too lazy to click on "more" :rotfl: (<--- c what i mean?) :laughing:
Yeah, the $2000 total is for 7 teeth and anesthesia. Doctor said he really wouldn't want to do it without him being out for it. It's something like $130 each for the 3 baby teeth, $200 for the one tooth that's already through (permanent) and $400 each for the 3 teeth that are well below the surface and won't come in on their own and I think $330 for the anesthesia. I know that adds up to too much but I'm rounding.

We did get a second opinion on my other son when he started here because I thought $5300 was high. The next ortho wanted to break his jaw and reset it, costing closer to $50K and requiring several days in the hospital!?! Right now we're working against trying to get all this done before school and after Disney (and there's only 3 weeks in there) so he doesn't have to miss school & sports. Unfortunately that means that now we'll get back on Sat, he'll get this done on Tuesday, get the spacers in for the braces Friday and the braces on the next Tuesday. That's the only way we could do it. He's going to be one miserable kid! At least he really has nothing else going on then so he can just relax (as much as he can!).

Mac - we did check with insurance and medical said it was dental and they wouldn't cover it because it was for orthodontic reasons, and dental said they'd cover 50 percent out of our orthodontic money. Since that's only $1500, which we were already counting on towards the $5300 orthodontic payments, effectively we have to pay it all. Not fun! I guess I should just be grateful that the other 2 didn't need any teeth pulled and when we had DS15's braces on it was only $2600.
Mac - we did check with insurance and medical said it was dental and they wouldn't cover it because it was for orthodontic reasons, and dental said they'd cover 50 percent out of our orthodontic money. Since that's only $1500, which we were already counting on towards the $5300 orthodontic payments, effectively we have to pay it all. Not fun! I guess I should just be grateful that the other 2 didn't need any teeth pulled and when we had DS15's braces on it was only $2600.

Isn't insurance fun? :headache:

When DS5 had his full mouth rehab at just over 4 years old, it was considered completely cosmetic by our dental insurance (Delta Dental... and they haven't made me happy yet, so we are thinking of shopping around...). However, the anesthesia and operating room were covered under our medical insurance, since it WAS a surgical procedure performed by an oral surgeon (Blue Cross Blue Shield of GA... who I am completely happy with after 8 years of using them...).

You can never tell what the right diagnosis and/or terms are that will get you approved for a procedure and what will get you denied. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled (impacted at age 30... I don't recommend waiting that long...), two of the teeth pulled were covered under my medical insurance and two of the teeth pulled were covered under my dental. (Huh? :confused3 ) I had ONE procedure where ALL FOUR were taken at once. I still don't know how they sorted that one out!
When DS5 had his full mouth rehab at just over 4 years old, it was considered completely cosmetic by our dental insurance (Delta Dental... and they haven't made me happy yet, so we are thinking of shopping around...). However, the anesthesia and operating room were covered under our medical insurance, since it WAS a surgical procedure performed by an oral surgeon (Blue Cross Blue Shield of GA... who I am completely happy with after 8 years of using them...).

We also have Delta Dental so I guess I shouldn't be optimistic about them paying anything huh? However for medical we have Definity Health. The oral surgeon's office said they'd bill them as well, but when we called they told us no. I guess best case is they'll pay 80 percent of the $330 anesthesia bill. (I don't believe there's an operating room charge).

On a different note, we've spent the last 2 hours looking for DS14's cell phone with no success. We've determined the last time he used it was when he went to the movies during his party (July 13). He didn't have a pocket and gave it to his friend to hold. Have calls in to the movie theater and the friend, but no one returning them yet! Yes, I was planning on having it for Disney!
i've been done that lane with the orthodontist.
all 4 boys had braces.
2 started young with extractions and 1 at age 7 with the expander.

it took us 10 years to pay off the last 3 boys bill.

like bubba's mom said, it's more fun to drop that type of money on a vacation
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