Something About Nothing.......#4

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You can rule the world...mac rulz the house.... :p

You claim a room at the new house yet??

ps--thanx for the welcome's good to be home! :goodvibes

Yes, Mac rules the house, no question about it. I haven't claimed a room yet. No matter, If I get a little room I'll shoot a few walls out and expand my square footage.

TR? Pictures?

I just booked our hotel for January and can't wait to go again!

i think the taminator will claim what ever she wants.

you've not seen T2?
the movie was written for her.

don't tick the Tammy tutu off.......:eek:

And now we see why Mac rules the house. She wise beyond WISE. And such a good thread mommy.

I'm only 11 posts away from 600, so I could use a few mindless posts!

Well, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!

We'll have a party for you at the new joint. If you get 600 over here, that just means you get TWO parties. :dance3:
Plans so far for our next trip.

1. Long scenic drive for 10+ hours.

2. Day at UO.

3. Day at IoA, Mythos lunch

4. Shortish day at UO and IoA, followed by date night at Blue Man Group and an undetermined restaurant. Leaning toward Emeril's.

5. Pool day, maybe a little shopping.

6. IoA and shopping. Repeats on favorites.

7. Drive home.
Must run.

Kids are needing me.

Dogs are needing me.

I'll be back later to fill pages, unless y'all fill them up before I get back.

Tamie, did you steal my husband? :eek:

The watching the kids by watching tv is what triggered it... :headache: :rotfl:
ok, this'll fill this puppy up...

what day do your kids start skool?

August 25th for jr going into 10th grade:scared1:

(currently fighting w/guidance counselor as to how I want him in the Trig class not the combo Trig/Calculus class...somethings never change):rolleyes1
senseless babble?? is that what you need???

oh well then....count me in.... for some..... I'm actually working on my TR.... :rolleyes1

can't contribute much....but, will do my share! :teeth:
I need a hair cut.

Anyone want to watch the boys for me?

And I don't mean "watch" the way most husbands do it.

You have to "watch" :happytv: more than the t.v., and take action sometimes. You know, food, drinks, diapers, etc.

No takers? :confused:

You all suck. But in a good way. :grouphug:

:upsidedow :upsidedow :upsidedow :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

no takers on that.

the first time in my life i ever changed a diaper was when the first kid was 12 days old....

i had surgery after the first one and stayed a week in the hospital.
nurses and mr mac did all the changing.
after i was home mr mac took off work and he did all that.

then he went back to work and i had to learn that job.
it was never my favorite part of raising a family......

we need helpers...........almost at end of the page......

put it this way, help out on getting us to page 250 and i won't tp your house when it rains.

i thought that was a much nicer way of saying i don't want to break your legs if you don't help me here.
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