Something About Nothing............ #14

Happy Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow is the real holiday - 50% off chocolate in all the stores. We don’t normally do anything special, but today we went to the tea room downtown. It was a nice treat and I am still full.
There was a small cross stitch picture of Great Britain on the wall of the tea room. It was driving me crazy because it hadn’t been washed or ironed before framing. There were obvious fold marks and hoop marks on the fabric. I didn’t say anything though. Not my place.
Unfortunately I now have a throbbing headache. I just took some Tylenol. Hopefully it will go away soon.

A very happy anniversary to Keisha and Mr. Keisha.
Oh hope your headache goes away fast, Charade. Love going out to tea.

No one wanted to eat, S I guess they had a late lunch, unlike me. So soup and salad and made chocolate chip muffins for dessert. I’m full too.

Quiet night, and older one should be home in another hour.

Countdown is getting closer. Wish that rental car would go down, but so far, not as low as I would like. But we like to have a car. And speaking of car, Keisha did you see, they raised the price if car registration 6 dollars. Went from 38, 2 years ago, to 44 last year now 50 dollars this year. That is quite the increase in renewal price in the last 3 years. Cost of living in our Northern state, I guess.
Happy Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow is the real holiday - 50% off chocolate in all the stores. We don’t normally do anything special, but today we went to the tea room downtown. It was a nice treat and I am still full.
There was a small cross stitch picture of Great Britain on the wall of the tea room. It was driving me crazy because it hadn’t been washed or ironed before framing. There were obvious fold marks and hoop marks on the fabric. I didn’t say anything though. Not my place.
Unfortunately I now have a throbbing headache. I just took some Tylenol. Hopefully it will go away soon.

A very happy anniversary to Keisha and Mr. Keisha.

Yes, proper tea rooms are lovely, not common at all over there, it`s nice you have one to visit and that would have annoyed me too if it wasn`t washed and ironed properly.

Hope the headache improved and you got a good nights sleep.

So this week baking and drinking tea have been prevalent in my posts!! 😁

I think I`ve done enough baking this week.

This morning is going to be a lazy one, we ended up with a very late night, I don`t think we went to bed till around 2am which for us, is late!! Got some friends coming round this morning for a cuppa and they`re bringing their son who is one of our Godchildren, he`s visiting from abroad where he lives now, it`ll be lovely to see him and them too.

Then appointment this afternoon with our financial guy, always a lovely afternoon as we spend most of our time chatting about everything else, we really like this guy and Kyle always sits in on the meetings too which is lovely. He sent me a txt yesterday to say the chocolate cake was all gone and shortbread would be gone by tonight, happy to hear that.

Dinner tonight is from the chippie, proper fish and chips, lunch, well we still have some charcuterie meats to eat we didn`t use, so that will do us as fish and chips are very filling.

Some rain forecast for us, but looks like it`ll be overnight and so mild for this time of year, going to be 60F, incredibly unusual for February over here. No complaints.

More tea for me, sleeping beauty won`t be up for a time yet, so another smaller pot for now I think......🫖




Have a lovely Thursday ☺️
Hehe, came in with another, who said oh it’s cold. Well yes, 25 degrees out. And a wind. But at least 41 degrees when I leave in the late afternoon.

And quiet and oh so dark.
Dirty window from pooping birds, but yes, in the city now.

Commute was fast, and that ever so quiet office this time of day. Lucky, we have a toaster, so toasted rain bread is my breakfast. That and tea from bottled hot water. Thankfully, last day of being in the city this week.

And ooh, not done February yet, and snow is forecast for Saturday. Sigh, and least the forecast says sunny filled days the two days after. Starting the new week right, with the first two days wall to wall sunshine.

So, with our cold weather, time to keep hydrated. Thirsty Thursday is here today. Keep that liquid refreshments coming, as then you can enjoy that most fabulous Friday feeling when you wake up tomorrow.

Good morning, and I can see a nap when I get home. DH was very restless last night. He got a shingles shot and I think it made him feeling not good yesterday. Had that shot early yesterday morning, but I think the not feeling good was later in the day. But we were both up a few minutes before the alarm went off.
lol.....another Groundhog Day!!

Change of plans, we didn`t get visitors, coming tonight now for an hour or so, so got some TR completed, had the remains of our meats and salad for lunch and not long till we head out for our meeting, the offices are only a very short drive away.

Mildest February we can remember here, 62F which is incredibly mild for the time of year, for sure. Hope it continues.

Thirsty Thursday indeed.....

Good Thursday afternoon :wave2:





not sure about that to be honest with all she`s gone through these last couple of years, but tells us she`s still got a lot of life in her yet.
So good that your mom is so positive. That is a good sign she is happy and that definitely will add to her longevity.

Kyle sent us a picture of him and one of his friends out doing a 20 mile run, she is marathon training too only she is doing the London Marathon so their training is the same, they are both drenched.....runners don`t seem to notice the rain or cold apparently!!
Wow….20 miles is a long run.

it is so nice that you share your baking with Kyles office. I’am sure they enjoy it.

Lower back growling more than it’s been, cutting back on grub I’m making today. Nobody will starve. Wings, spinach balls, artichoke & spinach stuffed giant ‘shrooms & fried ravioli. Can’t wait to try out the oven! Usual chips, pretzels & crackers. Nachos or hot pretzels if anyone wants. The mr chopping cheese & veggies as I type
Sounds like you put out a nice spread even though your back was ailing you. Can’t keep a good woman down.

It was one of the better super games over the past years.
A nail biter for sure. Could have gone either way.

Happy belated Anniversary to Janet and her hubby.

Was going to post earlier this morning, but things got in the way so to speak.

Needed to go to a couple stores to pick up a few things.

We had a wonderful visit with our nephew. I kept him well fed and sent a lot of goodies home with him.

He replaced all the batteries in the smoke detectors around the house and all the batteries on security cameras. He is a force of nature and likes to keep busy. I found a couple closet bulbs that were out and he replaced those too.

He kept looking around for things to do. I told him chill enjoy his mini vacation.

I made ribs, baked potatoes, salad and rolls for Super Bowl dinner. For dessert later the fellas had apple pie and vanilla ice cream.

I took some ribs and dessert to our neighbors a couple doors down. I saw them out a few days ago and she was talking about the ribs I shared with them last year at this time. So wanted to share again. They are really nice folks.

The next day on Monday our nephew left to go home about noon and he said he was still full from dinner the night before. I made him some breakfast and packed his a lunch and a big freezer bag of dinners and desserts to go home with.

Nephew and his girlfriend are going to DIsney for 3 nights starting Friday to meet up with her family for a quick vacation. I told him to have fun at the Mouse House.

Granddaughter is looking into coming down for a week if she can. It will be so nice to have her here for a visit if it works out. She is very busy with her job.

It reached 75 here today and it is sunny. I decided to spend the rest of the day being a little lazy.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Good Thursday afternoon :wave2:

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So good that your mom is so positive. That is a good sign she is happy and that definitely will add to her longevity.

Wow….20 miles is a long run.

it is so nice that you share your baking with Kyles office. I’am sure they enjoy it.

Sounds like you put out a nice spread even though your back was ailing you. Can’t keep a good woman down.

A nail biter for sure. Could have gone either way.

Happy belated Anniversary to Janet and her hubby.
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Was going to post earlier this morning, but things got in the way so to speak.

Needed to go to a couple stores to pick up a few things.

We had a wonderful visit with our nephew. I kept him well fed and sent a lot of goodies home with him.

He replaced all the batteries in the smoke detectors around the house and all the batteries on security cameras. He is a force of nature and likes to keep busy. I found a couple closet bulbs that were out and he replaced those too.

He kept looking around for things to do. I told him chill enjoy his mini vacation.

I made ribs, baked potatoes, salad and rolls for Super Bowl dinner. For dessert later the fellas had apple pie and vanilla ice cream.

I took some ribs and dessert to our neighbors a couple doors down. I saw them out a few days ago and she was talking about the ribs I shared with them last year at this time. So wanted to share again. They are really nice folks.

The next day on Monday our nephew left to go home about noon and he said he was still full from dinner the night before. I made him some breakfast and packed his a lunch and a big freezer bag of dinners and desserts to go home with.

Nephew and his girlfriend are going to DIsney for 3 nights starting Friday to meet up with her family for a quick vacation. I told him to have fun at the Mouse House.

Granddaughter is looking into coming down for a week if she can. It will be so nice to have her here for a visit if it works out. She is very busy with her job.

It reached 75 here today and it is sunny. I decided to spend the rest of the day being a little lazy.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Yes, they loved the stuff I took in, I was in the office yesterday and everyone told me how much they loved it all, very much appreciated. And it`s something I enjoy anyway.

It`s lovely to hear her so enthusiastic about her new home, everyone loves it too. Hope your dad is doing ok too.

Marathon training is intense I have learned!!! This weekend I think he`s doing another 20 miles, apparently if you can do 20 miles easily, the extra for the marathon shouldn`t be a problem!!! I`ll take their word for it! Couch potatoes of the world unite!

Nothing wrong with being a little lazy now and again Robbie, it does us the world of good!

Well, three changes of plans in one day isn`t unusual I guess.

Had a nice meeting yesterday and Kyle sat in on it which was nice, his colleagues are so lovely and we always chat the day away with our FA. Ended up going out for dinner with friends and our godson, it just worked out easier for us to go meet them where they live, so we went to a very small restaurant near them we`d never been to before, it was lovely. Had a nice few hours with them and good to see one of our godsons again too.

Today, grocery shopping and farm store hopping for us this morning, tonight is slow cooked shin of beef with creamy mash and veg for dinner, again, the meat has been marinading all night in some delicious liquid, herbs and spices and will slowly simmer away all day. No idea for lunch but we have some breakfast muffins with fruit for breakfast before we head out shopping.

Haven`t had tea yet, about to make myself a small pot then a bigger one later with breakfast, that really is something about nothing!!!

But, Friday again, leading into the weekend and we are more than half way through February already, another very mild day ahead of us of mid to high 50`sF, I wish every February were like this one!! It was so mild during the night, Tom was complaining I was throwing the duvet off of me, but throwing it over him, so he was waking feeling doubly cooked!!!




Have a wonderful Friday ☺️
Ah that Friday it is. And bad hair alert day. 30 mph winds. At least just above freezing and will see 41 by late afternoon. With nice bright sunshine and blue skies. Then we get a clipper system starting by 10 pm tonight, giving us another two to three inches of snow. Then it leaves by lunchtime Saturday, with full sun after the clipper leaves. Hehe, guess why is called a clipper, fast moving system. Haven’t seen a blizzard since 1996. And that’s fine with me if we never see such in our winters.

But yay, a Friday for the ending of the week day routine, and glad it remains not having to be in the city.

But still up with the alarm, heard it just as DH and I got up. While I can sleep past when the alarm goes off, we tend to wake up around its start time almost always. Have had that routine for a long time, so I think I’m programmed. Takes me a few days to not be up early when I’m in lazy mode.

Ooh I guess a neighbor is also up, as heard a very loud car door shut. But there is always some traffic on the main road that is close enough we can hear it with louder vehicles. Woot! Not one of them today.

With my shortest of days to be busy, after screen turn off, some shopping and a pick up, with older one letting us use his car. Why? Because he’s hoping we fill the gas tank. Yeah, his car has about twice as large one as mine. So little one will be dropping him off, as he works today.

And so, tea mug in hand, tea kettle still on the stove, and screen back to I do. Good morning and hope all have a most Fabulous Friday today.
Happy Friday! I had a nice sleep in this morning but now it’s time to get up and do stuff. B and I are going to take a drive to the main branch of our county library. She has a job interview there next week and wants to know where it is before she goes out there for the first time. It’s about a 20 minute drive from where we live.
I have no plans for the weekend, but I’m sure I can find something around the house that needs attention.

Dh and I have been watching a series on Disney Plus which is sort of a behind the scenes look. I think we are ready to plan our next Disney World trip. We are thinking about March of 2025 when DH has spring break. He also now wants to visit all of the Disney parks around the world. That won’t be happening anytime soon.
Happy Friday! I had a nice sleep in this morning but now it’s time to get up and do stuff. B and I are going to take a drive to the main branch of our county library. She has a job interview there next week and wants to know where it is before she goes out there for the first time. It’s about a 20 minute drive from where we live.
I have no plans for the weekend, but I’m sure I can find something around the house that needs attention.

Dh and I have been watching a series on Disney Plus which is sort of a behind the scenes look. I think we are ready to plan our next Disney World trip. We are thinking about March of 2025 when DH has spring break. He also now wants to visit all of the Disney parks around the world. That won’t be happening anytime soon.

Good luck to your daughter next week with the interview Charade, she must be keen to start working after graduating, will be sending her all good wishes. 20 minutes isn`t far at all to get to work.

Nice plan for you and your husband going to Disney next year, it`s never to early to plan!!

Quiet weekend for us this weekend too, it`s nice sometimes to have no plans, although we tend to have folks drop in which is nice too.

We just got home this morning when I got a call from my dentist asking if I could make it over today as my tooth was in, so yep, made it over and implant treatment is now complete!!! Absolutely delighted with the final implant, it was worth the whole process and only takes around 6 months now from start to finish.

Dinner was very tender so haven`t given it a proper test yet, the shin of beef just melted and of course mash was the same, very soft, will test it tomorrow with bacon for breakfast.

Tonight going to watch another scary movie, then lazy weekend ahead, got a wine delivery coming tomorrow morning, so we`ll be staying in anyway, will do some laundry and I want to clean the bifold doors in the kitchen, they take ages, but need to get them done early before the sun hits them around 10am.

Happy Friday indeed!
Happiest of Fridays to all. About to get a deluge as the southern edge of the front hits tonight here.
Doing a 2 day trip Tuesday and Wednesday with DW. Staying @ Cabana Bay. Always stayed offsite or RP depending on which pass and what season it was. Probably nosh on Mardi gras food one day and Mythos the other.
Nice plan for you and your husband going to Disney next year, it`s never to early to plan!!
Unfortunately it is a little too early to plan. I went to the WDW website and can’t choose any dates past. December 31 of this year.

Doing a 2 day trip Tuesday and Wednesday with DW. Staying @ Cabana Bay.
Have a great trip. I would love to get away for a couple of days. Or more.

I think B is a real adult now. She filed her first income tax return today. She has her interview set for Wednesday.
Unfortunately it is a little too early to plan. I went to the WDW website and can’t choose any dates past. December 31 of this year.

Have a great trip. I would love to get away for a couple of days. Or more.

I think B is a real adult now. She filed her first income tax return today. She has her interview set for Wednesday.

I`m surprised at that with Disney I know folks can book Universal further out than that.

Will be thinking of her on Wednesday and sending all good vibes for her success!

Lovely day this morning, sun is shining and it`s mild, if this continues I`ll be getting my washing back out on the lines soon, nothing like drying everything out in the fresh air.

Got a strange present last night of 2kg of sausagemeat, friend of a friend is a butcher, so we got some of it. This morning I`m now making pastry then making sausage rolls. Will have some for lunch then freeze a load, Tom loves them. Then lazy afternoon once laundry has been ironed and put away, doing Charcuterie for dinner tonight again.

Had bacon with French Toast and syrup for breakfast, gorgeous, now on our second pot of tea before I go start on the pastry, nice way to spend a Saturday morning. And wine delivery due in an hour or so, nothing like a nice top up delivery!!



Have a wonderful weekend ☺️
Ah nothing like DH getting me up even earlier than our alarm goes off as volunteering today, about a usual hour drive in an early weekend day morning. And why even earlier? We got snow overnight, and he wanted to make sure to give extra time. Just talked to him a few minutes ago, as said not as much snow as thought, and roads were not that bad. Phone weather app said we only got a quarter inch of snow. Not too much. Though app also says two and a half to fall next Saturday. Eh, maybe will change to not as much also by the time we see that 7 day forecasted snow day.

As 30 degrees out and where I live, we salt the roads well, so I assume only a few slick spots with it below freezing. We usually have roads passable not much after a snow arrival. And it stays cool today. 36 degrees the high temp. When the snow flurries end in about an hour, we get an overcast sky. But oooh to make it even cooler tonight, saying low 20’s, with clear skies starting with late afternoon sunshine. Thankful that high weather system quickly kicked that snow up North so soon, and yay, clear skies the next two days, and almost ten degrees warmer. Woot! Still winter time. And early March advances us an hour later in time. Well hey, then that sunrise at 6: 50 am today, in a month from now, that Sunday will have sunrise just around 7:50 am, but the sunset at 5:38 pm today, will be around 6:38 March 10th. Woot! This year is going by fast.

And so, older one has off today, and I think he has a pick up and a bank stop. Maybe if he wants, will go with him, and get a late lunch somewhere where little one does not like to eat. Older one is a much less a picky eater compared to little one.

But as most weekends, it’s lazy mode time. And when I get up that ever so early, that long hot shower I do. Felt so good too.

Thus, tea kettle on my stove, and picked up a box of tastykakes, butterscotch krimpets, yesterday, so they went fine with hot tea. May snack later this morning, as I expect neither kid to be up early to want food during an earlier morning. So quiet still, as hear a little traffic and that Northern Cardinal tweeting out his siren and rambling bird calls so loudly. He must be in the huge and very tall, holly tree next to my one window that’s next to me. Brighter out now as past sunrise. Last late afternoon yesterday, saw a beautiful orangish looking pink sunset. Those red skies at night saying. Ah, glad not as even close to the 4 to 6 inches said to fall last night into this morning.

Super Happy Saturday to all. Yay, holiday weekend for many, including me. Woot! Three day weekend.

Went with older one and did his pick up, then picked up lunch for little one and us, as went to place she likes. Then have been relaxing after a quick walk around the block, but that wind was so cool feeling. Now relaxing and will be grilling steaks for dinner, which we picked up. Love seeing that clear sky after the snow and overcast morning we had. Roads are clear and stores were busy.

Glad to have two more days before three into the city. Did it right though, made this coming weekend, a three day one too. Hair salon visit after I come out of the city my last day there. Can’t believe it’s getting to the end of February already. But yay, ever thst much closer to Spring time.
finally, I can say I told you so re the snow.

Can’t say I’ve been keeping a close eye on the construction in studios..

was stunned to see how close this is to ET. Hopefully, not too jarring in RL. Always appreciate how the different parks are able to transition from one land to the other, gracefully

We eat out a lot so every day is a Valentine day for us.)
Aw, that’s sweet. unless out of town, we avoid the restaurants around the holidays, too much hub-bub and quality tends to suffer
And speaking of car, Keisha did you see, they raised the price if car registration 6 dollars. Went from 38, 2 years ago, to 44 last year now 50 dollars this year.
No, didn’t catch that. Ugh. Land of taxes we are Indeed. I did flinch when I opened the mr’s truck form, close to $100. Why that it is for a pickup truck that isn’t that much heavier on roads than a car is beyond. Me
He got a shingles shot and I think it made him feeling not good yesterday.
I was knocked on my butt with that one. However, I usually plan a down day. Always tend to get a fever & feel fluish after any sort of inoculation.
We had a wonderful visit with our nephew. I kept him well fed and sent a lot of goodies home with him.
it’s great they stop by to say hey!
Granddaughter is looking into coming down for a week if she can. It will be so nice to have her here for a visit if it works out. She is very busy with her job.
Hope so! Your Super Bowl spread sounded yummy!
This weekend I think he`s doing another 20 miles, apparently if you can do 20 miles easily, the extra for the marathon shouldn`t be a problem!!! I`ll take their word for it! Couch potatoes of the world unite!
Run, run, as fast as you can! Good for Kyle. That’s some real stamina there. He puts his mind to and it off he goes!

the mr & I need to to start to retrain for april. I’m so slow(er) now, the leg running sleeve does help the cause.

Had to lol GD & DiL told me they knocked out 5 miles in 55 min. Believe i gasped. Trying to assure me, said they do the 5K in 22 min…not to worry tho…it will take them longer as they stop to get pics with the characters. I’d be lucky at this point to finish it in under an hour. :rolleyes1 No worries, I’m happy to just be there in april and try. Nice they do have shorter races for those of us slowpokes.

Why? Because he’s hoping we fill the gas tank. Yeah, his car has about twice as large one as mine.
Haha like his style
She has a job interview there next week and wants to know where it is before she goes out there for the first time. It’s about a 20 minute drive from where we live.
She sounds very focused and thoughtful about it, smart idea to do a test run. With those qualities would surely make a good employee. Good luck!
made it over and implant treatment is now complete!
hooray, seems like you made very good time in the process. So many here have said it took them a year or longer.
Northern Cardinal tweeting out his siren and rambling bird calls so loudly.
We have a nest every year in tree by my main deck. The Redbirds detest me. Anyone else can sit out there and co-exist. I plop down in a chair and the male hops down to the nearest branch and stares me down, glaring and squawking at me. :confused3
Keisha, hope you are feeling better. I like hearing the birds and that cardinal in the early morning. We have that cardinal pair nesting in the area around my home every year. Yeah, snow. At least had some since snow was not seen last couple of winters.

Kids are happy, the mountains got another foot of snow from that quick storm. They go to that mountain fun in 2 weeks from today. Well, they leave that Friday morning. Then that coming week after that mountain fun weekend, ladies, little one, me, and my sister, all take the train, to go to the flower show, then lunch at the Hard Rock, and shopping for cannoli and cheesecake from the Italian bakery in the market across the street from the Hard Rock. Makes a fun morning, as we like to get there when the show first opens. So we have some fun coming up in the next couple of weeks.

DH is sound asleep, kids are online playing or chatting with their friends, and I’m watching tv for a little while, after working on a puzzle. Kicking my butt as can only do a few pieces before saying will work on it later.

Hope all have a good night. We are mostly clear skies and at 27 degrees at close to 10 pm. Overnight low is 23 degrees, as will see starting at around 4 am until 7 am, when with that sun filled Sunday, temps rise to 40 around 4 pm tomorrow afternoon. Then another mid 20’s overnight into Monday. Cold February, yes we are. And a hehe, older one was wearing pants today, and all commented on it. He tends to wear shorts almost every day, no matter the time of year. But with that biting wind, and cool feeling day, he does look more like it is cold out, and will wear pants.
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finally, I can say I told you so re the snow.

Can’t say I’ve been keeping a close eye on the construction in studios..

was stunned to see how close this is to ET. Hopefully, not too jarring in RL. Always appreciate how the different parks are able to transition from one land to the other, gracefully

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Aw, that’s sweet. unless out of town, we avoid the restaurants around the holidays, too much hub-bub and quality tends to suffer

No, didn’t catch that. Ugh. Land of taxes we are Indeed. I did flinch when I opened the mr’s truck form, close to $100. Why that it is for a pickup truck that isn’t that much heavier on roads than a car is beyond. Me

I was knocked on my butt with that one. However, I usually plan a down day. Always tend to get a fever & feel fluish after any sort of inoculation.

it’s great they stop by to say hey!

Hope so! Your Super Bowl spread sounded yummy!

Run, run, as fast as you can! Good for Kyle. That’s some real stamina there. He puts his mind to and it off he goes!

the mr & I need to to start to retrain for april. I’m so slow(er) now, the leg running sleeve does help the cause.

Had to lol GD & DiL told me they knocked out 5 miles in 55 min. Believe i gasped. Trying to assure me, said they do the 5K in 22 min…not to worry tho…it will take them longer as they stop to get pics with the characters. I’d be lucky at this point to finish it in under an hour. :rolleyes1 No worries, I’m happy to just be there in april and try. Nice they do have shorter races for those of us slowpokes.

Haha like his style

She sounds very focused and thoughtful about it, smart idea to do a test run. With those qualities would surely make a good employee. Good luck!

hooray, seems like you made very good time in the process. So many here have said it took them a year or longer.

We have a nest every year in tree by my main deck. The Redbirds detest me. Anyone else can sit out there and co-exist. I plop down in a chair and the male hops down to the nearest branch and stares me down, glaring and squawking at me. :confused3

The swamp area is going to be very close to ET, it looks worse now it has height attached to it, been following on Bioreconstruct, always good to see how that and Epic are coming along.

You`ll do fine by April Janet for the race, it is the taking part that matters for those of us who can`t do times like GD and your DiL. That is a good time they`re doing, for 5K Kyle does anywhere between 19-21 minutes depending on what stage his training is at. He said yesterday he did 21.14 as he was "going slow" lol......he just txt me to say he finished the 20 mile run and was delighted with his time, so he`ll be happy with that. I`m happy to just drag myself out of bed this

The sleeve should help you big time though.

I think the implant used to take the best part of a year, but like everything else, it changes, I had my first appointment for it in September so not too bad. Glad it`s all done though and worth every penny!

And a very good morning from a dull but mild East Coast of England.

I have my shin of beef in the slow cooker, another night or marinading and I know it`ll be gorgeous later, thick rich onion gravy and creamy mash with roasted carrots, very winter warming dish for a day that is one of the mildest days in history for february!!

Slept so late this morning, but so cosy, Tom got up and showered first and made bacon on French Toast for me, it was lovely coming down after my shower and it was all ready for me......and a huge pot of tea too.

Seems lazy is one of my favourite words :rolleyes1 but that`s what today is going to be, a lazy one, no housework to do, dinner is in the slow cooker and lunch is sorted and just needs to go on a plate. The sausage rolls we have left from the batches I made yesterday. Some went in the freezer and some went to the farm. Not the healthiest of lunches, but bloomin lovely!!

This was the last batch we kept. To the sausage meat I added diced leeks cooked in butter, a shed load of black pepper, onion and garlic seasonings and of course home made pastry which turned out perfect! And unlike store bought sausage rolls, they have plenty of meat in them.


Half term this coming week, so no volunteering in school for me, but Tom will be doing his usual couple of afternoons a week, more if he`s needed, I might do a morning in the library if they`re short. It`s nice to have the time to do it.

Still thinking about a new hairdresser, but almost time for trim, so will have to make a choice soon.....

Time for another pot of tea I think, both of us are chilling on the kitchen sofas wondering if the sun will make it out today, just very grey and very still right now.

So, another lovely Sunday ahead!!




Have a lovely Sunday :sunny:
Ah Sunday it is. Hehe, I was up before DH. He’s like why are you up and getting ready so early? Um, sometimes when I'm up, I like to get ready, even if nothing going on today that I can think of. Well, I do think I’ll see what my sister is up to, then visit her today. That’s my agenda I think.

Tossed trash out a few minutes ago, felt windy and 21 degrees said our outdoor thermometer. Brr. Weather news said brisk today, with 18 mph winds. Blowing hair day alert.

And so, with DH up too, time to enjoy that us time before we see older one first, as he has work today, then if don’t see little one by lunchtime, will give a holler, and see if she’s ready to go with me up my sister’s place. Since no valentine gift I usually give her, I bought strawberries and melting chocolate, so I’ll bring both and we’ll make those chocolate covered strawberries to eat.

And no trash cans to drag to curb tonight. With that holiday Monday, tomorrow night is that trash at curb sighting. And last time two of the three got picked up and the last one, the day after. So a two day at curb for the one. But glad, as by the week ends, the cans do get full. We only get trash picked up once a week.

Ah that cardinal is signaling the day, he’s up too, doing that laser shooting sound and in that holly tree again, so shoo shoo shoo to you from him.

So hope all have a very good Sunday today, and find some time to relax. Ooh I get to wear those sunglasses. 😎 Full sunny day, even if it feels like a colder winter day.


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