Something About Nothing............ #14


Still can`t find the picture.......but....found an older one just for you! It was quite similar to the one we took the other night too......

Wait 10 minutes and it could be totally different!


Got our Dollars, shopping and visited our friends who have just come back from a week in New York and two nights in London.....they had a wonderful time and we were glad they enjoyed all the things we had suggested they do...including the New York Palace which we loved.

It was a little cooler than they thought it would be, but they plan to go back later this year.

Roast beef and mustard with tomato sandwiches for lunch today and waiting for more rain I think. Feels like winter today.
Quick hello before going to work. I just checked flights out of my city for my September trip and they have increased by $200. Ugh! I was waiting hoping the price would drop. I can get a much better rate flying out of Richmond, but that airport is 2 hours away. I need to decide something before April 30. I have a travel voucher that expires that day.
Well that stinks the increase in price, Charade. So far, I now have a 22 dollar credit. But have not seen any change since I got the two reductions that added up to about that 22 credit. Not much, but at least a little help with a later flight. I hope your flight price goes down soon. Will cross my fingers and toes for ya. Even more stinks if you have to travel further, just to fly.

Off to check rental car rates. Have not seen the lowest rate I got months ago and booked, since. But there is lots of time before the day I start the rental. The rate I have booked is higher than I really want to pay. But will, if I can’t find better by the day I travel. Here’s hoping. In January, got a good drop at 5 days out, booked, then it only again went higher after I booked that last time.
Quick hello before going to work. I just checked flights out of my city for my September trip and they have increased by $200. Ugh! I was waiting hoping the price would drop. I can get a much better rate flying out of Richmond, but that airport is 2 hours away. I need to decide something before April 30. I have a travel voucher that expires that day.

Hope the prices drop again for you before that date.

I was going out today but scratched those plans few minutes ago
Rain will begin soon, nothing heavy but light and steady

Will send Mr Mac for groceries

Surprisingly our rain has stayed off all afternoon, it`s quite lovely outside now, but so chilly. I`m sure you are much warmer than us right now!! Hope it doesn`t last long for you.

Got a delivery today of a vinyl album I ordered weeks ago that was coming from America, it said 3 weeks, but I think it`s maybe 5 weeks since I ordered it, but Queen`s A Night at the Opera is here.

It really is cold here today, the heating has been on for a while, we have a very warm house generally, it`s me who stays cold!

Any excuse for a pot of tea....
Would you believe that between 7:30 this morning and 11:30 this afternoon the price of flights from my home airport went up again??? An increase of $120.
Plans have been altered slightly. I am now arriving on Saturday 9/16 instead of Sunday 9/17. Flights out of Richmond were lower on Saturday. I had to add an extra night to my trip, but it’s basically a wash. I could have gotten an even lower flight but it would mean I couldn’t choose my own seat.
Don’t we all?

mysteriously, today, saw an email from RCCL indicating they cancelled an the waterpark excursion I booked in March for the July trip with GD. Had promised, it does sell out. Scrambled to rebook. when I called, they said they had slots still open, no idea why it happened. Ummm that’s not exactly comforting.

This morning there was frost on my car windows and now you can walk outside in just a t-shirt.
A world of difference in a few hours
been see those wearing flip flops even when weather not that nice, though with socks on,
I wear my birks as house shoes with sock in the winter as such a strong support for my beat up feet. Not sure I’d leave the house that way Tho. Not quite as bad as crocs with sox, close.

Today was a shorts & tshirt day here. One of my neighbors drug his pontoon out of storage. He keeps it docked at the river for the season. Usually it sits here for a solid month until he hauls it there, ugly thing to see on the street. Yes, we have zoning, however, he is a politician :rolleyes2 Other politician on street takes down a section of his privacy fence after he lifts it out of water and deposits his in the yard to winter. Classy. Repercussions? See above lol. Oh well, at least the street is always plowed & salted first and patrolled heavily. Life is that series of tradeoffs :)
found an older one just for you!
just checked flights out of my city for my September trip and they have increased by $200. Ugh! I was waiting hoping the price would drop.
depending on the airline (SWA not usually) there are several different price watch apps & websites (3rd party bookers, google etc.) where you can set a watch.
But have not seen any change since I got the two reductions that added up to about that 22 credit.
On SWA, I had the 7/1 flight down to MCO drop twice so far, now over a $100 PP reduction over the original lousy, late flight time we had. Happy to jump to a decent 8 am flight lowest for any flights on that SWA in our market they’ve held steady at that $178 pp. Surprising, as you typically would see some midweek deals crop up a few months out. Regardless, very happy to finally book the flights home same rate last week. Nice to have it checked off the to-do list

next up, pinning down the September trip. Watching the airfare slowly climb there as people start to book. HHN didn’t seem to be a big factor in flight prices. Have noticed once the MNSSHP party dates come out (supposedly soon) it‘s usually too late to find a decent rate flight price.
I will be surprised if I find a lower rate. With the redemption of the travel voucher I spent $126 on a round trip flight.


That’s a great price!

Isn‘t it!!

View attachment 753082
Don’t we all?

mysteriously, today, saw an email from RCCL indicating they cancelled an the waterpark excursion I booked in March for the July trip with GD. Had promised, it does sell out. Scrambled to rebook. when I called, they said they had slots still open, no idea why it happened. Ummm that’s not exactly comforting.

A world of difference in a few hours

I wear my birks as house shoes with sock in the winter as such a strong support for my beat up feet. Not sure I’d leave the house that way Tho. Not quite as bad as crocs with sox, close.

Today was a shorts & tshirt day here. One of my neighbors drug his pontoon out of storage. He keeps it docked at the river for the season. Usually it sits here for a solid month until he hauls it there, ugly thing to see on the street. Yes, we have zoning, however, he is a politician :rolleyes2 Other politician on street takes down a section of his privacy fence after he lifts it out of water and deposits his in the yard to winter. Classy. Repercussions? See above lol. Oh well, at least the street is always plowed & salted first and patrolled heavily. Life is that series of tradeoffs :)


depending on the airline (SWA not usually) there are several different price watch apps & websites (3rd party bookers, google etc.) where you can set a watch.

On SWA, I had the 7/1 flight down to MCO drop twice so far, now over a $100 PP reduction over the original lousy, late flight time we had. Happy to jump to a decent 8 am flight lowest for any flights on that SWA in our market they’ve held steady at that $178 pp. Surprising, as you typically would see some midweek deals crop up a few months out. Regardless, very happy to finally book the flights home same rate last week. Nice to have it checked off the to-do list

next up, pinning down the September trip. Watching the airfare slowly climb there as people start to book. HHN didn’t seem to be a big factor in flight prices. Have noticed once the MNSSHP party dates come out (supposedly soon) it‘s usually too late to find a decent rate flight price.

Yep, vacations are essential!!

Glad you liked the pic, thanks……..

Yes, sometimes life is a trade off and getting streets cleared of snow is a good benefit to enjoy!! Nice to see though folks think the weather is improving enough to get your shorts on! For complete comparison :rotfl: yesterday I had on a winter hat and gloves with a matching scarf along with a heavy jacket! It was freezing!

Today looks much nicer and warmer too, the sun is shining bright and no wind. That’s a win right now as it’s been nasty last few days.

We are off out for a very early meeting just to sign a couple of documents, and get to see Kyle in his office too, bonus!

Then I have no idea what we’re doing, we will drop in on the farm and see how they’re doing, I have a quiche for them so no doubt we’ll leave with a tray of eggs!! Baking ahead for me!!

No idea what we’ll eat today…..will work on it later.

Have a wonderful Friday :sunny:
Sniff, will be done with our Summer like temps today. Then a 20 degree cooler weekend, into next week. But yay, 60 degrees out already, as I tossed my trash out in the cab. No need for a jacket. In shorts and a t shirt. Will be that low humidity, 83 the high, cloudy day. But at least when outside a little while ago, the sky is so clear. And as close to sunrise now, it’s brighter out. And as the sunlight starts, the clouds arrive to make it a fully cloudy day before lunchtime. Eh, still may wear my shades on my lunchtime walk, if bright enough out. And AC is on. Will turn it to heater probably Monday night, or earlier. I don’t like the house too cold feeling,

And so, woot for Charade getting the flights done. Great price with your credit you needed to use. I’m not coming in until that Sunday evening, thanks to a late afternoon flight, being the only direct flight that day. So maybe can meet up with you later that night or the next day. Nice to be able to enjoy a full day of a park day, coming in a day earlier. I had to do that once.

Hello Friday. Yay! Certainly a smile from me with that Fabulous Friday feeling. ::yes::

It’s a Friday in the middle of April. Yay for those Spring flowers starting to be seen. And with rain this weekend, the grass will be in let’s grow mode. Also time of year, starting to hear lawn services. I’m a lizard. I love that sunny, low humidity very warm weather. Though where I live, documented for centuries, our area gets those H letter words in our Summers. Ah yes, hazy, hot, and humid days, with some of those spectacular Summer storms in there, depicts our Summer weather. And the only three words to say to that? Bring it on. :dancer:

It’s a Friday all. Hope all have a most Fabulous Friday and the most Wonderful Weekend. Good morning homies. Off to get more tea, kettle is still hot, ready to fill more water in my teapot. Ah. Early morning screen viewing homie. Glad to turn off that alarm, even if I’m up at that hour in the weekend. Lazy days, two of them, coming up. Woot!
Sniff, will be done with our Summer like temps today. Then a 20 degree cooler weekend, into next week. But yay, 60 degrees out already, as I tossed my trash out in the cab
691919D3-8533-4106-97BE-3EC5F9167492.jpegWell that stinks, odd as you usually get our weather a day after. take heart, we are supposed to hit the mid 70’s next Thursday, will pass it on.

hate to say it, have been lol the wiener-gate memes. Going to guess it’ll be a cold day in heck before the Phillies offer $1 hot dog night again. Guess their mommas never told them not to play with their food. All it takes is one bad wiener to ruin the whole bunch:duck:

Re baseball, we have McCutcheon back. Such a great guy, did a ton for the community when he played here. Even kept his residence here when traded to raise his kids. he really wants to retire from the Bucs me thinks. Maybe we will still be mathematically in playoff contention into May this year :rolleyes1

not sure what’s on the horizon here today Other than putting away baskets of laundry from the week That languished. May wind up steaming the wrinkles out of several items.

Visited my freezer last night & took out a prime rib to thaw out for sunday & a couple of boneless chicken breasts Not sure if I’ll stir fry them today or pull out some tempura shrimp. :scratchinwould like to keep that seafood friday going. I keep threatening to institute Italian night once every week or two, garlic bread tends to soften that blow. Kills me the mr won’t eat any red sauce, not even my ho-made version.

any plans for the weekend?
Good morning. Fairly busy day today. We are dropping dh's old car at our mechanic's shop. They are going to do a bumper to bumper inspection to make sure everything is good before we had the car over to B next month. Next I have to drop dh off at the airport. He will be attending an academic conference. Then I am picking B up at school and coming home to work on decorating our shoes for graduation. I've also promised her Chinese food for dinner. Tomorrow we will be shopping for a graduation dress for her. The first one she bought is too long. This time we are taking the graduation gown with us when we shop.

Don’t we all?
Yes! So desperately. (Poor beaker always looks so stressed.)

And so, woot for Charade getting the flights done. Great price with your credit you needed to use. I’m not coming in until that Sunday evening, thanks to a late afternoon flight, being the only direct flight that day. So maybe can meet up with you later that night or the next day. Nice to be able to enjoy a full day of a park day, coming in a day earlier. I had to do that once.
My flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:15, but who knows what will happen between now and then. I don't think I have ever been on a flight that wasn't changed in some way.

I think dh is almost finished packing. Yes, he is leaving this afternoon and just started packing this morning. Back later.
Keisha, yeah, as if bad behavior from our sports’ fans is not news. LoL Oh they have at least two more dollar dog nights this season. There’s always hope. 😃

Well at least you’ll be in for a good night’s sleep after you get there, Charade. Yeah, hate those change in flight news.

What a pretty day. And yep, Keisha, we do usually follow you in weather. But yay for me, as with the rain tomorrow, I still get to 72 degrees. May keep my shorts on, maybe not. Today though, in an AC cooled house, enjoying a perfect Spring day.

With the morning dragging along. At least I get a double sized lunchtime break today. Then a short afternoon shutdown. Yay! Thinking grilled cheeses for a quick lunch. More time to ge outside.
Quick Friday morning stop in!!!!

Draggin my b*tt today. Only one more day of working tomorrow, then I actually have a day off!!!!! It's been awhile since I had one. I already have it planned will include sleeping in, morning coffee ritual, grocery shopping, a little cleaning/tidying and also some relaxing!!!! After next schedule should be more manageable - hopefully.

Crisp cool day this morning. It seems the wind has picked up now :headache: which would explain my headache/migraine when I woke up. Meds are finally seem to be kicking in. I am hopeful that the wind will die down. I really want to grill some burgers for dinner tonight - and maybe just maybe if I get my second wind -I'll try to fit in a walk. I did get one in last night. I do enjoy getting out to walk, listening to my favorite music.

Plans have been altered slightly. I am now arriving on Saturday 9/16 instead of Sunday 9/17. Flights out of Richmond were lower on Saturday. I had to add an extra night to my trip, but it’s basically a wash. I could have gotten an even lower flight but it would mean I couldn’t choose my own seat.
:cheer2: Flights are booked. Everything is starting to come together now.
Don’t we all?

mysteriously, today, saw an email from RCCL indicating they cancelled an the waterpark excursion I booked in March for the July trip with GD. Had promised, it does sell out. Scrambled to rebook. when I called, they said they had slots still open, no idea why it happened. Ummm that’s not exactly comforting.
Yup. I am always looking forward to the next trip! I hope you get your excursions sorted for your cruise. Which RCCL boat will you be on? I've been scoping them out as something to do next winter for our 30th anniversary trip!
We are off out for a very early meeting just to sign a couple of documents, and get to see Kyle in his office too, bo
Does Kyle get a new office with his promotion? Enjoy your outting and seeing Kyle.
It’s a Friday in the middle of April. Yay for those Spring flowers starting to be seen. And with rain this weekend, the grass will be in let’s grow mode. Also time of year, starting to hear lawn services. I’m a lizard. I love that sunny, low humidity very warm weather. Though where I live, documented for centuries, our area gets those H letter words in our Summers. Ah yes, hazy, hot, and humid days, with some of those spectacular Summer storms in there, depicts our Summer weather.
I love love love spring!!! Watching our area go from brown and lifeless to green and full of color.
Re baseball
We are not big baseball fans. :blush: I find it like curling - it's like watching paint dry lol.

Well, I should find some papers to shuffle - since no one has brought them to me. I'll have to go search them out.

Have a great day everyone!

View attachment 753154Well that stinks, odd as you usually get our weather a day after. take heart, we are supposed to hit the mid 70’s next Thursday, will pass it on.

hate to say it, have been lol the wiener-gate memes. Going to guess it’ll be a cold day in heck before the Phillies offer $1 hot dog night again. Guess their mommas never told them not to play with their food. All it takes is one bad wiener to ruin the whole bunch:duck:

Re baseball, we have McCutcheon back. Such a great guy, did a ton for the community when he played here. Even kept his residence here when traded to raise his kids. he really wants to retire from the Bucs me thinks. Maybe we will still be mathematically in playoff contention into May this year :rolleyes1

not sure what’s on the horizon here today Other than putting away baskets of laundry from the week That languished. May wind up steaming the wrinkles out of several items.

Visited my freezer last night & took out a prime rib to thaw out for sunday & a couple of boneless chicken breasts Not sure if I’ll stir fry them today or pull out some tempura shrimp. :scratchinwould like to keep that seafood friday going. I keep threatening to institute Italian night once every week or two, garlic bread tends to soften that blow. Kills me the mr won’t eat any red sauce, not even my ho-made version.

any plans for the weekend?

I saw that with the dogs.....idiots. Charge them $30 a dog and see if they still want to throw them then.

I`m looking into buying a steamer, my niece uses one and never irons, but I`m not convinced yet. I do enjoy ironing lol......

Love Prime Rib.......and you had me at Tempura Shrimp!! No real plans for us this weekend, laundry and some cleaning but we do our movie time on Saturday afternoons if the weather is rubbish. And wine. Red wine. :thumbsup2

Good morning. Fairly busy day today. We are dropping dh's old car at our mechanic's shop. They are going to do a bumper to bumper inspection to make sure everything is good before we had the car over to B next month. Next I have to drop dh off at the airport. He will be attending an academic conference. Then I am picking B up at school and coming home to work on decorating our shoes for graduation. I've also promised her Chinese food for dinner. Tomorrow we will be shopping for a graduation dress for her. The first one she bought is too long. This time we are taking the graduation gown with us when we shop.

Yes! So desperately. (Poor beaker always looks so stressed.)

My flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:15, but who knows what will happen between now and then. I don't think I have ever been on a flight that wasn't changed in some way.

I think dh is almost finished packing. Yes, he is leaving this afternoon and just started packing this morning. Back later.

Good luck with the dress shopping, hope she finds something she loves.

Quick Friday morning stop in!!!!

Draggin my b*tt today. Only one more day of working tomorrow, then I actually have a day off!!!!! It's been awhile since I had one. I already have it planned will include sleeping in, morning coffee ritual, grocery shopping, a little cleaning/tidying and also some relaxing!!!! After next schedule should be more manageable - hopefully.

Crisp cool day this morning. It seems the wind has picked up now :headache: which would explain my headache/migraine when I woke up. Meds are finally seem to be kicking in. I am hopeful that the wind will die down. I really want to grill some burgers for dinner tonight - and maybe just maybe if I get my second wind -I'll try to fit in a walk. I did get one in last night. I do enjoy getting out to walk, listening to my favorite music.

:cheer2: Flights are booked. Everything is starting to come together now.

Yup. I am always looking forward to the next trip! I hope you get your excursions sorted for your cruise. Which RCCL boat will you be on? I've been scoping them out as something to do next winter for our 30th anniversary trip!

Does Kyle get a new office with his promotion? Enjoy your outting and seeing Kyle.

I love love love spring!!! Watching our area go from brown and lifeless to green and full of color.

We are not big baseball fans. :blush: I find it like curling - it's like watching paint dry lol.

Well, I should find some papers to shuffle - since no one has brought them to me. I'll have to go search them out.

Have a great day everyone!


Hope the headache clears soon, weather can make a difference for sure. And enjoy your day off, relax and do something you love!

He keeps the same office which he is happy about, it is such a lovely place to be in as a client too, very warm and welcoming place and the staff are all wonderful. He`ll fully change jobs when he comes back from Florida after he goes to London for a three day update session, he is looking forward to that.

Have a great day Pumpkin......

Yep, we did come home with 36 eggs from the farm. I`ll do a little baking over the weekend.

Went to see our friend who had a week in NY then a couple of nights in London, loved hearing about their time there, they did so much and really enjoyed their week. Took her out to a tea shop for lunch, it`s a light lunch but very nice. And several pots of tea of course, they serve it beautifully.

Made a mushroom, bacon and leek quiche for dinner, pastry turned out well, pastry for quiche can be a hit and a miss for me, but this one was good, very buttery. It was lovely, just made some salad to go with it.

Been a busy few days so going to have a gin fizz tonight and chill out a little with my husband.
Everything accomplished today. I’m now full of Chinese food and watching 80’s videos on TV. Poor dh got delayed in Charlotte. He probably won’t get to his destination until 1:00 am.

Well at least you’ll be in for a good night’s sleep after you get there, Charade. Yeah, hate those change in flight news.
Our flights to and from LA got changed, but for the better. We got moved to nonstops. I just hope American doesn’t change them again.

We are not big baseball fans. :blush: I find it like curling - it's like watching paint dry lol.
I grew up watching baseball, well…sort of. We had the Braves, so……

I`m looking into buying a steamer, my niece uses one and never irons, but I`m not convinced yet. I do enjoy ironing lol......
I recently bought a small steamer for our graduation gowns. It’s okay. I think a larger, more professional steamer would probably work better.

I am watching the strangest video (The Cure, I think) and wondering who thought this was a good idea.

This was our clouds filled afternoon. Little one and I went to the park. She got sunburned, I did not. Knew to put suntan lotion on. Though my face is still a little red.

Now chilling after eating at the one Jewish deli that little one prefers their matzo ball soup. That was her dinner, plus a slice of cheesecake, I enjoyed fried shrimp, with cocktail sauce, that makes my eyes water. But I like a lot of horseradish in it. So tasty, with coke slaw and mashed taters. Was so full.

Love a quiet Friday night.


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