Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning everyone. I actually have something to post about today. Some of you may remember dh's family story from a couple of years ago. To refresh your memory, and for those who have joined since then, let me explain.

My husband is adopted. A few years ago he did one of those Ancestry DNA tests. He matched as a close relative with a young woman in Nebraska. She was also adopted and was looking for info on her bio family. She eventually found her bio father and he is most likely dh's half brother. It looks like dh has 3 half siblings. The girl's father has a brother and a sister. The 3 siblings didn't seem interested in finding out more, so dh didn't pursue the relationship. He does, however, keep in touch with the young woman who is probably his niece. She moved to Los Angeles and we met her there when we were visiting back in 2019.
What we do know now is that the man who was probably dh's bio father was a traveling salesman who had a history of cheating on his wife. One of his sons had a one night stand that resulted in the birth of the young woman. This is starting to sound like a soap opera.

Last night dh got an email from another woman who has matched as a close relative. Now get this - she was also adopted. Now dh is wondering if he possibly has another sister. This woman was born in North Carolina. Dh is from South Carolina. Both states were part of the traveling salesman's territory. Dh is going to write back to the woman today and see what he can find out.

Disxuni - Hi. Good to see you again.

Paris - I am very sorry to hear of your dh's grandmother's passing.

Today is day 5 of quarantine. I think I am feeling up to doing a little light cleaning around the house.

That is an amazing story Charade. Please keep us updated on what happens, and hope it`s a success story with new relatives hopefully coming together.

Glad you`re doing better.....agree with mac......housework can wait. But, I hear you.....I can`t stand mess and would have to do it.

I only use cheap vodka to make my own perfume and air freshener. It’s not good for much else.

Just took a fast 2 mile walk. I carry 10lb weights with me for some added benefit. Now to vacuum the rug, so that I can do my online yoga. Still don’t feel comfortable enough with our Covid numbers to go to the gym or yoga in person. No one wears masks at them.

Our leaves are turning brown, but it’s due to heat and not much rain.

@J'aime Paris So sorry about your grandmother. It sounds very peaceful though, we shiukd all be so lucky to pass this way.

@Charade67 Good to hear you are feeling better,

Yep, never drank cheap liquor/wine/beer ever.....not worth it. Oh the competition thing trying to find the cheapest products??......we don`t drink the stuff, we find them for a joke just to see who can get the worst

It`s getting common here now to see very few people with masks anywhere now.....I do think the leaves do look pretty at this early stage of autumn, but further in when they just look dead.....not so pretty.

@Disxuni almost missed you there......glad to see you post and hope things are good with you.......:wave2:

Gorgeous afternoon here again. We are being spoiled with some beautiful early September weather and taking advantage of while we can. Another mini heatwave is forecast next week.....will look forward to another week of summer clothing.

Decided on grilled fish tonight, fish shack had some interesting catches today. Got some gorgeous white fish and mussels, so will make a butter sauce for the mussels and have it with the baked fish and green salad with some baked tomatoes. Looking forward to that.

It`s been lovely but you can feel that chill creep in around early evenings now. I love that too. We are lucky to have proper seasons here.
:wave2: Finally getting to do a quick stop in

Had a great weekend in the city with the kids, and celebrating dh's grandma's birthday. We are extremely blessed to still have her here with us. She is still living on her own yet (in a seniors's separate living facility) and get this....she is STILL QUILTING at 100 yrs old!!! Her mind is a sharp as a tack, and she asks questions and knows about all of her great and great-great grandchildren. Her hearing is not good - even with hearing aids...but other than her hearing, she is extremely healthy yet. It was a great weekend and mostly like a family reunion. Many of the cousins came...and even though they changed the way the party went...most of the families still traveled to gather together. It was a mini family reunion.

Back to work today...and I am already wishing it was Friday lol.

This was grandma Corinne on Father's Day, just a few months ago. So vivacious, even at 93. She will be missed by us all....
I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma. May all the amazing memories you have with her lighten your grief in the coming days. Grandparents can leave an amazing impression on us. I hope in the coming days and milestones that happen in the future that your memories of her will lessen the grief you feel.
Today is day 5 of quarantine. I think I am feeling up to doing a little light cleaning around the house.
I am glad your feeling a little better. I hope that the worst of your symptoms are done. Hopefully your taste and smell come back soon. My taste came back fairly fast after contracting covid...but I'm still struggling with smell. It has to be a fairly strong scent for me to smell it...and I will only get a glimpse of it...then it's gone. Don't be surprised if you still have a couple of rough days. I remember feeling good...thinking wow...that wasn't that bad...then WHAM!!!! Days 6&7 were the worst for me. But I never did get a cough. It is soooo weird how it affect people do differently. No 2 people have the same reactions/side effects.

Well...I should finishing scanning some health and safety papers and get them sent off. My setting up and re-organizing our system here has taken me longer than I though...but when our H&S guy is back, it should be easier for him to maintain.

Have a great day everyone. Stay safe!!!!!
That is an amazing story Charade. Please keep us updated on what happens, and hope it`s a success story with new relatives hopefully coming together.

Glad you`re doing better.....agree with mac......housework can wait. But, I hear you.....I can`t stand mess and would have to do it.

Yep, never drank cheap liquor/wine/beer ever.....not worth it. Oh the competition thing trying to find the cheapest products??......we don`t drink the stuff, we find them for a joke just to see who can get the worst

It`s getting common here now to see very few people with masks anywhere now.....I do think the leaves do look pretty at this early stage of autumn, but further in when they just look dead.....not so pretty.

@Disxuni almost missed you there......glad to see you post and hope things are good with you.......:wave2:

Gorgeous afternoon here again. We are being spoiled with some beautiful early September weather and taking advantage of while we can. Another mini heatwave is forecast next week.....will look forward to another week of summer clothing.

Decided on grilled fish tonight, fish shack had some interesting catches today. Got some gorgeous white fish and mussels, so will make a butter sauce for the mussels and have it with the baked fish and green salad with some baked tomatoes. Looking forward to that.

It`s been lovely but you can feel that chill creep in around early evenings now. I love that too. We are lucky to have proper seasons here.
I once got a 750 ml bottle of vodka on clearance for 99 cents!! Never drank it though. Gave it as a white elephant gift, lol!

Fresh mussels? Yes, please!!

It’s sad to loss a grandma
Thinking about you Jamie
Thank you Mac

Oh, Lori, so sorry for your loss. your Grandma looked like a lovely lady, celebrate her life by living your best one. Hugs
Agreed Keisha....must honor her by living well!

:wave2: Finally getting to do a quick stop in

Had a great weekend in the city with the kids, and celebrating dh's grandma's birthday. We are extremely blessed to still have her here with us. She is still living on her own yet (in a seniors's separate living facility) and get this....she is STILL QUILTING at 100 yrs old!!! Her mind is a sharp as a tack, and she asks questions and knows about all of her great and great-great grandchildren. Her hearing is not good - even with hearing aids...but other than her hearing, she is extremely healthy yet. It was a great weekend and mostly like a family reunion. Many of the cousins came...and even though they changed the way the party went...most of the families still traveled to gather together. It was a mini family reunion.

Back to work today...and I am already wishing it was Friday lol.

I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma. May all the amazing memories you have with her lighten your grief in the coming days. Grandparents can leave an amazing impression on us. I hope in the coming days and milestones that happen in the future that your memories of her will lessen the grief you feel.

I am glad your feeling a little better. I hope that the worst of your symptoms are done. Hopefully your taste and smell come back soon. My taste came back fairly fast after contracting covid...but I'm still struggling with smell. It has to be a fairly strong scent for me to smell it...and I will only get a glimpse of it...then it's gone. Don't be surprised if you still have a couple of rough days. I remember feeling good...thinking wow...that wasn't that bad...then WHAM!!!! Days 6&7 were the worst for me. But I never did get a cough. It is soooo weird how it affect people do differently. No 2 people have the same reactions/side effects.

Well...I should finishing scanning some health and safety papers and get them sent off. My setting up and re-organizing our system here has taken me longer than I though...but when our H&S guy is back, it should be easier for him to maintain.

Have a great day everyone. Stay safe!!!!!
What a heartwarming story Pumpkin! I'm so glad your DHs grandma could be properly celebrated!! It's wonderful she's still active and sharp!!

And thank you for your kind words....we will have so many memories. A couple years ago, grandma wrote out, by hand, all her best recipes. She then gifted a book to each family, so we can always have her delicious food at family gatherings. It was such a labor of love and we will cherish it!

Loaded nachos for supper....close enough to tacos for Tuesday, lol!!
Thinking a glass of wine will be poured soon. And a few minutes of chilling on the patio while the dogs run about the yard.
Well back from doctor & errands! Picked up a coho salmon for dinner which I’ll put on the grill after I doctor it up in a foil packet. Having with a salad. I think there’s just enough cherry tomatoes ripe in the garden.
Beautiful day. Sitting in the deck enjoying the mountain and inlet views. But now the sun has moved and I’m in the shade!
May have a little shut eye before I start dinner!
Ah, fish for Julie and Sue. Nope, not in this house. With mom being the main cook, I hate any smell or taste if any fish or other from the sea.

Sue, hope doctor visit went well.

Made chicken with red peppers, and made potato salad. Thought I had some leftover from Sunday, but nope. I guess someone ate it. So, with some potatoes sitting around, made my own potato salad. Little one added a pickle with hers, as not a potato salad fan. But as the men are both working tonight, there is both chicken and salad left for them. And I think there was still a pickle in the jar, if they want that too. I know both will ask what was for dinner, and was anything left.

Still warm out, and lunchtime walk was wonderful. Sunny as all, that glorious blue skies. And yeah, news from morning time, and now evening time, both said will be a stormy Wednesday. Oh well. It will still be a 83 degree high temp day.
Long day back-not just for me either: son had advance band right after school, then marching band practice tonite for 3 hours. Thankfully we have good weather this week (80's, low humidity). I was also informed today he needs a different kind of trombone for advance band (at least he uses school instrument for marching as he plays baritone with them)
Last night dh got an email from another woman who has matched as a close relative. Now get this - she was also adopted. Now dh is wondering if he possibly has another sister. This woman was born in North Carolina. Dh is from South Carolina. Both states were part of the traveling salesman's territory. Dh is going to write back to the woman today and see what he can find out.
I remember that story. Wow he may have more family out there-kinda cool. That is how DH's oldest daughter found us a couple years ago-no idea of her existence until then-yet she and her family are fully integrated into ours-Paige (UCF kid) regularly spends weekends with them when she is in Florida for school-she is over so much in fact their dog was so happy to see her she sat on Paige to give her a hug-cute picture. We are doing HHN in a couple weeks with them too-their first time!
Chargrilled Sea Bream and it was really good.
Saw this on instagram-looks so good!!
We will celebrate grandma's life on will be joyful....she'd want us to remember her with happy faces. And we will! The sadness lies not in her death, but in the fact that we will miss her being with us.
What a wonderful tribute! Sounds like a very neat lady-so sorry for your loss.
she is STILL QUILTING at 100 yrs old
This is so cool!! And that is 100 years YOUNG there :) I have a resident who was an artisan at Silver Dollar City for decades-he now does those twisted wire trees with the beads as his hobby-they are GORGEOUS! He sells them at cost to staff and friends-says he does it to stay busy. The larger ones he could sell for hundreds of dollars if he wanted to-I know several staff have offered to help him set up an ebay shop-the Social worker would help him keep track-but he's not interested. People are so dang talented!!

Think we are gonna take advantage of the nice weather and walk the dog-gotta get my HHN legs on!
News flash: the dark arts at Hogwarts castle returns 9/18

interesting travel planning day here. Found the Polynesian open on DVC today. Jumped on that quickly. Unheard of at under 3 weeks out.

SWA flights dropped to $89 each way for next two trips


My rental car dropped $50

assume people are cancelling in droves.:oops:

PS keep seeing Royal Pacific our dates in Oct at hefty AP discount too…$234 a night.

Had a great weekend in the city with the kids, and celebrating dh's grandma's birthday. We are extremely blessed to still have her here with us.
aw, that’s a lovely weekend indeed
Picked up a coho salmon for dinner
i love how you say it so casually, coho salmon is rather scarce here & very ‘dear’
I hate any smell or taste if any fish or other from the sea.
unless it’s fried in oil, most fish I’ve prepared really didn’t have any sort of odor, fishy or otherwise. my rule of thumb, if it has any smell in the store’s case, it stays there. My mom always told me to look into their leyes. :rolleyes1Um, no thank you. I’ll catch them but, prefer to release them & not be responsible for ending them lol.
Think we are gonna take advantage of the nice weather and walk the dog-gotta get my HHN legs on!
seriously, the parks are definitely powerful motivators to move it, move it here too!
Ooh, I got $189 AP rate for week day rate at Royal, Keisha. And yay, saw on Facebook AP page, that dark arts returning the day before I do. And did get a rental drop, but now $30 higher than I last booked last week. I will keep checking though. And my SW flights big increase in price, but snagged a discount and round trip for 13,000 points, that were originally booked at 20,300, and now showing 27,500 for same flights, but still salty that they removed my early morning non stop flight. And did get a good drop the one time for little one’s flight. Now also showing a much higher price for round trip, and salty that she also had her morning nonstop flight moved to lunchtime. No nonstop flights that morning either. Boo SW.

Ooh that time of night I say goodnight. 💤
Good Tuesday evening Sans family :wave2:



Robo...I'm so sorry about your daughter's eye...praying for a good outcome. It's scary because both my daughter and I had the Moderna shot.

Thank you Tink. So glad to hear you and your daughter did ok with the Moderna.

Your trip is coming up soon. I know you are looking forward to it. You deserve a nice vacation.

It’s the pumpkin..!

It’s the poison Apple stein mug.


Robo great tree! We used to decorate our courtyard, when the kids were young. But because the only kids that came trick or treating were their friends due to the fact our house is on a dark lane, no street lights and most of the driveways are dark & steep, we stopped doing that when they got older and we no longer got trick or treaters!

Thank you Sue. I do love Halloween. I have a little Halloween party every Halloween for the family. We do still get a few Trick or Treaters. I give away full size candy bars so the kids like coming to our house....LOL

Thank you has been a lovely anniversary........last night was both of us on a sofa watching a movie.....doesn`t get much better than that!

A nice way to way to end an evening sitting with your honey pie watching a good movie. May you and your sweetheart have many more Happy Anniversary’s.

Love the trees as always, they are beautiful and you decorate them so well.......I wish we celebrated Halloween over here the same way Americans do.

Thank you. I do love Halloween decorations for sure. I think folks are in the mood to celebrate a little this year. Halloween decorations are flying off the shelves.

Still doing the phone calls to people, not as many though, but there are still some who want them, and always passes an hour or two each time.

I think it is so wonderful you are still making phone calls to people. It makes a big difference to know someone cares enough to take to the time to call and listen to those who are lonely.

Robo, enjoyed seeing the next tree decorated. So colorfully done, and some fun finds

Thanks Lynne...Shana Tova


Got to hold my not quite two weeks old great niece. She is so cute, I think her blue eyes will stay blue, and just a bit of hair, and wearing a headband

Those sweet little babies are so precious. Glad to hear you got to spend some holding time with your great niece.

This is fantastic! You are so creative Robo!!

Thank you.

Good morning. I'm feeling a bit better today. I got a little more sleep last night.

Charade so glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

Robbie does do up the trees with such care. did we have the WDW item reveal? Hocus pocus book is very cool.

1. Was the Poison Apple stein under the tree.
2. Madame Leota light up ornament my sister gave me last year.


Few wrap sandwiches, some scones, cake and they brought some fresh cream cakes she made...she is an amazing baker, but she does tell me I do better meringues than her! I take all compliments ::yes::

Sounds yummy.

Hey, everyone, sorry for poofing again! Finally decided to just reset my password since in the past I keep forgetting and locking out. I hope you've all had a good Labor Day if you celebrate it! If not, hope you simply had a good day whether you had the day off, or worked!

Also, it's Taco Tuesday, so yay for those who plan on getting their taco on

Good to see you post Disxuni.

DHs grandma passed away last night. She went very peacefully in her sleep, just as she'd wanted.
A life well lived, by a beautiful soul....

This was grandma Corinne on Father's Day, just a few months ago. So vivacious, even at 93. She will be missed by us all....

So sorry to hear of her passing. She looks like a happy, beautiful lady in her photo. Prayers for you all as you celebrate her life and the love she shared with you all.

My husband is adopted. A few years ago he did one of those Ancestry DNA tests. He matched as a close relative with a young woman in Nebraska. She was also adopted and was looking for info on her bio family. She eventually found her bio father and he is most likely dh's half brother. It looks like dh has 3 half siblings. The girl's father has a brother and a sister. The 3 siblings didn't seem interested in finding out more, so dh didn't pursue the relationship. He does, however, keep in touch with the young woman who is probably his niece. She moved to Los Angeles and we met her there when we were visiting back in 2019.
What we do know now is that the man who was probably dh's bio father was a traveling salesman who had a history of cheating on his wife. One of his sons had a one night stand that resulted in the birth of the young woman. This is starting to sound like a soap opera.

Wow the advancement in testing in genetics is awesome. Hope your hubby finds out what he wants to.

Robo you are so good at theming your decorations! I will do an Autumn Porch decoration but very little inside for Halloween as the children won’t be here.

Thank you.

interesting travel planning day here. Found the Polynesian open on DVC today. Jumped on that quickly. Unheard of at under 3 weeks out.

Glad to hear things are falling into place for your trip.

You used to do a sticky for dates that people were traveling to HHN didn’t you? I notice something missing off the boards this time of year and I think that’s it.

Pumpkin congratulations to your hubby’s grandma on her 100th birthday.


We had a nice pleasant start to the day today. It was in the 60’s this morning. I did a little work in the yard then picked up my Aunt, Cousin and Sister and we drove to the Farmer and the Frenchman for lunch. We had a wonderful visit and the food was delicious.

Delivered everyone back home then made a couple stops and back home to make dinner for hubby and prep some meals for him for while I’am away.

I have pedicure and hair appointment tomorrow morning. The house is scrubbed and the laundry is done. Just need to pack tomorrow. I will leave real early Thursday morning if all goes well. I want to get though Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta hopefully early.

Night light so no one stubs their toe.

Playing catch up tonight on what I have missed today
So many have posted and I finally have read and now all caught up, but most of you are now in bed.

How could I have missed it was the poison apple Stein !!
I remember it clearly now Robbie.

Nice weather here the last few days but back into the 90’s by later this week

I can handle if Orlando has hot weather when I go this month but hope it will be rain free

Sweet dreams to all!
I once got a 750 ml bottle of vodka on clearance for 99 cents!! Never drank it though. Gave it as a white elephant gift, lol!

Fresh mussels? Yes, please!!

Thank you Mac

Agreed Keisha....must honor her by living well!

What a heartwarming story Pumpkin! I'm so glad your DHs grandma could be properly celebrated!! It's wonderful she's still active and sharp!!

And thank you for your kind words....we will have so many memories. A couple years ago, grandma wrote out, by hand, all her best recipes. She then gifted a book to each family, so we can always have her delicious food at family gatherings. It was such a labor of love and we will cherish it!

Loaded nachos for supper....close enough to tacos for Tuesday, lol!!
Thinking a glass of wine will be poured soon. And a few minutes of chilling on the patio while the dogs run about the yard.
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lol.....that`s what we do with the bottles we do find!! Gift them to various be honest it`s been a long time since we`ve done anything like that as we haven`t had that many get togethers over the last 20 months or so, starting to change now though. I cannot imagine what 99c vodka would do to your brain though lol......

Mussels were gorgeous....very plump! I`m looking forward to having oysters again on Monday night when we`re out for dinner......Tom`s face however is a picture as I devour`s not a fan!

I love the gift of the recipe book Lori....what a beautiful and very personal item for you to cherish now. Past recipes are often so lost in life, but you`ll always have them and can pass them on to your daughter.

I hate any smell or taste if any fish or other from the sea.

Fresh fish shouldn`t smell "fishy"...ever. If it did, I wouldn`t have it in the house.

News flash: the dark arts at Hogwarts castle returns 9/18

interesting travel planning day here. Found the Polynesian open on DVC today. Jumped on that quickly. Unheard of at under 3 weeks out.

SWA flights dropped to $89 each way for next two trips


My rental car dropped $50

assume people are cancelling in droves.:oops:

PS keep seeing Royal Pacific our dates in Oct at hefty AP discount too…$234 a night.

aw, that’s a lovely weekend indeed

i love how you say it so casually, coho salmon is rather scarce here & very ‘dear’

unless it’s fried in oil, most fish I’ve prepared really didn’t have any sort of odor, fishy or otherwise. my rule of thumb, if it has any smell in the store’s case, it stays there. My mom always told me to look into their leyes. :rolleyes1Um, no thank you. I’ll catch them but, prefer to release them & not be responsible for ending them lol.

seriously, the parks are definitely powerful motivators to move it, move it here too!

Yes, the eyes have tend to buy my fish filleted already, but there are some fish you have to buy whole and we do like to buy whole salmon and fillet and portion it ourselves......but.....Tom does cut the head tail and guts it for me first. It`s something quite easy to do once you do it once......but yes, my granny always taught me from being very young, if the eyes don`t look healthy, don`t touch it.

I`ve never caught a fish so can`t claim to have ended a fish either.......don`t fancy that at all.

Good Tuesday evening Sans family :wave2:

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Thank you Tink. So glad to hear you and your daughter did ok with the Moderna.

Your trip is coming up soon. I know you are looking forward to it. You deserve a nice vacation.

It’s the poison Apple stein mug.

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Thank you Sue. I do love Halloween. I have a little Halloween party every Halloween for the family. We do still get a few Trick or Treaters. I give away full size candy bars so the kids like coming to our house....LOL

A nice way to way to end an evening sitting with your honey pie watching a good movie. May you and your sweetheart have many more Happy Anniversary’s.

Thank you. I do love Halloween decorations for sure. I think folks are in the mood to celebrate a little this year. Halloween decorations are flying off the shelves.

I think it is so wonderful you are still making phone calls to people. It makes a big difference to know someone cares enough to take to the time to call and listen to those who are lonely.

Thanks Lynne...Shana Tova

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Those sweet little babies are so precious. Glad to hear you got to spend some holding time with your great niece.

Thank you.

Charade so glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

1. Was the Poison Apple stein under the tree.
2. Madame Leota light up ornament my sister gave me last year.

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Sounds yummy.

Good to see you post Disxuni.

So sorry to hear of her passing. She looks like a happy, beautiful lady in her photo. Prayers for you all as you celebrate her life and the love she shared with you all.

Wow the advancement in testing in genetics is awesome. Hope your hubby finds out what he wants to.

Thank you.

Glad to hear things are falling into place for your trip.

You used to do a sticky for dates that people were traveling to HHN didn’t you? I notice something missing off the boards this time of year and I think that’s it.

Pumpkin congratulations to your hubby’s grandma on her 100th birthday.

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We had a nice pleasant start to the day today. It was in the 60’s this morning. I did a little work in the yard then picked up my Aunt, Cousin and Sister and we drove to the Farmer and the Frenchman for lunch. We had a wonderful visit and the food was delicious.

Delivered everyone back home then made a couple stops and back home to make dinner for hubby and prep some meals for him for while I’am away.

I have pedicure and hair appointment tomorrow morning. The house is scrubbed and the laundry is done. Just need to pack tomorrow. I will leave real early Thursday morning if all goes well. I want to get though Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta hopefully early.

Night light so no one stubs their toe.

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Love the night light Robbie......and your trip is actually just around the corner.....nice....hope you have a safe journey when you do leave.

Sounds a lovely day with your family members and some relaxation too for you, always nice to enjoy. I never get pedicures, but do love some salon time.

It`s shocking how many people are alone and don`t have any family members to talk to at all Robbie. And they do enjoy the chats, I listen for the most part and they all have such wonderful and sometimes sad tales to tell, but I`m glad to be doing something.

Have a fabulous trip......

Playing catch up tonight on what I have missed today
So many have posted and I finally have read and now all caught up, but most of you are now in bed.

How could I have missed it was the poison apple !!
I remember it clearly now Robbie.

Nice weather here the last few days but back into the 90’s by later this week

I can handle if Orlando has hot weather when I go this month but hope it will be rain free

Sweet dreams to all!

Good to see you post.....I know you`ve been busy!

Yes, hope your visit is rain free.......nothing worse than being soaked.......hope you are sound asleep now......

Had a weird dream the Queen was a family member and not sure if she was my mother in the dream as Tom was having a laugh with her about me for some reason.......weird.

Another beautiful day here again......going to be another warm one.....not as hot as mac though....I wish!!! But, shorts and maybe not sunscreen as we`re out so early walking, the sun is quite low now, but then again.....might as well. Then a meet up with some friends for maybe lunch out.

Slept like a top last night even though it the heat was higher, Tom apparently didn`t. Oh dear.

Melon and grapes chopped with some pineapple and mango I think this morning and popped another batch of muffins in the oven last night, so they`ll be lovely for breakfast. Going to make some savoury muffins I think for tomorrow, I`m assured they are so good. hmm.





Hava wonderful Wednesday.........:flower:

Ooh I see camel is near that funnel cloud. As yep, today’s forecast is those thunderstorms coming later in the day, will bring flash flooding and chances, once again, for tornadoes to form. I fully expect my phone to flash weather alerts later too.

But camel is here, to remind all to stay safe whatever the weather, and get over this mid week hump of a Wednesday, and yay, a Friday will be here before ya know it. And double yay yay, both older one and I will be having a lazy Friday. Three day weekend coming up for me? Woot!

Robo, good to hear from you, and yay, for getting some pampering before you leave. Is is it next Thursday, not tomorrow, right? Safe travels. Lunch with all sounded quite lovely, and glad you could meet up with them for a meal before you leave. And yep, I have to stock up the kitchen for the family before I leave. And I hope you have a happy and healthy new year too. And great night light.

Pumpkin, a very happy birthday to your DH’s grandmother. Wonderful she is celebrating her 100th birthday.

And yay, Schumi having another warm day, though sorry both you and Tom did not have a good night’s sleep. Hope you both get a better one tonight. Fruit and muffins sound like a perfect start to the day.

And with me, back to that routine and tea.

A most wonderful Wednesday homies. Warm and stormy Wednesday for me.
Another night of not sleeping well. Maybe I will get back to sleep later this morning. The only Covid symptom still remaining is the loss of taster and smell. Last night dh offered to bring me food from our favorite Mexican restaurant. I told him there was no point since I couldn't taste it.

Charade I remember, the DNA and family search. I bet it makes him wonder how many more there are. His father seems very er, prolific!
The cleaning bug is a sure sign you’re feeling better! But don’t over do it!
We know he had 3 children with his wife and at least one possible child outside his marriage. We don't know 100% that this is his birth family since no one was interested in taking an official DNA test. However, I think the matches on Ancestry are pretty accurate. It has matched me with some of my family members that I know are correct.

Very interesting story about your DH. Amazing what technology can help find!
I joked with dh that he has family members coming out of the woodwork and he hasn't even won the lottery.

That is an amazing story Charade. Please keep us updated on what happens, and hope it`s a success story with new relatives hopefully coming together.
Hopefully she will respond to his email soon. While his mother was still alive he was never interested in finding out anything about his birth family, but now that people are finding him, he is interested in learning more.

Glad you`re doing better.....agree with mac......housework can wait. But, I hear you.....I can`t stand mess and would have to do it.
I didn't do much. Just straightened up things that were looking too messy.

Had a great weekend in the city with the kids, and celebrating dh's grandma's birthday. We are extremely blessed to still have her here with us. She is still living on her own yet (in a seniors's separate living facility) and get this....she is STILL QUILTING at 100 yrs old!!! Her mind is a sharp as a tack, and she asks questions and knows about all of her great and great-great grandchildren. Her hearing is not good - even with hearing aids...but other than her hearing, she is extremely healthy yet. It was a great weekend and mostly like a family reunion. Many of the cousins came...and even though they changed the way the party went...most of the families still traveled to gather together. It was a mini family reunion.
She sounds like an amazing woman.

My taste came back fairly fast after contracting covid...but I'm still struggling with smell.
That's encouraging. I hope I get my taste back soon.

I remember that story. Wow he may have more family out there-kinda cool. That is how DH's oldest daughter found us a couple years ago-no idea of her existence until then-yet she and her family are fully integrated into ours-
I remember your story too. Something similar happened with a friend on mine only they were aware of the child's existence. When my friend's husband was young (19/20 and before they were married) he fathered a child with his then girlfriend. There was a big breakup and she told him the baby wasn't his. He requested a paternity test and she responded by taking the baby and disappearing. 19 years later the child found him and she has been fully accepted into the family.

News flash: the dark arts at Hogwarts castle returns 9/18
Cool. Something else to look forward to.

Ooh, I got $189 AP rate for week day rate at Royal,
That's an awesome rate for that hotel.

Night light so no one stubs their toe.
Cool light.

Going to try to get back to sleep now. Wish me luck.
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And yay, Schumi having another warm day, though sorry both you and Tom did not have a good night’s sleep. Hope you both get a better one tonight. Fruit and muffins sound like a perfect start to the day.

And with me, back to that routine and tea.

Nope, I had a brilliant sleep, it was Tom who didn`t.

Enjoy your tea.

Another night of not sleeping well. Maybe I will get back to sleep later this morning. The only Covid symptom still remaining is the loss of taster and smell. Last night dh offered to bring me food from our favorite Mexican restaurant. I told him there was no point since I couldn't taste it.

We know he had 3 children with his wife and at least one possible child outside his marriage. We don't know 100% that this is his birth family since no one was interested in taking an official DNA test. However, I think the matches on Ancestry are pretty accurate. It has matched me with some of my family members that I know are correct.

I joked with dh that he has family members coming out of the woodwork and he hasn't even won the lottery.

Hopefully she will respond to his email soon. While his mother was still alive he was never interested in finding out anything about his birth family, but now that people are finding him, he is interested in learning more.

I didn't do much. Just straightened up things that were looking too messy.

She sounds like an amazing woman.

That's encouraging. I hope I get my taste back soon.

I remember your story too. Something similar happened with a friend on mine only they were aware of the child's existence. When my friend's husband was young (19/20 and before they were married) he fathered a child with his then girlfriend. There was a big breakup and she told him the baby wasn't his. He requested a paternity test and she responded by taking the baby and disappearing. 19 years later the child found him and she has been fully accepted into the family.

Cool. Something else to look forward to.

That's an awesome rate for that hotel.

Cool light.

Going to try to get back to sleep now. Wish me luck.

Food will taste wonderful when you get your taste buds back.....everything tasted good to me!

Housework will still be there, so take your time getting back to normality.

Everyone is amazed how hot it is today......everyone is in shorts or summer clothes which is so nice to see.

I was amazed we managed 7 miles today in the heat, even at 7.30 the heat had built up, but we did it, home for a shower, changed and into town for a few bits and met a couple of friends for a coffee and cake instead of lunch. It`s a place in town we haven`t been much since lockdown ended, but most people aren`t wearing masks anymore and it feels normal again and good to see the place has survived. Town wasn`t busy either.

So, spicy chicken kebabs for tonight, just the two of us so they`ll be very spicy and some garlic shrimp on skewers too.

Planning on sitting out here in the garden all afternoon as it`s forecast to change a little tomorrow with possible thunderstorms coming.....we`ll see.

Sunscreen and strawberry lemonade for now........


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