Something About Nothing............ #14

Charade I do hope you feel better real soon !
Hope your tests can reveal if all is fine

in the meantime, rest up as you have a vacation planned next month !

You are planning for Thanksgiving and I am stalled at what should I do for dinner tomorrow night ..

are you up for the night light tonight?
Yeah...still 16th anniversary was in June. It's rough right now with COVID running rampant and trying to find supplies...just like last year. But...we got through it once and we can get through it again.

All the systems were back online by noon which was good but still frustrating. Tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait to be away from work for a couple of days.

I can imagine how rough it is. And yes, it`ll pass again, I think though we all thought this year would be Hope you have a lovely weekend though, sounds as though you`ll be ready for it.

better to attend to now vs when on vacation! Good luck

It’s been quite the active year, can stop anytime

Lol I’ve only been working as a realtor for last 25+ years, now only rare referrals. Unofficially retired from real job to hover over MiL & my Mom, both with Alzheimer’s. Shamefully, many days during those challenging times I I wished I was back in the office. Took a lot of vacations to clear head tho!

I never got thru 1st season. Did enjoy the last Armageddon themed ones

Yes, said exactly the same to somebody today.

Honestly, until you have one, difficult to believe how nasty

Oh my! Not sure what I was given but, comfortably numb. Found out I was allergic to morphine on previous surgery. Oy

Yum. I made ham BBQ sandwiches & burgers with corn on cob. Stuffed. For dessert had a piece of the candy corn that I found in grocery today.

Every year I try it, thinking maybe it’ll taste better. :sad2:Same as pumpkin spice anything:duck:

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lol.....I love that meme!

I never understood the fascination with pumpkin spice anything.......I was told it was because I`m a fan. It`s slowly creeping over here too now.

Burgers sound good!

Must have missed Armageddon???? Murder House and Asylum for me were the best ones so far. I do like Sarah Paulson but not sure if she`s still in them now.

I'm feeling somewhat better this evening. I'm scheduled to have a CT scan next week. I also have a prescription for pain medication. After the appointment today I went home and took a nap.

This evening we took a trip to Home Depot. A couple of weeks ago we purchased a new front door and asked our contractor to pick it up. He texted dh today and said he went to get the door, but was told there wasn't a door purchased under our name or phone number. Dh and I went to Home Depot to clear this up. We were told that yes, they had a door on hold for us and that our contractor's name was on the paperwork. Dh texted the contractor and told him that the door was ready to be picked up at Home Depot. Dude had gone to Lowes. We would have picked up the door ourselves, but we were driving a Honda Fit.

Dh was supposed to cook on the grill tonight, but we ended up at Olive Garden.

I was given morphine with my last kidney stone. Didn't do a darn thing.

I like candy corn in small doses, but not a fan of the pumpkin spice craze.

I normally bring desserts to our Thanksgiving dinner at our friend's house, but this year our kitchen may be in disarray due to all the home improvements. I have a backup plan though. There is a cheesecake store in town I've been wanting to try.

Dh is watching football.....again. I need to find something to do.

Glad you`re feeling better Charade, and hope you sleep well too and pain meds will hopefully help.

Sounds like they didn`t give you enough really should at the very least take the worst of it, if it did nothing I`d still have been screaming in agony. But, fingers crossed the scan will pinpoint your issues and hopefully pain will be managed till then.

It`s not supposed to be raining this morning! It`s very light so hoping in an hour it`ll be off and we`ll get out. It`s not going to be cold although it looks pretty miserable so far, outside lights are still on so it`s quite dark with all the cloud. Although looks like the sun is beginning to peep through all that cloud. Doubt I`ll need sunscreen today.

No cooking tonight as we`re out for dinner, and lunch will be either crab or shrimp salad, maybe both.

Trying to organise our book group`s next meet.....this should be easy, but there`s always one or two. A new lady wants to join, but last time we took someone new it didn`t work out and she didn`t stay so we`re all hesitant to take her on.

Pancake morning today......mac......yep, bacon too!




Happy Friday 🥂
Ugh! I can't sleep. I'm okay as long as I don't turn on either side. Of course I'm a side sleeper. I'm now in my recliner in the living room, watching Murder, She Wrote.

I looked up my medical records and my last kidney stone was almost exactly 2 years ago. I remember being in a lot of pain and very nauseous. I don't know how much morphine I was given, but it didn't do anything. I was eventually given something called Ketorolac. Both the pain and nausea were gone in about 10 minutes. I've had difficulty with other medications too. I don't react to Codine the way most people do. Instead of making me drowsy it keeps me awake.

I am going to try to get back to sleep. I'm just thankful that I don't have to get up and go to work in the morning.
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Charade, I hope you did get some good night sleep. And I hope they find out why you are in pain. May you be feeling a bit better today. Hope you can leave work early if you are not feeling well. Well wishes and good thoughts you’ll feel good again. Will be nice to see you at the beginning of October.

No rain here yet. Though phone kindly flashed that extreme weather warnings that expire in 1 day and 10 hours. Last day of our heat wave, with a most bright sunny sunrise and glorious sunshine streaming through the windows. And that last day chance of thunderstorms, with flash flood warnings posted for late afternoon into the evening.

And ooh bacon? Hope your rain is gone, Schumi. And I do like the pumpkin filling of a pumpkin pie, but I hate the flavor in coffee or other.

Yay, a lazy enough Friday for me. DH got up earlier than I did. Well I was awake, as I just awake right around when the alarm should go off. And once he gets up, he’s noisy. But no matter. I tend to be a good sleeper. And promptly went back to sleep when he left.

That fabulous Friday feeling homies. Woot! Woot!

And yeah:

Yep, a bit longer weekend? Wahoo indeed.
My Mr Mac had build up of uriric ( sp) before and had an issue with a second kidney stone years later

very painful for him
He acted like he was passing a baby....

just hope whatever is going on with your body, the doctor can do what ever test it takes to alleviate your pain
Charade, I hope you did get some good night sleep. And I hope they find out why you are in pain. May you be feeling a bit better today. Hope you can leave work early if you are not feeling well. Well wishes and good thoughts you’ll feel good again. Will be nice to see you at the beginning of October.
Thanks Lynne. Fortunately I don't work on Fridays. I'm being totally lazy today.

My Mr Mac had build up of uriric ( sp) before and had an issue with a second kidney stone years later

very painful for him
He acted like he was passing a baby....

just hope whatever is going on with your body, the doctor can do what ever test it takes to alleviate your pain
Thanks Mac. I think I have had 3 kidney stones in the past 5 years. The first was the worst. I am not totally convinced that the pain I am experiencing is a kidney stone. I'm not experiencing the same issues that I did with the last kidney stones. Unfortunately they can't get me in for a scan until Thursday.

I'm not feeling too bad right now, so I feel like I should be doing something productive. I made a packing list for my October trip, so I guess that's something.
Tonight the words night light made me think of Lite-Brite (Now I have the old commercial jingle stuck in my head.)

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We loved Lite Brite as kids except they didn't have any additional designs at the time so when you were were done.

Hope everyone is doing well today...another hot and humid Florida day for us with showers later.

Have a good weekend!
:wave2: just waiting for my morning stack of papers to shuffle to arrive - so I can do a quick stop in.

It's been busy at work ( so unusual for summer for us ) and busy at home as well. Weather has cooled down, and I have noticed this week that some of the leaves are starting to change. It is getting darker earlier now and like @schumigirl I am turning the lamps on just after 9:00 pm now. I am hoping that the fall weather holds on for a bit. I will be a happy camper if the snow stays away until after Halloween.

Dh's birthday surprise was a hit!!! He was either going to love or hate it...and he loved it!!! So far, he's only picked the numbers that are on no actual gift opening yet. But he eagerly waits to punch a cup. I did add the latitude and longitude for different nascar raceways. It is just the groupings in numbers without the comma or degree sign. I don't want to make it too easy for him ;) He has asked...and I told him he will get the key to them....unless he figures out what the groups of numbers are lol. Now to plan his surprise party!!!! Flights are booked for family members that are flying it. It will be a great weekend!!!!

Not sure what is up for this weekend. Maybe head out to another movie. We went to a movie last weekend for part of our anniversary day. It felt soooooooooo good to go out and do something normal. We also went to the Canadian version of The Palm and had an amazing steak supper. It was soooooooo good. We almost had to roll eachother out of there lol.

We were talking about heading to Vegas for little get away. We almost booked flights, hotel, and see my favorite - Keith Urban :love: and dh was said to wait and see what was up at his work. Well....I came home to a letter - I an now required to go for jury duty. Of course it's the day we would be flying home. I'm just not going to get any sort of getaway this fall anymore.

Well...a stack of paper arrived. I should get working on some spreadsheets and shuffle these. Hopefully that's all there is today.

Take care hommies!!!! @Charade67, I hope your feeling better soon, and get some answers as to what is causing your pain.
Well can’t top how you celebrate birthdays!
You put a lot of time and effort into it and I’m sure your husband enjoys it

we just exchange a card and that’s about the extent of it

We are low key peeps on celebrations but it was how I was raised once I started school
Well can’t top how you celebrate birthdays!
You put a lot of time and effort into it and I’m sure your husband enjoys it
This is just for the big " 50" . Other than that...we don't usually even exchange a card. We didn't even exchange cards for our anniversary. We are pretty low key people. He looked at me after and said " I hope you don't expect me to do something like this! " I told him nope...and told dd the same. I just want a holiday somewhere...that's all I'm asking for. With covid and travel's looking like my birthday wish won't be happening :(
I’m sure he loved what you did for him and made his day feel extra special

It was a labor of love you did for him on his milestone day.
Wow Pumpkin. That's amazing. I know he is going to enjoy opening all of those gifts. When is his actual birthday?

Dh wants to do a trip for his 60th next year. He's been talking about Las Vegas. I wonder what Vegas is like at Christmas time.
Hello all. Charade sorry to see you are not too well and hope you get it all sorted soon. Pumpkin hope your DH enjoyed his day. We “usually” do a special trip for a big birthday but for my 50th we got married on the day and then went to our holiday home (now sold) in Devon. Didn’t want to leave my elderly doggie at that time.

We have been busy with the GC still on summer break and beginning work on the house etc. Unfortunately our tree surgeon contracted Covid so that work is delayed. He’s the first person we know to have tested positive recently so that was sad to hear

We had a good weekend away at my best friend in Yorkshire last week. Felt really nice to all be together again. Very relaxing - we just did some walks and garden centres.

Em’s school reopens Wednesday, L’s Thursday, J has to go for testing Thursday and returns Friday so that will be our summer over and back to early starts and out the door.

Do hope everyone is doing ok. x
@Pumpkin1172 Happy birthday to your husband. It looks like a great party.

I love pumpkin stuff, with or without spice. I don't usually get pumpkin drinks in the fall though, because I don't really like Starbucks. Sometimes I have a pumpkin black tea in the fall. It makes good butter tea for keto breakfast. Can't stand candy corn though.

Ugh! I can't sleep. I'm okay as long as I don't turn on either side. Of course I'm a side sleeper. I'm now in my recliner in the living room, watching Murder, She Wrote.

I looked up my medical records and my last kidney stone was almost exactly 2 years ago. I remember being in a lot of pain and very nauseous. I don't know how much morphine I was given, but it didn't do anything. I was eventually given something called Ketorolac. Both the pain and nausea were gone in about 10 minutes. I've had difficulty with other medications too. I don't react to Codine the way most people do. Instead of making me drowsy it keeps me awake.

I am going to try to get back to sleep. I'm just thankful that I don't have to get up and go to work in the morning.
I am allergic to codeine, so they are always reluctant to give me painkillers. I guess the next step up is strong. I also have issues with ibuprofen causing stomach upset/vomiting. The only time I have ever needed any good pain killers or muscle relaxers was when I was having really bad neck/back problems due to carpal tunnel (shooting pain from my neck down to my hands) and when I had diverticulitis. Felt like someone had hit me in the lower abdomen for like 2 weeks. They gave me something that helped take the edge off, some sort of anti-cramping medicine. The 3 antibiotics probably helped too. Hope you get to feeling better.
Dh wants to do a trip for his 60th next year. He's been talking about Las Vegas. I wonder what Vegas is like at Christmas time.
My bil and his gf went between Christmas and New Years, and they said it was somewhat crowded, but it wasn't bad...but they also said they wouldn't do New Years there. It would be too insane busy with people. This was 2019 when they went. I do know that a co-worker of dh's just came back from Vegas, and he said it was busy...and masking was everywhere, but they felt really safe. I don't know how I would feel yet in big crowds. We tried at the begining of July, and I was too uncomfortable when it got too crowded.
We had a good weekend away at my best friend in Yorkshire last week. Felt really nice to all be together again. Very relaxing - we just did some walks and garden centres.

Em’s school reopens Wednesday, L’s Thursday, J has to go for testing Thursday and returns Friday so that will be our summer over and back to early starts and out the door.
Sounds like you had a lovely get away! Hopefully back to school goes well!!!
I am allergic to codeine, so they are always reluctant to give me painkillers. I guess the next step up is strong. I also have issues with ibuprofen causing stomach upset/vomiting. The only time I have ever needed any good pain killers or muscle relaxers was when I was having really bad neck/back problems due to carpal tunnel (shooting pain from my neck down to my hands) and when I had diverticulitis. Felt like someone had hit me in the lower abdomen for like 2 weeks. They gave me something that helped take the edge off, some sort of anti-cramping medicine. The 3 antibiotics probably helped too. Hope you get to feeling better.
That sounds like it was quite the experience - Yikes!

I much as my name says Pumpkin....I don't like anything pumpkin - except pumpkin pie or muffins. I don't like any of the pumpkin spice things.

I always called my kids pumpkin....and when I had a dayhome (daycare) in our home when our boys were little....I called it " The Pumpkin Patch "...hence the name Pumpkin

Is it 4:30 yet? It's a quiet afternoon in the office today.
Good Friday afternoon Sans family :wave2:



Oh Robo, glad to hear your coughing less, and continued well wishes your back feels better and better. Good luck with the Halloween decor shopping, and yay, for Fall drink getting from Starbucks. Yep, our Fall countdowns are ticking away, and yep, why I don’t mind most of Orlando’s weather. It’s ever so hot and humid here. With those nasty storms always at the ready.

Thank you Lynne. Back is moving along. It will just take time. Yep I do like some of the Fall drinks at Starbucks.

30 minutes until lunch. After work I am going to my medical office. I woke up with a pain in my side. I have a history of kidney stones, so I want to get it checked out before it becomes worse

Charade so sorry to hear you are in pain. Have you been able to pass your kidney stones in the past on your own? Lots of prayers and good wishes coming your way. Hope you are able to pass Stone.

Dh's birthday surprise was a hit!!

Wow......I bet he was surprised with your generosity. Happy Birthday to your hubby.


Well I did make it to Target for my walk yesterday. Will have to do Big Lots another time. Did get my Pumpkin Cream cold brew. That’s the only Pumpkin drink I like at Starbucks and it’s so good.

I do like the Pumpkin Marshmallow Latte shower gel, lotion and candles at ”Bath and Body Works”. Pumpkin scent reminds me of Halloween.

We have a storm brewing outside. Hope it brings in some mildly cooler temps. It has been really hot today.

Going to take a quick nap. Stormy weather is good for naps.


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