Something About Nothing............ #14

Afternoon all. Will be getting ready and out to my DS & DIL. Will be lovely to see her - haven’t seen her for a month - wonder if a little bump yet?

Got lots done today. Most of my wrapping I thought until I came across the huge stash Kev has built up for J for his games machine. Mostly excellent second hand as his new machine was also pre-loved so cannot get many new ones. Then the pile for Louie. Yes J and I have been buying a few new things for him so he can have his own Christmas stocking.

We finished off our quiche for brunch and I decided to cake bake tomorrow when Em and I get back from National Trust Lyme Park. They have done a few rooms for Christmas and as we didn’t get to Chatsworth we booked a slot for a quick outing. Will have time to bake as just having a quick beef stir fry tomorrow as it’s not something the children enjoy.

Kev has just to grout the tiling tomorrow then finished. I just cut his hair for him and he’s now gone to shower and get ready for us to go out.

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday evening x
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Popping in to say hello to all the homies! Sprinkling in a little bit more of good wishes for Keisha again. Nice to see what people have been sharing in terms of their plans for Christmas Eve.

We always do something casual. My mom traditionally makes pepperoni rolls. Apparently, pepperoni rolls are a huge thing in WV which is where her roots are from. We've maybe once, or twice gone out, but once again do something casual, not really lavish, but almost every year from what I remember it's always been just been relaxing, pepperoni rolls and preparing for the next day.

I miss how if you go to your notifications you can always see wayyyyy back, but last few times I'd only see more recent notifications on here. So, if anything replied, or said anything to me, hello there and hope all you homies are doing alright! Stay safe out there! ❤
Afternoon all. Will be getting ready and out to my DS & DIL. Will be lovely to see her - haven’t seen her for a month - wonder if a little bump yet?

Got lots done today. Most of my wrapping I thought until I came across the huge stash Kev has built up for J for his games machine. Mostly excellent second hand as his new machine was also pre-loved so cannot get many new ones. Then the pile for Louie. Yes J and I have been buying a few new things for him so he can have his own Christmas stocking.

We finished off our quiche for brunch and I decided to cake bake tomorrow when Em and I get back from National Trust Lyme Park. They have done a few rooms for Christmas and as we didn’t get to Chatsworth we booked a slot for a quick outing. Will have time to bake as just having a quick beef stir fry tomorrow as it’s not something the children enjoy.

Kev has just to grout the tiling tomorrow then finished. I just cut his hair for him and he’s now gone to shower and get ready for us to go out.

Hooe everyone enjoys their Saturday evening x

I‘ve never been to Lyme, but heard its beautiful, and being decorated for Christmas will be lovely.....

Finding a huge stash is always nice......I’m sure he’ll be happy with the games. Have a lovely evening too.......

Popping in to say hello to all the homies! Sprinkling in a little bit more of good wishes for Keisha again. Nice to see what people have been sharing in terms of their plans for Christmas Eve.

We always do something casual. My mom traditionally makes pepperoni rolls. Apparently, pepperoni rolls are a huge thing in WV which is where her roots are from. We've maybe once, or twice gone out, but once again do something casual, not really lavish, but almost every year from what I remember it's always been just been relaxing, pepperoni rolls and preparing for the next day.

I miss how if you go to your notifications you can always see wayyyyy back, but last few times I'd only see more recent notifications on here. So, if anything replied, or said anything to me, hello there and hope all you homies are doing alright! Stay safe out there! ❤

Hey Dixsuni.......

Pepperoni rolls sound so nice. It’s always interesting to hear different traditions from different countries as well as State differences.

Hope you’re doing good.......

Yep, as posted earlier, I did get some gifts wrapped and even managed to label them correctly......will drop off my friends granddaughters present during the week sometime when she’s at school.

Starting to get peckish now as a slice of cake for lunch isn’t very filling......another couple of hours till dinner, so maybe a small snack time ....

It never got light enough today to put lamps off today. Although it’s not cold, it feels and looks very wintery. The trees are all completely bare and makes it look all the more dismal outside. Glad I‘m inside.
Snowy Saturday here! I’d say we got about 4 inches already and it looks so pretty out. I will be able to take new pictures of my outdoor lights tonight they always look better with a little white stuff.

For Christmas Eve we will head with my parents to the resort where we got married to a very lovely steak house. Since this has been a year of cooking a lot at home, mom and I figure we deserve a break and we can support a local business to boot. After dinner there is a river walk with lights and a huge tree so we can stroll and take in the sights. Should be a very fun but different Christmas for sure! Then Christmas Day heading to my brothers house for some ham dinner and a bonfire. Very excited to give the nephews their gifts!!

Hope everyone is staying warm and Keisha hope you are recovering nicely.
Snowy Saturday here! I’d say we got about 4 inches already and it looks so pretty out. I will be able to take new pictures of my outdoor lights tonight they always look better with a little white stuff.

For Christmas Eve we will head with my parents to the resort where we got married to a very lovely steak house. Since this has been a year of cooking a lot at home, mom and I figure we deserve a break and we can support a local business to boot. After dinner there is a river walk with lights and a huge tree so we can stroll and take in the sights. Should be a very fun but different Christmas for sure! Then Christmas Day heading to my brothers house for some ham dinner and a bonfire. Very excited to give the nephews their gifts!!

Hope everyone is staying warm and Keisha hope you are recovering nicely.

Elsa that sounds a beautiful way to spend Christmas Eve and the river walk too, it sounds idyllic.....and yes, supporting the businesses that need it is always a bonus. Yes, we all deserve a treat this year.

Sounds perfect.....and then still to enjoy Christmas Day too with your nephews, I’ll bet you cant wait to give them their gifts.....they’ll love what you got them!
Elsa that sounds like a super great Christmas time for you!

The resort with family on Christmas Eve and the next day with the rest of the family

Perfect Christmas vacation.

Bet you are excited to see them all!
Lovely evening now home and tucked in bed. Yes definitely a little bump there now and DIL looks very well. Very tasty supper meal. Both good cooks - my son trained as a chef and everything is very well prepared as they work on it together So many outside Christmas lights on our way home. Apparently sales up almost 300%.

Christmas Eve we will have our main meal at lunch as are going to our church Crib Service with the children at 4pm. Limited numbers but we got seats booked - normally just turn up. Then home and Christmas Eve gift boxes for L & J. Included are sleigh bells we've had made with their names and the year on to join in a doorstep bell ringing at 6pm. Another new thing to get people joining together. Then we will eat supper but not decided on what that choice will be. Simple finger food.

So good night all and hope everyone is well.
That guy didn't stop talking the entire game. He gave a brief bio of each of our players when they went onto the court. He talked about his friend who had a recent breakup, and someone he knows who is a sociopath. He discussed college football and politics. I now know his sleep habits and that he doesn't like to eat much sugar. There was more, but I can't remember it all.

We don't have any Christmas Eve plans yet. We never do anything Christmas related because of dh's birthday.

I got all the rest of my gift wrapped today. Yay! Now I just need to figure out what to do for Christmas dinner.
Yeah, I hate rude people, including the family with the kid that just wanted to keep passing us as we strolled in the zoo. Um, chill. I also hate when people are talking on their phones near you, and yeah, you learn a lot about them.

Yay, for wrapping done Charade.

Will post pictures of our zoo night when little one culls mine and hers.

Lovely night, dark and not too cool. Almost wished I had light gloves on, as a breeze was just enough to make it a bit nippy.

Ah, and would you not know, a Starbucks stop on the way home. Waiting for little one to get her coffee or maybe hot chocolate.

And while my state is in a more restrictive time, I guess the holiday brings traffic this Saturday night. Though have to say, odd not to see large bar we pass, not having any cars in their parking lot.
Lovely pictures @Lynne G. No hot chocolate for you?

Charade - is the seating at your games as normal? Most sports are no spectators still here. Cannot imagine returning to a crowded racetrack or stand anytime soon.

Overcast here this morning but our visit to Lyme will be inside so no problem. Will carry on wrapping when we get home.

Peaceful Sunday all x
That guy didn't stop talking the entire game. He gave a brief bio of each of our players when they went onto the court. He talked about his friend who had a recent breakup, and someone he knows who is a sociopath. He discussed college football and politics. I now know his sleep habits and that he doesn't like to eat much sugar. There was more, but I can't remember it all.

We don't have any Christmas Eve plans yet. We never do anything Christmas related because of dh's birthday.

I got all the rest of my gift wrapped today. Yay! Now I just need to figure out what to do for Christmas dinner.

Would have driven me nuts listening to someone as rude as that......why do folks think no one else exists around them. There are a lot of selfish folks around. We were once in Thai restaurant where a youngish girl around 20 was doing similar, folks were rolling their eyes and the manager finally asked her to lower her voice when she started swearing like a trooper....and she was with her parents who were obviously oblivious to their daughter sounding like a sailor.

Glad you`re done with the present wrapping.....I still have some to do, but it`s nice having plenty of time to do it.

Lovely pictures @Lynne G. No hot chocolate for you?

Charade - is the seating at your games as normal? Most sports are no spectators still here. Cannot imagine returning to a crowded racetrack or stand anytime soon.

Overcast here this morning but our visit to Lyme will be inside so no problem. Will carry on wrapping when we get home.

Peaceful Sunday all x

Have a good time today......

Got up very early this morning, had a cup of ginger tea, but went back to bed and managed to sleep till 9am.....haven`t done that in years.

Will keep bacon till lunchtime now. Croissants and marmalade again. Delicious.

Plan to do some ironing this morning, I have a few few zoom calls to do this afternoon and not much else. It`s a miserable day and the wind has got up a little. No sunshine though. We are certainly getting a dreary December over here.

Chicken in the Aga for dinner tonight. Food sorted for the day.

December is also flying past so quickly too.....





Have a wonderful Sunday........​
Hope you enjoy Lyme, Julie. Clear this early morning, and warmer. 48F out. Which is nice for this time of year. Hope your morning has been nice, with a patrol of the backyard with Louie, and some coffee or tea to relax some.

But snow and cooler weather will arrive tomorrow. At least I can finish my errands today, in the sunny earlier morning, though will turn to an overcast day as well. Am glad no commute tomorrow. That is one thing so appreciated. Commuting in bad weather I have done for quite the long time. Not having to do it to start this work week, as already planned, yay. No need to go out for a few days, as will pick up whatever we need today. Did some grocery shopping Friday night and yesterday, so stocked well enough. Kids picked up some steaks yesterday, so I think pepper steak. But, as even with overcast skies, will still be above freezing, and no snow falling yet at dinner time. So, outside grill may be used instead. Then baked potatoes and maybe some cooked carrots or corn. That does sound better, as that more routine Chinese dinner was last night’s meal. And there are leftovers. So I can see that being lunch for us. Or should I say brunch? Both kids were quite the night owls last night.

And ah yes,

Hehe. Yeah, not a day to too relax. Errand to run, grocery stops, and getting the trash out. Oh yeah, and,

Yep. Now’s the time to make some tea, and start a load of wash.

So, whatever your Sunday brings,

Yep. A most beautiful Sunday to all the homies.

And was a slow typer, as Schumi arrived as I was pecking away. Was good you went back to sleep some. Me. Nope. Oh well. Always like to hear bacon enjoyed. Hope your morning has been nice. And no ginger tea for me, but tea none the less. Ahhhhh.
Charade - is the seating at your games as normal? Most sports are no spectators still here. Cannot imagine returning to a crowded racetrack or stand anytime soon.
I think we were allowed 250 spectators yesterday. They had everyone spread out pretty well. Tomorrow we start new restrictions and that number drops to 25.

Would have driven me nuts listening to someone as rude as that...
At one point dh leaned over and whispered to me, "Imagine being married to him."

Nice pictures Lynne. I always like seeing the big cats.

I have checked the weather and it looks like we could get 5-8 inches of snow on Wednesday. I guess I won't be going anywhere for my birthday.
Charade is December 16 your birthday and your husband on the 25?

I think I remember them but just checking with you.
Happy sunday all! Thanks for the kind wishes :) :) :). I am thrilled that this go-round was a relative breeze, phew!

My people :)E038168B-9BEF-4DCC-9A11-CBC22D542288.jpeg
Mom’s nursing home had another 14 employees and 9 patients stricken since Friday. All quarantining in place. Hope that large congregate site is among the first to receive the vaccine. However, since i’ve Not been approached to give consents for it, probably not.

File this under you learn to pick your battles...the ‘lil gym snuck in the first sanctioned meet of the season...despite the shutdown that went into effect. On a positive note, they limited the spectators to 2 pp & she slayed it, already qualified for state competition TBD in these crazy times

Anyway, I had an appointment for a cut and blow dry tomorrow, decided I could leave getting the highlights till January.....until my wonderful friend who is as honest as day, said.....oh you`ll be so glad to get your highlights done tomorrow, look at your roots :rotfl: I love my friends!!!
It’s all about the delivery but, a true friend should always shoot straight
Only this week she read an article that explains people with his disability often are difficult to sedate! Yet nobody at the children’s hospital he saw seemed to be aware of it so she will print that off for his folder should he need it again.
That is very interesting. Glad she is armed with that info now.
Dh had a procedure just before the pandemic started.
& still doing well I hope. How is his head? Forget if he got stapled or stitched. I have more than a few in place in my mouth, long strings hanging down that are supposed to all absorb.
Absolutely......Keisha is very special to us........have already sent her good wishes, but nothing wrong with extra good wishes...
Thanks, no such thing as too many good intentions :). As mac said i was a bit freaked as to two close procedures. Nice to have friends who will talk you off the ledge lol
Never heard that bed bugs line
it’s a classic. I would squeal with delight when my Dad would do the tucking in...he would go off script & sing me ”the Hearse song”. All very quietly, to avoid my Mom’s wrath lol
Good luck with the jags.....can’t be pleasant, but sounds as though you’re doing ok with it.
It’s funny, here the term “jag” is term used to describe a real jerk but in a good-old-boy sort of kidding way. it is usually followed by “off”...not to be confused with the more, ahem obscene phrase.
Got my hair done early and then we decided to go out for lunch a splaces we like are doing an excellent job with distancing and adherence to covid regulations,
No indoor dining here till at least 2nd week in January. People need to order takeout to help the non-chain venues survive
I have seen my share of snow to last a lifetime.
Aw, come on, not even snow on xmas? it’s the driving in it that is such a pain. Haven’t had enough here to whip out the snowblower since I bought it a few years ago. Good insurance :)
Kev has just to grout the tiling tomorrow then finished.
There’s an art to that, one job we’ve been hesitant to tackle
My mom traditionally makes pepperoni rolls. Apparently, pepperoni rolls are a huge thing in WV which is where her roots are from.
What part of state? Many Italians in western PA, they are very popular here. I make mine half the size of a dinner roll, so good with soup
Read UO closed down at 11:24 today as park is at capacity and won’t reopen later.
Only hotel guests can reenter the parks

Glad I’m not there today.
Yikes. Good to hear they are actually counting noses tho! We had some moments in WDW in Oct that had me questioning things there.
I got all the rest of my gift wrapped today
Oh, no you didn’t. I’m still ordering stuff, Wiley Nilly. Told the mr he may be picking up the wrapping mantle as the hand is still out of commission. He visibly paled :)
And so, some night time zoo for you:
Got email from our zoo that due to state social distancing only the sold out drive-thru zoo lights thru the end of the year. Was disappointed in that. Would think they could just shut down the indoor exhibits, oh well.
At least they kept the drive in light/laser show event in place we will see next weekend.


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