Something About Nothing............ #14

Good evening. Another long stressful day. I'm a the point that I am going to have to waitlist and new people who are looking for appointments. It's really sad, but with the holidays and Covid, we are seeing a huge increase of people wanting to see a therapist.

I think I may have found a tree topper for my main tree. I'm going to go by the Hallmark store tomorrow to look at it.

Tom and I both commented how well we`ve been sleeping recently. I think it`s the much cooler weather that helps.
I slept really well when we were in Gatlinburg. I wonder if the mountain air had anything to do with it. That and the fact that I was completely unaware of the bear outside my door.

I love 99.9% of Christmas movies - even the tacky romantic afternoon ones - just in the background with the decorated Christmas towns and cabins etc! The one we save for last is “It’s a wonderful life”. “White Christmas” is a favourite
White Christmas is. my favorite. I also love A Muppet Christmas Carol.

hi everybody
Hi Tink!

Lynne - Another great light.

I'm considering all your suggestions for my tree. I also found these ornaments.

Or maybe something similar in a ribbon?

I like both Charade. Would give some more color to the tree. I like ribbon on the tree for a change.

I’m close to 😴 💤.
Charade, it is long waits for many things now due to the pandemic.
I made a doctor appointment two months ago for a medical issue and earliest I could get is late April next year.

I’m still on a long list to see a dentist as a new patient for my other issue.
Two long waits for different medical appointments for me drives me nuts.

Do show us the tree topper when you buy it.

Have you decided to go with the white tree and not green this year?

Whatever you choose will be lovely!

The KaPow ornament reminds me of Batman old tv show.

Hope all the homies are sleeping soundly and get up with a smile on their face in the morning.

Sweet dreams homies !
I called surgeon’s office re swollen hand, now have to wear the pressure bandage another 10 days. Squeaky wheel, I done got the grease.

I made a cabbage patch doll from a kit back in the day for eldest DS who was a tot at the time. Had to be a boy doll. Think it’s still stuffed in memory box in closet.

Oh, it’s a goodie indeed

I was happyGD spied KFC. Grabbed her a boxed meal, wahla :)

That’s a daunting proposition, or did you do the leg work already & know what you want to order?

My people. Haven’t made that in years as nobody here will touch it but me

Thanks, unfortunately, it seems to be a daily phone call now. Mostly employees, 1 - 4 a day.

Never can i wrestle a list out of my guy. mostly the same sort of thing every year but this one he’ll be getting GCs to the home improvement stores to buy his own toys

Lol sounds familiar

Not that we are competitive but...
chicken sounds good. I’ve got a roast in the crock pot. Easy to flop it in & toss in the spices.

Have been seeing that flag decoration pop up on my amazon feed daily.

I’m thinking a plastic, shiney bead sort of garland or some red bows maybe. Do like the theme!

I tend to order them unassembled from staples, keeps the mr busy. His giant box has been taking up prime real estate in DR for so long, it’s be come a credenza of sorts :). Will miss it after xmas.

I purposely didn’t look at my plans/calendar last week. Didn’t want to fall into it’s wednesday, we’d be in X park thing. Surprised I kept that up.

Ooh, what did you grab? Still enjoying the musical HM hallmark one i got. Backordered nintendo 64 console one for youngest DS. Still holding breath it comes in, has been nearly a month.

Glad you called about that did look quite bad....complete non expert here of course, shame you have to leave it longer now though......

Love the old memory box! I don`t think Kyle knows half the things I`ve kept from his childhood. One of my personal favourites is the Jane Hissey book Old Bear. Not sure he`ll remember it as I do, but it`s there anyway.

I haven`t been guilty of thinking like that these last two weeks......but I got a reminder from a friend we would have been leaving yesterday, so that`s why I did think of it.....yes, you did well not thinking that way either.......:thumbsup2

Hope it eases a bit sooner rather than later.......

Good evening. Another long stressful day. I'm a the point that I am going to have to waitlist and new people who are looking for appointments. It's really sad, but with the holidays and Covid, we are seeing a huge increase of people wanting to see a therapist.

I think I may have found a tree topper for my main tree. I'm going to go by the Hallmark store tomorrow to look at it.

I slept really well when we were in Gatlinburg. I wonder if the mountain air had anything to do with it. That and the fact that I was completely unaware of the bear outside my door.

White Christmas is. my favorite. I also love A Muppet Christmas Carol.

Hi Tink!

Lynne - Another great light.

I'm considering all your suggestions for my tree. I also found these ornaments.
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Or maybe something similar in a ribbon?

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lol....yes, absolutely sure you wouldn`t have slept as good if you knew there was a bear outside your door!! Mountain air is so healthy, so yes, I think it does help sleep.

I do like the ribbon and the ornaments, they`d enhance that tree a lot......

There are some wonderful Christmas movies....and some turkey`s too.....I like most of the classics.....I think we have 17 solid regulars, some are afternoon movies though as we include some non Christmas movies like Bob Hope`s The absolute classic if you`ve never seen it along with The Cat and the Canary, again Bob Hope version. Then there`s Scrooged, Home Alone, Grinch and many more.....but yes, Christmas Eve is always the wonderful White Christmas and Alasdair Sim A Christmas Carol.........I`m so soppy over all these movies.

I'm wondering if I should get a white tree to make the ornaments stand out better.

Now you mention it, a white tree would work. And Janet`s suggestions of red bows and shiny bead garland would work too alongside what you already have.

Charade, it is long waits for many things now due to the pandemic.
I made a doctor appointment two months ago for a medical issue and earliest I could get is late April next year.

I’m still on a long list to see a dentist as a new patient for my other issue.
Two long waits for different medical appointments for me drives me nuts.

Do show us the tree topper when you buy it.

Have you decided to go with the white tree and not green this year?

Whatever you choose will be lovely!

The KaPow ornament reminds me of Batman old tv show.

Hope all the homies are sleeping soundly and get up with a smile on their face in the morning.

Sweet dreams homies !

Yes Batman came to mind too when I saw the ornaments. Used to love that show as a kid........

Sweet dreams to you too mac.....hope you get a fabulous sleep.......

We sat up so late last night. We were watching the failed SpaceX test flight, but didn`t happen right at the last second. But, sat up watching some site Kyle found where some of the engineers and others were talking about the whole project.....we sat up far too late!!! Kyle looks fresh as a button this, not so much lol.....

Kyle`s chair didn`t arrive yesterday, so will call TNT to see what happened......they`re usually very reliable, so not sure of the mix up as the website didn`t recognise our shipment number despite a note telling us it was out for love technology.

Feel like scrambled egg whites this morning.......we had a drop off of 24 eggs yesterday, can`t get fresher than that.

Weather has to be dull and dark clouds today.....and around 38-40F all day. No real reason to go out, so will have another day in.......I am missing the planning of Christmas events whether it be get togethers or some of the charity events we are involved with. But, we do have a couple of meals out planned, just us of course.

Marinaded short ribs overnight, now they`re in the slow cooker where they`ll simmer all day.....creamy mash I think to go with them and chunky carrots.....

Time for wake up tea.......still so dark in the mornings...





Happy Hump Day.......

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Woke up and can’t get back to sleep. I need to go back to the mountains.

I’m sticking with the green tree for now, but might look for a white one during the after Christmas sales. I’ll also be looking for a new skirt for the big tree. I discovered that the one we have is starting to come apart.

Yep, classic Batman is the look I was going for with those ornaments and ribbon. I think we have more Batman ornaments on the tree than anything else. I think Spiderman is second. I have another small tree the same size as the one I am using for the Superhero tree. I joked that we could make one tree Marvel and the other DC. Dh was all for that.

Today we are supposed to have sun and a high of 56. This was us 2 years ago.

Ah yes, a hump of a day it is. I like the wine Wednesday, but the camel’s here to remind all, get over this hump day Wednesday, and with a few more nights, a Friday will be here. Yay!

We are below freezing in temp, with a snow shower to start in the next hour. Then it’s a cloudy and cool Wednesday. Not even will see a 40 on the thermometer as the high. Sigh. But a high weather system is lurking, and will chase all that cloudy cool air away, starting tomorrow. Then we will happily be in the 50’s and a full, all day of sun. I expect to see the sun streaming into my window. Yeah, tomorrow. Today, hoping to not see that predicted snow flurries to be falling shortly. And ah yes, not only below freezing temp, it’s before the sunrise, so very dark out. Pitch black. Well, not really, all have lights on outside.

Hope you got back to sleep Charade. Yeah, a white tree may show more, but I like the colors just as much with green. I think if you add the more white colored ribbon, it will pop more. Fun theme.

Yeah Mac, even without the virus, we always had a long time to wait for a doctor appointment. Hope you can call back to see if earlier time due to cancellations. Hugs, as I hope you get the medical help you need sooner.

Routine week day, so tea it is. And ooh, also picked up a box of Tastykake butterscotch kind last night. I hope some is left. Goes well with tea. And since I got milk last night, a boring cereal will add to that. Woot! Hungry.

A most wonderful Wednesday.

:wave2: Good Morning homies. And hello to Schumi and Charade and Mac. Julie too, as she must be busy this morning.
Turning out to be a weird wednesday. Might start to ride a camel vs car after this am’s rather hairy travel into town. Cannot wait unti DS secures that new ride

We bailed but eldest DS’s family kept their plans for MCO after thanksgiving. He’s a road warrior, has traveled via air frequently throughout this whole mess. They have been hosting large, extended xmas eve affair. Sometimes in a venue, lately in their home. This year they rented out a movie theater for showing of National Lampoon’s xmas movie. We quickly declined after trying that out once this summer.

Looks like that option will be taken out of their hands ala the sort of restrictions Lynne;s area has in place. TBH, I welcome them. Even with the light at the end of the tunnel, people really just aren’t getting this whether it’s covid fatigue or outright denial of our situation. We were lucky until the September election stumping surge here. Now, in the thick of things

Yep, a BLTC. Cut the chicken breasts into size of bread, add some fresh fried bacon and fresh lettuce and tomatoes, and with pasta salad I made this morning, dinner has been served. Yum.

How we had no milk in the house, I don’t know. Was bought this weekend. So, out I went and got it, including some ice cream and buffalo dip. Think older one got into the dip already, and little one made a milkshake. Me, ice tea. And now on hot tea.
Yum, that sounds good. Going to try to make my meatballs today, will do the sauce tomorrow. Leftover beef roast today & some alternate menu item that hasn’t hit me yet
I'm wondering if I should get a white tree to make the ornaments stand out better.
Good idea. DiL has a black one that sounded dreadful to me lol. It works nicely with her all disney tree
The KaPow ornament reminds me of Batman old tv show.
Holy cow, you are right
Kyle`s chair didn`t arrive yesterday, so will call TNT to see what happened......they`re usually very reliable, so not sure of the mix up as the website didn`t recognise our shipment number despite a note telling us it was out for love technology.
Delivery here is so delayed this season due to increase in online shopping. Many major retailers only getting pickups a few days a week
Marinaded short ribs overnight, now they`re in the slow cooker where they`ll simmer all day.....creamy mash I think to go with them and chunky carrots.....
Another yum.
And ooh, also picked up a box of Tastykake butterscotch kind last night. I hope some is left. Goes well with tea. And since I got milk last night, a boring cereal will add to that. Woot! Hungry.
Don’t like butterscotch (or coconut flakes) in general but think i’ll Make those layered bars with the condensed milk. Need to find that recipe, oldie but a goodie & easy.

Have a great hump day all!
Yeah, Keisha, our holidays have always been with extended family. Thanksgiving was not, and I think Christmas will be just us too. Yeah, one of my extended family members was going to travel with family right after Thanksgiving. They cancelled days before. As much as it’s killing me not to vacation for the holidays, I’m not going to chance it. And while I cancelled my January cruise, the cruise line cancelled it months later. I really don’t see cruising until 22 or even 23. I do plan to see the Dark Side this end of next September, even if no HHN again. I need that away time.

And so breakfast was had, it’s bright out, but not sunny nor warm. And ack, still morning and ready for lunch break. Walk will be with my lighter winter jacket. And I see a little bit of snow flurries. Phew phew go away snow.

Tea, why yes, house feels a little cool. DH growls too warm. Um, no, if it’s good for me, that’s the temp it will be. Priority, ya know.
Afternoon all. Yes Lynne we were up and out early this morning to the department store. Wasn’t busy at our check in time but by the time we left the queues at tills were long. Emma chose a purse and we got L a lovely pink fur coat for part of her birthday gifts (she will be 7 on the 17th). Few other bits but not everything we wanted.

Nearly time for the school run.
Sounds like a productive time, Julie. Glad Emma happily found the purse she wanted, and a nice birthday gift. Guess another trip planned to get the rest of what you didn’t today.

I like that the stores here are open a little earlier this time of year. Not as many hours as in past holiday times, but I still like to take advantage of the earlier hour when I can.
Turning out to be a weird wednesday. Might start to ride a camel vs car after this am’s rather hairy travel into town. Cannot wait unti DS secures that new ride

We bailed but eldest DS’s family kept their plans for MCO after thanksgiving. He’s a road warrior, has traveled via air frequently throughout this whole mess. They have been hosting large, extended xmas eve affair. Sometimes in a venue, lately in their home. This year they rented out a movie theater for showing of National Lampoon’s xmas movie. We quickly declined after trying that out once this summer.

Looks like that option will be taken out of their hands ala the sort of restrictions Lynne;s area has in place. TBH, I welcome them. Even with the light at the end of the tunnel, people really just aren’t getting this whether it’s covid fatigue or outright denial of our situation. We were lucky until the September election stumping surge here. Now, in the thick of things

View attachment 542920
Yum, that sounds good. Going to try to make my meatballs today, will do the sauce tomorrow. Leftover beef roast today & some alternate menu item that hasn’t hit me yet

Good idea. DiL has a black one that sounded dreadful to me lol. It works nicely with her all disney tree

Holy cow, you are right

Delivery here is so delayed this season due to increase in online shopping. Many major retailers only getting pickups a few days a week

Another yum.

Don’t like butterscotch (or coconut flakes) in general but think i’ll Make those layered bars with the condensed milk. Need to find that recipe, oldie but a goodie & easy.

Have a great hump day all!

Oh yes, hope the new ride is sooner rather than later......

You don`t like coconut???? How`d I not know that!! Love it.....tomorrow I`m making a no bake goodie with condensed milk, coconut and something else that you mould, freeze, then dip in chocolate and butter you`ve melted in a bain marie....they freeze really well.....and another that Canadians call Moose farts.....they are delicious, all no bake and will keep them for the Christmas week....anything with condensed milk works though!

Our deliveries are doing ok. No long waits for anything although Royal Mail aren`t doing brilliantly with us right now. No wonder folks are using firms like TNT and Fedex more often. Chair came today just before lunch, there was a mix up apparently.

Yes, folks seem to be forgetting we still have to be careful....and yes, we had marches from anti mask groups over here and dreadful pictures of masses of shoppers outside Harrods at the weekend. You couldn`t pay me enough to wander round shops right now.

Yes, Lynne that is indeed snow. Very pretty looking.

New lockers have now opened up at Forbidden Journey today....they look can find them anywhere on most sites with pictures.

Still waiting to see if the SpaceX test launch will go ahead tonight....they have today or tomorrow cleared for it. Another late-ish night watching.....

Short Ribs were very nice tonight. They are very filling as they are so dense. They are so worth the long cooking time.

And another lazy night ahead. I think next week is our first meal out for a while, not since lockdown has stopped have we gone out, but we have a few meals planned starting next week. Least I`ll have my hair done, got my appointment for Friday usual, hair needs a good cut.
Well, SpaceX had 2 minutes to go when they suddenly stopped the countdown and released the propellant from test. They can do a turnaround in maybe 45 minutes, but not sure of the exact issue yet......

There`s 2 hours left today or they have tomorrow......looks like they might try again tonight.

Sorry, that really is Something about nothing if you have no interest in SpaceX as we do......::yes::

Time for a cup of tea.....
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@schumigirl we were glad we waited for the SpaceX to take off - spectacular. Apparently pleased with what they got and although a shock to us that it burnt up on landing it’s all data they need.

Off to bed now! Night all x
Good night Schumi and Julie. Midnight, so hope you are both fast asleep

No meat here tonight. Cheese ravioli. Yum. Fresh so only need about 5 minutes to cook. My kind of meal. Easy. Red sauce and alfredo sauce, as older one somehow does not like red sauce.

And so, evening tea for me too.


A happy night light for all the homies. Stay under those covers, another cool night. But if you need to raid the cookie jar, don’t stub your toes.

And toes, hope Robo’s toe is healing done now, and no pain for you too. Good thoughts that this finds you healthier.
Good evening. Another long day, but I think I am almost caught up at work. This is what this week has felt like.


I had an extended lunch hour today and did a little shopping. I found the "Batman" sounds ribbon. I also picked up the last couple of gifts for B and dh, and also got a new tree topper.
I need to pick up a few gift cards and then I think I am done with my shopping.

We are below freezing in temp, with a snow shower to start in the next hour.
How much snow did you get? We are supposed to have wam temps for the next few days, but might get some snow next week on my birthday.

Looks like that option will be taken out of their hands ala the sort of restrictions Lynne;s area has in place. TBH, I welcome them. Even with the light at the end of the tunnel, people really just aren’t getting this whether it’s covid fatigue or outright denial of our situation. We were lucky until the September election stumping surge here. Now, in the thick of things
Our governor is supposed to make an announcement tomorrow. I have a feeling he will increase restrictions.

Emma chose a purse and we got L a lovely pink fur coat for part of her birthday gifts (she will be 7 on the 17th).
Happy early birthday to her. The best people were born in December. Not that I'm biased or anything.

tomorrow I`m making a no bake goodie with condensed milk, coconut and something else that you mould, freeze, then dip in chocolate and butter you`ve melted in a bain marie....they freeze really well.....
Oooh, that sounds really good. I like coconut with chocolate.

A happy night light for all the homies.

Ugh, dh has Battlebots on the TV. I think I need to go find a book or something.
Yeah, I’m ready for it to be Friday, Charade. Sounds like a successful shopping trip. Snow was just a dusting where I am, and with warmer weather and full sun tomorrow, snow on the grass areas will disappear.

Ooh, getting to that time I say lights out, well for DH and I. Kids will be up later than us. Though older still has classes tomorrow, and little one has two finals tomorrow. So should be a more quiet house tomorrow.

💤 Night all.
No snow for me today
It was 61 and will be warmer tomorrow.
Night time it’s the usual big drop in the temperature.
It’s cold.

Lynne, you need to start training to be one
of the night owls.

Expect to see you here December 31 at midnight to help ring in the New Year.

Hope all the homies are doing fine.
I’ll return at midnight to make sure all are tucked in for the night.


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