Something About Nothing............ #14

Nope, no more work fo Dh tonight. He got part of our outside lights done.
B and I got most of our main tree decorated. I still have a couple of boxes of ornaments to go through.

Dh is feeling pretty good all things considered. He just took some Tylenol. We'll see how he is feeling in the morning.

Speaking of morning - We might get some snow tomorrow morning.

One of our therapists is not coming in tomorrow. Her son is sick and has been tested for Covid. She is going to stay home until he gets his results back. I may be by myself in the office tomorrow.

What a scare Charade.....glad you got him to the hospital for a check up....always best to be looked over with a head injury.......glad he`s feeling ok.

Hope he is better this morning and your day goes quickly......

How is your mum doing now?

Charade usually a scalp wound has heavy bleeding
With a dozen staples in his head, he should heal fine

Keep an eye out on him if he gets near a ladder again...

Weather for me was fine today
60 but temps will drop to the 40’s tonight and will have a cool Monday and Tuesday

Back to 60’s later in the week

Not a big deal for me as I stay in the house as our library shut down in November.
There is talk it will reopen to the public around the 14th-15th this month.

That’s the most exciting news for me.

I am betting it will be cold here late December and early January.
We usually get a good month of dreary cold weather in the winter.

Hope all the homies are getting ready for Christmas and no one gets coal in their stockings.

Sweet dreams all..

We went below zero during the C though, about 28F. We`re barely reaching 34F this morning and very foggy, well, misty more than fog. I could hear the foghorns during the night.

Forecast are we have to get an exceptionally cold winter this year......we`ll see....and good news your library may open up soon....I know you`ve missed it.....

Morning all. Oh Charade so glad he got help. Home accidents are awful. I have DH collecting huge mirrored glass this morning for the wall in the downstairs cloakroom. Apprehensive about getting that in and fixed but I can help him - just limited room in there to manoeuvre!
Flu jabs this afternoon and normal Monday laundry underway. No other plans.
Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

Good luck with the flu mum is always ill after she gets it for some reason, she never used to be.

Been out in the cold to get some stuff to keep up going the rest of the week till we shop on Thursday. In the farm store one woman started to crowd me when I was picking carrots......I was about to ask her to move back when the woman who runs the place yelled at her from the till to give people space.......gave me a shock too as she is very loud anyway, but when she all do as we`re moved back with a face like thunder.

Looks like snow here now......but not forecast. So will see what it turns out like later. No plans to go out now till Thursday....again, no need for a grocery delivery as our cabinets and freezers are full to bursting. Just need fresh really.

We have several parcels coming today and one big one tomorrow so I`m glad we`re staying in.

Big shout out to our Keisha......... :wave2:



Good Morning Julie. Hope the glass went up without a problem. Yep, time of year our flu shots too. And oddly, Schumi, my mum used to always get a cold after having her flu shot when she was older.

Ah, Schumi’s weather is for the Black Pearl to show up. Foggy fun. And cooler too, like me.

Ack, hope not a cold winter. And eek for Charade to get snow. It wasn’t the coldest Thanksgiving, so hoping not the coldest Christmas.

And so, the week day routine once again starts its march to a woot! It’s a Friday feeling. And some Mondays feel like: 599EA2BE-C2EF-4369-A0EC-3535994FA0B5.jpeg

But Monday it is, so the work screen has been on for some time, and the teapot has been emptying quick. While not cool in the house, I so enjoy my morning tea.

Thus, back to routine I go. Marvelous Monday to all the homies. And well wishes to Charde’s DH.
@schumigirl that’s funny the lady at our veg farm shop is also very strict - and shouts at people too!

Mirror glass up and looks brilliant - makes the little room look bigger.

Yes I only had a flu jab once and was ill afterwards so this is the first for 5 years.

So much chicken left on the carcass yesterday I’ve made chicken noodle soup for lunch with a hit of ginger. Smells good.
Good morning. I do not want to go to work today. I am already planning on being there longer than usual today.

Thank you for the concerns for Dh. He says he is feeling good today and is getting ready to go to work right now. I did, however, talk him out of going to his martial arts class tonight.

How is your mum doing now?
Thank you for asking. She is doing quite well. She still has a cane that she uses when she goes out, but doesn’t use it at home. I think my brother and Sister-in-law are going to visit her this weekend.

Well, I did wake up to a little bit of snow this morning. It’s still falling, but I doubt we will get much more.

Ah, little one’s go to soup, chicken noodle or rice. Yum, Julie.

And I was like it’s the 7th of December oh yes,

The day, Pearl Harbor suffered so much. Sad. :hug:

And so, made some shortbread cookies last night, so a perfect snack with my tea.

Is that snow, Charade? That’s a no, no, no. At least we are cool, 27 and sunny right now. No wet today.
I think it is cold for all today
We are only going to be at upper 40’s

Don’t laugh as that’s cold for me

I do have to go out today for a pick up at Walgreens
Always use the drive thru window when I get my meds.

Any one here a last minute shopper for Christmas?
I can remember when my boys were littles and would tell me two days before Christmas they really wanted X from Santa

I would ask them why did they not have it on their list
When they said Santa knows they have been good so he would already know their secret toy list

Toys R Us midnight run......
Hey all. Excuse the one handed hunt & peck posting. Bit more to recovery than i was expecting. Hand quite sore & puffy but able to move finger. Have decided im a bigger klutz one handed lol
Never heard of the St Joseph thing??????
I could never bear thot of him on his head covered in dirt TBH
? Sounds like a James Bond movie
No way to doctor it up so tossed that leftover sauce in the trash can.
Fresh tomatoes? Fancy. Some baking soda & sugar might have salvaged. Yep I’ve had my share of flubs lol

Need to take GD to orthodontist after school. Told her to pick fast food afterwards to grab. She went with Taco Bell :rolleyes1 Hope nachos still on menu or im going with
A PB sammie. U r a fan. What do u usually grab?
And gazumping is almost unheard of happening.
cant tell if thats a good or bad thing lol never heard that term
It looks like I'll be probably receiving a high B+ this semester. I already paid for my class next semester and that should be it. If I pass that I'll be graduating. Today, just doing some Christmas shopping for the fam.
you go girl!
Haven't caught up on thread so don't know if they already mentioned-but manage to catch Sue and Patty! Sue was brief, but hubs and I sat with Patty and Joe for quite awhile by Chez Alcatraz. Lovely to catch up with both in person!
Nice to see them. Great pic of ur familuy. I have that grinch tshirt too. Suits me

Gess u didn’t have to get a test to return home ? Last two days 7 more employees & 1 more resident at my moms home. National guard now in several small facilities doing nursing care, thankfully Many of those smaller places were running lean to begin with, just not able to promote that level of care
Bears are scary.......hope you got back to sleep......
Must still be very warm they haven’t hunkered down yet there

I had a large red fox dart across 2 lane road on me around 7 am. Must’ve been heading home after hunt
OMG! I just looked at the Facebook page for the motel where we stayed in Gatlinburg. This picture is from last night! That's our red car.

View attachment 542306
Hey booboo where’s the picnic basket. Might have smelled food in cars
am so glad that I never saw the bear when I looked out the window. I would not have been able to sleep. I love bears, but do not want to be that close to one again.
lol almost as bad as the creeper santa posted here
Dh was working on the outside. Well, he accidentally hit himself on the head with a ladder.
Yeah, when my brother was a teen, got the claw part of the hammer fling off into his head, right above his right eye, they stitched him up fast. Still to this day, he has the Harry Potter scar.
Double yikes

One of my first jobs was compiling OSHA accident/death monthly reports for a couple of industrial trade organizations. Talk about some really bizarre stuff that gave me nightmares
12 staples in the head.
That is a lot poor guy!
Dh is feeling pretty good all things considered. He just took some Tylenol. We'll see how he is feeling in the morni
He’s going to be sore
Back to 60’s later in the week
Mid 50s here friday.
The day, Pearl Harbor suffered so much. Sad.
Indeed. Was so disappointed the actual memorial was still being rehabbed when there. Someday will get to pay my respects.

My dad was mustered there for a bit after the attack before being shipped west on a destroyer during the war. Didn’t find out he was a decorated gunner until i was an adult. majority of that generation wasn’t prone to talk about the horrors they experienced. RIP to them all, true heros
Yeah, that day caused my dad to be shipped to the South Pacific as a take back the islands crew, Keisha. Indeed, he rarely talked abut it either. Then again, neither does my DH. I hope your hand feels better soon. Well wish mummy dust sent to you. Still the taxi service, with bonus food noted. I think Taco Bell still has the nachos. My kids are fond of the cheap box meal, but there hasn’t been one they want for some time now. So no tacos from there today or tomorrow either. And I am not a very good hen pecking typist on my phone. How the kids can thumb it so fast, and I can’t, I’m blaming it on my fat fingers. LoL

Sigh, with getting up before the sun rises, it’s still the morning. Hearing trash truck, so even though sunny out, cool enough, will ask others to retrieve the empty cans. And there’s me:
Good morning. I do not want to go to work today. I am already planning on being there longer than usual today.

Thank you for the concerns for Dh. He says he is feeling good today and is getting ready to go to work right now. I did, however, talk him out of going to his martial arts class tonight.

Thank you for asking. She is doing quite well. She still has a cane that she uses when she goes out, but doesn’t use it at home. I think my brother and Sister-in-law are going to visit her this weekend.

Well, I did wake up to a little bit of snow this morning. It’s still falling, but I doubt we will get much more.

View attachment 542500

That is quite a lovely picture Charade.......a light dusting of snow can be so pretty......yes, glad you told DH not to go to his class tonight, not the best idea with a recent head injury.

And glad your mum is doing better. Wlking with a cane isn`t so bad, and it`s good she can get around at home without it.

I think it is cold for all today
We are only going to be at upper 40’s

Don’t laugh as that’s cold for me

I do have to go out today for a pick up at Walgreens
Always use the drive thru window when I get my meds.

Any one here a last minute shopper for Christmas?
I can remember when my boys were littles and would tell me two days before Christmas they really wanted X from Santa

I would ask them why did they not have it on their list
When they said Santa knows they have been good so he would already know their secret toy list

Toys R Us midnight run......

That`s cold for anybody mac!!! We have 36F but real feel of looks darn miserable outside, so I`m glad to be in.

When Kyle was very little Tellytubbies were a huge thing, even for boys.......and Kyle has never been one to follow trends, but last minute he decided he wanted something from the Tellytubbies......yes, I was planning a midnight run to Toys R Us.....along with every other mother with kids that age, but my mum called me and said she had this noo noo thing and would Kyle want it brought down for Christmas! I could have cried with relief as the newspapers were filled at the time with pictures of lines hundreds of parents deep, up and down the country trying to get Tellytubby merchandise......she got lucky there! So did

Hey all. Excuse the one handed hunt & peck posting. Bit more to recovery than i was expecting. Hand quite sore & puffy but able to move finger. Have decided im a bigger klutz one handed lol
I could never bear thot of him on his head covered in dirt TBH

? Sounds like a James Bond movie

Fresh tomatoes? Fancy. Some baking soda & sugar might have salvaged. Yep I’ve had my share of flubs lol

Need to take GD to orthodontist after school. Told her to pick fast food afterwards to grab. She went with Taco Bell :rolleyes1 Hope nachos still on menu or im going with
A PB sammie. U r a fan. What do u usually grab?
cant tell if thats a good or bad thing lol never heard that term
you go girl!

Nice to see them. Great pic of ur familuy. I have that grinch tshirt too. Suits me

Gess u didn’t have to get a test to return home ? Last two days 7 more employees & 1 more resident at my moms home. National guard now in several small facilities doing nursing care, thankfully Many of those smaller places were running lean to begin with, just not able to promote that level of care

Must still be very warm they haven’t hunkered down yet there

I had a large red fox dart across 2 lane road on me around 7 am. Must’ve been heading home after hunt

Hey booboo where’s the picnic basket. Might have smelled food in cars

lol almost as bad as the creeper santa posted here


Double yikes

One of my first jobs was compiling OSHA accident/death monthly reports for a couple of industrial trade organizations. Talk about some really bizarre stuff that gave me nightmares

That is a lot poor guy!

He’s going to be sore

Mid 50s here friday.

Indeed. Was so disappointed the actual memorial was still being rehabbed when there. Someday will get to pay my respects.

My dad was mustered there for a bit after the attack before being shipped west on a destroyer during the war. Didn’t find out he was a decorated gunner until i was an adult. majority of that generation wasn’t prone to talk about the horrors they experienced. RIP to them all, true heros

Yay.....a Keisha handed or not....good to see you post!

Gazumping someone is when you agree to sell someone a house, then back out as you get a better offer, basically. In Scotland that doesn`t really happen as they have a much better system. But, you can fit that word into most parts of your life at times......I like it a lot!

Looks like snow here still......but nothing, just dull and grey. Think I`ll go make us hot chocolates....I have marshmallows too.......lush!
Yea Taco Bell in our area only has the Belle Grande nachos or chips and cheese nachos

Some of the boxed meals are good in my area

My Taco Bell day run isn’t until Tuesday
A cold but happy Monday to you all! Back at work today. Not much going on so I am trying to do a little online Christmas shopping. Not having much luck so I guess I will be heading out tomorrow morning to try to get something accomplished. Still zero presents bought but I am going to order my DS's computer tonight. Tried to do it at work but the firewalls are stopping me. I need to get him some clothes so I will probably do that tomorrow. Poor kid has grown out of everything. I haven't done much shopping for him since he has barely left the house since March. He is supposed to start back to school 2 days a week beginning next month, but I am not holding my breath. I am sure they will postpone or cancel it altogether. It is optional, but much to his disappointment, I opted him in :rolleyes1 so I need to make sure he has clothes to wear if/when it starts.

No idea what I am going to get DH. He bought himself a gift for his boat during a black Friday sale and said that could be his Christmas but I hate for him not to have anything to open Christmas morning so I will try to come up with something. My mom wants a new microwave so that is an easy buy. I think everyone else is just going to get cash or gift card.

Cold rainy day here. Should be back in the 60's sometime this week. Cabbage, potatoes and kielbasa for dinner. Easy one pot meal.

I am home. We ended up doing some last minute shopping and didn't leave until around 2:00. The traffic was horrible. I think it took almost an hour to get out of the touristy areas and onto the interstate. We finally made it home around 9:00. The cat seemed happy to see us.

Glad you made it home safe and sound. Love the pics. Looks like a lovely time.

OMG! I just looked at the Facebook page for the motel where we stayed in Gatlinburg. This picture is from last night! That's our red car.

Wow! A little close for comfort but still pretty cool.

Had bacon again for breakfast........and have diced beef in the slow cooker with ale and stock for tonight. Making a steak pie for us later, a firm favourite in our house, and very winter warming. Puff pastry on top! Lush.....

I love pot pie. Definitely, not the same but I have a frozen chicken pot pie for lunch. Also, the beef ribs were delicious. I ended up just braising them in the oven for about 2 1/2 hours but used the stout/beef broth, bay leaf and a tad bit of brown sugar with thyme, parsley and salt and pepper. I also added a mirepoix of carrots, onion and celery. Made a wonderful gravy over the mashed potatoes.

12 staples in the head.

Ouch! Glad you took him to the ER. Hope he is healed up quick.

Good luck with the flu mum is always ill after she gets it for some reason, she never used to be.

My mom had her shot last week. Her arm was swollen and she could barely move it. Thankfully, it was better the next day.

Any one here a last minute shopper for Christmas?

Oh yeah! Every year.

My dad was mustered there for a bit after the attack before being shipped west on a destroyer during the war. Didn’t find out he was a decorated gunner until i was an adult. majority of that generation wasn’t prone to talk about the horrors they experienced. RIP to them all, true heros

So true. The greatest generation for sure.
A cold but happy Monday to you all! Back at work today. Not much going on so I am trying to do a little online Christmas shopping. Not having much luck so I guess I will be heading out tomorrow morning to try to get something accomplished. Still zero presents bought but I am going to order my DS's computer tonight. Tried to do it at work but the firewalls are stopping me. I need to get him some clothes so I will probably do that tomorrow. Poor kid has grown out of everything. I haven't done much shopping for him since he has barely left the house since March. He is supposed to start back to school 2 days a week beginning next month, but I am not holding my breath. I am sure they will postpone or cancel it altogether. It is optional, but much to his disappointment, I opted him in :rolleyes1 so I need to make sure he has clothes to wear if/when it starts.

No idea what I am going to get DH. He bought himself a gift for his boat during a black Friday sale and said that could be his Christmas but I hate for him not to have anything to open Christmas morning so I will try to come up with something. My mom wants a new microwave so that is an easy buy. I think everyone else is just going to get cash or gift card.

Cold rainy day here. Should be back in the 60's sometime this week. Cabbage, potatoes and kielbasa for dinner. Easy one pot meal.

Glad you made it home safe and sound. Love the pics. Looks like a lovely time.

Wow! A little close for comfort but still pretty cool.

I love pot pie. Definitely, not the same but I have a frozen chicken pot pie for lunch. Also, the beef ribs were delicious. I ended up just braising them in the oven for about 2 1/2 hours but used the stout/beef broth, bay leaf and a tad bit of brown sugar with thyme, parsley and salt and pepper. I also added a mirepoix of carrots, onion and celery. Made a wonderful gravy over the mashed potatoes.

Ouch! Glad you took him to the ER. Hope he is healed up quick.

My mom had her shot last week. Her arm was swollen and she could barely move it. Thankfully, it was better the next day.

Oh yeah! Every year.

So true. The greatest generation for sure.

Oh I`m so glad your short ribs were a success! I`ve never done them in a regular oven, only the Aga or slow cooker......but your dish sounds lovely, and yes would have made a lovely gravy over mash! Think I`ll do the last lot we have on Wednesday, let them marinade overnight tomorrow. I love onion, but just can`t eat it now, and I do miss it a lot!!

Good luck with the online`s a hit and a miss at times. I went on a few sites today to just "look" and whoops.....seems I found some things to purchase.

Have a good week cam........

Got all the Christmas DVD`s out to fit them in between now and the 24th........first one we always watch for whatever reason is Trading it.

Maybe start tomorrow night.......
:wave: everyone and thank you so much for the congrats on the job and the houses. I have an update, we won the bid on the house we wanted:banana: so now we are waiting for the buyer of our house to do the inspection they put down the depost. I sent my deposit for the escrow on our house. Brian and Charlie are flying out tonight to meet the realator and do the inspection of the house. They will fly back home tomorrow afternoon. I have to take them to the airport in a couple of hours. It is only about 45 minutes from my house. Brian only has one personal day left so we had to be quick. He is going to take more video, pics and measurements. I will share some when he gets back.

We had a nice little winter storm on Saturday it was a mix of rain and snow. It didn't amount to much. It has been colder the last few days. We are hoping this was the last snow we have to see!!! I made mushrooms and onions over pasta last night. Tonight not sure what Liv and I will do. There is so much to do with moving out of state I am trying to remain calm and get organized.

I started telling family and friends we would be leaving next month. It was hard to do, I have several people we are close too. They assured me when covid is under control better they will visit.

Charade- I am glad the your DH is doing better. How scary to have that happen. It soundsl like you had a nice trip so glad for you. The bear was a little to close for comfort. I hope B has a good end of semester and good luck on exams.

Cam- I hope you have good luck with Christmas shopping, it soundsl like you have a few things decided on. Gift cards are always good I think I will be doing that for nieces this year. I hope things work out with your son and school, it really seems to change all the time to know what is going to happen. We love cabbage in a stew or soup it sounded good.

Real yes we are buying a home in Florida it is actually about 30 minutes east of Orlando and about 15 minutes south to the teens school. It is the perfect location. We have a 3 day contract here where you put the deposit down with the contract but can back out relatively easy. You have about 10 days to get the inspection of the house done and there is a lot of wiggle room to get out of the contract if they find things. It really is after that if either side pulls out there is only a monetary recourse. We have our fingers crossed our buyer will be good. I hope you are able to get the tickets. I hope your flu jab went well today. I never thought about putting ginger in chicken soup that sounds really nice, Enjoy!

Disxuni what a great feeling to be approaching graduation. It sounds like you had a good semester. I wish you luck on the last one!

Elsaspiritanimal The no bake treats sound yummy. Rice krispy marshmellow treats are one of my fav. Have also had them with the chocolate ones and fruity pebbles. Your applecrisp sounds awesome one of my favorite deserts. I hope you like the mandalorian episode that is one of the shows we keep saying were going to start watching, maybe once we get settled.

Monykalyn glad you had a nice trip, looks like a lot of fun. Hope quarentining goes well and negative tests.

Keishashadow nice to see you post hope you continue to have a good healing!! My family was good to using the religious statues for lots of prayer. I hope you are able to get Taco Bell nachos those are my favorite, I wish they didn't take the shredded chicken away. I hope your mom stays safe with the covid spike.

Mac I hope you warm up soon, I will be happy to say 40at night is a low here and not often. I love what your kids said about Christmas and Santa knowing!!! Yes your last minute shopper right here. I usually do better for my household but it is the extended. I hope your library opens up soon for you, I don't get to go as much as I use too. Stay safe!

Schumi I loved your teletubbies story. Liv was so into them when she was little. I remember we bought their house with the figures on Ebay from UK. It was a great purchase she enjoyed it so much. I hope your weather improves it is so much better going out in nicer weather. Your steak pie sounds delicious. Enjoy your Christmas movies I love them and enjoy this time of year. Have fun with your parcels.

Lynne I hope your college bounds have good exams coming up. Tea is always nice and I have switched more to that than coffee. Stocking the house is always a good feeling. I love your light meme that was great.

Well I am off to get ready for the airport. I hope everyone has a great rest of the evening!

I would like to send out a special hello :yay: to SANS who I missed Robo, McRose, Tink, starK and all the rest of the SANS.
I ended up just braising them in the oven for about 2 1/2 hours but used the stout/beef broth, bay leaf and a tad bit of brown sugar with thyme, parsley and salt and pepper. I also added a mirepoix of carrots, onion and celery. Made a wonderful gravy over the mashed potatoes.

This sounds delicious. I might have to steal that recipe. I feel like I'm constantly trying to come up with new ideas/things to make lately so this will do the trick nicely I think!

No idea what I am going to get DH.

Me either. He is so hard to buy for! We both have the problem of buying pretty much whatever we want whenever we see it. Which is a good problem to have, but makes buying gifts tricky. If anyone has any genius ideas feel free to send my way!
Got all the Christmas DVD`s out to fit them in between now and the 24th........first one we always watch for whatever reason is Trading it.

How fun! My first Christmas go to is always White Christmas! I love the music, costumes, everything about that musical.

we won the bid on the house we wanted

Congrats that is great news! Sounds like you have a few more whirlwind days ahead of you! Hope all continues to go well for you.

Elsaspiritanimal The no bake treats sound yummy. Rice krispy marshmellow treats are one of my fav. Have also had them with the chocolate ones and fruity pebbles. Your applecrisp sounds awesome one of my favorite deserts. I hope you like the mandalorian episode that is one of the shows we keep saying were going to start watching, maybe once we get settled.

Yes the Mandaolorian is addicting and so much fun! I have started to like Star wars more because if it actually. Hope you get a chance to watch it when you get some down time!

We are cold and gray here too - but I have a cup of tea like Lynne to keep me warm!
Elsa, ask him to write out ten things he would enjoy to receive as a present.

At least then he won’t know what you bought but you will know it’s something he wanted

We stopped giving each other gifts for bd, anniversary and Christmas years ago.
We just do cards to each other.
That's a good idea! I know he got me some jewelry (I see the small box under the tree ;) ) so I want to make sure he has at least a little something to open.
I only get my DH special food that he likes. We don’t really exchange gifts. I think our roof was our gift. That and school Spring tuitions will be due after the holidays.

Awesome news Bobbie. So happy for you. Hope both inspections go well. Hey, and no snow shovels to take. LoL

What for dinner? Um, whatever strikes me. May do pasta, as easy, but did that last night. If I do hot dogs or hot roast beef sandwiches, little one will turn up her nose. Made butter chicken for lunch. Sigh. Guess twice in a row is not a bad thing. Hmmm.


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