Something About Nothing............ #14

Charade - have fun shopping. Are you hitting the outlets?
And yes...we see crazy horrible drivers here.
I was cut off by a salt truck the other day. It could've been that he lost control & slid out into the main road I was on. The hillside obscured him from me until last minute, glad my brakes are tight. Pretty sure I would’ve lost that one
Cute pics of your granddaughter at museum. Sounds like grandma Plans awesome outings for her.
Thanks, I really enjoy the interaction and it’s so nice to revisit some of the same places I took her dad to as a kid :)
Another celebration! Happy happy
Why is it nothing new of interest is on?
Thursday Night Football :) ima just sayin :)
Robo….cheek chillers and rump roaster are the perfect description...….lol.....I like it! I don't use the chiller seats often, but this week in particular the roaster seats have been in use a lot!! Yes, we were lucky with travel insurance this year, going down in cost is usually unheard of, not by much, but still.....Glad you`re doing ok.....

Keisha....forgot to ask you did our team win the other night???? Lucky escape with the salt truck......yes, not many would come off on the right side of lucky running into one of those things!

Friday.......and 2 weeks today till we fly........ ::yes::

Rain has stopped, slightly......very damp, windy and still cold, getting all the beds done, even the spare ones, dryer will be busy!

Tom wants curry again tonight, so curry it is.......grilled brie and turkey sandwiches for lunch...…tried a new deli yesterday and bought the meat and cheese there, so hope they`re both nice.

Friday it is, and trying to connect my laptop. Trying one more thing, then calling the help desk. Grrr. Hey at least I am in casual clothes.
Guess it's our lucky day, @Lynne G. I first noticed my mouse and keyboard wasn't working, then noticed on my laptop it wouldn't connect to my additional monitors I have, then I couldn't VPN into our system in order to work. Yay, yay, yay.

Eventually, I resorted to just using my laptop and got my VPN eventually connected after a half hour so I can at least function. However, I'll have to deal with the double monitor / keyboard / mouse situation this weekend to figure out why no matter what my laptop refuses to acknowledge my other monitors like it did before.

However, I won't that let me down for long. Happy Friday, homies! Hope the weekend is amazing for everyone.
That’s frustrating Dix. Hope you get all connected soon enough.

After some connectivity issues, finally got in, and all is well. That is the risk when connecting has issues.

So happy though, Friday and maybe a quick lunch with older one. He only had a quiz today, so he should be out of his only class today, shortly. He should be home before lunchtime.

Sone rain today, but saw some sun earlier this morning.
Lynne, computer issues are no fun.......think we’re following your weather.....had sun earlier, then it’s just pitch black and think it’s still raining a little.......hasn’t been as cold outside today though.....although we haven’t set a foot out of the house today.

mac.....did you get your new phone/computer sorted out yet......always nice to get new toys.......

Curry has defrosted and will heat it up later, cooked some more rice and will call that cooking for the day.

Had wine delivery today......will put them in storage later, didn’t expect them today, thought Monday. I think we need to cancel deliveries for a while as we are overloaded in wine right now. Our makeshift joke room we call a wine cellar is almost filled up. Not a bad thing I guess.......

Bedding all done and all the beds are all made up again.......very exciting job!

Too early for dinner...........will have a cuppa........
Thanks so much to everyone for the warm Birthday wishes. The big 43 for me Sunday. Trying my best to drop some pounds before the cruise so I am going to skip the cake, etc. this year. Don't worry, I will fully make up for it on vacation. I have been pouring over menus and food pics making mental notes of what I will binge on.:smooth::smooth:

A rainy, cold day for us. We have a Nor'Easter coming up the coast so it'll be a rainy weekend. Good opportunity to give the house a good cleaning before we pull out the Christmas decorations.

Have a great Friday!

@schumigirl, a Boston Butt is a pork shoulder. Just the American name for the cut. I also use "pork picnics" sometimes which is another shoulder which is fattier and tougher cut but fine for shredded bbq if you cook it the crockpot.

Thank you for the birthday wishes for B.
I'm off to get ready for our photo.
Thanks and Happy Birthday to your B. Hope she has a great birthday weekend!
Good Friday all

For those who have been waiting for the blue friday deals this year, they are live. A thread here with the links & details for this year.

Keisha....forgot to ask you did our team win the other night???? Lucky escape with the salt truck......yes, not many would come off on the right side of lucky running into one of those things!

We lost last night but OMG the drama. One of the poorest displays of sportsmanship i’ve Ever seen. Make sure to watch a bit until the 2nd camera angle cuts in...have never seen a player beaten down with his own helmet. Our replacement quarterback has already been under concussion protocols this season.

Our team’s response in the heat of the moment was unfortunate. I give them a bit of wider swath, one of a football team’s prime objectives is to protect their quarterback.

If you watch thru the tapes, a 2nd Brown’s player also makes an attack upon the QB. Will be interesting to see the punishments doled out.

Good Friday all

For those who have been waiting for the blue friday deals this year, they are live. A thread here with the links & details for this year.

We lost last night but OMG the drama. One of the poorest displays of sportsmanship i’ve Ever seen. Make sure to watch a bit until the 2nd camera angle cuts in...have never seen a player beaten down with his own helmet. Our replacement quarterback has already been under concussion protocols this season.

Our team’s response in the heat of the moment was unfortunate. I give them a bit of wider swath, one of a football team’s prime objectives is to protect their quarterback.

If you watch thru the tapes, a 2nd Brown’s player also makes an attack upon the QB. Will be interesting to see the punishments doled out.

Darn won’t let me watch it......due to my location!!

Will try and watch it on you tube later, I need to log in to watch these things apparently......need to find my password and username.....not a clue right now.........doesn’t sound a great game to watch by the sounds of it.
Yeah, Keisha, that incident with your team was in lots of our news. Not to be in sports or anywhere. Angry is one thing, doing that is not.

Had a quick lunch with older one, and the fries were so hot. Yum.

Maybe ham for dinner.

Enjoy your birthday weekend, Cam. Yep, join the cool and rain club.

Hehe, DH was outside and said he should have put a liner in his jacket. Cool feeling wind when not raining.

Ooh, Schumi and wine. With the holidays coming, I am sure that wine room will be less full.

Very loud airplane overhead. Shoo!
Good evening everyone. Not too much going on today. I got my shopping done. Nothing too exciting though. I just bought a few shirts and some socks.

I didn't watch the game last night, but of course couldn't get away from the news today.

We got our Disney bundle set up today, but can't get the sound bar to work with it. I think we need another cable. We can still watch with the TV speakers though. I don't know what to watch first.
Good Friday all

For those who have been waiting for the blue friday deals this year, they are live. A thread here with the links & details for this year.

We lost last night but OMG the drama. One of the poorest displays of sportsmanship i’ve Ever seen. Make sure to watch a bit until the 2nd camera angle cuts in...have never seen a player beaten down with his own helmet. Our replacement quarterback has already been under concussion protocols this season.

Our team’s response in the heat of the moment was unfortunate. I give them a bit of wider swath, one of a football team’s prime objectives is to protect their quarterback.

If you watch thru the tapes, a 2nd Brown’s player also makes an attack upon the QB. Will be interesting to see the punishments doled out.

Saw this on the news and it’s hard to watch honestly just flat out horrible sportsmanship, I’m a Cowboys fan........

This was a terrible thing though.

Go Steelers........just not against the Cowboys.
Saw this on the news and it’s hard to watch honestly just flat out horrible sportsmanship, I’m a Cowboys fan........

This was a terrible thing though.

Go Steelers........just not against the Cowboys.
Lol I’ll take that but think my team should just phone it in the rest of the year. We meet the Browns again in 2 weeks, eek. Pretty sure the refs will be watching things very closely
Good Morning! ☀️ day, just not warm. And that NNE wind is making the feel like an almost 10 degree lower temp. But hey, a full sunny day.

Time to do some bill paying, some picking up some buys made, and surprising older one with a bigger TV that is for sale at a price point I am willing to pay, so he can see it and we will buy it, if happy with it.

Oh, I need tea. Super sized Saturday for ya. Hope Dix gets her new AP used this weekend.
Lynne, what a great mom you are
Your son will be thrilled with your surprise!

I guess you’ll take him with you to pick it up and he will find out then

Dix, have fun using your new ap

Hope all the homies have a great weekend!
Sneaks in and waves hello to everyone......

Hello, you beautiful people! After what seems like the longest wait ever, we're down to a mere 7 days. With a bad autoimmune flare, it's been a rough summer and bumpy entry into fall. I took a big step back from social media and just put myself into the bubble of my family and my health. Things are well under control and I'm looking towards Butterbeer, Hogwarts, Hulk and Dr. Doom!

I've kept up with reading on here (sometimes being the highlight of my day). Nothing left to do for our vacation but pack the clothes and my Explorer and hit the road. We're looking forward to the road trip.....for us, that's a big part of decompressing and just being together. I hope it doesn't prove to be a colossal waste of time, but I've booked the VIP tour for Sunday, 11/24. Reservation is made for The Palm on Monday. Love love love that that's about as hard as a Universal vacation gets. Even during a busy week, with EP....just show up and have fun.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. We're off this afternoon for very exciting shopping.....linens and towels. LOL!

7 days.....there's light at the end of the tunnel!

Good news you have improved and now about to relax and enjoy the vacation

Autoimmune issues are not any fun and can wipe you out

You are doing better now and hope you enjoy the trip
The vip tour and Palm are the way to go to boast the fun for your vacation
Glad to see you back Pooh…....and a trip just around the corner is fabulous!!! We love the journey together`s part of the trip!! And also glad your health is improving.....sometimes putting all distractions out of the way does you a power of good...….sounds like some lovely plans in store for your trip too!! You`ll have a blast...…. :wave2:

Hey mac......are you all sorted with new gadgets and gizmos now??? Hope so......I love a new toy......

Lynne, good luck with the TV shopping......lovely surprise for your son.....

Cold here again today, and rain.....more`s so dark......

Kyle came out with me this morning as he wanted to look at some new clothes......Tom stayed home and it was nice just the two of us out. He got some nice stuff and I got a few bits too......not sure about one`s just above the knee, a winter skirt, one you wear with thick tights and boots......but not sure it`s too short......they both said it`s fine.....but we`ll see. We went in for a coffee and passed a while in there before coming home for lunch.

Then got home, I hadn`t taken my phone with me, and had a txt from a friend......we were supposed to be at their house for a group breakfast!!! I completely forgot it was at their home this weekend.......I thought it was next weekend....checked the calendar (yes, I do still have an on the wall calendar with space for three of us to put something in) and there it was today. I think she is a little annoyed as one other couple didn`t turn up either, but they txt to say they wouldn`t be coming last night. I don`t usually get dates mixed up like that.....especially where bacon is concerned.......:rolleyes1 I`ll make amends later......

But, hope you all have a wonderful Saturday whatever you may be doing today.......:wave2:


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